• 9 hours ago
Amor Amargo Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 33 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 33 Completo HD
00:00:08That car was related to my mother and Jaime's death.
00:00:12Oh, honey, well, I saw the picture and...
00:00:15and it looks a lot like one that one of Cheve's friends had.
00:00:19And you told Joaquin that?
00:00:21No, I didn't remember at the time.
00:00:24Well, I didn't remember, honey, I didn't remember,
00:00:26but I was trying to figure out who it was,
00:00:30and I think they called him like a big fish,
00:00:33like a shark, something like that was his name.
00:00:37It's very important to find that man.
00:00:40It could be a clue.
00:00:42Gabi, I'm really scared, really.
00:00:46If it was him, maybe that man also killed my brother.
00:01:14Julio, ¿dónde estás?
00:01:17Más cerca de lo que se imagina, señora.
00:01:31Hasta que te veo jalar,
00:01:33no se te vayan a lastimar esas manos tan delicadas que tienes.
00:01:37Bueno, ¿y tú qué? ¿A qué vienes?
00:01:39¿A encargar el diente de los Jiménez?
00:01:41No, hombre, si eres bien abusivo.
00:01:43Pues, ¿cómo ves que apenas voy a empezar a trabajar aquí?
00:01:45¿Ah, sí?
00:01:47Yo creo que el señor Jiménez no sabe el tipo de lagrán que eres.
00:01:50¿Y sabes qué? Ya me molaste el día, ya me voy.
00:02:04Mira nomás qué chulada.
00:02:07Buenos días, señora.
00:02:09Bonito día, ¿no crees?
00:02:11¿Qué haces aquí?
00:02:12¿Qué locura es esta de presentarte en esta casa?
00:02:24Por fin llegó el gran día.
00:02:27Por fin.
00:02:31Es un paso más para cerrar este gran ciclo.
00:02:40Lo extraño mucho, Tomás.
00:02:43A veces hasta siento que...
00:02:46que lo puedo escuchar.
00:02:48Riendo como...
00:02:50como siempre lo hacía.
00:02:55Ay, ay, ay.
00:02:58Yo también lo extraño.
00:03:01Lo extraño mucho.
00:03:07Pero nos tenemos a nosotros.
00:03:10Y puedes contar conmigo, con tu hermano,
00:03:12para lo que sea que necesites.
00:03:17Para eso estoy.
00:03:35¿Qué vas a hacer saliendo de la lectura del testamento?
00:03:39Voy a pasar a la fábrica de chocolate.
00:03:42Guillermo me va a acompañar.
00:03:43Tengo que asegurarme de que el negocio salga como yo quiero.
00:03:47¿Por qué?
00:03:48No, no.
00:03:49Pensaba que...
00:03:50pues si luego puedes,
00:03:52podríamos, no sé, comer juntos o...
00:03:55Sí, claro.
00:03:56O echar unas películas.
00:03:59Como en los viejos tiempos.
00:04:01Sí, como en los viejos tiempos.
00:04:02Noche de hermanos.
00:04:03Noche de hermanos.
00:04:04Sí, cuenta con eso.
00:04:09Pero bueno.
00:04:16No sea lo que estés jugando, pero no puedes estar aquí.
00:04:19Claro que puedo, señora.
00:04:21Mire cómo es la vida de buena
00:04:23que ya no voy a tener que esconderme para verla.
00:04:26Usted tampoco se va a poder esconder para darme...
00:04:30mi dinero.
00:04:32Pueden oírte.
00:04:33Vete, te lo suplico.
00:04:35Perdóneme, señora, pero aquí me voy a quedar.
00:04:39Ahora más que nunca estamos unidos, señora.
00:04:44Vete, vete.
00:04:45Yo luego te busco, por favor.
00:04:51Vaya, Julio, veo que cumpliste.
00:04:53¿Cómo está, don?
00:04:54Bien, bien, gracias.
00:04:56Magdalena, Andrés, les presento a Julio.
00:04:58Él va a trabajar en la casa arreglando los desperfectos
00:05:01y todo lo que haga falta.
00:05:03Le vamos a asignar una habitación con los empleados.
00:05:06Ven, Julio, quiero que entre tú y Gil
00:05:08se encarguen de unas cosas.
00:05:09Ven, acompáñame.
00:05:13Por favor.
00:05:20¿Y esa cara?
00:05:22¿Te sientes bien?
00:05:33Puede ser, no puede ser, ¿qué voy a hacer?
00:05:35¿Qué voy a hacer, qué voy a hacer, qué voy a hacer?
00:05:42¿Qué voy a hacer?
00:06:45Necesito hablar contigo.
00:06:47Si te late que lo veamos después de la junta,
00:06:49nos están esperando, ¿no?
00:06:50No, no me late.
00:06:51Oyeme, ¿qué te pasa?
00:06:53Hey, ¿qué te pasa?
00:06:54Me duele.
00:07:00No se puede saber qué te pasa.
00:07:05Ahora mismo me dices por qué hiciste todo ese show
00:07:07de mandarle las flores a la señora León.
00:07:10No hice nada, ¿qué te pasa?
00:07:11¿Estás loco?
00:07:13¿Y esta bolsa?
00:07:14Fue usted tú la que llegó con esta bolsa.
00:07:16Y la única que utilizaste es piscina.
00:07:20No digas nada, por favor, te lo suplico.
00:07:23Es más, si me guardas el secreto,
00:07:26prometo que te voy a decir algo muy importante.
00:07:29No estoy para tus juegos, Vera.
00:07:31¿He hablado una vez?
00:07:32Leonor quiere matar a Tomás.
00:07:36Ya le disparó una vez y le dijo a Gabriela
00:07:38que si no se aleja de él, se lo va a echar.
00:07:42¿En serio?
00:07:44¿Por qué te mentiría?
00:07:46Bueno, si Leonor lo quiere muerto, vamos a ayudarle.
00:07:49Yo podría terminar con Tomás
00:07:50y que cargue con la culpa la vida.
00:07:52Ey, ey, ey.
00:07:54Tranquilo, tranquilo.
00:07:55Tú le tocas un pelo a Tomás
00:07:58y no te lo acabas conmigo.
00:08:00¿Por qué mejor no terminamos con Gabriela?
00:08:02A ver, ¿qué te parece?
00:08:04Si el chiste es que tú te quedes con Gabriela
00:08:06para que yo me quede con Tomás.
00:08:09Así que piensa, mejor piensa un poquito
00:08:11qué podemos hacer para aprovechar todo esto.
