Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was born on February 14 (26) 1869 in St. He was born in St. Petersburg. Father - Lieutenant Konstantin Ignatievich Krupsky (1838 - 1883) participated in the Russian Officers' Committee and supported the participants in the Polish Uprising of 1863. She entered the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg, but left there after six months. For five years, St. She worked at the Smolensk Sunday evening school for workers in St. Petersburg. Then her life began as a professional revolutionary - the wife of VI. Lenin. But even during emigration, he studied foreign and domestic literature on pedagogy and psychology as much as possible and, most importantly, became closely acquainted with the organization of education in the leading schools of Western Europe. During this period, NK Krupskaya quite regularly publishes articles about the activities of leading educational institutions of Western Europe in the best Russian pedagogical magazines "Free Education", "Russian School" and "Prosveshchenie". As a result, he summarized this series of articles in an interesting and innovative book for its time, “Public Education and Democracy” (1917), published on the eve of the October Revolution. At this stage, NK Krupskaya always scored very highly in her position as Deputy People's Commissar for Education of the RSFSR. His change has been called "the first educator among Marxists and the first Marxist among educators." Nadezhda Konstantinovna's mission during this period was unique and meaningful. In the process of creating the United Workers' School of the RSFSR, he achieved the consolidation of the pre-revolutionary generation of teachers and educators of the new revolutionary wave. Nadezhda Konstantinovna's life was quite clearly, even cruelly divided by the date of Lenin's death, January 21, 1924. In fact, fate had prepared him to live without Lenin for another 15 years. These were very difficult years for him. She continued to actively participate in political and educational activities, especially library activities, at least until 1932. In the second half of the 20s, Nadezhda Konstantinovna acted as a convincing, talented, brilliant propagandist and popularizer of the ideas of the workers' school. The popularity of Krupskaya's speeches and articles during this period, and hundreds of them, was due not only to her undoubted aura as Lenin's widow and comrade-in-arms, but also to the manner in which she expressed her thoughts. In January 1939, shortly before her death, Nadezhda Konstantinovna published 20 articles, spoke 16 times to workers and teachers and wrote 240 letters0. The question of the causes and circumstances of his death, which occurred at 6.15 in the morning on February 27, 1939, the day after his birthday, from a stomach disease "with the appearance of cardiac paralysis", will also never be resolved. After his magnificent funeral. Krupskaya entered a period of oblivion that lasted about 15 years. The nam