• last year
दिल्ली - बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता और सांसद संबित पात्रा ने अरविंद केजरीवाल के खिलाफ जोरदार हमला बोलते हुए कहा कि अरविंद केजरीवाल वैश्विक राजनीति के सबसे बड़े नौटंकीबाज हैं। आज उन्होंने जिस तरह की हिमाकत की है वो अक्षम्य है। केजरीवाल ने बांग्लादेशी और रोहिंग्या की तुलना पूर्वांचली भाइयों से की है। जेपी नड्डा जी ने संसद में किस तरह से वोटर लिस्ट में नाम हटाया और जोड़ा जाता है उसकी प्रक्रिया बताई। जब इस विषय में चर्चा चल रही थी तब संजय सिंह जो जोर जोर से चिल्ला कर झूठ बोलते हैं वो पूछ रहे थे आपने वोट कैसे काट दिए तो जेपी नड्डा ने प्रक्रिया का जिक्र किया। केजरीवाल जानते हैं इस बार वो दिल्ली में हार रहे हैं। भ्रष्टाचार के कारण उनको जनता हराने को तैयार बैठी हैं। बीजेपी को पता है रोहिंग्या और बांग्लादेशी कौन है।पूर्वांचली हमारी आन बान शान हैं। उन्होंने तुष्टीकरण की राजनीति को लेकर कहा कि निर्भया का मामला सबको याद है एक लड़के के लिए केजरीवाल गिड़गिड़ा रहे थे इनको फांसी मत दो मै उसको सिलाई मशीन दूंगा। तुष्टिकरण के चलते उसकी माफी की मांग कर रहे थे। इनकी तुष्टिकरण की राजनीति पकड़ी गई है इसलिए राम राम कर रहे थे।

#sambitpatra #arvindkejriwal #jpnadda #sanjaysingh


00:00If the name of the greatest playwright in the political arena of the world is taken,
00:08then I have no hesitation in saying that the Oscar Award goes to Kejriwalji.
00:18You tell me, how was he showing something even in Artificial Intelligence?
00:27Later I came to know that he is being slapped.
00:30And in the same way, the kind of stupidity that Kejriwalji has done today,
00:37it is inauspicious.
00:39Arvind Kejriwal, who has compared our Purvanchal brothers with Bangladeshi and Rohingyas,
00:54On 17th December, when the Parliament was being held in the Parliament,
01:00at that time, our leader, Health Minister J.P. Naddaji,
01:12during the debate, worried and discussed about a process,
01:18how to vote in the constitution of India.
01:25Sanjay Singhji shouted very loudly and asked,
01:29how did you cut the vote?
01:31How did you cut Ram Singh's vote?
01:34How did you cut Ram's vote?
01:36These are our Purvanchal brothers.
01:38So, the Honorable President said,
01:41there is a process,
01:43there is a process,
01:45under which this process is carried out.
01:47In response to this,
01:49the way Sanjay Singhji showed,
01:51and the way he compared Purvanchal brothers with Rohingyas and Bangladeshis,
01:59this shows Arvind Kejriwal's stupidity.
02:02Arvind Kejriwal knows that this time he is losing the Delhi elections.
02:08Arvind Kejriwal knows that he has committed a drunken act,
02:12because of which he had to live behind the bars of the jail.
02:16He will have to bear the consequences of that.
02:19And because of this,
02:21how can a Hindu be made a Muslim?
02:24How can a Tusti Karan be brought?
02:27How can a narrative be set, which is not there?
02:33You are speaking for J.P. Naddaji.
02:36J.P. Naddaji was born in Patna.
02:39J.P. Naddaji is Purvanchali.
02:42J.P. Naddaji studied in Patna.
02:45The way J.P. Naddaji considers Bihar,
02:48the way he considers Purvanchal,
02:50what do you think?
02:52J.P. Naddaji was comparing.
02:54J.P. Naddaji and the Indian People's Party know
02:58who are Rohingyas, who are Bangladeshis,
03:01and who are Ghuspetiyas.
03:03We know.
03:05Purvanchali is our pride.
03:09And Arvind Kejriwalji,
03:11these Rohingyas, Bangladeshis,
03:14you support the Ghuspetiyas.
03:1812th December has just passed.
03:21Sister Nirbhaya is still in our memory.
03:26Her picture is still remembered.
03:29Her memory is still alive.
03:32I remember,
03:33when the death sentence was announced,
03:36for that one person,
03:39Arvind Kejriwalji was pleading
03:42that don't hang that child.
03:46He is from a minority community.
03:49I will give him a sewing machine.
03:52I will give him a sewing machine.
03:54He will do a very good job.
03:56He will make a name for himself.
03:58It is a right.
04:00Arvind Kejriwalji,
04:02who supports the Rohingyas,
04:04works to build a bungalow for them.
04:06He brings the Rohingyas and settles them.
04:08He makes the Rohingyas his vote bank.
04:11Behind the Bangladeshis,
04:13how to support them
04:15and support them
04:17and take their vote,
04:18he tries.
04:19And here you are comparing the Rohingyas
04:21with the Bangladeshis,
04:22with the Purvanchalis.
04:24I challenge Arvind Kejriwalji,
04:26if your BLA has written a letter
04:29that 11,000 people's vote should not be cut
04:31because of this and that.
04:33You produce that paper.
04:34Where has your BLA written the letter?
04:36Milk of milk and water of water.
04:38And Sanjay Singhji
04:41and Arvind Kejriwalji
04:43read five names.
04:44Ram Singh, Ram Dhan, Ram Ratan, Ramji.
04:49Whose grandmother had said
04:51that Ram Mandir should not be built.
04:53Whose grandmother had said
04:55that Ram Mandir should not be built.
04:58Today, how much Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram is doing,
05:01the reason for that is that
05:03they know
05:04that the politics of corruption has been caught.
05:07That is why the name of Lord Ram,
05:09Ram, Ram, Ram, Ram,
05:11is doing the work of chanting today.
05:13And the public knows all this.
05:15They will not forgive.