00:08:14Gabriela tiene miedo
00:08:16y por eso está alejando a Tomás.
00:08:18Hay que ser inteligentes.
00:08:20Ahí es donde tú y yo podemos ganar.
00:08:24Con razón, Gabriela actuó así en el mirador.
00:08:27¿De qué hablas?
00:08:29Yo era Gabriela que estaba en el mirador con Tomás.
00:08:32Ella me defendió, se fue conmigo y lo dejó ahí plantado.
00:08:36¿Y tú cómo sabías que estaban en el mirador?
00:08:42El día que Gabriela se quedó en mi casa
00:08:44aproveché para instalarle en su celular una aplicación
00:08:46que me indica su ubicación.
00:08:51Bueno, bravo, si no estás tan tontito.
00:08:54Muy bien, muy bien.
00:08:57Muy bien, eso lo podemos aprovechar.
00:09:00Es momento de que tú y yo
00:09:02actuemos para lograr lo que queremos.
00:09:06Vamos a utilizar eso.
00:09:09¿Estás de acuerdo conmigo?
00:09:15Sí, Joaquín, eso fue lo que me dijo bienvenida.
00:09:18El amigo de Chévez que tiene un coche parecido al de la investigación
00:09:21le dicen El Tiburón, pero no se sabe su nombre.
00:09:24Está bien.
00:09:25Eso ya es un dato que quizás sea más fácil dar con él.
00:09:28Si algo sé, te aviso de inmediato.
00:09:30Te lo agradezco.
00:09:33Gabriela, tenemos que hablar.
00:09:36Vengo a informarte de la junta de ayer,
00:09:38lo de la fiesta.
00:09:40Mira, yo no quiero saber nada de eso.
00:09:42Encárgate tú.
00:09:43Gaby, por favor.
00:09:44Sola no puedo corregir las tonterías
00:09:46que está planeando para la fiesta la tal Vera.
00:09:48Ya lo sé.
00:09:49Si yo misma le pedí a Enrique que le pusiera un alto.
00:09:52Mira, mira, yo no me voy a involucrar en un evento
00:09:55en el que Enrique y su sobrinera tienen algo que ver.
00:09:57Ellos no son dueños de esta empresa, es nuestra.
00:10:00Y tú eres la directora general.
00:10:02Más que directora general,
00:10:04soy el escudo de la abuela en contra de Tomás.
00:10:07Entonces no la dejes.
00:10:10Entonces no la dejes, imponte.
00:10:14Haz la fiesta del aniversario de la fábrica, hermana.
00:10:21Haz lo que haría mamá.
00:10:25Yo sé que es difícil,
00:10:26pero tú me has dicho que estás aquí
00:10:29para seguir lo que ella hubiera hecho,
00:10:31defender nuestro patrimonio.
00:10:34Es que Miriam no se vale...
00:10:37Lo que no se vale es que hagan de nuestra fábrica un circo,
00:10:41una pasarela de gente que no sabe nada de esta empresa.
00:10:45Por favor, Gabriela.
00:10:47No te rindas.
00:10:48Protege lo que es nuestro.
00:10:50Aquí están las aberraciones que pretenden hacer, ¿eh?
00:10:55Y dime, por favor, que no lo vas a permitir.
00:10:58Te espero en la junta.
00:11:07Por lo tanto, en pleno uso de mis facultades,
00:11:10nombro a mis herederos de la siguiente manera.
00:11:13La empresa Jiménez & Sons en Dallas y sus filiales,
00:11:17repartidas en partes iguales para mis hijos,
00:11:20Andrés Jiménez y Tomás Jiménez.
00:11:26Lo único que siempre te ha importado es el dinero.
00:11:30¡Mi dinero!
00:11:31Qué horrible que pienses así de mí.
00:11:34Eres un tormento, Jaime.
00:11:36Tienes un trauma, estás acomplejado, qué sé yo.
00:11:41Lo que sucede es que tu ambición es desmedida.
00:11:44Si eso piensas de mí, qué mal.
00:11:47Tú irme ese maldito contrato prenuncial como quisiste.
00:11:51Créeme que no sueño con que te mueras
00:11:53y me dejes sin dinero.
00:11:55Tú irme ese maldito contrato prenuncial como quisiste.
00:11:58Créeme que no sueño con que te mueras
00:12:00y me dejes en tu testamento.
00:12:02¿Puede ir más rápido, por favor?
00:12:04Dígate una vez qué pasa con el dinero y las cuentas del banco.
00:12:07¿Me permite, señora? Eso voy.
00:12:10La casa que hay en Ciudad de México
00:12:12con dirección Fuente del Amor número 18
00:12:14será para la señora Dolores López y su hijo Abel López.
00:12:19¡No puede ser!
00:12:21¿Hasta una casa le dejó a la desagradecida esa?
00:12:24En cuanto a la empresa, Sol Mexicano y sus filiales
00:12:27serán repartidas de la siguiente manera.
00:12:3049% para mi hijo Tomás Jiménez.
00:12:3349% para mi hijo Andrés Jiménez.
00:12:372% para mi esposa Magdalena Murray de Jiménez.
00:12:41¿Qué? ¿Sólo un 2%?
00:12:45¿Qué puedo hacer con eso? ¡Que alguien me explique!
00:12:48¡Debe haber algo más!
00:12:49¿Me permite continuar?
00:12:51Aquí, por favor.
00:12:54Las cuentas de dinero que hay en los bancos
00:12:56tanto en Estados Unidos como en México y Europa
00:12:59todo será repartido de la siguiente manera.
00:13:0245% para mi hijo Tomás Jiménez.
00:13:0545% para mi hijo Andrés Jiménez.
00:13:095% para la señora Dolores López.
00:13:125% para la señora Magdalena Murray de Jiménez.
00:13:17¡Eso es una injusticia!
00:13:19¡Eso que hizo Jaime es horrible!
00:13:21¿Me permite continuar?
00:13:25En el caso de la señora Magdalena Murray de Jiménez
00:13:28tendrá que ocuparse de pasar una mensualidad
00:13:30a su hija Candela Murray.
00:13:33Para el dinero que ella herede
00:13:35nombro como albacea a la señora Dolores López.
00:13:39La señora Dolores será la encargada
00:13:41de administrar su herencia, señora.
00:13:43Espérate, espérate.
00:13:45¿Lolita va a ser la encargada
00:13:46de administrar tu herencia, Magdalena?
00:13:51¡Esa maldita no está ni regresará!
00:13:54Será tan fácil como llamarle
00:13:56e informarle de sus nuevas responsabilidades
00:13:58en caso de que ella acepte ser la albacea.
