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MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 25/12/2024


00:00In Morocco, after several decades of waiting, the House of Representatives adopted yesterday,
00:27with a large majority, the Organic Law, governing the right to strike in the Kingdom,
00:32we speak about it in Zones Est.
00:36New reform of the Family Code in Morocco,
00:38return on some proposals, validated after consultations,
00:42led by the Institution in charge of the revision of the Moudawana.
00:49At the end of the war in Gaza,
00:52the mediators seemed to find the way to silence the weapons in the Palestinian enclave.
00:57But here is Hamas and Israel,
00:59who are mutually accused of disrupting the negotiations for a ceasefire agreement.
01:07It's been 60 years since the Moroccans were waiting for it.
01:10The House of Representatives adopted yesterday, with a large majority, the Organic Law,
01:16governing the right to strike in the Kingdom,
01:21which was written in the Constitution since 1962.
01:28Adopted by the majority by the House of Representatives,
01:31the Organic Law, defining the conditions and modalities of the exercise of the right to strike as a whole,
01:37has been modified and approved by the House, with 124 votes for and 41 against.
01:43Among the main amendments proposed by the government and adopted,
01:47are the integration of workers and domestic workers
01:50among the categories concerned by the right to strike.
01:53The government's amendments have also made it possible
01:57to appeal to the urgent justice to temporarily suspend a strike.
02:03The House of Representatives adopted the Organic Law,
02:06defining the conditions and modalities of the exercise of the right to strike.
02:10This adoption is of great importance because it has been awaited for 60 years.
02:15After 32 governments, we have finally managed to achieve it today,
02:18after exchanges and in-depth debates between members of the House
02:21on several articles and amendments.
02:25Other amendments have also been submitted by parliamentary deputies.
02:29This is in particular the reduction of the strike notification deadline
02:33in the public sector or in the private sector for professionals.
02:39During this legislative session in the House of Representatives,
02:43we voted in favour of Law No. 9715,
02:46which defines the conditions and modalities of the exercise of the right to strike.
02:50The adoption of this law is a crucial step to strengthen social dialogue
02:54and ensure a balance between the rights of workers and those of their employers.
03:02The majority approved these amendments, but several points still need to be revised,
03:06in particular the percentage of strikers who reached 36%.
03:10Social claims should not be subject to a quota.
03:14The second point concerns the deduction on wages,
03:16which constitutes a violation of one of the fundamental rights of the citizen.
03:23According to the Commission's report on the social sectors
03:26concerning this Organic Law project,
03:28the number of amendments proposed by the various parliamentary groups
03:32rose to 334, while the government submitted 56 amendments.
03:40We remain in Morocco with this important step.
03:42In the reform of the Family Code,
03:44the Zulema Council approved several proposals.
03:47This reform was at the heart of a meeting presided over by the head of government.
03:52The opportunity to come back on the various approved proposals.
03:56We will note the ban on marriage for minors,
03:59a stricter regulation of polygamy.
04:02Moroccans living abroad will be able to contract marriage
04:07without the presence of two Muslim witnesses.
04:09We will also note the maintenance of the right of guardianship of children for divorced mothers,
04:14even in the event of remarriage.
04:19We will continue to talk about these proposals,
04:21which are part of the revision of the Family Code,
04:25with Noza Scali, activist for the cause of women
04:29and former Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity.
04:35She is live from Casablanca with us, Noza Scali.
04:38Good evening and thank you for accepting our invitation.
04:43Good evening, thank you for having me
04:45to talk about a very important and crucial subject.
04:49A new step has just been taken in the reform of the Family Code.
04:53Among the proposals, there is the establishment of a framework
04:57for the management of the assets acquired during the marital relationship
05:02with the promotion of the wife's work within the home
05:06by considering it as a contribution to the development of the assets acquired during the relationship.
05:13What should we understand through this proposal
05:16and what about the woman who, in addition to household chores,
05:20also works in other fields?
05:24Thank you for your question,
05:26but I would like to put the question back in the context of this whole process that is taking place.
05:32In which His Majesty the King, Mohamed Yusuf,
05:34who has launched this project for two and a half years now,
05:37and who is on the right track of his entire vision
05:40concerning the role of women and the impossibility for our country to move forward
05:45without women being able to benefit from all their rights.
