• 2 months ago
Salut tout le monde ! Sammy est d'humeur espiègle aujourd'hui. Il a décidé de cacher ses bonbons dans tous les endroits inattendus de la maison pour que Sue ne puisse jamais les trouver. Il sait parfaitement que pour cacher quelque chose, il vaut mieux le mettre bien en vue.

Mais évidemment, dès que Sam a caché ses bonbons dans un pot de fleurs, Sue est venue l'arroser et a trouvé sa cachette secrète. Et juste après avoir décidé que le pot de crème pour le visage de Sue était assez grand pour y mettre tous ses bonbons, elle en a eu besoin. Pauvre Sam... Sera-t-il jamais capable d'aménager une bonne cachette pour ses friandises ?

Ne vous inquiétez pas, les amis ! Vous vous souvenez de ce pot de crème pour le visage ? Eh bien, la crème est finie, et le pot subit une transformation complète, devenant une tortue. Quoiii ? Vous voulez savoir comment on a fait ça ? Alors vous savez ce qu'il vous reste à faire : mettez un like, abonnez-vous, et regardez la vidéo jusqu'à la fin pour un tutoriel complet, des fous rires garantis et beaucoup de plaisir. Et n'oubliez pas ce que nous avons d'autre pour vous sur notre chaîne :

COOL ! Comment Faire des Stickers || Tutoriel Amusant par Sam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVfYDywqcxY&t
Déballage Soins en Papier, Maquillage & Plus || Transformation Émotionnelle || DIY AMUSANT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEEBA_sC058&t
Le Long Attendu Relooking de Votre Vieille Poupée 🤩 Nouveau Look par Slime Sam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tndIizDG24 Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00I bet she'll never find them here!
00:17Because if she does, I'm going to get really mad!
00:24If she finds my sweets, I'm going to hide them!
00:27Oh, I hear her coming!
00:29Oh, you poor thing! You look so thirsty! Here!
00:34Wow, what a find!
00:36I can't even imagine how these sweets landed here!
00:41Hey, how are you?
00:44Would you have lost sweets in the flower pot?
00:47What? How? But let's see! I can't hide anything from you!
00:53They say that if you want to hide something, put it in sight!
00:57It includes using one of the cream pots on top!
01:01Yes! Am I right?
01:03This time, my stock will stay intact!
01:08I mean, it has to!
01:13My job is done! Time to take a nap!
01:17Honestly, it's weird. Where did it go? I used it yesterday!
01:23Oh, here it is!
01:25Finally, it's time for my beauty routine!
01:29Wait, what?
01:31Burke! Sam!
01:35What is it?
01:36I really didn't need sweets in my cream pot!
01:40What do I do now?
01:42Well, since you don't need this cream pot anymore, let's make a treasure chest for my sweets!
01:47Oh, okay, I guess there's nothing else to do, but this pot is a bit...
01:53Can we decorate it?
01:59Do you think my muscles will really get bigger after such a workout?
02:03Well, maybe!
02:05Sammy, what do you think about turtles?
02:07Let me think.
02:09I think they can be very useful, and they're actually cute!
02:13What do you think, friends?
02:16Great! Let's turn our pot into a pretty turtle-shaped box!
02:24Wait, my sweets! Give them back to me!
02:27Uh, Suzy, are you sure this is a good idea?
02:30Yes, you can remove the label from the pot while I'm busy here.
02:38Why isn't it working?
02:42Let's try this instead.
02:45Friends, be very careful when doing this. It's better to ask an adult to help you.
02:50Oh, Suzy, you're so fast!
02:53This will be the base of our turtle-shaped box.
02:59I'm the one who looks like this box!
03:04Yeah, but not for long. We have to remove all the modeling clay, which is too much here.
03:13You have to be sure and have a pretty face, Suzy, or the box won't close and the sweets will fall!
03:20Hmm, I think we're missing something.
03:22Are you talking about the legs and the head of the turtle?
03:25No legs, please, so that this turtle never takes my sweets!
03:29Oh, Sammy, come on! Turtles are slow.
03:32You'll catch them easily if they decide to take your sweets for some reason.
03:38Yeah, that's it! You have to do better! It still doesn't look like a real turtle, you see?
03:45Be patient, Sammy. No turtle looks like a turtle without a shell.
03:50Friends, stay tuned to find out how to make it.
03:55Hmm, what color should we choose for the shell?
03:58Of course, pink! And it wasn't easy to find it.
04:01Oh, I see. Okay, first we need the base.
04:04Let's spread this piece of modeling clay.
04:08And as soon as it's smooth, we can start working on the lid.
04:16Hey! Snowball battle!
04:18No, Sammy!
04:20Although your snowballs will make a superb turtle shell.
04:25Look, I'm a turtle myself!
04:27Sammy, I don't have enough modeling clay for our DIY.
04:30Can I borrow some of it, please?
04:32Hey, they're mine! Make more of them yourself!
04:35Oh, Sammy, come on! Don't be mean.
04:38I'm really sorry.
