• 2 months ago
Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojna Rashtriya Paarivaarik Laabh Yojana - Government Welfare Schemes | National Family Benefit Scheme | NFBS | Social Welfare Benefits | Government of India | Imp Govt schemes | Economy 2025

National Family Benefit Scheme Rashtriya Paarivaarik Laabh Yojna Imp Govt schemes Economy

Govt Schemes are vital for achieving the targetted socio economic goals of any country. In India, these schemes are very important due to glaring economic inequalities, regional imbalances and inherent problems of poverty, unemployment and thus their importance in any competitive exam to gauge the understanding of the aspirant about these problems and understanding about the rootcauses and solutions to these problems.

This series aim to cover some of the important schemes that have been initiated by Govt of India to address the glaring and defining areas hampering the progress of the country and resulting in minimal progress in the path of measures for uplifting the key socio economic indicators of the country.

This series will span over a vast area forming the major crux of Indian economy and resulting economic policy decisions encompassing all the major schemes for the betterment and development of our Infrastructure, human resources, Agriculture and various other fields.

These problems form the major obstacles in our efforts to uplift our country and can be found glaring in each and every field of development. Until and unless these are addressed, our vision of becoming a developed and self reliant country cannot be even dreamt of.

Hence, aspirants who go through these series carefully and diligently have a lot to gain in understanding the problems with conceptual clarity along with the measures taken for their solution.

This video elaborates about :

What is a plan?

What is a scheme?

What is a program?

Umbrella Programme

National Social Assistance Programme

Article 41 of the Constitution

Directive Principles

National Family Benefit Scheme,

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme,

Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme,

Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme

Annapurna Yojana

National Family Benefit Scheme - NFBS

National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) Rules 2014

Useful for various examinations of UPSC, State Civil Service Examinations like UPPCS, UPPSC, RO ARO, RPSC, RPSC RAS, Economy section of Asst. Statistical Officer and Statistical Officer Exams, MPPSC, BPSC, UKPSC, HPPSC, HPSC, RSMSSB, SSC, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, Patwar, Tehsildar, Lecturer, Asst. Professor, Teacher, REET, CET, SI, Constable, CAPF, EPFO, Banking, IBPS, Bank PO and various other exams.

Follow our channel for regular updates of the series and upcoming videos.
Best of Luck !!!


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