00:14:00¡Pues no estoy de acuerdo!
00:14:03Si tú no estás de acuerdo,
00:14:04lo único que tienes que hacer
00:14:05es renunciar a tu herencia.
00:14:07¿Podemos arreglar eso de una vez,
00:14:09señor notario?
00:14:12¿Podemos, no?
00:14:13Sí, muy fácil.
00:14:16Esto no lo puedo soportar más.
00:14:18¡No puedo!
00:14:48¡No puedo!
00:15:19¡Sí, señor!
00:15:20¿Saben dónde vive Xiomara?
00:15:23Lo mejor es un triunfo.
00:15:26Te reto a un duelo de serenatas.
00:15:28¿En dónde vamos a pasar?
00:15:30En Bola de Loco, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:15:32Final de temporada, viernes al terminar el noti.
00:15:35Cuando el mundo despierta,
00:15:36las noticias ya están sucediendo.
00:15:39Te acercamos a las historias
00:15:40y al análisis que marcarán el rumbo de tu día.
00:15:44Con los marcadores, los escenarios
00:15:46y el tiempo que habrá en tu estado y ciudad.
00:15:49Comienza tu día en Despierta,
00:15:51lunes a viernes, siete a nueve de la mañana,
00:15:53por las estrellas.
00:15:54Estamos en tercer grado.
00:15:55Aquí debatimos los diferentes puntos de vista.
00:15:58Todo esto fue causado por Estados Unidos.
00:16:00Temas de interés común con diversas posturas.
00:16:03Lo que va a provocar es una guerra.
00:16:05Lo que le importa a Estados Unidos es el tema del fentanilo.
00:16:08Tercer grado, miércoles.
00:16:11Al terminar en punto con Enrique Acevedo,
00:16:13con las estrellas.
00:16:15En este programa, te ponemos en contacto
00:16:18con los últimos resultados.
00:16:22Entrevistas exclusivas.
00:16:26Comentarios y opiniones de toda la jornada deportiva.
00:16:30Contacto Deportivo.
00:16:31Martes, jueves y viernes, 11.30 de la noche,
00:16:34con las estrellas.
00:16:36Esta Navidad, la Rosa de Guadalupe
00:16:38tiene para ti los mejores deseos.
00:16:41La luz en tu camino.
00:16:43La esperanza de una vida llena de paz.
00:16:46Y el amor que inunde tu hogar y tu corazón.
00:16:49La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:16:51Feliz Navidad.
00:16:53Lunes a viernes, 7.30 de la noche.
00:16:56Este jueves va a estar hasta la otoña.
00:16:59Le van a dar el proyecto para la remodelación de la iglesia.
00:17:02Tienes que hacer todo lo que yo te diga.
00:17:04Tienes que darle un beso a tu esposa.
00:17:06Pero si no ha llegado el padre.
00:17:09Me la vas a pagar bien cara.
00:17:11Sor Lorenza.
00:17:12En 40 y 20, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:17:14Este jueves al terminar el noti.
00:17:17Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:17:19La Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee
00:17:21es una celebración de identidad.
00:17:23Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
00:17:25de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:17:27Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:17:30Cada noche, tu punto de encuentro con la información.
00:17:33En punto, 10.30, por las estrellas.
00:17:36Las primeras horas del día también traen las primeras historias que hay que conocer.
00:17:39Ágil, precisa y puntual.
00:17:41Así conocerás toda la información en las noticias.
00:17:45Porque lo que pasa en México y el mundo está aquí.
00:17:47Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias.
00:17:50Un noticiero de M+.
00:17:52Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana.
00:17:54Con las estrellas.
00:17:57Tenía que salir yo.
00:17:59Si no te tienen paciencia.
00:18:01Tengo la conciencia limpia.
00:18:03No se da lo único que tenga limpio.
00:18:05No te agüites.
00:18:07Chavo, Chavito.
00:18:09En esta obesidad, te queremos como eres.
00:18:11Sabemos hacerte reír con El Chavo.
00:18:14Lunes a viernes, con las estrellas.
00:18:31Lunes a viernes, 4.30 de la tarde.
00:19:01Consejos para ayudarte.
00:19:03Tú no eres nadie para prohibirme nada.
00:19:05La regamos gacho por querer ir por el camino fácil.
00:19:08Al final todos vamos a ser muy felices.
00:19:10No te voy a defraudar.
00:19:12Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
00:19:16En este programa, te ponemos en contacto con
00:19:19Los últimos resultados.
00:19:23Entrevistas exclusivas.
00:19:27Comentarios y opiniones de toda la jornada deportiva.
00:19:30Contacto Deportivo.
00:19:32Martes, jueves y viernes, 11.30 de la noche, con las estrellas.
00:19:36Cuando el mundo despierta, las noticias ya están sucediendo.
00:19:39Te acercamos a las historias y al análisis que marcarán el rumbo de tu día.
00:19:46Con los marcadores, los escenarios y el tiempo que habrá en tu estado y ciudad.
00:19:51Comienza tu día en Despierta.
00:19:53Lunes a viernes, 7.00 a.m., por las estrellas.
00:19:56Jamás vamos a volver a estar juntos.
00:20:00How many times did I tell you that this guy was going to ruin your life?
00:20:05If you continue like this, your heart will not resist.
00:20:07And this can cost you your life.
00:20:09Just one moment to end all this.
00:20:14Mondays to Fridays, 9.30 p.m.
00:20:16This Thursday will be until the autumn.
00:20:19They're going to give me the project for the remodeling of the church.
00:20:22But you have to do everything I tell you.
00:20:24Hey, you have to kiss your wife.
00:20:26But if the father hasn't arrived yet.
00:20:29You're going to pay me dearly.
00:20:31Sor Lorenza.
00:20:32At 8.40 p.m., we know how to make you laugh.
00:20:34This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
00:20:36No matter how much they deny it.
00:20:37I had to stop him.
00:20:38Remind him that there is nothing between him and me.
00:20:40That he has no right.
00:20:42And even if it seems impossible.
00:20:43Where are you?
00:20:44Where are you?
00:20:45He made a mistake in the bedroom, sir.
00:20:46Love can no longer be hidden.
00:20:49Tell me what you're going to do.
00:20:50A little kiss.
00:20:52Mondays to Fridays, 2.30 p.m., by the stars.
00:20:56Neither the boy nor Guzman Muriel left Mexico.
00:20:58Pipe can't be in Switzerland.
00:20:59Mom, we know you're somewhere.
00:21:01And we're going to find you.
