• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're counting down our picks for the 10 Best Non-Video Game
00:10Related Nintendo Products.
00:20As much as we love our Mario's and Zelda's and Pokemon's, there was a time before all
00:24of this when Nintendo made other awesome toys.
00:27For this list, we'll be focusing on products from Nintendo's over 100-year history that
00:32aren't strictly video games or consoles.
00:40Before we get started, we post new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to
00:43Mojo Plays and ring that bell to be notified about our latest videos.
00:49Number 10, Super Mario Bros. Pinball
00:56Okay, so we've bent the rules a little bit.
00:59Video game themed products qualify.
01:02Super Mario Bros. Pinball is a product of its time, just like the game it's themed
01:07Originally released in Spring of 1992, only roughly 4,000 of these were made, and was
01:12the first machine made by Gottlieb to feature the dot matrix display.
01:16You may know this nowadays as the little screen that keeps track of your score near the coin
01:21History aside, this addictive classic pinball machine features nostalgic art of all your
01:26favorite Mushroom Kingdom heroes, familiar music, and awesome light-up effects.
01:32Number 9, Light Telephone
01:34This weird contraption is one of the earliest ideas from Gunpei Yokoi, producer of many
01:39of our favorite video game franchises and creator of the original Game Boy.
01:44Available only in Japan, this adult-centered piece of technology history was a two-way
01:48walkie-talkie that emitted sound through light instead of radio waves.
01:52Eh, I don't get it either, but it worked, and although it wasn't new technology even
01:56for the time, Nintendo offering such an odd, unique gizmo just goes to show the breadth
02:01of pies they had their fingers in.
02:04Number 8, ROB
02:14The Robotic Operating Buddy, or ROB for short, was initially designed as a substitute for
02:20a second player for the NES titles Stack-Up and Gyromite.
02:24It was especially useful if you didn't have friends.
02:27How it worked is you'd give ROB commands as you played, then he'd either stack the
02:31round pegs in the right place or raise and lower platforms depending on the game you're
02:36It didn't last long on store shelves, but its legacy is obvious.
02:39ROB is a playable character in other Nintendo games like Mario Kart DS and later Super Smash
02:44Bros. titles.
02:46Number 7, Love Tester
02:49Another one from Gunpei Yokoi, the Love Tester is one of the earliest Nintendo products to
02:53be sold outside of Japan and is actually the first of their products to utilize electronic
02:59Advertised as a love detector, two people would operate either end and the machine would
03:04try to measure how much they loved each other.
03:06Of course, like the love I have for Nintendo's weird discussions like this, this bond is
03:10naturally immeasurable.
03:12Instead, it determined the conductivity between the two users.
03:16This contraption also featured as an easter egg heavily throughout Nintendo's history,
03:20appearing in games like WarioWare Twisted and Pikmin 2.
03:24Number 6, Ultra Machine
03:26We're back with Gunpei Yokoi again and another one of his gizmos.
03:38The Ultra Machine is part of a trio of products including the Ultra Scope and Ultra Hand.
03:43More on that shortly.
03:45It's no secret that baseball is huge in Japan and Nintendo wanted to profit off of that.
03:50Enter the Ultra Machine.
03:51This is essentially an at-home batting cage.
03:54The Ultra Machine launches small, softer baseballs making it the perfect toy for kids trying
03:58to work on their swing.
04:00If you're lucky enough to check out the Nintendo Museum in Kyoto, you'll have the
04:03opportunity to use the Ultra Machine and hit dingers all day.
04:08Number 5, Ultra Hand
04:10No, not that Ultra Hand.
04:12But we wouldn't be surprised if this is what inspired Link's new power in The Legend
04:16of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
04:17Mr. Yokoi struck gold with the Ultra Hand, his first ever toy with Nintendo after then
04:22President Hiroshi Yamauchi saw he had made one for fun and ordered it to be mass produced.
04:27A blue plastic extending arm that would be right at home in an Inspector Gadget episode,
04:32the Ultra Hand is one of Nintendo's first massively successful products before their
04:37foray into video games.
04:39But just like almost everything else on this list, it had a lasting impact on the company's
04:43games years later.
04:45Number 4, Hanafuda Cards
04:48Hanafuda, or flower cards in English, were Nintendo's original bread and butter since
04:52its founding in 1889.
04:55Even now, the video game titans still manufacture these, and they sell like hotcakes.
05:00These are used to play a handful of different games like Koi Koi and Mushi, and often depict
05:04unique designs on the back using plants and animals.
05:07This is where they got the inspiration for familiar Super Mario Bros. icons like the
05:11Fire Flower and Piranha Plant.
05:14Like the Ultra Machine and Ultra Hand, Hanafuda Cards are a big focus at the Nintendo Museum,
05:19letting visitors make their own and bring them home as a souvenir.
05:23Number 3, LEGO Sets
05:25A personal favorite, LEGO is not only known for their timeless original themes, but their
05:36licensed agreements with properties like Star Wars, Marvel, and of course, Nintendo.
05:40What's neat about these is that they have products for kids and adults alike.
05:45Modular playsets and figures that make sounds are for the young ones, while adults get awesome
05:49intricate display models of stuff like an NES or CRT TV or the Great Deku Tree from
05:55The Legend of Zelda.
05:56A big deterrent for many is the price tag, but if you can get your hands on some of these
06:01sets, you're in for a fun night in.
06:03I'm pretty eager to pick up the Mario and Yoshi set myself.
06:12Number 2, The Legend of Zelda Manga
06:15Nintendo has partnered with numerous entities over the years to publish manga based on almost
06:20every mainline Legend of Zelda title, including American comics giant Valiant and popular
06:25localizer Viz Media.
06:27Dark Horse Comics even gave us Hyrule Historia and other supplemental books, ranging from
06:32Twilight Princess to Oracles of Seasons and Ages.
06:35The pages of these manga are vibrant and extremely well done, and tell the stories of their retrospective
06:40games flawlessly.
06:42Manga isn't everyone's cup of tea, but The Legend of Zelda series is great for newcomers
06:46to the medium.
06:48Number 1, Alarmo
06:51This is Nintendo's sound clock, Alarmo, an interactive alarm clock that's out of
06:56the ordinary.
06:58Released just two months prior to the making of this video, Nintendo's Alarmo is the
07:02latest in its long line of what-the-f**k products.
07:05Costing a staggering 100 US dollars and only available to My Nintendo Rewards members,
07:10this glorified alarm clock comes with a wide array of sound bites and music from the entirety
07:15of Nintendo's game library you can choose from to wake you up.
07:19It also tracks your movements, so when it detects you waking up from the initial alarm,
07:23it gets louder.
07:25It's designed to help regulate sleep patterns, but as a certified napper, I'm not quite
07:29sure this is for me, or anyone else for that matter.
07:38What do you think of our picks?
07:39Did you have any of these awesome products growing up?
07:41Let us know in the comments!
07:48Be sure to check out these other fun clips from Mojo Plays, and if you enjoy our content,
07:52leave us a like, comment on the video, subscribe to the channel, and we'll see you next time!
