• 2 months ago


00:00The minister has said that he will take up the points of the downstream workers in the
00:09But on the scheme workers, there was unanimity among all the unions, one to all, so we have
00:17again emphasized that there is unanimity in this, and you should improve it by about one
00:22crore, and mostly it is the women labour force that should do it.
00:26There is no demand for it.
00:31Like you said, the corporate tax should be increased, some people are talking about increasing
00:36tax on the super rich.
00:38In that, after increasing tax on the rich, almost all the trade unions are doing it.
00:42They are doing it.
00:43Everyone is doing it, because it used to be 35%.
00:45Now IMF and the World Bank have also started saying that if you don't tax the corporates,
00:51then how will you generate funds?
00:54That is why the corporate tax has reduced from 35% to 15% today.
00:59So how will you generate?
01:02And because of that, in the last few years, the collation of money in the hands of few
01:08corporates has increased a lot.
01:10There has been a lot of gap.
01:12And they have taken loans from the banks and made non-performing assets.
01:16Almost 16 lakh crores have been forgiven in the last few days.
01:20So if that 16 lakh crores were available to the government, if there was a little loss
01:27to recover from it, then 13-14 lakh crores would have come.
01:30So you could have done a lot of activities.
01:33In the same way, we are seeing that this is a loss that the NPAs have forgiven.
01:38The loss that has happened, the tax that you have reduced, their slab has been reduced.
01:42Even that has been found out from the numbers of the parliament itself that that loss of
01:463.5 lakh crores has happened.
01:48You have lost 20 lakh crores and left the workers of the informal economy.
01:54You left them like a stepson.
01:56And that is the vast majority.
01:58We have said to make national policy on migrant workers that at the time of crisis, the
02:03suffering of migrant workers came in front of everyone.
02:05Before that, the trade unions used to speak, so the governments did not listen.
02:09But now their suffering has come in front of everyone.
02:12But the Migrant Workers Act has been thrown into the Occupational Safety Health Code.
02:18It had 26 items, out of which 6 have been taken and 20 have been thrown.
02:23So we have demanded that a national policy on migrant workers should be made so that
02:28the migrant worker who is close to 40 crores leaves his home and either works in another
02:33district or works in another state.
02:35Or there is an international migrant who is a blue-collared worker.
02:39So if there is a national policy on him, the government will be able to address him.
02:43And will be able to give him a portable card, a portable ration card, a portable provident
02:48fund card, a portable ESI card while covering him.
02:53So this will make it easier for the worker to get benefits all over India.
02:58I am Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary of the All India Trade Union Congress.
03:09For more information visit www.osho.com