00:21:07How did you get into the office?
00:21:09Mom, you're alive.
00:21:14MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS, 8.30 P.M.
00:21:16We are in third grade.
00:21:17Here we discuss the different points of view.
00:21:20All this was caused by the United States.
00:21:22Common interest issues.
00:21:23With various positions.
00:21:25What is going to cause is a war.
00:21:27What matters to the United States is fentanyl.
00:21:36I never lose.
00:21:37I don't know defeat.
00:21:39I get what I want.
00:21:41She is the lady.
00:21:42She's going to be the mother of our children.
00:21:44Angel, for his beautiful girlfriend.
00:21:47Elena is my wife, not your girlfriend.
00:21:49I'm willing to do anything to get it.
00:21:51Are you waiting for a call from someone or what?
00:21:53I want a divorce.
00:21:54MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS, 4.30 P.M.
00:22:03IN THE NEWS.
00:22:12MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS, 5.50 A.M.
00:22:21Do you know where Xiomara lives?
00:22:23The best is a trio.
00:22:26I challenge you to a serenade duel.
00:22:28Where are we going?
00:23:26Maybe it's for the best
00:23:30The dreams fell into my hands
00:23:35And I couldn't take the step
00:23:39Bitter love
00:23:43That stays in our history
00:23:47And how I regret
00:23:50Torture is a constant in my memory
00:23:56Love, love, love
00:23:59Bitter love
00:24:03Revenge is not as sweet
00:24:07As I thought
00:24:10After all that love
00:24:13It's worth nothing
00:24:27In the first tables,
00:24:28I want the mayor and his wife to be present.
00:24:31The delegates and representatives
00:24:33of the mayor's office are coming.
00:24:36Don't forget that the local deputies
00:24:38will be present.
00:24:40One of them called me.
00:24:41He wants to give a speech.
00:24:42I talked to him.
00:24:43I said yes.
00:24:44He's delighted.
00:24:45Oh, yes, of course.
00:24:46Of course he's going to be delighted.
00:24:48Because he must know the origin
00:24:50of our factory, right, Grandma?
00:24:52Miriam, we owe all these people
00:24:55many favors.
00:24:57Good afternoon.
00:24:58The director should arrive
00:25:00early to the meetings, Gabriela.
00:25:03You're right.
00:25:04I'm sorry.
00:25:05But I was reading the report
00:25:07Miriam gave me
00:25:08about the celebration of the factory.
00:25:10And I was late.
00:25:11The party they're planning
00:25:13is an aberration.
00:25:15Miriam is right.
00:25:16And as director of the San Jose factory,
00:25:19I'm going to give instructions
00:25:20about what's going to be done
00:25:21for this celebration.
00:25:22Gabi, we're doing our best
00:25:25to make this celebration
00:25:26a success.
00:25:28Enrique, I understand your interest.
00:25:32But I have another idea
00:25:33of what I want
00:25:34the anniversary party to be.
00:25:37I'm sorry, Gabi,
00:25:38but didn't you say
00:25:39you weren't interested?
00:25:41You said that, didn't you?
00:25:42Because I thought
00:25:43they'd do it another way.
00:25:45But I think leaving Grandpa
00:25:47and my mother in oblivion
00:25:49and being indifferent
00:25:50to the workers
00:25:51who have really forged the factory
00:25:54isn't just this.
00:25:57You knew that was going to happen, didn't you?
00:25:59Jaime told you everything.
00:26:01Or even worse,
00:26:02it was your idea,
00:26:03you damn miserable investor.
00:26:05Look, look, look.
00:26:06I'm asking you to watch your mouth
00:26:07and calm down.
00:26:08They all want to make my life impossible.
00:26:11And to top it all off,
00:26:12that damn woman
00:26:13took advantage of me.
00:26:15I can't do anything.
00:26:17I can't do anything.
00:26:18I can't do anything.
00:26:19I can't do anything.
00:26:20I can't do anything.
00:26:21I can't do anything.
00:26:22I can't do anything.
00:26:23I can't do anything.
00:26:24I can't do anything.
00:26:26But isn't this going to stay like this?
00:26:27Like my name is Magdalena?
00:26:29And what are you going to do?
00:26:30Go to trial?
00:26:32Jaime's will was
00:26:33for you to have an albacea.
00:26:34And if it's not Dolores,
00:26:35if you want,
00:26:36I can tell Tomas and Andres.
00:26:37They're going to fight
00:26:38to get an albacea.
00:26:39I don't want anything to do with them.
00:26:41They're capable of taking everything from me.
00:26:44Then I recommend you accept
00:26:46and pray
00:26:48for Dolores to show up.
00:27:02My mother,
00:27:03who was at the head of the company,
00:27:05will be given
00:27:06a fair recognition.
00:27:07And my grandfather,
00:27:08who was the founder.
00:27:09Maximum recognition?
00:27:12If he was never interested
00:27:14in the factory?
00:27:15We're going to celebrate
00:27:16another anniversary
00:27:17of this factory, right?
00:27:19Let's be honest.
00:27:21Let's recognize
00:27:22who made it possible.
00:27:24From now on,
00:27:25things are going to change
00:27:26and they're going to be done my way.
00:27:28What do you mean by that?
00:27:29That the others
00:27:30no longer have a voice or a vote?
00:27:32You also say it for me?
00:27:34Or what are you talking about?
00:27:36You decided to appoint me
00:27:37as general director.
00:27:39I didn't ask for it.
00:27:41So it's over
00:27:42if they want to see
00:27:43my stupid face.
00:27:45And I'm going to make things
00:27:46very clear.
00:27:48Francisco won't do anything
00:27:49behind my back again.
00:27:51They won't send contracts
00:27:52to Tomás or anyone
00:27:53without my approval.
00:27:56Enrique and Vera
00:27:57won't attend the meetings.
00:27:59Because one thing is
00:28:00that they're supporting us
00:28:01with loans
00:28:02that they're going to pay.
00:28:04And another thing is
00:28:05that they're taking control
00:28:06of the factory.
00:28:07He's a friend of the company
00:28:09and of the family.
00:28:10He's helped us.
00:28:13He's a help.
00:28:15That doesn't give him
00:28:16a position in the company.
00:28:18Are you buying us, Enrique?
00:28:28You're being very ungrateful.
00:28:30Gratitude for your actions
00:28:31is intact.
00:28:33But this will never
00:28:34make us proud
00:28:35in front of you
00:28:36for the money
00:28:37you're disinterested
00:28:38in contributing.
00:28:39It's over.
00:28:40Nothing will be done
00:28:41without me being informed first.
