• 8 years ago
From the Danish TV comedy-drama series, Rita (S1 E04) – Making new friends.

Jeppe hangs about outside school hoping to see David. Rita uses Jeppe’s laptop to browse the net for material for a sex ed talk she has to give to her class. She discovers he’s been watching gay porn. He never talks to her as a parent about that part of his life and she is concerned to find out if he’s acting responsibly and sensibly. Jeppe’s class teacher also does a sex ed talk and gets uptight when Jeppe’s classmates point out that the talk is totally inappropriate because it focuses on heterosexual sex and Jeppe is gay. Ricco thinks Jeppe ought to get out more often and make some guy friends, so he takes him to a gay bar. The plan backfires as it’s Ricco that everyone is interested in. But all is not lost as Jeppe meets Nikolaj while he’s getting some fresh air outside the bar, and they become friends. It transpires that Nikolaj is also friends with David!

