• 2 months ago
హెచ్ఎంపీవీ వైరస్ కేసులు ఇంతకు ముందు భారత్​లో ఉన్నాయన్న వైద్యులు - అనవసరంగా ఆందోళన చెందవద్దని సూచన - సోషల్ మీడియాలో కథనాలు అసంబద్ధమైనవని వ్యాఖ్య


00:00Human Meta-Pneumovirus
00:30Dr. Buri Ranga Reddy
00:34First, many people are very scared
00:36They are not able to say the name
00:38They are remembering the COVID-19
00:40that came 4 years ago in 2020
00:42Is it really that dangerous?
00:44Before I tell you
00:46if it is dangerous or not
00:48I would like to give you
00:50a small advice
00:52The advice is
00:54whether it is
00:56the media,
00:58the government
01:00or the people
01:02It is not a new virus
01:04It is not a novel virus
01:06It is not a novel virus
01:08The reason why
01:10I am telling you this
01:12is that
01:14whether it is a circular
01:16from the Indian government
01:20whether it is a circular
01:22from the states
01:24In all these
01:26It is impossible
01:28to believe such cases
01:30in India
01:34HMPV virus
01:36is not only in India
01:38but in many other countries
01:40in the world
01:42it is in circulation
01:44Not only
01:46it is in circulation
01:50whether it is doctors
01:52or scientists
01:54there is a complete discussion
01:56What is this virus?
01:58What are its origins?
02:00How does it spread?
02:02How to diagnose it?
02:04How to manage it?
02:06There is a complete discussion
02:08about it
02:10As you said
02:14there are news stories
02:16coming up
02:18especially in social media
02:20Something is happening
02:225 years ago
02:24COVID-19 came
02:28the same thing is happening
02:30again and again
02:32The visuals
02:34and the titles
02:36are very irrelevant
02:38This is
02:40a way to scare people
02:42This is not
02:44fact-based or science-based
02:46This is what I wanted to say
02:48You said
02:50it is happening
02:52in China
02:54Can you tell us more about it?
02:56I will ask
02:58In general,
03:00COVID-19 came as a pandemic
03:02Now, it is endemic
03:04Just a while ago,
03:06the Central Government said
03:08it is already endemic
03:10Can you tell us more about it?
03:12The statement
03:14from the government
03:16is absolutely correct
03:18The statement
03:20from the Central Government
03:22or the State Government
03:24is not correct
03:26to say that there are no cases
03:28in our country
03:30It is a good idea
03:32to correct it
03:36the epidemic
03:40in India
03:42mainly in young children
03:44It is a seasonal
03:48like flu,
03:50respiratory tract infections
03:52and upper respiratory tract infections
03:54It is seasonal
03:56It comes and goes every year
04:00in 5-7 days,
04:02it recovers
04:06symptomatic treatment
04:08It is endemic
04:10It is normal
04:12Why is it
04:14so dangerous now?
04:16There are reports
04:18that it is dangerous in China
04:20There are reports
04:22that it is dangerous in China
04:24Why is it so dangerous now?
04:26Why is it so dangerous now?
04:28It is
04:32I can use only one word
04:34It is
04:38It is
04:40not based on
04:42social media
04:44It is a hype created in social media
04:46The hype created
04:48in social media
04:50is also created in media
04:52There is a situation
04:54where a small
04:56virus is shown
04:58as a pandemic in a small
05:00virus in a small
05:02virus in a small
05:04virus in a small
05:06virus in a small
05:08virus in a small
05:10virus in a small
05:12virus in a small
05:14virus in a small
05:16virus in a small
05:18virus in a small
05:20virus in a small
05:22virus in a small
05:24virus in a small
05:26virus in a small
05:28virus in a small
05:30virus in a small
05:32virus in a small
05:34virus in a small
05:36As soon as we come to our senses, we feel that there is going to be a disaster.
05:40Such a fear, such a concern is a normal thing.
05:46But here we need to decide on some truths.
05:52Through that only we can understand this situation.
05:57But what we should do, what the government should do,
06:00how our action should be, how we should behave,
06:03only that will be the basis.
06:06The first news that came out,
06:09that is, 10 days ago,
06:12through the first social media,
06:15the news that came out was,
06:18people are dying due to dust storms in China,
06:21hospitals are being demolished,
06:24there are no places in the cemeteries.
06:27The visuals used for that,
06:30the COVID-19 visuals at the peak,
06:33these 4 viruses have spread in China in opposite way,
06:41through that we are going to have a COVID-19 situation.
06:45What are these 4 viruses, these 4 microorganisms?
06:49One, as you said earlier, HMPV,
06:52Influenza A,
06:55similarly COVID-19,
06:58as well as Mycoplasma.
07:01These 4 viruses, these 4 microorganisms are not novel viruses.
07:08That is, they are not unknown to us.
07:11If we take into consideration their individuality and virulence,
07:20none of these will have a pandemic potential,
07:24except for Influenza A.
07:27If we say, this is going to happen a lot,
07:304 viruses came out at once,
07:33life loss, wealth loss,
07:36all this is going to happen,
07:39my opinion is that there is no possibility in that.
07:42So, COVID is also an infection related to the upper respiratory tract.
07:46HMPV is also an infection related to the upper respiratory tract,
07:50i.e., nose, throat, etc.
07:53So, how does it affect our health?
07:56It could be a general infection, but what are the symptoms?
07:59How does it affect our health?
08:02Generally, HMPV, Influenza, etc.
