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تضخم البروستاتا: هل هو خطر صامت أم مشكلة شائعة؟

تضخم البروستاتا هو حالة صحية شائعة تصيب العديد من الرجال مع تقدمهم في السن، ولكن هل هي مجرد مشكلة غير خطيرة أم أنها تهدد بالصمت وتداعياتها؟ في هذا الفيديو، نستكشف الأعراض الخفية، والعوامل المؤثرة، والخيارات العلاجية لهذه الحالة التي قد يجهل البعض مدى تأثيرها على جودة الحياة.

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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#ElConsolto #تضخم_البروستاتا


00:00Prostate inflammation is a physiological process, it's not a disease.
00:04We always say that our hair is white like our prostate is growing.
00:09It's a physiological process that grows with age, that's why we call it my brother's prostate inflammation.
00:13But it's not a condition that gives all people symptoms.
00:16Some people have symptoms.
00:17I mean, your hand is a size of a simple thing and you have very strong symptoms.
00:21And it can be very big and you don't have symptoms.
00:24I remember one time I worked with a patient who had his prostate 3.25 kg.
00:28I mean, it was a very big thing, we took out 6 very big pieces.
00:33The eye didn't complain until recently, but of course it didn't increase in size.
00:39And he didn't complain. No, he was complaining.
00:41Or he didn't feel it, to put it more correctly.
00:43Because the subject goes back to the direction of your inflammation.
00:46But it's a physiological process.
00:48And of course, there is the inflammation of the prostate, which is if it's a bad tumor.
00:52But in Egypt, we don't have much of this subject.
00:54And of course, much more in America and in the Scandinavian countries.
00:58But in Egypt, we don't have a lot of prostate cancer.
01:01The most common thing we have here is the Shikoki inflammation.
01:05And thank God, there are a lot of drugs for prostate inflammation.
01:08The danger of having a bulge is that it reacts to the other two kidneys.
01:12Of course, this is a big problem.
01:13Anything that has a bulge reaction to the kidney is dangerous to the kidney itself.
01:18That's why we don't want to leave it as it is.
01:20If a patient has a bulge, we have to leave this area as it is.
01:23But if you leave it for a while, the bulge will start to react.
01:25And usually, the bulge goes in one direction.
01:27From the kidney, to the ulcer, to the prostate, to the canal of the bulge.
01:30If it gets stuck in the prostate and reacts to the ulcer,
01:32it means that there is a problem in the enzymes of the ulcer.
01:35And the bulge reacts to the kidney.
01:37So I expose the kidney to a very high risk.
01:39Diabetes is a process of building and destroying, as you mentioned before.
01:44So this is also one of the diseases that affects the kidney.
01:47And unfortunately, diabetes affects the kidney even if it's fixed.
01:50And of course, if it's fixed, its effect is less and it takes longer.
01:53But even if it's fixed, it affects the kidney a little.
01:58That's why we say that a diabetic patient, in general,
02:00should follow his kidney's functions on a large scale.
02:04Every three months, he should follow his kidney's functions.
02:07He shouldn't neglect this at all and assume that he has fixed his diabetes.
02:10No, because this is a defect in the process of building and destroying,
02:12including the cells of the kidney itself.
02:15So in order to maintain it or know how things are going,
02:18he should always analyze the kidneys' functions.
02:21And by the way, when we make decisions to wash the kidneys,
02:25we make them to analyze the kidneys' functions a little earlier than a normal patient.
02:32For example, I have seven creatinines.
02:34We make a decision to wash the kidneys as long as the patient has diabetes.
02:37But if he doesn't have diabetes, we don't make a decision on seven.
02:40We say that he can fix the world and things will go well with him.
02:43As for the heart patient, it's the same story.
02:46Because the heart's efficiency is not good, it doesn't pump good blood to the kidneys.
02:50As a result, the kidneys don't get enough nutrition,
02:53which affects the weakness of the heart muscles.
