• 2 months ago
00:00you. The Browns and the Ravens will play the first game on Saturday. That's at 4.30 p.m. East.
00:06Let me just play this for you quick. So I've given you a few Myles Garrett clips this year
00:11of him saying about how he's the best defensive player in the NFL. He was asked about it again
00:15yesterday and I guess he's tired of telling you he's the best defensive player because
00:19he had to do a walk-off Scottie when he said it again. Yes.
00:22Why? Why? Go check the tape. That's why.
00:33Okay. Go check the tape. He walks away. Nice. Go check the tape. Tough guy right there.
00:39Best defensive player in the NFL. My man needs a shrink. He needs a shrink. He's like telling
00:44himself, his wife, or any of the neighbors, anyone that'll listen, that he's the greatest
00:48player in the NFL. He is tripping. He's tripping. I know he won't be winning that
00:57defensive player of the year award this year. Now, believe it or not, this line,
01:03biggest line we've seen in the NFL this season, I'm seeing 19.5 in some places now today.
01:10I even just saw one book, Scottie, that's got it at a flat 20-piece tomorrow with Bailey Zappi
01:19scheduled to start for the Browns, a 20-piece. I know the Ravens have to win the game,
01:25but man, that's a lot of sticks. A lot of sticks. Yeah, listen. Do you remember what they did to
01:35the Giants when it was 17? This is the exact same thing in repeat fashion, what they're going to do
01:44to the Browns. They're going to kill them. All right. You're probably right. I won't.
01:51I'm too scared. I won't get involved. The Browns are cooked. I'm just not going to do it. I'm just
01:58nervous that they'll get up by 28. They'll pull everyone in the second half, and the Browns will
02:04score some garbage couple touchdowns or something, and they'll win by 14. That's how it always goes
02:09in the no-fun league. It happens from time to time. If they win by seven, I may have a stroke.
02:16If the Browns are in the game and the Ravens slip by, I'll have a stroke, because I'd rather they
02:21lose by 30 than lose by seven. That'll kill me if they give them a game and lose. Wait a second.
02:26Browns win, you already said. Browns win, you keel over. Browns lose by seven stroke. You've
02:32got levels of how this Brown game is going to go. If I keel over, I may be dead right on the spot.
02:40If they lose by seven, I just have a stroke. I can possibly be saved by the young gun to get
02:48to the hospital in time to be saved. I was saved by a heart attack. You'll be watching this.
