Richard McCreadie a fait sa fortune dans le prêt-à-porter. Le milliardaire prépare de somptueuses célébrations sur l'île de Mykonos pour célébrer ses 60 ans. Il fait appel à Nick, un journaliste, pour écrire sa biographie. La fête réunit le gratin de la jet-set internationale. Malheureusement, à quelques mètres de là, la présence des réfugiés syriens menace de ternir cet événement si glamour...
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00:30It's for all of you.
00:32No, not literally, but I mean...
00:34Thank you.
00:35I did it for the money.
00:37Hi. You're the fashion editor?
00:39Did you expect me to look a bit more like a model?
00:41Of course not.
00:43Not that you...
00:44You look great.
00:46He was his own man from the start.
00:48What is the average wage in Sri Lanka?
00:5050p a day.
00:51Imagine how many dresses I can get made.
00:54He was a bully.
00:55How did you manage to shake my hand?
00:58He was a parasite.
00:59Classic tax avoidance.
01:01Go away!
01:03Look at that. You can't buy a view like that.
01:05Oh wait, no. I have.
01:09We've been working on this party for over a year.
01:11He wants it to repair his reputation.
01:13It's all about image.
01:15The super yacht, the model.
01:17It's all part of a brand.
01:20How bad is it?
01:21No one reads the mail online.
01:22It's cleavage clickbait.
01:24Yeah, except I'm the tit this time.
01:30Angelina's now a maybe.
01:31Ed Sheeran's a no.
01:33You could get doubles.
01:34Quick question, are you out of your mind?
01:35The lookalikes.
01:37Yeah, Simon Cowell.
01:38He's good, yeah.
01:39Looks like Rod Stewart's bitter older brother.
01:41Is that George Michael?
01:44George Michael's dead.
01:47Are those teeth fake?
01:48Take them out.
01:50Can you stop staring at me, please?
01:52It's very off-putting.
01:55What noise? I'm in the business of loud!
02:00Pourquoi avez-vous un lion?
02:01Nous recréons Gladiator.
02:10C'est Fuchsia.
02:11Oui, Fuchsia.
02:12Fuchsia est un peu dans ton visage.
02:14Je veux être dans ton visage. Je suis dans ton visage.