• il y a 2 mois


00:00bonjour à tous et à toutes et bienvenue à cette nouvelle édition du 12 heures pour vous
00:25servir je suis en compagnie de larys nana et porter bonjour larys bonjour nancy c'est à
00:30faire nancy few hours to the resumption of the second and decisive theme of the 2024 2025 academic
00:38year preparations have heightened by parents and students and pupils while security measures
00:44are equally being reinforced in travel agencies to ensure the safe transportation of holiday
00:49makers to their various destinations plus a magazine slot will take us to the west region
00:54to discover the rich cultural traditional heritage of the baling people who recently
00:59concluded the 420th edition of the ngungan cultural festival those were top stories
01:06we bring you this and more right ahead in this newscast hello and welcome once again to the
01:12medieval lingua news effectivement nous ouvrons cette édition en religion la vraie église de
01:18dieu du cameroun vient de tenir sa 58e convention annuelle 12000 fidèles ont pris part à ce
01:24rendez-vous spirituel placé sous le signe de la paix de l'humilité de la probité
01:29léon bertrand à l'effort pour plus de précision des louanges en un plus fini pour remercier le
01:39tout-puissant pour l'ensemble des bénédictions au compte de la convention de momba ce dimanche
01:4511123 fidèles venant du cameroun et de huit autres pays étrangers clôture la 58e convention
01:53annuelle de la vraie église de dieu du cameroun le serment du jour est difficile bon comportement
01:59à adopter pour ne pas décevoir le dieu souverain nous avons élevé notre prière à dieu pour que
02:06notre nation soit couverte la paix de tous les côtés que nous travaillons tous pour la paix
02:15une mission d'évangélisation qui doit se poursuivre après la convention et de nouveaux ouvriers sont
02:22appelés une convention qui a battu le record de mobilisation malgré la crise interne que
02:35traversent la vraie église de dieu du cameroun il n'y a rien qui puisse dépasser les hommes
02:40il faut trouver un consensus pour permettre d'être ensemble après le cameroun le tchad
02:50s'apprête à accueillir la prochaine convention en mars 2025 nous poursuivons en religion le
02:59mont edoum situé à près de 20 km de yaoundé a abrité hier samedi un pèlerinage religieux
03:05l'activité organisée par l'association la foi par les oeuvres a réuni des centaines de fidèles
03:11issus de plusieurs obédiences religieuses les détails avec michel reynaud wanja
03:15situé dans la localité de l'admincombe dans la meuf ouafamba le mont edoum revêt nombreuses
03:24atouts sur le plan cette montagne abrite chaque année nombreuses activités chrétiennes c'est le
03:31cas du pèlerinage qui vient de regrouper les centaines de chrétiens qui ont parcouru des
03:36dizaines de kilomètres le but de ce pèlerinage est toujours de pouvoir rassembler les enfants
03:45de dieu les pèlerins issus de nombreuses obédiences ont pu braver les obstacles en
03:51chant et en prière avec pour point d'arrivée le sommet de cette montagne nous sommes venus
03:59toucher du doigt nous avons apprécié le parcours pour arriver à ce sommet pour atteindre la gloire
04:08de dieu vous savez que la foi c'est une forte espérance ah oui j'ai donc espéré j'ai dit
04:15que j'arrive à la colline je suis venu ici pour chercher la santé le bonheur la prospérité pour
04:22toute ma famille mes enfants cette initiative de l'association la foi par les airs et d'ailleurs
04:29salué par tous in more religious news the true church of god of cameroon has held his
04:3850th annual convention which saw the participation of close to 12,000 christians in their convention
04:44camps in momba mongol division of the literal the spiritual come together centered on the values
04:49of peace humility and uprightness the closing service chaired by pastor francois abati president
04:55of the church executive office was attended by administrative authorities of the area
04:59rustling foster with the details christians of the true church of god of cameroon truth
05:07the annual convention to express gratitude better through praises worship and prayers
05:12at the momba convention camp in the mongol division of the literal 11,000 123 faithful
05:19from cameroon and eight other foreign countries closed the 58th annual come together during
05:26inspiration from the days biblical text the president of the executive office of the church
05:31of god of cameroon pastor francois abati based his sermon on the good behavior to adopt so as
05:38not to disappoint god the 2024 annual convention was also marked by the consecration of some
05:44church elders three deacons one deaconess and five aspiring pastors were consecrated with the
05:51mission of keeping the evangelical flame burning amongst them forcing peter gore who thanked god
05:57for taking him this far while seeking for his grace and mercy to keep leading him closer to
06:02god the 58th annual convention broke the attendance record despite the internal crisis
06:09affecting the true church of god in cameroon an opportunity for the divisional officer of mumbo
06:15gui better momo sofak to urge them to continue promoting peace and togetherness
06:21after cameroon chad is preparing to host the convention of the true church of god in march
06:262025 away from religious news there have been an upsurge in travel activities in the south
06:34regional chief town of all over as people travel after the end of year feast to prepare for the
06:40second term of the school year the atmosphere in bus stations in the bolova is bustling and vibrant
06:45with many students and families scrambling to get back to their routines clarice as they report
