• 2 months ago
Dave Brooker, 58, takes his beloved pet turkey Trouble Version Two, or T2 for short, everywhere with him - including to the pub and dentist.

Locals in Maidstone, Kent, UK, are often baffled as they see Mr Brooker sat alongside T2 in his car when they stop at traffic lights, or when he feeds her her favourite snack - the meat from a scotch egg - in the middle of a Tesco's car park.

She has had such an effect on her owner over their three years together that he has now turned fully vegetarian.

And this year he took T2 on a Parkrun on Christmas Day to make people think twice about eating turkey.


00:00My name's Dave Brooker, this is T2 in her buggy.
00:06She's three and a half years old.
00:09She's my pet turkey.
00:11I've had her since she was an egg.
00:15I think she imprinted on me as a chick.
00:19And this year we've decided to do a park run together.
00:22I just think it's something novel.
00:24People love seeing her when they're out and about because, you know, she'll go shopping
00:29with me or she goes to the pub with me quite a lot.
00:33She's normally the centre of attention.
00:36So I just thought it'd be lovely to do it.
00:39Children love us, so there's a lot of children at Christmas Day park run.
00:42It might make people feel a little bit guilty about eating turkey because they're lovely
00:50They're very intelligent and very clever.
00:51So she convinced me to go vegetarian once I realised how intelligent they were.
00:58So yeah, it was just a nice idea, you know, to hopefully brighten a few people's mornings
01:04as well.
01:05A lot of people will probably go, is she for dinner?
01:08You'll get some people ask that and you're like, no, she's a pet.
01:12Most people are really absolutely astounded that she's so tame and that we just walk among
01:17the children, let the children pet her.
01:21It's 5k.
01:24The plan is for her to be in the buggy for most of it, but hopefully let her get out
01:30and finish on her own and do the last 10 metres on her own.
01:32I know a lot of people do park run with their dogs, so why not with a turkey?