00:28:44And I give the authorization.
00:28:47you won't have my support
00:28:52or my sisters'.
00:29:00Gabriela is right.
00:29:06And one more thing.
00:29:08Since they sent Tomas
00:29:09a counterproposal
00:29:10without my authorization,
00:29:12I warn you that if he accepts,
00:29:15he will also be involved
00:29:16in the company's celebration.
00:29:18After all,
00:29:19he's going to be part
00:29:20of the San Jose factory.
00:29:23He can like
00:29:24whoever he wants.
00:29:32I won't accept!
00:29:34I won't allow
00:29:35them to make fun of me!
00:29:37Of course I won't accept!
00:29:39Emilio, I won't wait.
00:29:41Just resign
00:29:42and it's over.
00:29:43This is a mockery.
00:29:44It's ridiculous.
00:29:46I don't need an albacea.
00:29:48I can manage my assets
00:29:49and I have the right
00:29:50to manage them.
00:29:51My father's will
00:29:52is very clear,
00:29:53so let's respect
00:29:54his will.
00:29:57I would recommend
00:29:59you thank him.
00:30:01Since that man,
00:30:02whom you wanted dead,
00:30:04had at least the decency
00:30:05to leave you something.
00:30:06How can I be grateful
00:30:08for putting up with a man
00:30:09who was always in love
00:30:10with another woman?
00:30:12A man who never gave me
00:30:13my place.
00:30:15I need to scream.
00:30:17Scream for God
00:30:18to hear me.
00:30:19To see if the regrets
00:30:20of a woman like me
00:30:21interest him.
00:30:25But Magdalena,
00:30:26you're right.
00:30:28It's best for you.
00:30:30No, your father
00:30:31wanted to humiliate me.
00:30:33What will that woman
00:30:34know about managing
00:30:36She's a poor devil.
00:30:38don't express yourself
00:30:39in such pain.
00:30:43You know what?
00:30:45Do whatever you want.
00:30:47It's finally over.
00:30:48That man.
00:30:51If he never gave me my place,
00:30:53why would he do it
00:30:54from the top?
00:30:56But I do demand
00:30:58that you be honest.
00:31:00I will take care of every detail.
00:31:02They won't steal from me.
00:31:04I assure you.
00:31:12What do you think you're doing?
00:31:14Protecting you.
00:31:16And protecting the assets
00:31:17of my sisters.
00:31:19But if you don't like
00:31:20the way I do things,
00:31:21take away from me
00:31:22the responsibility
00:31:23that you gave me.
00:31:26Do you like what's going on
00:31:27with Enrique Convera?
00:31:29They're helping us.
00:31:31I don't trust them.
00:31:33They're buying the factory.
00:31:35Like that?
00:31:37I don't trust them.
00:31:39They're buying the factory.
00:31:40Like that?
00:31:41Without us realizing it.
00:31:43Navigating with Salvador's flag.
00:31:46But you do trust an intruder
00:31:48like Tomas Jimenez.
00:31:50While you attack the people
00:31:52who have really been on our side.
00:31:55Nobody does anything for free.
00:31:59Enrique has always been close to you.
00:32:02But do you know why?
00:32:10The obsession for your daughter.
00:32:13We all saw it
00:32:14and we acted stupid.
00:32:16Don't say that nonsense again.
00:32:18Nonsense or not,
00:32:20what happened with the flowers
00:32:22gives me enough reason
00:32:23to think that here,
00:32:25close to us,
00:32:26we have people
00:32:27we have to take care of.
00:32:29That guy
00:32:31is getting more and more
00:32:32against me.
00:32:34I think for myself.
00:32:36And I see things as they are.
00:32:40For example,
00:32:41what you did
00:32:42to bring Francisco here
00:32:44is called manipulation.
00:32:46It's a lack of respect, Grandma.
00:32:48Oh my God.
00:32:50But because you did it,
00:32:51I put up with it.
00:32:53Francisco is a good man.
00:32:55Oh my God.
00:32:57Have you lived with him?
00:32:59Have you lived with his insecurities?
00:33:01With his obsessions?
00:33:03That's another one
00:33:04you have to take care of.
00:33:07Because if you surround yourself with scoundrels,
00:33:10you don't complain when they bite you.
00:33:16Listen to me very well, Grandma.
00:33:20My mother ended up dead,
00:33:21just like Jaime.
00:33:23Because they wanted to be together.
00:33:26There were people
00:33:28who didn't like that fate.
00:33:33Like you.
00:33:36If you insinuate again
00:33:40that I killed your mother,
00:33:45forget that you have me,
00:33:49your grandmother.
00:33:52What's wrong?
00:34:03What happened?
00:34:07What happened?
00:34:18Quite an uncomfortable moment.
00:34:21There is no doubt
00:34:22that Tomas is doing his thing.
00:34:24And he will continue to do it.
00:34:26Because as far as I know,
00:34:27he will be here soon, right?
00:34:36Lucila, cheer up.
00:34:40Enrique, we owe you an apology.
00:34:44No, don't worry.
00:34:46I understand that your granddaughter
00:34:47is a little upset.
00:34:49Something very forceful is missing here.
00:34:51Something that Tomas and Gabriela
00:34:53can really understand.
00:34:55Uncle, did you tell Mrs. Leonor
00:34:58that I saw them very in love at the fountain?
00:35:03Can you explain yourself?
00:35:05I heard them.
00:35:06They were making fun of you
00:35:07and talking about the flowers,
00:35:09those that bothered you so much.
00:35:12I mean, could it be that it was them
00:35:15who gave you the gift?
00:35:17I don't know, Uncle.
00:35:19Think about it.
00:35:35That's why in El Dicho
00:35:36we have advice to help you.
00:35:39You are no one to forbid anything.
00:35:41We risk it, Gracho,
00:35:42for wanting to go the easy way.
00:35:44In the end, we're all going to be very happy.
00:35:46I'm not going to confront you.
00:35:48As the saying goes,
00:35:49stories that connect with you.
00:35:52Neither the child nor Guzman Muriel
00:35:53left Mexico.
00:35:54Pipe can't be in Switzerland.
00:35:56Mom, we know you're somewhere
00:35:57and we're going to find you.
00:36:00How did you get into the office?
00:36:02Mom, you're alive!
00:36:30We are in third grade.
00:36:31Here we discuss the different points of view.
00:36:34All of this was caused by the United States.
00:36:36Common interest issues with different positions.
00:36:39What is going to cause is a war.
00:36:41What matters to the United States is fentanyl.
