• 2 months ago


00:00But many of us, for their selfishness and bad habits,
00:04are turning into perverts for the sake of personality.
00:10That's why, for a better society,
00:12there is a theory that guides people.
00:14Three Wise Monkeys.
00:16Don't see bad, don't hear bad, don't talk bad.
00:20The bad that you talk about,
00:22will only spread to your home and your village.
00:25But the bad that you post online,
00:27will spread to the whole world.
00:29In this digital age,
00:31don't make the fourth monkey,
00:33who has to come from us,
00:35a bad person.
00:45Let's use social media for our own good.
00:48Let's speak up for false propaganda.
00:52When I was suffering from an anorexia,
00:54I realized that hospital bills are more expensive
00:56than office health insurance.
00:58I should have taken health insurance.
01:00In the policy market, one crore health insurance,
01:02starts from 430 rupees per month.
01:04My head is hurting due to the exam tension, Ravana.
01:07Ravana, my head is bursting due to the heat.
01:10The answer is the same.
01:12Mentho Plus Bomb.
01:14Let's party.
01:16Mentho Plus Bomb.
01:28Kanchipuram VRK Silks.
01:30Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.
01:34Sir, which board should I change?
01:36Boiler Board.
01:37It won't spoil even if you pour boiling water on it.
01:39It won't spoil even if you throw it in the fire.
01:41Bad people can't do anything with this.
01:44Action Tessa Boiler Board.
01:46Fire retardant.
01:47Boiling water is borer termite proof.
01:49Action Tessa Boiler Board.
01:51Better than everything.
01:52Worse than everything.
01:58Mr. Gemlay, in Andhra Pradesh today,
02:00what is the situation in the various market yards?
02:03In our state, there are 192 market companies.
02:08325 are in the agricultural market yard.
02:12From 100 to 150, there are farmers' markets.
02:17Apart from this, in the central government,
02:21in the state government, there are some
02:25farmers' markets.
02:26When the government doesn't take care of the crops,
02:29when the farmers don't take care of their business,
02:32the rest of it goes to the market.
02:34When there are no crops in the market,
02:36all those crops should be kept in the market yard,
02:39and when there are crops,
02:41it should be sold.
02:43But today, there is cold storage,
02:45and all that is in the hands of the government.
02:47They don't have the capacity to keep it there.
02:50But the government in such markets,
02:53in the market yards,
02:55they have to build huts,
02:57and keep the crops there.
02:59If we look at the past 5 years,
03:01in this state,
03:02we have the farmers' market.
03:04This is in the market yard.
03:06When the crop is sold,
03:08if there is no crop,
03:09if it is kept there,
03:10within 6 months,
03:12the government would give 80% of the crop to the bank.
03:16There wouldn't even be a loan for 6 months.
03:19There would be such a farmer's market.
03:21If we look at the past,
03:23the government gave the farmer's loan.
03:26Now, the government wants to sell it.
03:29So, if there are huts in the entire market yard,
03:33there is no way to keep the crops there.
03:37Apart from this,
03:39there are 10,770 farmers' services centers.
03:45The government has proposed to build some huts for them.
03:50But, they are not doing it.
03:52So, the government has to develop
03:54and keep the remaining crop there.
03:58When the crop is sold,
04:00the state government has to provide the resources
04:03and facilities to the farmers.
04:06There are such market systems,
04:08according to statistics,
04:10but according to that,
04:12they are not being used.
04:14They are not being used by the farmers.
04:17So, they are not being used by the farmers.
04:24Mr. Kumaraswamy,
04:25if the crops are taken care of,
04:27it will be beneficial for the district.
04:29In this regard,
04:30what should be the standard of the crop?
04:33The state government, the central government,
04:35one district, one product,
04:37they have different ideas.
04:39For each district,
04:41depending on the area and the need,
04:44the crop will be more.
04:46In some districts, the crop will be more.
04:48In some districts, the crop will be more.
04:50In some districts, the crop will be more.
04:52In Anantapuram, Karnool, Prakasham,
04:54in these districts, the crop will be more.
04:56In some districts, the crop will be more.
04:58In some districts, the crop will be more.
