• 2 months ago
00:00Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop As
00:30Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil
01:00Mustaqil Mandoop Asim Iftikhar Ahmed has signed the Pakistani Mutabadil Mustaqil Mandoop Asim
01:30and, constructively, over the next two years to promote global peace and security.
01:35This ceremony, marking periodical rotation and democratic renewal of Council's membership,
01:42also reinforces our common aspiration for a Security Council that is more effective,
01:50open and transparent, and accountable to the UN membership.
01:54And as you said, this is rightly served by the elected members, and their importance
02:01cannot be overemphasized.
02:03Pakistan will continue to be guided by the principles of the UN Charter, including maintenance
02:09of international peace and security, and based on the principle of equal rights and self-determination.
02:16Pakistan will always remain a strong voice for peoples under foreign occupation and oppression
02:21for the realization of their right to self-determination.
02:24We are convinced that cooperative multilateralism, with the UN at its core, is the best way of
02:32tackling the multifaceted challenges of today.
02:35We need to earnestly address the root causes of long-outstanding as well as new conflicts,
02:42prioritize dialogue and diplomacy, and support confidence-building at regional and global
02:47levels to reduce tensions, to reverse the arms race, and enable an environment conducive
02:55for peace, stability, and development.
02:57Pakistan will partner with fellow members to actively pursue just and peaceful solutions
03:04to the issues on the Council's agenda, and would strive to make optimal use of conflict
03:10prevention, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and other tools to achieve durable peace.
03:16Our success lies in upholding the UN Charter and international law under all circumstances,
03:23and in ensuring effective implementation of the Security Council's own decisions and resolutions.
03:30Never forgetting our solemn duty towards the millions of men, women, and children suffering
03:35in conflicts, Pakistan is assuming this responsibility, fully resolved to our collective endeavor
03:44for a more peaceful and secure world.
