• 2 months ago
Nilai tukar rupiah masih melanjutkan pelemahan dihari kedua perdagangan di 2025. Rupiah melemah di tengah indeks dolar Amerika Serikat mencatatkan rekor tertinggi di level 109.


00:00We move on to the other trading indicator information,
00:02where the Rupiah exchange is still weakening on the second day of trading in 2025.
00:08The Rupiah is weakening in the middle of the US dollar index,
00:11recording the highest record at 109.
00:14According to the RTI data, until the trading on Friday afternoon,
00:17the Rupiah was still weak at 0.21% at the level of 16,224 USD.
00:24Previously, the Rupiah was opened directly at 0.25% at the level of 16,230 USD
00:32at the trading on Friday morning.
00:34The Rupiah is weakening in the middle of the US dollar index,
00:37where at the end of May, the US dollar index was closed at the level of 109.39,
00:44where this record is the highest level of the US dollar index since November 9, 2022.
00:50The dollar has continued to strengthen since last year,
00:53with the expectation that the US economic growth will surpass other countries
00:58and maintain a relatively high flow rate.
01:02We will immediately update on the Rupiah exchange rate movement
01:05for the next major currency.
01:08You can watch the graph on your television screen.
01:11The Rupiah exchange rate movement for the US dollar is at 16,204 Rupiah.
01:17For the euro, it is at 16,825 Rupiah.
01:20For the pound sterling, it is at 20,094 Rupiah.
01:23For the Japanese yen, it is at 103.08 Rupiah.
