• last year
दिल्ली: बीजेपी नेता शाहनवाज हुसैन ने राहुल गांधी पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि राहुल गांधी सभी मर्यादाओं का उल्लंघन कर रहे हैं। जिम जाना और अच्छी बॉडी बनाना यह नहीं है कि संसद बाहुबल दिखाने की जगह है। हर दिन नई टी-शर्ट पहनने से संसद फैशन परेड नहीं बन जाती। अगर आपके पास मजबूत तर्क या आवाज में दृढ़ विश्वास है, तो उसे पेश करें, चर्चा करें और बहस करें। कांग्रेस को माफी मांगनी चाहिए क्योंकि यह कांग्रेस पार्टी ही थी जिसने बाबा साहब अंबेडकर का अपमान किया। चाहे नेहरू हों, इंदिरा गांधी हों या राजीव गांधी, कांग्रेस के किसी भी प्रधानमंत्री ने बाबा साहब को श्रद्धांजलि नहीं दी। अरविंद केजरीवाल के पूर्वांचली वाले बयान पर उन्होंने कहा कि केजरीवाल को अहसास हो गया है कि वह चुनाव हारने वाले हैं, यही वजह है कि वह अपनी हार के बहाने तलाश रहे हैं। वहीं पीएम मोदी की कुवैत यात्रा पर शाहनवाज हुसैन ने कहा कि भारत और कुवैत के बीच लंबे समय से संबंध हैं, 10 लाख से अधिक भारतीय कुवैत में काम करते हैं और भारत को धन भेजते हैं। कुवैत के साथ हमारे संबंधों में महत्वपूर्ण तेल व्यापार भी शामिल है। कोई प्रधानमंत्री 20 साल बाद कुवैत की यात्रा कर रहा है और इस यात्रा से दोनों देशों के बीच संबंधों के और मजबूत होने की उम्मीद है।

#Shahnawazhussain #rahulgandhi #congress #pmmodikuwaitvisit #cmyogiadityanath #mayawati


00:30But after many 20 years, a Prime Minister has gone to Kuwait and relations between India and Kuwait will be strong.
00:39And the way Narendra Modi has risen as a world leader, every country is ready to welcome him with a red carpet.
00:51And he has been welcomed there.
00:54If Rahul Gandhi has become the leader of the opposition, then he is keeping all the boundaries.
01:03You go to a good gym, build a good body, have a good muscle,
01:08so the muscle power is not to be shown in the parliament.
01:12Wearing new T-shirts every day instead of a fashion parade is not the parliament.
01:20If you have the power, then show it.
01:22If your voice has the power, if your logic has the power, then tell it.
01:26Discuss it.
01:27You will not discuss it.
01:29Every day in the parliament, an MP will come with a bag.
01:35Someone will come wearing a blue T-shirt.
01:38Is this a parliament or a fashion parade?
01:41What kind of behavior is the Congress MP doing?
01:45You do not let the parliament run.
01:48Congress has insulted Bhimrao Ambedkar.
01:55Congress will apologize for seven lifetimes.
01:58Even then, his crime will not be forgiven.
02:01Congress, who insulted Bhimrao Ambedkar, is accusing the Indian People's Party.
02:06The country will not forgive Congress.
02:08Javed Kejriwal has seen that he is going to lose the election.
02:12That's why he's been looking for excuses to lose.
02:17Rohan Gia is telling Purvanchal.
02:21Purvanchal is completely with the Indian People's Party.
02:26And what is called Purvanchal, there is a lotus flowering.
02:30Whether it is UP or Bihar, that is called Purvanchal.
02:34Bihar to UP people.
02:36And which party's rule is there?
02:39India's rule.
02:41So Purvanchal is completely with us here too.
02:45That's why to instigate Purvanchal,
02:48Whatever we are not even saying, they are bashing it.
02:52Arvind Kejriwal should know that
02:55Purvanchal's National President is BJP.
02:59Mr. Nadda was born in Patna.
03:02And his party is the Indian People's Party.
03:05That's why we don't have to teach lessons.
03:08Congress should apologize.
03:10Congress has insulted Babasaheb.
03:13Mr. Nehru, Mr. Indira, Mr. Rajiv did it.
03:17Whoever was their Prime Minister,
03:19they didn't do the work of giving respect to Babasaheb.
03:22If anyone did the work of giving respect to Babasaheb,
03:26then Narendra Modi did it.
03:29That's why whoever loves Babasaheb,
03:32they should apologize to Congress.
03:36And Congress Party should apologize for its actions.
03:43Copyright © 2020, New Thinking Allowed Foundation