06:51that the transport officials in the bolova have taken a commendable step to ensure safe and
06:56accident-free back to school period for the second term we are at one of the bus stations at
07:03the saint claud neighborhood in a bolova long lines of people most especially students are
07:09waiting to board buses i came here since 20 minutes and i traveled to miyawaki and to
07:16yahoo i hope that i will travel well there has been a search in the number of passengers
07:23after the two-week christmas break and special measures have been taken to ensure the safety of
07:29travelers we've installed cameras in all our vehicles to be able to monitor drivers on the
07:37highway seatbelts for passengers safety and have recruited more drivers
07:46a road safety team from the villa division a delegation of transports has embarked on the
07:51sensitization tour of travel agencies with the aim to raise awareness about road safety
07:56best practices it was necessary for us to come and sensitize transporters for a back to school
08:05void of hitches we've asked them to respect speed limit and to avoid overloading
08:14this proactive approach will help reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safe and successful
08:21start to the second term it will soon be a done deal for actors taking part
08:27at the yamundi trade fair yafi as the event closes today exhibitors vendors and visitors
08:34are concluding last minute or business days and poaches with many offering items at a discounted
08:41price to attract last minute buyers yafi on the eve of its closure with juliana they follow
08:49as the clock ticks down the atmosphere the yamundi trade fair yafi is becoming increasingly
08:56electric with only 24 hours left until its closure visitors are making the most of your time
09:02shopping and enjoying every entertainment on offer i really love the place because adult
09:07adolescent children of every age can like have fun here and enjoy themselves here is party time
09:16you have several attractions like body painting we do them every day and people really do appreciate
09:23the paintings the trade fair has created a convivial atmosphere bringing together families
09:29and friends to share memorable moments exhibitors and vendors are offering exclusive discounts and
09:35promotions attracting last minute buyers i was here for the first time it was fun and so i decided
09:43to come here again with my brothers to spend some judicious moments
09:48i don't have much time because of work so i decided to spend time with my kids in order to
09:54have some great memories with them as a final countdown begins visitors are seizing every
10:02opportunity to grab the best deals the yamundi trade fair yafi will officially close its doors
10:10on january 5 2025
10:14we stay in yaoundé in fact and it is the time of the accounts in less than a few hours of the
10:19closure and the organizers speak of a satisfactory balance even if they regret
10:23a drop in influence this year etienne pascal azegui
10:28at the end of 15 days of intense activity at the splendor of the yaoundé congress palace
10:33which hosts the 19th edition of the yamundi trade fair in fact thousands of visitors have
10:37been made in more than 250 stands exhibiting a variety of products ranging from culinary
10:43through textiles and cosmetic products the figure is quite mixed according to the exhibitors
10:50the objectives have not been achieved the yafé of previous years was more productive
10:56than this yafé of this year we have only received on our stand more than
11:004,000 people that we have already registered the prospects which was very good
11:04then a register to allow us to have orders and everything we had orders
11:10we have therefore seen that the Cameroonians have appreciated what we have presented to them others
11:16like the artisans of the north who participate for the ninth time promise more innovation
11:22during the next editions of yafé next year we will come with
11:26innovative objects we will do our workshops on site to show the culture
11:31and the technical feasibility of the great north the leading team of yaoundé in fact is rather
11:37satisfied with the benefits in large numbers despite the decrease in the number of registered visitors
11:42we see that there is a slight decrease in attendance but we have a satisfied look we are happy with the
11:48visitor who is a good visitor it shows the attractiveness the usefulness of this event
11:54so we are satisfied yaoundé in fact promises more innovation at the cost of the 2025-2026 edition
12:00which will be the 20th edition of the genre. It is 12h11 and you are watching the 12 o'clock bilingual television newspaper
12:08on CRTV and on CRTV news. The Jean Meunier amphitheater of the national school of administration
12:14and magistracy has sheltered the pairing ceremony of the quarantine promotion option
12:19treasure of an inaugural tradition marking the end of their training and the dawn of their career
12:25Maria Mazzou told us more. A detailed exhibition on the wheels of accounting
12:32for students graduating from the national school of administration and magistracy
12:37for this last lesson the attention seems particular for the quarantiners
12:42who are now aware of the heavy responsibility that lies with them. We had the grace to be
12:49among the first promotions to be taught to be educated on the subject of
12:58patrimonial accounting which is already in the course of application within the public treasury
13:02Cameroon so we hope to be the actors. But before embracing the professional world
13:10the relief must be ensured hence this traditional ceremony of symbolic passing
13:15of inter-promotional flambeaux.
