The Electric State Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in the aftermath of a robot uprising in an alternate version of the '90s, THE ELECTRIC STATE follows an orphaned teenager (Millie Bobby Brown) who ventures across the American West with a cartoon-inspired robot, a smuggler (Chris Pratt), and his sidekick in search of her younger brother.
directed by Anthony and Joe Russo
starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Ke Huy Quan, Jason Alexander, Giancarlo Esposito, Stanley Tucci with voice performances by Woody Harrelson, Anthony Mackie, Brian Cox, Jenny Slate, Hank Azaria, Colman Domingo and Alan Tudyk
release date March 14, 2025 (on Netflix)
directed by Anthony and Joe Russo
starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Ke Huy Quan, Jason Alexander, Giancarlo Esposito, Stanley Tucci with voice performances by Woody Harrelson, Anthony Mackie, Brian Cox, Jenny Slate, Hank Azaria, Colman Domingo and Alan Tudyk
release date March 14, 2025 (on Netflix)
Short filmTranscript
00:00The Bot Rebellion was ugly.
00:08They don't eat, they don't sleep, they don't blink, I blink.
00:17When the robots deviated from their assigned task, we banished them to the electric state.
00:29200,000 square miles of secure territory.
00:33You famously never owned robots, did you?
00:36I never trusted them.
00:39They're not us.
00:41How would they possibly understand our best interests?
00:47My brother, I thought I lost him.
00:52But he's out there somewhere.
00:59I stopped fighting because the war with these bots was wrong.
01:07You wanna go get your brother back?
01:09I'll go with you.
01:28The Bot Rebellion