• last year
Weather is expected to settle down in South east queensland, after days of rain and flash flooding. But with some river levels still rising, the Bureau of Meteorology is warning people to stay vigilant.


00:00We have seen that southeasterly surge starting to push up through southeast Queensland, which
00:06means finally we should have a drier day on the way for those southeastern parts of the
00:11After seeing yet another widespread 30 to 60 millimetres through yesterday, with many
00:15locations seeing rainfall totals in the 80 to 120 millimetre range.
00:20In fact, looking at the rainfall totals since 9 o'clock yesterday morning, the top total
00:24we've seen has been 191 millimetres at Amberley, followed by 130 at Cobble Creek.
00:29Worth noting that almost 70 millimetres of that 130 fell in the space of about 30 minutes
00:34yesterday afternoon.
00:35Now, of course, this has had follow through effects for the flooding.
00:38We now do have a major flood warning in place for the Logan River about the scenic rim that
00:43is likely to peak at Bow Desert sometime this morning.
00:47But we do have, of course, a number of other minor flood warnings, a moderate still in
00:51place for the Mary River as well across those southeastern parts of the state.
00:55But as I said, drier today, the rainfall is pushing north with that southeasterly surge.
00:59Unfortunately, though, that means that areas pretty much north of Gladstone or so are still
01:04likely to see more of that wet, stormy weather on the way today.
01:08Yeah, definitely a risk again, that risk of heavy rain and flash flooding, mostly focused
01:13around the north tropical coast for today and some of those adjacent inland areas.
01:17Likely to be the trend through tomorrow and into the early part of the weekend as well.
01:21That tropical low we were talking about yesterday is still forecast to develop sometime in the
01:25next day or so.
01:27Still not expected to become a cyclone, but really could enhance that rainfall across
01:31parts of the Cape York Peninsula and the north tropical coast in particular.