05:49This step has been taken by the Moroccan constitution,
05:52which has established equality, parity and equality in all rights,
05:59and which has also privileged the child's superior interest.
06:02It is in the light of these two great principles, equality and the child's superior interest,
06:08that all royal recommendations have been oriented.
06:12In the letter addressed to the government on September 16 and 26,
06:17there was a great insistence on harmonization with the constitution,
06:22on harmonization with the international conventions adopted by Morocco,
06:28and above all, to take into account the social changes that our society is experiencing.
06:32However, what I see is that His Majesty the King himself is not satisfied
06:38with these recommendations that have emerged from the Supreme Council of the ulemas,
06:44since he asked them to review the copy on the principles of equality, justice,
06:51cohesion, inclusion and coherence within the family,
06:56and he said very expressly that he expects them to provide innovative answers
07:02in line with their requirements.
07:05This means that all the proposals that have come now are half-baked proposals
07:11and do not correspond at all to the expectations of the women's movement,
07:15which has had the honor, thanks to the will of His Majesty the King,
07:19to be a privileged interlocutor of the Commission,
07:25since we were proud to see all the activists who came before the Commission
07:32to express their position, to express their desire for a profound and global reform
07:37of the family code.
07:39We don't just need a few measures, we need a complete revision of the family code.
07:44So, as far as, for example, the marriage of minors is concerned,
07:47we were convinced that we were going to have red lines,
07:52that it was forbidden to marry minors.
07:54Why did we find the need to add this 17 years?
07:57Is it to satisfy the vision or the appetites of certain ideologies
08:03that have unfortunately manifested themselves to demand that the marriage of children be maintained?
08:08Also for the issue of gender.
08:10So, according to you, this exception had no place to be?
08:12It has been refused.
08:14Normally, this exception would not have taken place.
08:16The principle, which is the universal principle,
08:19is that the marriage of children is up to 18 years old.
08:21It's not 17 years old, it's 18 years old.
08:23Even 18 years old is young,
08:25but let's say it's a principle.
08:27We can't marry children.
08:29Children can't be the head of the family,
08:31they can't take care of a baby,
08:33they can't take care of a house,
08:35they can't have a responsibility.
08:37In fact, we saw the Moroccan courts refuse
08:39that a husband filed a complaint
08:41for marital treason against his young 16-year-old wife.
08:44Well, the court estimated that she was not responsible
08:48and that she could not be accused of treason
08:50in the absence of what is neither the fidelity of the spouse nor anything else.
08:54So, for us, it's a red line.
08:56No marriage before 18 years old.
08:58Our red line is not polygamy.
09:00Polygamy is the misfortune of families.
09:02It disperses families.
09:04Children are traumatized for life.
09:06All this to satisfy the will of a man
09:08to have a second wife.
09:10But when you're married, you're married,
09:12you're responsible for a family,
09:14and polygamy is something
09:17that no longer corresponds.
09:19It's an humiliation for women.
09:21It no longer corresponds to our century.
09:23Also, what does it mean to refuse DNA
09:25as proof to show the paternity of children?
09:27But that's fundamental.
09:29It's the child's superior interest.
09:31His first right is our right to identity.
09:33It's to know who he is.
09:35Why do we know perfectly
09:37the parent,
09:39but that the law protects the parent
09:41at the expense of the child
09:43and the woman who is a single mother
09:45who often comes in 86% of cases
09:47has received a marriage promise.
09:49It's an aberration.
09:51And as far as Tsar Seb is concerned,
09:53the inheritance by agnation,
09:55we were convinced
09:57that this completely
09:59unlawful and unfair disposition
10:01was going to be eliminated.
10:03So today we are told,
10:05no, it's not possible, etc.
10:07There are no Koranic rules
10:09that force Tsar Seb
10:11to be a collateral.
10:14Imagine, we took measures
10:16to say that the house
10:18could stay in the name of the family,
10:20but it's not enough
10:22because the house is not
10:24the property of the family,
10:26let it be a simple location.
10:28And also,
10:30it can be the shop,
10:32or the small land,
10:34where the family lives.