08:07have more or less the same symptoms.
08:12Cold, cough, slight fever,
08:15sore throats, etc.
08:18These symptoms usually come to us.
08:21So, it is difficult to differentiate these.
08:25It is difficult for ordinary people to differentiate between HMPV, Influenza, etc.
08:33It is also difficult for doctors.
08:35But when we go to the doctors,
08:38they have molecular diagnostics,
08:41we have a lot of advanced diagnostics.
08:43It is difficult to make a differential diagnosis based on that.
08:47After making that differential diagnosis,
08:50once we identify the causative organism,
08:53i.e., the cause of the infection,
08:59they tell us about its management.
09:04Generally, we do not have a specific treatment for HMPV.
09:11We treat it according to the symptoms of the disease.
09:16Sometimes, this disease can be complicated.
09:21At that time, the doctors know what to do.
09:24They know what kind of tests to do and what kind of treatment to do.
09:28So, there is no need to worry.
09:30Generally, let us say COVID-19.
09:34Pandemic or endemic, it does not show the same intensity in everyone.
09:38HMPV has a chance to show more intensity in some people.
09:43If it is not possible for certain age groups,
09:45there will be problems in others.
09:47So, it is important to be careful.
09:49It is a very good question.
09:51It is a very useful information for the people.
09:56So, it is important to listen to it carefully.
10:00Until HMPV comes,
10:02people who are mainly affected by HMPV
10:06are either very young or old.
10:10Because, generally,
10:12in these two groups of population,
10:14we have less immunity.
10:16They have a chance to get affected by this disease soon.
10:20Similarly, people who have comorbidities,
10:25like chronic kidney disease or cancer,
10:31or some other chronic diseases,
10:36due to which their immunity is reduced,
10:39they are mainly vulnerable population.
10:42This is not a big problem for young and normally immune people.
10:48They also get affected by this disease.
10:52In these vulnerable groups,
10:56it is important to focus on prevention.
11:03What is prevention?
11:05Primarily, HMPV is a droplet infection.
11:11When a person is infected,
11:13whether he coughs or sneezes,
11:15there are small droplets in his body.
11:21Because of that, the other person gets infected.
11:25So, people who have respiratory infection,
11:31if they want to prevent the other person from getting infected,
11:34they should wear a mask.
11:37If they have any symptoms,
11:42they should not go into the society.
11:45If they are working,
11:47they should not go to the workplace.
11:49Similarly, there are children.
11:51The responsibility of parents is
11:53to give them proper nutrition,
11:56to give them more liquids,
11:58to treat them if they have any symptoms,
12:02and most importantly,
12:03not to send them to school.
12:05Because, if they are sent to school,
12:08they will infect another 10 people.
12:11Those 10 people will infect another 10 people.
12:13In this way, more people will be affected by this disease.
12:18So, parents should do this.
12:21As for the elderly,
12:23as it is festival season,
12:26everyone wants to spend this festival with their families.
12:32In such a situation,
12:34they should wear a mask and wash their hands properly.
12:39By taking such preventive measures,
12:42they will be able to prevent this disease from entering their body.
12:49Sir, there are two cases in Karnataka.
12:53Did we get to know about these cases through sequencing and tests?
12:57Even during COVID,
12:58we specifically sent samples to the lab to collect information.
13:03Is there any chance for the government to take such measures now?
13:06What are the processes?
13:08As you said,
13:09these two cases are done by the central government and state governments.
13:14There is a routine surveillance,
13:16which is carried out on a weekly basis.
13:18Routine surveillance is carried out by IDSP, NCDC and ICMR.
13:25There are two cases in Karnataka,
13:29but not all of them.
13:30There may be many cases.
13:32In this routine surveillance,
13:33two cases have been identified.
13:35This is an ordinary process.
13:38The central and state governments
13:43are always doing surveillance.
13:46They monitor the prevalence of diseases,
13:48their intensity,
13:50and prevalence.
13:51These things happen from time to time.
13:53In this case also,
13:54routine surveillance is carried out.
13:59one thing I would like to say again and again is that,
14:02whatever is written in the news,
14:07HMPV case identified in India
14:10is a pure mistake.
14:12It is not correct at all.
14:14As I said earlier,
14:15every year,
14:16a few thousand people are infected with HMPV virus.
14:20This year also,
14:21the same thing is happening.
14:22The central government,
14:24in the circular that was given today,
14:26made it very clear.
14:28There is not much difference between the data from a few years ago and this year.
14:34If last year,
14:35we had 1000 cases,
14:38this year also,
14:39there is the same number.
14:40This has not increased significantly.
14:43be peaceful.
14:44Take the vulnerable groups in your self-isolation groups,
14:51and be happy with the Sankranti Sambarams.
14:57Thank you so much.
15:01HMPV is not a new disease in India.
15:05It has been there since a long time.
15:08It has been there since a long time.
15:11as a part of routine surveillance,
15:12these two cases were identified in Karnataka.
15:14On the other hand,
15:15we have endemic disease.
15:17That means,
15:18it has all kinds of symptoms like fever and cough.
15:21there is no need to be afraid.
15:22And more,
15:23regarding this,
15:24what kind of treatment is needed?
15:25What are the symptoms?
15:26How to treat this?
15:27We have the data from a long time ago.
15:31it is not that dangerous.
15:32There is no need to worry about this,
15:35says Dr. Buriranga Reddy.
15:37This is Ramya from TV News, Hyderabad.
