• last year
Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas memastikan program makan bergizi gratis menjadi program strategis nasional. Program tersebut nantinya akan fokus pada peningkatan kapasitas ekonomi di berbagai daerah.


00:00The Minister of National Development, or BAPENAS,
00:07has confirmed the free food program as a national strategic program.
00:12The program will focus on increasing economic capacity in various regions.
00:17The Minister of National Development, as well as BAPENAS Chairman, Rahmat Pambudi,
00:22insisted that one of the driving forces of development in the next five years
00:26is the food program, which will contribute to increase economic growth by 0.86%.
00:34Where the free food program, which is included in the Human Resource Development Program,
00:39in the mid-2025-2029 budget development plan,
00:44is believed to be able to drive economic growth in various regions in a cost-effective manner.
00:50One of the PSNs that has a strong impact is the food program.
00:54This program not only fulfills the needs of pregnant women,
00:58women and children, but also encourages the achievement and participation of students.
01:02This PSN will increase the livelihood of the general public, create job opportunities,
01:07and increase economic growth by 0.86% in the first year of the National Development Program.
01:13With a contribution of Rp71 trillion, it can increase by 0.86%.
