• 2 months ago
Pagbasbas sa mga replika ng Hesus Nazareno sa Quiapo Church, dinagsa ng mga deboto

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00:00This is the first time that Jesus Nazareno will be crowned as a national hero.
00:08Yesterday, thousands of images were broadcasted.
00:12A week before the broadcast, Rod Lagusan was at the center of the news.
00:18The crowds of the church were excited to see more than 1,000 images of Jesus Nazareno.
00:30The drums of the bands were loud, accompanied by the cries of 30,000 devotees.
00:37Aside from the band, there were dancers, firemen, and horsemen who pulled the images.
00:46In the early morning, Elena's group was already in Quiapo for the activity.
00:50She told us that they came from Bukawi, Bulacan with other devotees.
00:55We just met him when he prayed to us.
00:58We felt his patience.
01:02And for me personally, he made me feel better.
01:06That's why I have a lot of faith in him.
01:09For the broadcast, Quezon Boulevard was closed on the part of the Church of Quiapo.
01:15It was not like last year when it was closed in Plaza Miranda in front of the Church.
01:21We are currently in the process of cleaning so that when the season comes,
01:26no one will bring images and replicas.
01:29Ahead of time, we are saying that we are prohibiting it.
01:33That's why those small replicas cannot enter within the vicinity area.
01:38Last year, it took two or three days to clean.
01:43But this year, it was cleaned in just one day because there are no health restrictions.
01:48Father Arellano reminded the devotees to make it possible for them to celebrate the feast of Jesus Nazareno.
01:55For the first time, this is not just a celebration in the Church of Quiapo.
02:00If this is not a national feast in the entire Philippines,
02:05it means that there is also a celebration in every parish.
02:09In addition, the Church of Quiapo is ready to welcome the devotees
02:14for the year of translation.
02:16Rod Laguzad for Pambansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
