• 2 months ago


00:30health experts have clarified that HMPV virus is not a new virus it was first identified
00:47in 2001 and it has been circulating in the entire world many years since many years HMPV
00:55spreads through the air by way of respiration this can affect persons of all age groups
01:02the virus spreads more during the winter and the early spring months
01:07on recent reports the cases of HMPV in china the health ministry the indian council for medical
01:15research and the national center for disease control are keeping a close watch on the situation
01:22in china as well as in their neighboring countries WHO has taken cognizance of the situation
01:30and will share their report shortly with us the country data for respiratory viruses available
01:36with indian council for medical research ICMR and the integrative disease surveillance program
01:43has also been reviewed and no surge in any of the common respiratory viral pathogens
01:50is observed in india joint monitoring group meeting was held under the chairmanship of
01:57director general for health services on 4th of january 2025 to review the situation
02:04the health systems and surveillance networks of the country remain vigilant ensuring the
02:11country is ready to respond promptly to any emerging health challenges there is no reason
02:17to worry we are closely monitoring the situation