13:24By this act the students of the quarantine promotion option treasure commit themselves to
13:29convey their achievements and knowledge to the KD and this in the discretion, the rigor and the
13:35sense of the public service they have preached throughout their training at the NAM.
13:41Let's talk about something else now the determination of the re-dynamization of the efforts of
13:47sanitization of the public space in Cameroon has once again transpired in the last speech
13:52of the head of state it is a more efficient governance. Saddam Hamoudou told us more.
13:59The boomerang effect of the indelicacies of some computers on the socio-economic life of the
14:05country, a carelessness and lightness that plumb the propulsion of the Cameroonian nation
14:10for its future viability and its affirmation in the concert of nations. A man of state,
14:15President Biya, faithful to his anchoring of community liberalism and rigor and moralization,
14:21makes an immersion in the daily life of his compatriots at the dashboard of frustrations
14:26on the national road network. I can assure you that the state of our road network does not reflect
14:35the efforts and sacrifices that are made for its rehabilitation and its extension.
14:42This founding vision of the presidential option of rigor and moralization will
14:46erect and shape in the very next few days the FONCIER, the public-private partnerships,
14:52among others. Improving governance is also amplifying the fight against corruption
15:00and public denial. It is to ensure the protection of the FONCIER property
15:08where certain derives have been found. Be assured of one thing, appropriate sanctions
15:16will be inflicted on the state of the infractions that will be established.
15:22This sanitization of the public space also poses the contours of the requirements of the recent
15:28extraordinary summit of the heads of state of the CEMAC held on the ground of Cameroon.
15:32The extraordinary summit of the heads of state of the CEMAC that our country has just hosted
15:40reminded the urgency of carrying out the structural reforms necessary
15:46to consolidate public finances in our sub-region. As in the past,
15:54Cameroon will do everything in its power to prevent it from happening.
15:58The key moments being revisited by the father of the nation on the front of governance,
16:03an air of shared prosperity combined with an aspiration for equity and social justice
16:09enriches the Cameroonian people as the ultimate ambition for the governance policy of President
16:16Paul Biya. The address of the heads of state of Cameroon is still running in the region of the
16:22center. The elites of this part of the country are satisfied and delighted with the message of President
16:28Paul Biya. Reportage Richard Attena-Obama of SIAR TV Centre. The traditional communication
16:34of the head of state to the nation has retained the attention of the population of the center,
16:39any class confused. I remember everything the state did for energy in 2024 with
16:52the implementation of new dams, in particular that of Naktigal, which will undoubtedly
17:01relieve a good part of the population. There is a regaining of economic activity,
17:04that means that we are wetting the jersey. The plebiscite of the government through the
17:08Ministry of Health has gone well and the head of state has accessed this concern
17:15to recruit health personnel to improve care offerings. According to the populations of the
17:20center, the departure of the head of state comes to reassure the Cameroonians that man holds
17:24well the bar of his boat. We saw a man standing for 30 minutes. We are satisfied
17:37to know that the number one Cameroonian, His Excellency Paul Biya, is listening to his people.
17:47A father who masters all the problems that his fellow citizens pose him. He
17:56makes us know on a daily basis that he is on the move and that he is the captain of the boat Cameroon.
18:05The region of the center felt concerned in all areas mentioned by the head of state.
18:12Le président Paul Biya a été particulier sur les vies et les propriétés perdues en 2024
18:19à cause des catastrophes naturelles, à cause des actions naturelles et humaines.
18:23Il a promis des actions vers la réhabilitation de certaines zones affectées,
18:27toutefois, les experts du changement climatique ont conseillé que les efforts pour limiter l'impact
18:31de ces catastrophes soient partagés entre le Conseil de l'État et la population.
18:36Voici ce que le Président Aduma a rapporté.
18:41C'est ça, le dernier de Cameroon Soros en 2024. Le changement climatique,
18:47qui, selon les experts, n'est pas lié à un acte de négligence.
18:52Le Conseil de l'État doit jouer un rôle central en développant des plans d'organisation
19:00et des plans de prévention, en établissant des systèmes d'alerte, en mettant en place des
19:09entraînements pour les agents de l'État et les agents de la communauté locale sur les techniques de
19:15gestion des risques. Les catastrophes naturelles, l'une des
19:19ténèbres qui a reçu le Président Paul Biya, menacent la fondation des efforts nationaux.
19:25Ils conduisent aussi des exercices simulatifs. L'État doit aussi améliorer sa connaissance
19:33des catastrophes naturelles.
19:35Des constructions en désordre, l'occupation des zones de risques,
19:39ont été bléssées par près de 100 vies perdues l'année dernière, comme regrettés dans l'adresse présidentielle.
