Continental Split, 2024 American action thriller film directed by Nick Powell and written by Greg Hurwitz. The movie stars Chris Hemsworth as Jack, a former special forces operative turned international courier, who must navigate a complex web of espionage and conspiracy to deliver a high-stakes package.
_Movie Details:_
- _Release Date:_ June 14, 2024
- _Runtime:_ 1 hour 55 minutes
- _Genre:_ Action, Thriller
- _Cast:_ Chris Hemsworth, Emma Stone, Michael Fassbender, and David Oyelowo
- _Production Companies:_ Universal Pictures, AGC Studios
- _Distributor:_ Universal Pictures
_Movie Plot:_
When Jack, a former special forces operative, is hired to deliver a high-stakes package from Paris to Berlin, he unwittingly becomes embroiled in a global conspiracy. As he navigates the treacherous underworld of international espionage, Jack must use his skills to stay one step ahead of ruthless agents and assassins.
_Movie Themes:_
- Loyalty and betrayal
- Identity and deception
- Action and suspense
_Movie Style:_
- Fast-paced action sequences and thrilling stunts
- Heart-pumping suspense and intense showdowns
- Complex plot twists and surprises
_Movie Details:_
- _Release Date:_ June 14, 2024
- _Runtime:_ 1 hour 55 minutes
- _Genre:_ Action, Thriller
- _Cast:_ Chris Hemsworth, Emma Stone, Michael Fassbender, and David Oyelowo
- _Production Companies:_ Universal Pictures, AGC Studios
- _Distributor:_ Universal Pictures
_Movie Plot:_
When Jack, a former special forces operative, is hired to deliver a high-stakes package from Paris to Berlin, he unwittingly becomes embroiled in a global conspiracy. As he navigates the treacherous underworld of international espionage, Jack must use his skills to stay one step ahead of ruthless agents and assassins.
_Movie Themes:_
- Loyalty and betrayal
- Identity and deception
- Action and suspense
_Movie Style:_
- Fast-paced action sequences and thrilling stunts
- Heart-pumping suspense and intense showdowns
- Complex plot twists and surprises
Short film