Grosse Pointe Garden Society ist eine Krimidrama-Serie aus dem Hause NBC. Die Serie folgt vier Mitgliedern eines Gartenvereins, die etwas Schwung in ihr durchschnittliches Leben bringen wollen und dabei in einen Mord verstrickt werden.
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00:00Here's what they don't tell you when you join a garden club to make a garden grow
00:09Has to die I can't believe we're burying a body
00:14Now what first rule of garden club we all have each other's backs can we get away with it? Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?
00:22This is not gonna end well
00:24Crack the window so there's oxygen. How many cars have you torched?
00:28What this is not a road you want to go down I think I have an image problem
00:37Could start by having solid food for lunch
00:41I don't want to go to jail. What did you do? There's someone else
00:47I'm gonna murder her
00:52I don't think she gets the first rule of garden club
00:54It's very double-oh-seven