19:44Il est important de développer l'infrastructure appropriée.
19:50Cela implique la construction d'un système d'alimentation efficace, comme l'étude de Douala et Yaoundé,
20:00ainsi que la restauration des terres.
20:04Il faut aussi adopter les pratiques de construction sustainable et la régulation de l'occupation des terres.
20:12Pendant que les instructions sont données, pour les réhabilitations dans la région Ouest,
20:16les précautions pour le changement climatique doivent devenir une priorité collective.
20:23La population de Nyumturi, dans la région centrale de la division Fundi, a récemment célébré
20:28l'installation de son premier gouverneur traditionnel de troisième classe,
20:32marquant un moment signifiant dans l'héritage culturel de l'arrière-plan.
20:36La cérémonie, qui a souligné l'héritage riche de la culture des peuples,
20:40a été présidée par l'officier divisionnel de Fundi 1,
20:43en présence des autorités locales et de la patrie, Clément Atangana,
20:48en attendance. Des détails avec Delphine Contre.
20:55Nyumturi s'installe dans un nouveau chapitre, avec l'installation de son premier gouverneur traditionnel,
21:00Son Majesté Nomo Joachim.
21:03Vêtu de la régalia, le leader de l'installation a été formellement introduit
21:08par une série de rituals marquant le transfert de l'air.
21:12Je veux d'abord dire aux chefs de l'installation
21:18d'être les chefs de tout le monde.
21:22Parce que quand vous êtes le chef de tout le monde,
21:25vous travaillez pour l'évolution de votre village.
21:31Je suis enthousiaste de travailler avec tout le monde,
21:33de tous les backgrounds, pour aider notre village à prospérer.
21:35Mon expérience en tant qu'officier civil a donné à moi l'opportunité
21:40d'interagir avec des gens de différents backgrounds,
21:43pour améliorer mon compréhension des idées et des approches innovantes.
21:51La cérémonie a été un défilé vibrant de la culture caméwonienne,
21:55avec de la musique traditionnelle, de la danse et des vêtements.
22:02Des invités distingués, y compris l'officier divisionnel de Yamundiwan,
22:06et des représentants de villages voisins ont été présents à l'événement.
22:12Comme le peuple de Nyumthiri a accueilli un nouveau leader,
22:16il y a des espérances que le spirite de collaboration
22:19les guidera vers un avenir plus brillant.
22:23Ce reportage nous accueille de notre slot de magasin
22:26où l'édition 420 du Festival Ngung'un Kwak Tura
22:32du peuple baléen dans la région de l'ouest de la Cameroun
22:35s'est terminée avec la mise en place de la pierre de la fondation
22:38pour la construction d'un nouveau musée et l'annonce officielle
22:41d'un dictionnaire qui dépique le vocabulaire et la tradition du peuple.
22:46La cérémonie a été condamnée par le gouverneur de la région de l'ouest,
22:50Awafonka Augustin, en présence d'autres dignitaires de haute station,
22:54comme le chef Mpho Nying'o, le second de Baleng.
22:57Marius Bifega présente les highlights de l'événement dans le suivant reportage.
23:02C'était un autre moment pour le peuple du royaume baléen
23:05de s'assembler autour de leurs notables pour célébrer l'événement biannuel
23:09qui s'est déroulé dans une atmosphère à tous les tons.
23:13Le groupe a été enthousiasté par une série d'activités,
23:16y compris des danses traditionnelles, notamment la parade culturelle Ndenda
23:20dans laquelle plus de 2 000 jeunes garçons
23:23qui ont été récemment initiés dans la société sacrée Ngung'un
23:26ont été présentés au public.
23:30L'événement s'est déroulé dans les yeux observateurs du gouverneur de la région de l'ouest,
23:34Awafonka Augustin, qui a laissé la scène avec des mots de satisfaction.
23:38Cette année et cette fois-ci, c'est très unique, spectaculaire.
23:43C'est encore unique en ce qui concerne le fait
23:47qu'il y a eu la ligne de la pierre de fondation du musée de Grassefield
23:52qui vient ajouter à la région de l'ouest une destination touristique.
23:58Représentant le ministère de l'art et de la culture,
24:00était le délégué de la région de l'ouest, Etienne Thugum,
24:03qui a souligné l'idée de créer un musée pour le peuple baléen
24:08qui vient ajouter à leur puissance culturelle.
24:10Ils sont prêts à mettre les mains ensemble pour réaliser la réaffirmation de l'unité,
24:20la réaffirmation de l'identité nationale de notre culture.
24:23Une autre innovation marquante du festival Ngung'un
24:26était le lancement d'un dictionnaire portant des mots significants en langage baléen.
24:31Le roi Négu Tewla II et son peuple ont tous laissé le planète de l'ouest du palais baléen
24:37avec excitement après avoir passé des moments grandissants ensemble.