• 2 months ago
00:00If you were putting a list together, or at least a criteria of what you're looking for
00:04in the next head coach for the Bears, where would you start in terms of describing it?
00:09You want to find the best coach, like you're talking about, the guy who is the football
00:13guy and the guy who understands, who speaks the language of winning in Chicago, right?
00:19Who says to me things that I want to hear about the way he's going to build his football
00:23team, the staff he's going to put around him, the culture he's going to put into Hallis
00:30By that I mean, guys, who's your strength staff, right?
00:33Who's your coach in the weight room?
00:35Who is your offensive coordinator?
00:37Who is your defense coordinator?
00:38What do you think about my football team?
00:40What do you think about getting Caleb Williams effective on first and second downs through
00:44the first three quarters of the football game?
00:46How can I get my pass rush going, right?
00:49How can I stop the run?
00:50What do you think about when you look at my football team, we look at the personnel, when
00:53you look at nutrition, developing Darnell Wright, developing Braxton Jones, getting
00:58Cole Komet back moving in the right direction?
01:00How do I get my $110 million wide receiver, DJ Moore moving?
01:04How do I get Jalen Johnson?
01:05What do I do about Brisker?
01:06What are your thoughts about getting Brisker back on the football field, guys, with concussion?
01:09Because guys, like you know, the head football coach handles all that.
01:12David, you make a great point.
01:14He's not just a coach of the football team.
01:16He handles nutrition.
01:17He handles travel.
01:18He handles how we ride on the bus.
01:20He handles how we sit in the locker room.
01:21He handles what we eat for dinner, what we eat for breakfast.
01:24He does all those things.
01:25You're not just a football coach anymore.
01:27And you have to be able to handle all that when you create culture.
01:30And I think a lot of times when you see it all fall apart, when you talk about infrastructure
01:34at Hallas Hall, that's what you're trying to define, right?
01:38People at Hallas Hall have to define why they're losing so many football games, right?
01:42It's not just one guy is going to come in and fix your building.
01:45I promise you, I've been here too long.
01:46You can't find the perfect guy to do it.
01:48They have to fix their building, guys.
01:51They have to decide, stop talking to me about your head coach and your culture.
01:54Define for me what's been broken for so long.
01:57Why can't you get it moving in the right direction?
01:58I'm not talking about the guy you're going to bring in.
02:00One guy is not going to fix all of it.
02:02All the guys hiring him are still going to be there, still be part of culture, still
02:06be part of getting this thing moving in the right direction.
02:09Our football players, the most important people in our building, is winning football games,
02:13the most important thing in our building for everybody.
