Hari Nugroho, Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi dan Energi Provinsi DKI Jakarta mewakili Pejabat Gubernur Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi mengatakan akan mempertimbangkan kebijakan Work From Home (WFH) bagi para pegawai baik swasta maupun pegawai negeri sipil Pemprov Jakarta bila terjadi banjir di hari kerja. Hal ini disampaikan Hari saat menggelar konferensi pers di Balairung Balaikota, Jakarta, pada Rabu malam.
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00:05We will give you the next information, Mr. Mayor.
00:06Besides Hari Nugroho, the head of the Jakarta DKI Employment Agency,
00:11the representative of the Jakarta Governor Office, Teguh Setia Budi,
00:14also said that he will consider the work from home policy
00:18for both private and civil workers,
00:21the Jakarta Provincial Government, if there is a flood on the working day.
00:25Yes, this was announced today
00:26during the Persian Conference in Balai Rung, Balai Kota, Jakarta on Wednesday night,
00:30while the Meteorological, Climatology, and Geophysics Department, or BMKG before,
00:34issued an extreme weather warning,
00:37in the form of a 20% increase in rainfall.
00:39This increase in rainfall will hit a number of areas
00:43during Christmas 2024 and the new year 2025, or Nataru.
00:48The Jakarta Provincial Government has carried out a three-day weather modification operation
00:52to anticipate floods in this rainy season.
00:56This weather modification operation will be carried out gradually until the beginning of 2025.
01:02Therefore, Hari said that the Jakarta DKI Governor Office
01:04will issue an emergency letter for the WFH
01:07to the employees if the peak of the rainy season causes floods
01:11to the offices, which are usually flooded areas.
01:18Yes, usually, it was said yesterday, Mr. Governor,
01:22that if there is a flood,
01:24we will issue an emergency letter,
01:29just like during the COVID-19 pandemic.
01:31We will issue an emergency letter to the offices,
01:33which are usually flooded areas.
01:36We usually issue an emergency letter
01:38so that the employees and employees will be clear.