• last year
Check out the magical "Waiting On A Wish" clip from Disney's enchanting fantasy musical, Snow White. Directed by Marc Webb, this reimagined classic brings a fresh take on the beloved fairy tale. The film stars Rachel Zegler as the iconic Snow White, capturing the magic and heart of the story, alongside Gal Gadot, who steps into the role of the Evil Queen with a mesmerizing performance.

Snow White Cast:

Rachel Zegler, Gal Gadot, Andrew Burnap, Ansu Kabia, Dujonna Gift and Martin Klebba

Snow White will hit theaters March 21, 2025!
00:00And now a special look at Disney's Snow White in theaters everywhere March 21st.
00:05My father told me long ago I braved a bitter storm of snow
00:11Is that a girl I'll ever know again?
00:17I'm waiting on a wish beneath a thousand treetops
00:21And as the silver sky stops I long to leave the walls behind me
00:28Waiting on a wish, holding out for some day
00:33Hoping somehow, someway, here comes a miracle to find me
00:39I close my eyes and see the girl I'm meant to be
00:45Is she a part of me I've had to hide?
00:52Waiting on a wish
00:55Disney's Snow White
00:57In theaters March 21st
