• 2 months ago
Oreo Coca-Cola review
00:00It's all over social media that Coca-Cola are bringing back both the original and the
00:13Diet Coke version of Lime Coke. I've had a little look in the shops, I couldn't see any
00:20of that but what I do have is this. Now I don't know whether any of you have seen this,
00:25you might have done in the likes of Home Bargains, B&M. Oreo flavoured Coca-Cola,
00:33in particular this is Coke Zero, so no sugar, no calories, limited edition. It does say Fizzy
00:42Cookie flavoured. Now I can understand a Lime Coke because in a pub or a restaurant or a bar
00:51you might get a slice of lime put in with some ice in your Coke but would you ever have an Oreo
01:00dunked in your Coke? I don't think you would and I know that Oreos are an American thing
01:07but even then would you have it with Coke? I think that they have it like with cookies and
01:12milk don't they? But anyway let's get into this and let's see what it actually tastes like.
01:18Okay so I've poured it and it looks just as you would imagine like normal Coke.
01:26It smells quite sweet, like Diet Coke if you know what a Diet Coke smells like, I'm sure you do,
01:35slightly chemically, but a sweetness which I would compare to like a cream soda if you've
01:45ever had one of those and again very American-y. So let's see what it tastes like.
01:55Okay so it smells like a cream soda and it tastes like a cream soda. Very difficult to say that it
02:03tastes like an Oreo other than it's sweet and I guess there is that kind of like creamy filling
02:10element to an Oreo but not actually my favourite biscuit, that's by the by. I think they're a bit
02:18bland but anyway this is just overridingly sweet and just like a cream soda I can't really pick
02:27out any cookie or biscuit element to it. Yeah it's just a bit underwhelming, I can't see why you would
02:36want to make it or indeed buy it, I've bought it because it's a novelty. I don't know if you
02:44remember but a few years ago Coke did another limited edition where they were asking people to
02:49kind of suggest what it tasted like and I think it was called like interstellar or intergalactic,
02:55there was some kind of like space theme to it and of course I bought that because it was again
03:01a novelty but that tasted very similar to this, just an overriding kind of sweetness,
03:08cream soda, marshmallowy kind of thing so there you go, not for me, sorry.
