• last year
Tres jóvenes, al menos dos de ellos extranjeros, fueron presuntamente drogados y robados tras conocer a unas mujeres en una discoteca en Palermo. Los afectados no recuerdan los hechos con claridad y se cuestiona si la sustancia utilizada podría haber puesto en riesgo sus vidas. La policía está investigando el caso.


00:00The victim has to go to her apartment, that's why we need to come here quickly.
00:06Excellent, thank you David.
00:07What is the last thing you remember?
00:09We met her outside the hospital.
00:14We were drinking until there, well.
00:19And at some point in the night, boom, we got drunk.
00:24We didn't remember anything else.
00:26At some point in the night, how long did you spend with them in the apartment?
00:30Did you spend a lot of time with them? 5 minutes? 10 minutes?
00:33Did you give them time to put something in the glass?
00:36No, 10 minutes.
00:39I don't know, maybe it was something.
00:42But always with us.
00:44You never leave them with the glasses dry, do you?
00:48But they were always with you?
00:51Were they aware of this situation?
00:53Did you do something or were you just drunk?
00:56Did you lose consciousness and she did what she wanted?
00:59The three of us at the same time.
01:00That's weird.
01:01I don't think so.
01:04Gaby, one of them ended up lying on a corridor, on a staircase.
01:09Now, you are just coming from the hospital.
01:12What did the doctors tell you? How is your health?
01:15Did you do any studies?
01:17Only alcohol.
01:18Only alcohol in the blood.
01:20No substance.
01:21What do you have to do? What did they tell you?
01:24First, see if they robbed us.
01:26That's the most probable thing to do.
01:28If they robbed us, do something.
01:30You still don't know if they took money or cell phones.
01:33What did they take?
01:35They are just coming back.
01:37This was at dawn today?
01:40Once we see if they robbed us, report it.
01:47We have to go to the police and say they robbed us.
01:50They met you at the Boliche.
01:51How did they get here?
01:52In a rental car? In a taxi?
01:54No, they walked from Boliche to Cala Vuelta.
01:56They walked from Boliche to Cala Vuelta.
01:58Burundanga, right?
01:59They offered to come to the department.
02:03They resisted.
02:04They had to insist a lot.
02:06I ask you this because maybe they were looking for victims like you to rob them.
02:11It's normal.
02:13They offered us for free, but it didn't work.
02:17Obviously, they hesitated.
02:19But in the end, they said, well, let's go.
02:22And you, unconscious, how did you get out of the department?
02:25I have no idea.
02:28One of them appeared in the corridors.
02:30You don't know if they took a key or anything?
02:33I don't remember going down.
02:35There were two of you in the department and another friend, a third friend.
02:39And that third friend, where is he now?
02:41I don't know.
02:42If he feels under the effects of the substance...
02:43You don't know.
02:44At least with you in the hospital, they weren't there.
02:46They weren't in the hospital.
02:47We don't have...
02:48He's upstairs, right?
02:49He's upstairs.
02:50That he's better now.
02:51That he's upstairs, at least.
02:52Because you came as if you were babbling.
02:54You are still very weak, obviously.
02:56You have to rest.
02:59Look how they got, right?
03:00And you still don't know what they stole from you.
03:01That's why you have to go make the report.
03:03If it's that, they find out that they stole something from you.
03:05Watches and...
03:07Ah, they took the watches for sure.
03:10They are here studying, they are tourists.
03:12You live here in the city of Buenos Aires.
03:16How long have you been in Buenos Aires?
03:18Five days.
03:19Five days.
03:20And this was the first time you went out in a boliche or you had already done it before?
03:23No, we had already gone out.
03:24This was the first time that happened to us.
03:26The boy is completely doped, huh?
03:2824 hours.
03:29The effect of the burundanga still lasts, obviously, what they have put on him.
03:33They do this to us too.
03:36And the doctors told you that now you have to rest, nothing more?
03:40What is your name?
03:41In case your family is watching us from abroad, our channel is also seen in Peru.
03:46I hope not.
03:48My name is Margot.
03:50Well, yours?
03:51Mine is what?
03:52Your name?
03:56Do you want to say something to your family, to reassure them that you are well, if they are watching us?
03:59No, I'll tell them later.
04:02You still couldn't communicate with anyone?
04:06How did you get here?
04:07Because they came walking from the hospital.
04:09That is, the doctors gave him the shot and they came walking.
04:13The hospital, Fernández, up to here, has a few blocks.
04:1548 hours.
04:16Of course.
04:19One of them hadn't seen him well, right?
04:20Go up and see what's missing and see what can be done.
04:27Imagine if he were to be like this after the doctor.
04:29They have taken blood from them.
04:30Surely they did studies to see if they put something in the glass of alcohol, right?
04:36Because the studies should not be there yet.
04:40Let's see.
04:41They told us that we are clean and that it is only alcohol.
04:44That's what the doctors said, that it would only be alcohol.
04:46And how did you lose consciousness?
04:48Because I imagine it is not so easy to lose consciousness.
04:51I don't remember, I have no idea.
04:55It has to be sustained, look.
04:56Poor, he looks bad.
04:57This is not alcohol.
04:58You can see the substances that are used, in addition to some narcotics, right?
05:02To put them to sleep.
05:03There it is going down.
05:05Surely there is...
05:06Do you have any friends here in the department?
05:08Do you know if there is a friend?
05:09Yes, of course.
05:11But we have to call them down here.
05:13We don't have the keys.
05:14How long are they going to stay here in the city of Buenos Aires?
05:16Until Thursday, Friday.
05:19Do they already have a return ticket?
05:20Of course.