10:36Sorry to interrupt you.
10:38I will come to my first question.
10:40I want you to answer
10:43this question.
10:45Among the proposals,
10:47there is the establishment
10:49of a framework for the management
10:51of acquired goods
10:53during the marital relationship
10:55with the appreciation
10:57of the wife's work
10:59within the home,
11:01which is considered
11:03a contribution to the development
11:05of acquired goods during the relationship.
11:07What should we understand
11:09through this proposal?
11:12It is an unfair
11:14provision that ignores
11:16the work of women
11:18outside the home,
11:20and that places the question
11:22of the maintenance by the husband
11:24of the woman as an obligation,
11:26although it is not the case.
11:28Today, we have tens of thousands,
11:30hundreds of thousands of women
11:32who are civil servants,
11:34who are employed in the private sector,
11:36who are workers, who are peasants,
11:38who work and bring money home,
11:40who are considered as being
11:42null and void.
11:44So we consider only the wife's
11:46housework, but why not consider
11:48that it is the man and the woman
11:50together who manage the home,
11:52because that is the reality of today.
11:54But gentlemen, I beg you,
11:56open your eyes and look around you.
11:58Look at the buses at 6 a.m.
12:00They are full of housewives
12:02and workers who will join
12:04their workplaces to bring money
12:06for their families.
12:09They are divorced,
12:11they are married to the Fatiha
12:13and they are alone to provide
12:15for the needs of their families.
12:17Why don't you take it into account?
12:19You absolutely have to take it into account
12:21because that is the reality.
12:23That is why His Majesty the King
12:25recommended to create a permanent structure
12:27to better know the reality
12:29in which people live
12:31which is the reality of today.
12:33It is not the reality of several centuries ago.
12:35And we really need this look.
12:38A real look at the society
12:40of today that we live in.
12:42Another proposition
12:44in the Family Code,
12:46the guardianship of children
12:48becomes a shared right between the two spouses
12:50during the marital relationship
12:52with the possibility of its extension
12:54in case of agreement
12:56after the breakup of this relationship.
12:58We also support the strengthening
13:00of the right to housing
13:02for the child to be kept,
13:04in addition to the implementation of new rules
13:06regarding the visit of the child
13:08to the guardianship.
13:10Some applaud,
13:12others grit their teeth.
13:14You, at your level,
13:16what does this mean for you?
13:18Listen, what I think first
13:20is that divorce is often
13:22a calamity for children.
13:24And what is the best way
13:26to prevent divorce
13:28so as not to make children
13:30and mothers suffer
13:32the difficulties of raising their children alone?
13:35It is to have values of equality
13:37because it is within the family
13:39when there is equality, there is dialogue,
13:41there is mutual respect, there is love.
13:43But when there is discrimination
13:45and injustice, that's what creates
13:47the discord, what creates the difference
13:49because the norms are not clear.
13:51So we call on
13:53to promote a culture of equality
13:55and also to promote
13:57the provisions that leave
13:59the two members of the couple
14:01calm. They are both responsible,
14:04as Article 4 of the Family Code
14:06says, which unfortunately is not applied.
14:08They must be given the opportunity
14:10to live with equal rights.
14:12When we live with equal rights
14:14and respect each other mutually,
14:16we do not get to divorce.
14:18But if we get to divorce,
14:20because unfortunately it happens,
14:22we must find the best provisions
14:24that take into account not only the interest
14:26of the parents but the interest of the child.
14:28While there are things to improve
14:30regarding housing, yes, that's very good.
14:32Regarding the right to visit men
14:34who do not have custody of the child,
14:36it is also a right that must be
14:38ensured, that must be
14:40reassured. We must teach
14:42parents to divorce in a
14:44peaceful way, while maintaining
14:46the interest for the superior interest
14:48of the child. But all this
14:50requires that there is not this climate
14:52of war that
14:54results from injustices
14:56that are ...
14:59Speaking of divorce,
15:01we have another proposal,
15:03the non-delay or
15:05the maintenance of the mother's
15:07custody of her children,
15:09even in the event of remarriage
15:11and the implementation of
15:13reference standards.
15:15At your level,
15:17what does this inspire you?
15:20Very good measures ...
