In an unexpected twist east of Toronto, a runaway kangaroo, on the lam for a weekend, was finally apprehended on Monday. The female marsupial had made her escape during a rest stop at the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm, delivering quite the punch to one of the officers involved in her capture. Veuer’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has the story.
00:00In an unexpected twist east of Toronto, a runaway kangaroo on the lam for a weekend was finally apprehended on Monday.
00:08The female marsupial had made her escape during a rest stop at the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm,
00:14delivering quite the punch to one of the officers involved in her capture.
00:18In a rural property just on the north side of Oshawa, two of our officers located the wayward marsupial.
00:25We were able to keep eyes on him for several hours until just before 7 a.m.
00:30They were able to successfully apprehend the kangaroo.
00:33The kangaroo was corralled and caught by the tail.
00:36However, not without leaving a lasting impression,
00:39delivering a punch to one of the officers during the capture.
00:43So in accordance with best practices by the handlers,
00:46the officers actually just grabbed it by the tail and they were able to safely keep her contained in the area.
00:51Only one of the officers was actually struck in the face during the apprehension,
00:55but he'll be just fine and we won't be continuing the investigation.