The Angry Beavers is an American animated television series created by Mitch Schauer for the Nickelodeon channel. The se | dHNfMS1PR2FuR1AteTg
00:00Shout Factory TV, changing the channel.
00:03The Angry Beavers is now available on DVD.
00:08Cool! We're on TV?
00:09Get a hold of yourself, Dag!
00:11Join Daggett and Norbert...
00:12See you around, doofus.
00:16Dumb, dumb booger. they strike out on their own in this classic Nickelodeon animated series.
00:22Yeah, you see that? You see that, Norbert?
00:24Daggett, the way your brain works is fragmented.
00:27Check it out, Norb! We're migrating!
00:29Sometimes I worry about him.
00:32The Angry Beavers, now on DVD.
00:36Boy, that was nuts!