15:26Obviously, some
15:28problems with our
15:32I take this opportunity
15:34to thank her
15:36for answering
15:38our questions.
15:40That was all for
15:42this page dedicated
15:44to the guest.
15:46That was all for this
15:49page. Thank you for
15:51following it.
15:53We can
15:57It is to give us
15:59to the Paraguayan ...
16:01The Chamber of Deputies
16:03has ratified its support for the sovereignty
16:05of Morocco on its Sahara.
16:07In this resolution, the Paraguayan
16:09deputies reaffirm their support
16:11for the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative.
16:13They also call on the government
16:15to adopt this same position
16:17through the publication of official
16:19communiqués and the Exhort to express
16:21its explicit support
16:23for the Moroccan Initiative.
16:29In Syria,
16:31white helmets and
16:33militants say they have discovered
16:35a probable hinge
16:37enclosing the bones
16:39of detainees imprisoned by the
16:41former power of Bashar al-Assad
16:43or fighters killed during the conflict.
16:46Still in this country, new authorities
16:48want to fight against the trafficking
16:50of stupefying. They have incinerated
16:52large quantities of drugs,
16:56one million catagonium
16:58amphetamines produced
17:00at an industrial scale
17:02under Bashar al-Assad.
17:06Turkey will maintain
17:08its intransigent position
17:10against any attack
17:12against the territorial integrity of Syria.
17:15These are the words of Turkish President
17:17Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who expressed himself
17:19in front of the parliament, a statement
17:21that intervenes 24 hours after
17:23the counteroffensive of Kurdish fighters
17:25known as FDS
17:27against the Syrian National Army
17:29supported by Turkey.
17:31Ankara considers FDS
17:33as a subsidiary of its sworn enemy,
17:35the Workers' Party of Kurdistan
17:37or PKK, which it classifies
17:39as a terrorist organization.
17:45When the war ended
17:47in Gaza, the mediators
17:49seemed to have found the way
17:51to put down the weapons in the Palestinian enclave.
17:53But here is Hamas
17:55and Israel accusing each other
17:57of stirring up negotiations
17:59for an agreement on
18:01a ceasefire. The Palestinian movement
18:03first reproached Israel
18:05for putting new conditions on the table
18:07in the indirect discussions
18:09underway in Doha. Israel
18:11only took a few minutes to respond,
18:13Hamas then
18:15put new obstacles
18:17in the negotiations.
18:19Meanwhile, the hecatomb continues
18:21in Gaza, where the latest report states
18:23more than 45,300 people killed,
18:2523 of them during
18:27the last 24 hours.
18:31Another region, another war.
18:33We are in Europe, where Ukraine
18:35has been the target of several
18:37Russian strikes, more than 170
18:39missiles and drones
18:41aimed at the Ukrainian
18:43energy system.
18:45A so-called inhumane attack
18:47that caused the death of one person
18:49and left, according to Kiev,
18:51hundreds of thousands of homes
18:53without electricity or heating
18:55on Christmas Day. On the Russian side,
18:57a Ukrainian strike killed four
18:59and injured several today in
19:01Lugov, a city in the Kursk
19:03border region, where Ukraine
19:05has been carrying out an offensive since August.
19:08It was a long-awaited visit.
19:10The head of Japanese diplomacy
19:12was in Beijing this morning,
19:14a first for Takeshi Iwaya.
19:16Faced with his Chinese counterpart
19:18Wang Yi, he expressed his
19:20concerns, in particular
19:22about regional security at Mafikiri.
19:26During his meeting
19:28with his Chinese counterpart,
19:30the head of Japanese diplomacy,
19:32Takeshi Iwaya, expressed
19:34Tokyo's concerns
19:36about the situation
19:38in the East China Sea,
19:40especially around the Senkaku Islands.
19:42Although these islands are
19:44administered by Japan,
19:46Beijing claims sovereignty
19:48under the name of Zhaoyu.
19:50The Japanese minister also
19:52stated that Tokyo closely
19:54followed developments
19:56concerning Taiwan,
19:58a de facto sovereign archipelago
20:00but also claimed by Beijing,
20:02located near the exclusive
20:04islands of Taiwan.