04:39I promise that when I'm done with our DIY, it will be your turn to become a turtle.
04:43Now, will you help me, please?
04:45We have to flatten them a little.
04:47Okay, but you promised. I'm going to make such a cute turtle.
04:53Ouch! You didn't tell me it was dangerous.
04:56Oops, I didn't think it was that dangerous.
04:58Ouch! I need a compensation. A cookie will do the trick.
05:01My first care over there.
05:03Where are you going?
05:06Never ask me to help you again.
05:09What a drama queen!
05:18A little more. And that's it.
05:23Don't you think it looks a little boring?
05:26Actually, you're right.
05:29Flowers make everything more beautiful.
05:31But real turtles don't have flowers growing on their shells.
05:34So let's put jellied candy on this shell.
05:37Look, they're so colorful.
05:39They're certainly delicious.
05:41I'm going to make a turtle.
05:43I'm going to make a turtle.
05:45They're certainly delicious, but they're going to melt.
05:48Yum! If our turtle goes in the water.
05:51You're right. Oh, I know!
05:56Here, we can take your jewelry.
05:58No way!
06:00But you know what? It actually gives me an idea.
06:03We'll decorate the shell with crystals and modeling clay.
06:06But we already have purple modeling clay over there.
06:09You're right.
06:11So I'm going to use glitter.
06:13This color will complete the main color of the shell.
06:24Oh, we already have something very pretty here.
06:26Don't you think?
06:30Oops, I forgot I made myself some tea.
06:32I'll be right back.
06:34I'm also going to participate in all this decoration.
06:39OK, I'm back.
06:41Sam, what did you do?
06:44What? You don't like it?
06:47Where did you see turtles wearing towers on their backs?
06:50You don't understand, Sue.
06:52It's a trend.
06:53It's stylish.
06:55OK, but Sam, how are you going to hide all this?
06:57With these towers, your treasure chest won't go anywhere.
07:00You're right.
07:01How am I going to remove these towers now?
07:03Let me help you.
07:04Here you go.
07:07Let's see.
07:08Yeah, it fits.
07:09In case of emergency, I can cover it with my body.
07:14Now, let me finish my work, please.
07:24Well, what do you think?
07:26Does it look pretty enough?
07:29It looks good, but not perfect.
07:31I'll add more glitter.
07:34Watch the other turtle and I'll be right back.
07:37Is she worried that the turtle will escape?
07:41Sammy, that's not what it means to watch our turtle.
07:44And if you want more glitter, you'll get more glitter.
07:56Ah, it's beautiful.
07:58Oh, oh, what's this sparkling powder?
08:04Wow, you're more sparkling than Elsa's castle.
08:10Hmm, it still doesn't look complete.
08:13It's because the turtle doesn't have a god.
08:15It's scary.
08:16You, who doesn't appear anywhere, it's scary.
08:18But it's fun.
08:19Anyway, I have an idea of what we can do with the head.
08:23Can you put that on the turtle's head?
08:25Of course, why not?
08:26I think it's a cool design solution.
08:30This secret is too precious to be revealed to anyone.
08:35My treasure.
08:36Oh, what is it, Sam?
08:38My treasure.
08:41I think they're emeralds.
08:44Barbie gave them to me in exchange for...
08:46Actually, it doesn't matter.
08:48I wonder why I couldn't find my flower earrings.
08:52Anyway, thank you for sharing your treasure, Sammy.
08:55Anyway, thank you for sharing your treasure, Sammy.
08:59Now our turtle can finally see.
09:03You can say that.
09:06But how can it see if its eyes are on the sides of its head?
09:11Pretty good, I guess.
09:13That way, no predator will attack it from the side.
09:17Hi, Mr. Turtle.
09:18I'm Sue and this beautiful girl is Sammy.
09:21Hello, Mr. Turtle.
09:24Wait a second.
09:25I have an idea to make Mr. Turtle even more beautiful.
09:47We're done.
09:48What do you think, Sammy?
09:50It's the most beautiful place to hide my treasure.
09:54Why don't you try it?
09:57Turn around with it.
10:00Oh, okay, okay.
10:08You can turn around now.
10:12I knew it.
10:13You've been after my treasure all this time.
10:16I'm just kidding, Sammy.
10:17Come on, I'll open it so you can put your treasures inside.
10:22I can't trust you.
10:25Don't worry, I won't touch your treasure.
10:27I promise.
10:30You promise?
10:31Oh, how can I make her believe me?
10:47Where are you?
11:10Oh no!
11:12Where are you?
11:13What happened?
11:14What's going on, Sammy?
11:16Oh no!
11:18I lost my treasure chest!
11:20And if it was you, Susan?
11:22I promise I have nothing to do with this!
11:24Huh? Do you hear that?
11:28Oh, poor you!
11:30They don't know you need water?
11:32No! What did you do?
11:36My sweets! My poor sweets!
11:38Almost drowned!
11:40Oh, I didn't know! I'm really sorry!
11:42You owe me a lot now!
11:44Oh, I'd better go help Sam.
11:46And you, friends, give this video a like
11:48and subscribe to our channel.
11:50It will boost Sammy's morale. Goodbye!
