Starting from creating a New Project we get as far as creating the data models, the DbContext, Migrations and updating the database.
0:00 Overview, Start the Project
4:30 Install sqLite
5:00 Model Classes, Annotations
16:00 DbContext, FluentAPI
21:05 Connection String, Program.cs
25:40 Migrations
35:20 Model Change-Add Enum
41:50 Initialize Seed Data
49:30 Add Controller/Views
51:00 Links for Controllers
0:00 Overview, Start the Project
4:30 Install sqLite
5:00 Model Classes, Annotations
16:00 DbContext, FluentAPI
21:05 Connection String, Program.cs
25:40 Migrations
35:20 Model Change-Add Enum
41:50 Initialize Seed Data
49:30 Add Controller/Views
51:00 Links for Controllers