20:06He also stressed the need
20:08to continue normalising
20:10relations between Japan
20:12and China.
20:14I still believe that we
20:16must inherit the concept
20:18and spirit of pioneers
20:20such as Kakuei Tanaka,
20:22who normalized relations
20:24between Japan and China.
20:26Japan has already made
20:28statements on historical
20:30issues in the past,
20:32highlighting common interests
20:34and strengthening dialogue
20:36and communication.
20:38When relations between
20:40China and Japan stabilize,
20:42Asia will become more stable.
20:44It is only when Asia becomes
20:46stable that it will be able
20:48to play a more important
20:50role in the world.
20:52China is ready to work
20:54with Japan to maintain
20:56our initial intention,
20:58eliminate interference,
21:00and promote healthy
21:02and stable relations
21:04between the two countries.
21:06Japan and China agreed
21:08to hold a meeting
21:10of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
21:12Wang Yi in Japan
21:14as soon as possible
21:16next year.
21:18Almost half of the Sudanese
21:20population suffers from
21:22acute food insecurity.
21:24According to a recent report
21:26by the United Nations,
21:28Sudan is facing an unprecedented
21:30humanitarian crisis.
21:32Famine affects at least
21:34five regions,
21:36including the camp of Zamzam
21:38in Darfur North,
21:40and some parts of the
21:42Mons, which are
21:46currently under attack.
21:50Sudan is going through
21:52one of the worst humanitarian
21:54crises in its history.
21:56The war that has been raging
21:58since April 2023 is putting
22:00the country at risk.
22:02This disastrous situation
22:04affects millions of Sudanese,
22:06whose lives are now threatened
22:08by the violence of fighting.
22:10This is added to by the famine
22:12that continues to gain ground
22:14in Darfur North.
22:16According to the UN,
22:18the situation is alarming
22:20and continues to deteriorate.
22:22More than 24,000 Sudanese
22:24have lost their lives
22:26and more than 14 million
22:28have been displaced.
22:30The latest report shows us
22:32that the situation
22:34has worsened further
22:36and we fear that the famine
22:38will affect other regions
22:40of Darfur North
22:42as well as the western Mons Nouba.
22:44Generally, food security
22:46deteriorates in the country,
22:48which worsens the crisis.
22:54Famine affects several
22:56displaced camps,
22:58including Zamzam,
23:00which houses more than
23:02400,000 people.
23:04While UN experts warn
23:06about the gravity of the situation,
23:08humanitarian access is
23:16The situation in Sudan is just awful.
23:18It is unacceptable in a world
23:20as prosperous as ours
23:22to see people starving.
23:24This should never happen again.
23:26What we really need
23:28is safe and continuous
23:30access to the population.
23:32Violence must cease
23:34so that people can have
23:36access to food, water,
23:38health, nutrition
23:40and agriculture.
23:42The international community
23:44says it is mobilizing
23:46to contain this crisis,
23:48but the lack of access
23:50to the populations
23:52most affected by the famine
23:54remains a major obstacle.
23:56Now that the conflict
23:58continues to block
24:00humanitarian access,
24:02the prospects remain worrying.
24:04In the rest of the news,
24:06Azerbaijan Airlines
24:08crashed in Kazakhstan
24:10while connecting Baku
24:12to Grozny.
24:14It carried 67 people,
24:1638 died,
24:1829 survived.
24:20We do not know
24:22if it was a technical failure
24:24or a piloting error.
24:26An investigation has been opened
24:28and all possible scenarios
24:30have been examined.
24:36During his blessing
24:38Pope Francis called
24:40arms and divisions
24:42to the world
24:44while millions of Christians
24:46celebrate Christmas.
24:48This year's celebration
24:50is darkened by wars
24:52in the Gaza Strip, Ukraine
24:54and many other parts of the world.
24:56In France, the Archbishop of Paris,
24:58Laurent Evrich,
25:00presided over this morning's
25:02Christmas Mass in Notre-Dame de Paris.
25:04For the first time since the 2019 fire,
25:06the day before,
25:08the cathedral attracted many faithful
25:10at several offices,
25:12in particular
25:14for the traditional Mass.
25:30This is the end of this news.
25:32Thank you for following
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