• 2 months ago
00:04What is this?
00:06Excuse me?
00:08I don't like it
00:10He's got moves
00:12Why do you move like that?
00:14What was the point of doing it with your foot?
00:16He just wants to show us how flexible he is
00:22This is very interesting
00:24I guess
00:26The way how he
00:30I guess it's easier
00:32No, it's not easier
00:34It's just he's showing off
00:36Have you ever tried to
00:38Bathe yourself?
00:40I think it wasn't necessary
00:42He's very skillful
00:44We have to give him that
00:46If I looked like that I'd probably do it too
00:50He looks like Spiderman
00:52Old Spiderman
00:56The antithesis of Spiderman
01:00He looks like he could play Venom if he wanted to
01:04Yeah, could be
01:08What it could be by then
01:10It should be some piece of art, right?
01:12Yeah, it looks like he's becoming art
01:16I feel weird to be honest
01:18I feel very weird as well
01:22That's impressive
01:24Abilities you would never
01:26Reach the back there
01:30I guess this is the easier
01:32Sure, fine
01:34Do what you like
01:36I brush my hair
01:38The same way
01:40It's much easier guys
01:42I'm impressed by him but I'm also scared of him
01:46That's what I'm feeling as well
01:48And toes to paint the rest of the head
01:52Do you think he's a professional contortionist?
01:54He does this for shows?
01:56I think so, I think it's some part of the show
01:58For some events
02:00Where he
02:02Plays at kids parties
02:04And gives them trauma
02:08It could be traumatizing
02:10I think if I saw that when I was a kid
02:12I'd be like, mommy
02:14But maybe it's not for that
02:26This is so
02:28I feel like I'm in another universe right now
02:30And I shouldn't be watching this at all
02:32The same
02:34We've traveled to the darkest parts of the internet somehow
02:36Right now
02:40It's dark though
02:42It's very dark
02:44Okay, more paint
02:48You are awesome
02:50I guess
02:52Oh, it's like glow in the dark paint too
02:54Oh, so that's what we saw in the beginning
02:58But who is this?
03:00I mean, I kinda hate it
03:02It looks like a bug or something
03:04I didn't get what is this
03:06It looks like maybe a type of spider or something
03:08Or like a bug
03:10You can see the two eyes on the front
03:14What do you guys see?
03:16This is like a Rorschach test
03:18Everything is up to interpretation
03:20But me personally
03:22I'm really
03:24I'm just
03:26Confused what it could be