00:36:43Third grade.
00:36:45when we finish in point with Enrique Acevedo
00:36:48with the stars.
00:36:50In this program,
00:36:51we put you in contact with the latest results.
00:36:55The latest results.
00:36:59Exclusive interviews.
00:37:03Comments and opinions
00:37:05from the entire sports day.
00:37:07Contact Deportivo.
00:37:08Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 11.30pm
00:37:11with the stars.
00:37:13These are the news in point.
00:37:15The National Republican Convention in Miwoki
00:37:17is a celebration of identity.
00:37:19There has been a report of an increase
00:37:20in the number of rescues of people
00:37:22in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:37:23The authorities are still looking for the source
00:37:25of this contamination.
00:37:26Every night,
00:37:27your meeting point with the information.
00:37:29In point.
00:37:31with the stars.
00:37:32When the world wakes up,
00:37:33the news is already happening.
00:37:36We bring you closer to the stories
00:37:37and the analysis
00:37:38that will mark the course of your day.
00:37:42With the markers,
00:37:43the stages,
00:37:44and the time there will be
00:37:46in your state and city.
00:37:47Start your day awake.
00:37:49Monday to Friday,
00:37:507am to 9am
00:37:51with the stars.
00:37:52To this couple,
00:37:53marriage is already taking away their sleep.
00:37:55I didn't sleep well
00:37:56because Betty snores very loudly.
00:37:57Yes, men snore a lot.
00:38:02I tried to take the pillow and shake it,
00:38:04but as soon as I felt the movement...
00:38:07In Simundice,
00:38:08we know how to make you laugh.
00:38:09This Tuesday,
00:38:10at the end of the noti,
00:38:11with the stars.
00:38:12In Empieza Temprano,
00:38:13we know that the first years
00:38:15are key for the development of girls and boys.
00:38:17You already have what you need.
00:38:19Follow your curiosity.
00:38:21Look at what interests you.
00:38:22Extend your ideas.
00:38:23Take turns in the activities
00:38:25and talk.
00:38:26Discover more tips
00:38:27at EmpiezaTemprano.org
00:38:29A Fundación Televisa program
00:38:31with support from Broom.
00:38:32We know that life has challenges and difficulties.
00:38:35That's why at El Dicho,
00:38:36we have tips to help you.
00:38:39You're no one to forbid anything.
00:38:41We risked a lot
00:38:42for wanting to go the easy way.
00:38:44In the end,
00:38:45we're all going to be very happy.
00:38:46I'm not going to confront you.
00:38:48As the saying goes,
00:38:50stories that connect with you.
00:38:52Start your mornings with the stars
00:38:54at 9am.
00:38:55Games, exercise,
00:38:56Christmas advice
00:38:57and a lot of fun
00:38:58only today.
00:38:59Marty Gareda
00:39:00had to say goodbye
00:39:01to his girlfriend.
00:39:02And at the end,
00:39:03find out everything about the celebrities.
00:39:05Cook, interviews and more
00:39:06in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:39:07We also have to talk about the new album.
00:39:09From Monday to Friday
00:39:10with the stars.
00:39:12Even if they deny it.
00:39:13I had to stop him.
00:39:14Remind him that between him and me,
00:39:15there's nothing.
00:39:16That he has no right.
00:39:18And even if it seems impossible,
00:39:19Where is he?
00:39:20Where is he?
00:39:21He got the wrong room, sir.
00:39:22Love can no longer be hidden.
00:39:25Medina, what are you going to do?
00:39:26A little kiss.
00:39:28Monday to Friday at 2.30pm
00:39:30with the stars.
00:39:32Neither the child nor Guzman Muriel
00:39:33left Mexico.
00:39:34Pipe can't be in Switzerland.
00:39:35Mom, we know you're somewhere
00:39:37and we're going to find you.
00:39:43How did you get into the office?
00:39:45Mom, you're alive.
00:39:50Dad, for convenience.
00:39:51Monday to Friday at 8.30pm.
00:39:53This Christmas, the rose of Guadalupe
00:39:55has for you the best wishes.
00:39:58The light in your path.
00:40:00The hope of a life full of peace.
00:40:03And the love that floods your home
00:40:05and your heart.
00:40:06The rose of Guadalupe.
00:40:08Merry Christmas.
00:40:10Monday to Friday at 7.30pm.
00:40:14I had to leave.
00:40:16If you don't have patience,
00:40:17I have a clean conscience.
00:40:19It will be the only thing you have.
00:40:22Don't worry.
00:40:23Chavo. Chavito.
00:40:25In this neighborhood, we love you as you are.
00:40:27We know how to make you laugh with
00:40:29El Chavo.
00:40:30Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:40:32To this couple,
00:40:33marriage is already taking away their sleep.
00:40:35I didn't sleep well
00:40:36because Betty snores very loudly.
00:40:38Yes, men snore a lot.
00:40:42I tried to take the pillow and shake it,
00:40:44but as soon as I felt the movement,
00:40:47El Simón says,
00:40:48we know how to make you laugh.
00:40:49This Tuesday at the end of the Noti.
00:40:51For the stars.
00:40:52I never lose.
00:40:53I don't know defeat.
00:40:55I get what I want.
00:40:57She is the lady.
00:40:58She will be the mother of our children.
00:41:00De Angel for his beautiful girlfriend,
00:41:03Elena is my wife,
00:41:04she is not your girlfriend.
00:41:05I am willing to do anything to get it.
00:41:07Are you waiting for a call from someone or what?
00:41:09I want a divorce from Daniel.
00:41:10Monday to Friday at 4.30pm.
00:41:12Start your mornings with the stars
00:41:14at 9.
00:41:15Games, exercise,
00:41:16Christmas advice
00:41:17and a lot of fun
00:41:18only today.
00:41:19Marti Gareda
00:41:20had her bachelor party
00:41:21with her friend.
00:41:22And at the end,
00:41:23find out everything about the famous.
00:41:25Cook, interviews and more
00:41:26in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:41:28We also have to talk about the new album.
00:41:30From Monday to Friday
00:41:31with the stars.
00:41:32The first hours of the day
00:41:33also bring the first stories
00:41:35that must be known.
00:41:36Agile, precise and punctual.
00:41:38So you will know all the information
00:41:40in the news.
00:41:42Because what happens in Mexico
00:41:43and the world is here.
00:41:44I'm Carlos Hurtado
00:41:45and I'm waiting for you
00:41:46in Las Noticias.
00:41:47A newscast from NMAS.
00:41:48Monday to Friday
00:41:49at 5.50am
00:41:50with the stars.
