• 2 months ago


00:00You have to know when the train is going to stop, you have to do back and forth research to know when the train is going to stop.
00:08Instead of that, you just have to tell the AI, I want to go to this train from this place to this place today.
00:15Tell me when the train ticket is available or give me the option.
00:20The search will do the same.
00:22Because today, those who are using computer applications, they will all be educated people.
00:29What the AI does is, in the language you know, as if you are talking to a person next to you,
00:35as if you are talking to your assistant, if you tell your request to the AI,
00:39the same railway application will interact with it and your data will be very easily,
00:45without wasting your time, it will reach you productively.
00:49For example, suppose you want to go to a movie, or you want to buy a ticket to a temple,
00:56so today you have to search on the web,
00:59you have to see if the temple has a website or not,
01:02you have to see if it has an application or not,
01:04you have to sit in front of a computer for all this knowledge and time, you have to do all this.
01:08Instead of that, if you just say a word, I want to go to the temple today, book a ticket for me,
01:14then automatically it will be a QR code, you just pay and the ticket to your temple will be bought.
01:22So, in that way, services are also going to come very soon in many government departments in the future.
01:30It will not even take much time, I think, maybe 7 to 8 years.
01:34Mr. Devendra, in government services, how can we use AI and digital technology
01:39to save public money and time, and how can we increase the speed of service?
01:46The speed of the services is increasing a lot.
01:49For example, if we want to go to your service and apply for a birth certificate,
01:56we need money, time, and most importantly,
02:01there is a scope for corruption and delay due to the human interface there.
02:06When can we digitize all these services through WhatsApp and bring them closer to the public mobile?
02:16First of all, it saves time, is user-friendly, reduces corruption, and also becomes cost-effective.
02:23For example, we are already using AI extensively in transportation.
02:31We can use it in Bangalore metro or Delhi metro.
02:35Delhi transportation can be in buses or in metro.
02:38AI is already being used extensively.
02:42Similarly, metro cities, airfare, railways, as Mr. Surya said earlier,
02:49cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness will increase and save a lot of time.
02:56Also, grievance redressal.
02:57For example, in 2015, the National Government of India brought an app called Umang.
03:04They brought 300 services related to the Union Government in an app.
03:12Immediately, the rate of clearing national grievances and the rate of disposing services increased significantly.
03:19DigiLocker is another example.
03:21When digital certificates are sent to DigiLocker,
03:26especially to students,
03:27the time and money required to apply for the certificates from the universities are reduced significantly.
03:35Now, by providing these services to other sectors,
03:40we can see similar benefits in other sectors as well.
03:46Similarly, disaster management.
03:48In recent times, in Vijayawada floods or in the recent incidents in Tirupati,
03:55one of the grave mistakes is human errors.
03:58When humans are planning, there is a lot of scope for errors.
04:02Because of this, there can be crowd control or alerts can be sent.
04:07Due to the delay in this, sometimes there is a loss of property and sometimes there is a loss of life.
04:12So, whenever we introduce AI,
04:14we can reduce human errors to a large extent.
04:17We can include services in the best quality at a low cost and in a short time.
04:22Mr. Surya, Mr. Devendra has said that he has not used the internet more than 20 times.
04:28How can we increase the number of internet users with the increasing technology?
04:34Obviously, mobile phone and mobile data are very cheap.
04:37To use a mobile application,
04:40those who are illiterate cannot read English.
04:44They do not know how to interact with the computer.
04:49I think AI is like talking to a person.
04:53If you press a button and ask a question,
04:56it will tell you the answer.