• 2 months ago
00:00Just not get carried away game by game. I know sometimes out there
00:04Down up and down. It's just like calm calm down because Pompey are gonna lose games this championship
00:09We know that start of the season. I predicted Pompey would finish one place above the relegation zone, you know, so that is
00:16situation here
00:18They'll get some very good size and established championship sides whose finances far outweighed Pompey. That's a fact. Sorry
00:26And probably can't compete financially with so many clubs they've got poppies Krause's or halfway
00:32I think but so financially can't compete with leads and all that luck
00:35So it's going to be tough on be gonna be losing games poppy squad. It's not as good as other squads their budgets
00:41It's way down the bottom. We know that that's a fact
00:44So it's going to be up and down this season
00:46But you just keep calm and John Messina does a brilliant job of keeping calm
00:52Apart from referees, but he does he's not up and down and that's important
00:59He keeps his head, doesn't he when some around him are losing theirs?
