(Adnkronos) - “Nei 47 anni della Luiss abbiamo visto innovazioni straordinarie, abbiamo visto cose che non conoscevamo come il telefonino, il personal computer e adesso l'AI rappresenta la nuova sfida che diventerà pervasiva” così Luigi Gubitosi, presidente della Luiss, in occasione della Cerimonia di Inaugurazione dell'Anno Accademico 2024-2025 dell'’Università Luiss Guido Carli.
00:00The human intelligence is obviously the basis, we always try to take the best students and
00:08the best professors.
00:09At this point, it is about making all two groups learn the new technologies, among
00:17these the AI is the most important challenge.
00:19If we think, in the 47 years of Lewis, we have seen extraordinary innovations, we have seen
00:23things that we did not know, like the telephone, the personal computer, and now the AI represents
00:29a new challenge that will become pervasive.
00:31The world is changing, our idea is to inspire the ideas of the future.