00:41:52We will never be together again.
00:41:55I fell in love with Valeria.
00:41:57How many times did I tell you
00:41:59that this guy was going to ruin your life?
00:42:01If you continue like this,
00:42:02your heart will not resist.
00:42:03And this can cost you your life.
00:42:06Just a moment
00:42:07to end all this.
00:42:10Monday to Friday
00:42:11at 9.30pm.
00:42:12This Thursday
00:42:13this Thursday
00:42:14will be until autumn.
00:42:15They are going to give me the project
00:42:17for the remodeling of the church.
00:42:19But you have to do everything I tell you.
00:42:20Hey, you have to kiss your wife.
00:42:23if the father doesn't arrive.
00:42:26You're going to pay me very expensive.
00:42:27Sor Lorenza.
00:42:28In 40 and 20
00:42:29we know how to make you laugh.
00:42:31This Thursday at the end of the notic.
00:42:32We are in the third grade.
00:42:34Here we discuss
00:42:35the different points of view.
00:42:37All this was caused
00:42:38by the United States.
00:42:39Topics of common interest
00:42:40with various positions.
00:42:42What is going to cause
00:42:43is a war.
00:42:44What matters to the United States
00:42:45is the fentanyl issue.
00:42:46Third grade.
00:42:48At the end
00:42:49with Enrique Acevedo.
00:42:50With the stars.
00:42:53No matter how much they deny it.
00:42:54I had to stop him.
00:42:55Remind him that between him
00:42:56and I there is nothing.
00:42:57That he has no right.
00:42:58And even if it seems impossible.
00:43:00Where is he?
00:43:01Where is he?
00:43:02He was in the wrong room, sir.
00:43:04can no longer be hidden.
00:43:05Tell me what you're going to do.
00:43:06A little kiss.
00:43:07No, no, no.
00:43:08Monday to Friday
00:43:09at 2.30pm.
00:43:11For the stars.
00:43:13These are the news in point.
00:43:15The National Republican Convention
00:43:16in Miwoki
00:43:17is a celebration of identity.
00:43:19They have reported an increase
00:43:20in the number of rescues
00:43:21of people in danger
00:43:22of drowning in the sea.
00:43:23The authorities
00:43:24are still looking
00:43:25for the source
00:43:26of this pollution.
00:43:27Every night
00:43:28your meeting point
00:43:29with the information.
00:43:30In point.
00:43:32For the stars.
00:43:33Start your mornings
00:43:34with the stars.
00:43:35At nine.
00:43:36Games, exercise,
00:43:37Christmas advice
00:43:38and a lot of fun
00:43:39in point.
00:43:40For the stars.
00:43:41For the stars.
00:43:42For the stars.
00:43:43For the stars.
00:43:44For the stars.
00:43:45For the stars.
00:43:46For the stars.
00:43:47For the stars.
00:43:48For the stars.
00:43:49For the stars.
00:43:50For the stars.
00:43:51For the stars.
00:43:52For the stars.
00:43:53For the stars.
00:43:54For the stars.
00:43:55For the stars.
00:43:56For the stars.
00:43:57For the stars.
00:43:58For the stars.
00:43:59For the stars.
00:44:00For the stars.
00:44:01For the stars.
00:44:02For the stars.
00:44:03For the stars.
00:44:04For the stars.
00:44:05For the stars.
00:44:06For the stars.
00:44:07For the stars.
00:44:09For the stars.
00:44:11Now what am I supposed to do?
00:44:13Find a place to live
00:44:14so Dolores can leave
00:44:15and throw in the uniform
00:44:17Jaime gave me?
00:44:19I'm going to ask for you
00:44:20to sign a monthly report
00:44:22and then you decide
00:44:23as long as Dolores
00:44:26Even my father thought
00:44:27about you and maidalena?
00:44:29What would you have done
00:44:30with the money?
00:44:31Use a knife?
00:44:32I can't do dumb stuff.
00:44:34I have some money
00:44:35so Jaime falls in love with me.
00:44:37Yes, I can imagine.
00:44:39We're going to leave this here.
00:44:41Emilio, I can ask you to give Magdalena's report.
00:44:45I'll talk to Dolores, okay?
00:44:48That's enough.
00:44:53Now it's done.
00:44:55Don't forget me.
00:44:56I can't stand Gabriela's little airs.
00:45:01I think my point of view is clear.
00:45:03I'm the director.
00:45:05You're a big fat idiot!
00:45:10Are you done?
00:45:14I'm boring you?
00:45:17Don't you like it when I speak ill of your beloved Gabriela?
00:45:20You can't do anything with grudges.
00:45:22We have to plan something solid,
00:45:24not a stupid trick like the flowers.
00:45:26The flowers weren't stupid.
00:45:29I didn't do much, but I almost...
00:45:32I almost killed Leonor with anger.
00:45:36Besides, I let Espinita get in.
00:45:38It won't be long before she finds that garden
00:45:41that she made for Tomas and Gabriela.
00:45:44Let's make them feel our presence.
00:45:46I told you to use Leonor's threat in our favor.
00:45:51Of course.
00:45:54Of course.
00:45:56Let's sow the seed of fear in them.
00:46:03Did you see my granddaughter?
00:46:07Did you see how she reacted?
00:46:12I felt like locking her up,
00:46:18taking her to a place where I can't even see her.
00:46:23That look, full of resentment,
00:46:28full of hatred.
00:46:33Because that's what it seems like she has towards me.
00:46:43Hatred and resentment.
00:46:49Hatred and resentment.
00:46:53Don't despair.
00:46:56That's a strategy, more than anything else.
00:46:59Gabriela will understand where she's going.
00:47:02For better or for worse, she'll have to understand.
00:47:06I'm counting on you, right?
00:47:10Of course.
00:47:13I'll never leave you alone, Leonor.
00:47:15You know that.
00:47:30I was surprised to see you like this.
00:47:33I don't know what's going to happen,
00:47:35but I think it was for the best.
00:47:36I'm tired of a lot of things.
00:47:39I have a lot of reasons to raise my voice.
00:47:41That's it.
00:47:43We're going to put on a great party at the factory.
00:47:47We're going to prove that we can do something big.
00:47:50We're going to do it.
00:47:53Even if Grandma doesn't agree,
00:47:54Grandpa and Mom will be very important in this celebration.
00:47:59We're going to do it for them.
00:48:01Yes, we're going to do it for them.
00:48:13Look, Guillermo, we work as a team on this signature.
00:48:17All the actions we're going to undertake
00:48:19are consulted and approved.
