Finders Keepers is a children's game show that debuted on Nickelodeon and later aired in first-run syndication. The show | dHNfQzVEVG9lQlYtbGc
00:00If these were your clothes, or if this were your room, boy, would you be in trouble!
00:04But not on Finder's Keepers!
00:07Let's take a look at it!
00:09This is Nick Territory. So as long as you're a kid, you can do anything you want.
00:14Find it!
00:14Like shred Sherlock's study, dig up the beach, even sweat it out in the swamp.
00:18There's a lot of places you can look.
00:19At Finder's Keepers, you get it so gunky, even kid stars can't stay away.
00:23So if you want to mess around, check out Finder's Keepers!
00:26Weekdays at 6, 5 Central. On the only network for you!