• last year
I tried Aldi's flavoured mulled wine range and I absolutely loved one of the flavours.
00:00Hi I'm Holly Alden, a food and drink writer for National World and today I'm
00:04going to be taste testing three brand new flavoured mulled wines from Aldi. Now I
00:10absolutely love a mulled wine especially at this time of year. I love alcohol, I
00:15love a hot drink and it's just really Christmassy. However I've never tried a
00:20flavoured version before so I'm really interested in doing that today. Aldi of
00:25course does have an original mulled wine without any flavour which is priced at
00:29£2.79 per 75cl bottle. I've had that and it is delicious. Also if you're not an
00:36alcohol drinker Aldi also has an alcohol free version. I haven't tried that as I
00:41do love my alcohol but I think it's really interesting that they are
00:44catering to everyone this Christmas. But let's get into the flavoured versions. I'm
00:50really intrigued by these. Each of the three flavours are priced at £3.79
00:54per 75cl bottle which I think is excellent value for money. However what
01:00do they taste like? Let's find out. So here is the first bottle. This is the
01:05flavour Caramel Biscuit. Now I absolutely love caramel when it comes to coffee. I
01:11like a caramel latte, I like caramel chocolate but do I like a caramel mulled
01:16wine? I'm gonna pour myself a glass, warm it up in the microwave and see what it
01:21tastes like. I love the smell of a mulled wine, I love the sort of fruity notes but
01:26because this is Caramel Biscuit of course I'm getting caramel notes and for
01:30me it doesn't seem like something I'm going to enjoy the taste of. However I
01:34could be wrong so let's go in with a taste and see what I think.
01:46It's actually nicer than I expected. You can definitely taste the caramel notes
01:51it's very sweet and yeah I do like it. I wouldn't say it's a favourite. So far I'm
01:58still preferring the original mulled wine over this flavour but it isn't
02:03horrible. The smell is a little off-putting. I think what I don't like
02:07about the smell is that it reminds me a bit of perfume and I don't know why but
02:10the taste itself is quite nice. I think if you're a fan of caramel like me I
02:16wouldn't go in expecting to absolutely love this however it is quite enjoyable.
02:22I just don't know how much of this I could drink. Next up we have the
02:27gingerbread flavour. Now like caramel I love gingerbread but especially at this
02:32time of year and again like caramel I love a gingerbread latte, I love
02:36gingerbread tea but do I like a gingerbread mulled wine? I think I will
02:41but at the same time maybe not. What I like most about gingerbread is the
02:48cinnamon scents and flavour and on the bottle it does say that this has sort of
02:53traditional spices and flavour so hopefully I will get that. It might work
02:59better with the mulled wine than the caramel did but I'm gonna try it right
03:02now and see. I have warmed up myself a mug and I'm gonna go in and have a taste.
03:12That one makes more sense. To be honest I don't think it's all that different from
03:19the original mulled wine but you do have that little kick of spice. I think that
03:24this is a hundred percent better than the caramel one. It is something I would
03:28reach for more. I think as well with gingerbread it's such a Christmassy sort
03:33of flavour and as is mulled wine so putting the two together just make a lot
03:36of sense. It's not as prominent as I thought it would be but it is still
03:41quite a lovely drink and it's very sweet. And lastly we have the cranberry and
03:46clementine flavour. I saved this one till last as I'm most excited about this one.
03:50I know I like these flavours but it's not something I have tasted regularly and
03:57certainly not something I've tasted in a mulled wine. However I feel like these
04:01flavours do actually make the most sense. I think the spiciness and the
04:06citrusy-ness of these flavours with the mulled wine is going to taste exactly
04:10like Christmas and I'm hoping it tastes as good as it sounds. The notes of the
04:17citrus are really coming through on this one and it does complement the scent of
04:21the mulled wine really well so I do have high hopes for this.
04:28Wow that is the best one by far. It's a lot sweeter than the other two which is
04:35quite surprising actually because I thought caramel biscuit and gingerbread
04:37would be sweeter than cranberry and clementine but it's really sweet and
04:42it's really fruity and I think that's what I like best in a mulled wine.
04:45Although the other two certainly aren't bad, I think they're really nice, this one
04:50just hits different. It has a really prominent flavour. Like I say if you like
04:55a sweet mulled wine this is incredibly sweet yet not too overpowering because
04:59it's kind of refreshing with the citrus notes and yeah I think this is by far
05:05the best. If I had to pick between the three, if I had to rank them, I would put this at
05:10number one, gingerbread at number two and caramel biscuit at number three but
05:16overall I think that they're all really nice and if you're wanting something a
05:20little bit different this Christmas, something that'll maybe impress your
05:24guests a little bit, I would say that this range has been done quite well. I'm
05:28a big fan and I think that for the price as well, £3.79 per bottle you
05:34can't really go wrong so I would say it's another winner again from Aldi.