00:48:22I think it's great how you want to handle it.
00:48:25In fact, it's good that you want to make your participation
00:48:27in the factory profitable.
00:48:28Why don't you sign these documents?
00:48:31It's not just a confidentiality agreement,
00:48:33but it's also an acceptance of the working conditions.
00:48:37With how brilliant you are,
00:48:38I imagine you're going to be able to do it.
00:48:41With how brilliant you are,
00:48:42I imagine you'll know that any breach or failure
00:48:46can be harmful to you.
00:48:49Tomas, I'm sorry to interrupt.
00:48:52You have to see this.
00:49:07Damn it!
00:49:08Damn you, bastard!
00:49:11You're a bastard!
00:49:13You're a bastard, damn you!
00:49:15Damn you!
00:49:27Your call has been...
00:49:29Damn you, witch!
00:49:31It was just a call.
00:49:45Why are you doing this to me, God?
00:49:50Are you making fun of me?
00:49:53Well, you did it.
00:49:57Jaime humiliated me
00:50:01as if I were his snake.
00:50:04And you didn't do anything to prevent it.
00:50:11Why me?
00:50:15Why me?
00:50:18Why me?
00:50:24Why me, God?
00:50:35Who sent this?
00:50:36They didn't say.
00:50:37They took her out of a truck and put her at the door.
00:50:41I'm sorry, I couldn't see who it was.
00:50:48Maradona, check what florist is coming
00:50:50and who paid for this.
00:50:53I'm going to file a report.
00:50:54No, no way.
00:50:55I don't want this to get out of here.
00:50:57No one has to know.
00:50:58Hey, I'm going to file a report.
00:51:01No, no way.
00:51:02I don't want this to get out of here.
00:51:04Hey, no one has asked me,
00:51:06but this has my beautiful aunt's signature on it.
00:51:26What happened?
00:51:29It's done.
00:51:31The crown of flowers has been delivered
00:51:34to Tomas' office.
00:51:37Let's see how your dear Tomas Antelio reacts, shall we?
00:51:43We're off to a good start, my friend.
00:52:05Can you tell me why the hell are the folders
00:52:08of Jaime Jimenez and Beatriz San Jose under lock and key?
00:52:12Commander, I can't let this information be exposed.
00:52:15It could be evidence of a murder.
00:52:17A murder?
00:52:19I decide which cases are investigated and which are not.
00:52:22I'm sorry, but no.
00:52:24As long as a case is pursued as a homicide,
00:52:27it's not a murder.
00:52:29You can't forbid me to investigate something
00:52:32that is full of manipulations and criminals
00:52:35who don't want to be discovered.
00:52:38Or do you want us to file a report
00:52:40because Mrs. San Jose ordered it?
00:52:49Be very careful with your attitude.
00:52:52You're turning into a pain in the ass.
00:52:56For whom?
00:52:57For you.
00:52:58Or for Mrs. San Jose?
00:53:01Does she want to see the investigation?
00:53:04If that's the case, tell her to come.
00:53:07I'll show her.
00:53:10Stop being so arrogant, Joaquin.
00:53:13Don't be so smart.
00:53:16You don't have a clue what you're getting yourself into.
00:53:21You're the boss.
00:53:22That's right.
00:53:23I can talk to the boss.
00:53:25I can tell them what's going on here.
00:53:32Stop being so stupid.
00:53:34Do you understand?
00:53:38Come in.
00:53:47My wife is in charge of this.
00:53:51It's my brother-in-law's list of friends.
00:53:55Do you know Shark?
00:54:00Well, I've seen him a few times,
00:54:03but I think he travels a lot.
00:54:22I'm so excited.
00:54:25The whole town is talking about the factory party.
00:54:28I can't wait to tell them that my uncle and my sister
00:54:32are the organizers.
00:54:34Tata, don't bring that up.
00:54:37Why not?
00:54:39Because Gabriela almost kicks my uncle and me out.
00:54:44We're the only ones who get the money.
00:54:46We have no right to say anything.
00:54:48If that's the case,
00:54:50it's your fault that Gabriela is like this.
00:54:53You know that.
00:54:55Of course.
00:54:56All I do is help.
00:54:57I go to the meetings, I accept their proposals,
00:54:59but no one wants to see that Gabriela is an unbearable woman.
00:55:02That's enough.
00:55:05Everything I do for the San Jose family bothers you.
00:55:08But, Uncle...
00:55:09But nothing.
00:55:10If you wanted to see me as a bad person, you've already done it.
00:55:13You're a bad person.
00:55:16If you wanted to see me as a bad person, you've already done it.
00:55:19Lucia, what's wrong with the food?
00:55:21It's missing the quesado.
00:55:22Do you want me to serve it?
00:55:25Lucia, are you deaf?
00:55:26No, Enrique.
00:55:27I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:55:36It can't be, it can't be.
00:55:40Not a single scream, not a single offense,
00:55:43and much less a single blow must be accepted.
00:55:46It will never be the right thing to do.
00:55:49And if that happens, there must be a stop.
00:55:54No one should get used to living that.
00:56:00No one.
00:56:10No, no, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:56:12I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:57:13The chance to see where I come from and who my family is.
00:57:18And with Tomas' help, you're going to think
00:57:21that we're all the worst.
00:57:26Especially me.
00:57:30You even dare to think that I killed my own daughter.
00:57:37I refuse to think that you had something to do with it.
00:57:42That would destroy me.
00:57:46But you can't deny that there's a murderer.
00:57:52We have to find out.
00:57:54I'm not going to get tired of screaming,
00:57:57the murderer is Jaime Jimenez.
00:58:03We don't know that.
00:58:05That's why we need to investigate.
00:58:08Do it, do it.
00:58:11But after the confrontation you're going to give yourself,
00:58:14you're going to come to the conclusion
00:58:16that I always told you the truth.
00:58:23And you're going to stay by my side
00:58:25like before Tomas appeared in your life.
00:58:28Or maybe it's the other way around.
00:58:31When I find the truth, I'm going to leave with Tomas.
00:58:36And you won't be able to avoid it.
00:59:02It's time for you to pay me what you owe me, don't you think?
00:59:05You and everything that's happening to me
00:59:07make me feel like I'm living a nightmare.
00:59:10I'm used to challenges.
00:59:12I don't believe in failure if you work hard.
00:59:14That's a lot of lack.
00:59:23I just heard that they stole all the investigation
00:59:26of Beatriz's case.
00:59:29It was you.
00:59:30What are you trying to do?
00:59:32Erase the fact that your father is my daughter's murderer?