05:21We have to see if they have the documentation, right?
05:23If they are among the stolen ones.
05:24How are they going to do it?
05:25Because if they stole the money, now how are they going to do it?
05:27One more difficulty still.
05:29That's what we want to see.
05:30How much do we have?
05:31How much have they stolen?
05:33If you had the opportunity to see those women today, can you recognize them?
05:37Yes, of course.
05:39If you see them today, you have them in front of you, can you recognize them clearly?
05:45Are you going to ask for the cameras to see if you can see them?
05:47Look, brother, the truth is that right now I just want to sleep.
05:50Look, this is not alcohol.
05:52This is not alcohol.
05:53I'm going to sleep.
05:56Well, well, Gaby.
05:57Let me sleep.
05:58It's very good, it's very good.
05:59Well, let's leave the boys because they have to rest.
06:03It's the first time.
06:05Because we are facing two victims, Pablo.
06:07Yes, it's the first time.
06:08Two victims of the black widows.
06:09It's the first time, and I want to congratulate you for this, because it's the first time
06:13that two victims simultaneously of black widows speak immediately after the attack.
06:19We are seeing the effects of this substance that does not appear evidently in the first dosage.
06:25Yes, of course.
06:26But Claudio tells us that it takes 48 hours for the residual effects to disappear.
06:30Yes, of course, Pablo.
06:31Look how they are.
06:32Of course.
06:33This is not alcohol.
06:34Look how these boys are.
06:35I saw them coming here, walking.
06:38I asked them if they were them.
06:40I asked them to see if we could speak two words.
06:43Two words were left.
06:44They spoke generously with us, exclusively.
06:46They are really very bad.
06:48The doctors told them that they have to rest.
06:50But as they themselves told us, it would be alcohol only.
06:54We'll have to see.
06:55Let me doubt.
06:56Let's see, Claudio Greco.
06:57Claudio Greco, who is with us.
06:59We'll have to see.
07:01Let's see, tell me, Claudio, what do you think when you see this situation?
07:04Well, what we are seeing is the typical drug that black widows use, called Burundanga,
07:09but in reality it is Escapolamina.
07:13It is taken from a plant, from several plants, but above all from Madragora.
07:17It is an alkaloid that has an effect.
07:21Here we are seeing it.
07:22These people are in a syndrome of immunodepression.
07:26What does this mean?
07:27That they are with all their sensory system, the peripheral nervous system,
07:31cardiorespiratory, low.
07:33They are low.
07:35That is why deaths due to cardiorespiratory arrest, both in Escapolamina and Fentanyl.
07:42How is it that this substance does not appear in the dosage when the review is done?
07:46Because it is a substance that is quickly eliminated by urine, by perspiration.
07:51It also appears in powder, right?
07:52Yes, also.
07:53What I say is that it is extremely dangerous because not only is the consciousness lost,
07:58but they are usually mixed, for example, with ketamine or other drugs.
08:04And what we have just seen is the result of any synthetic or semi-synthetic drug
08:10with a syndrome of immunodepression, sensory and motor.
08:14Very good.
08:15Very dangerous.
08:16Gaby, I come back to you and I come back to tell you congratulations because here you go.
08:20For the first time, at least as far as I remember, you have shown two black widow victims
08:26still with the effects of the substance, so that people understand what it is about.
08:30And you were able to have them hand in hand.
08:32We just saw the colleagues who also tried, but well, they no longer give.
08:36Very good, Gaby. Very good. Congratulations.
08:38No more. But they didn't give more when I saw them arrive, Pablo.
08:42Yes, of course, of course.
08:43That's why it immediately seemed to me that they could be the victims.
08:46Of course.
08:47Because they arrived walking, obviously with a bandage, a bandage on the arm.
08:52Eloquently, that had to do with blood extraction.
08:57They came almost gone.
08:59Of course.
09:00Shaking, with the sun embracing what is in these moments here.
09:04They arrived at the hall, at the entrance of the building.
09:08I started chatting with them as I could and I asked them if we could have two words with us.
09:14They did it generously.
09:15In fact, you notice that they were with us for a long time, but obviously they have to rest.
09:19Yes, of course, of course.
09:20These guys are not at their best.
09:21Let's see, let's go to ...
09:22They couldn't even make a complaint, an argument in their house.
09:25Of course.
09:26Let's recap, because we just went live when we were explaining what had happened
09:30and we met the victims directly.
09:32Here are three guys, at least two are foreigners, who are going to dance to a boliche very close,
09:39called Kika, is that right?
09:43They said the boliche was around here.
09:47We will have to determine which boliche it is.
09:49Well, we don't know then what boliche it is.
09:50Because they said they were around here.
09:52But they may have lost their total awareness at this time of the distances, the time,
09:58because we saw how they barely tried to reason when they answered us.
10:04But yes, a boliche here in the area.
10:06We are in Palermo, we are in Darragueira and Paraguay Street.
10:11At the time they arrived, after three in the morning approximately, there is no one here.
10:17This is a very quiet neighborhood because we are not in a boliche area here.
10:21It is an area, as you can see, more commercial than Palermo.
10:25We are about three blocks from the entrance of the Botanical Garden,
10:29so that you can get an idea of ​​Santa Fe Avenue.
10:32This is not such a boliche area, but a more commercial area.
10:35And in this building there are several departments that are rented via the internet options for tourists.
10:43They are rented day by day.
10:44It was precisely the case of these guys, they themselves confirmed it to us.
10:47There are three, Gaby.
10:48They are going back to Peru on Friday.
10:50There are three.
10:52One of them appears in a corridor.
10:53Two went to the hospital.
10:54They did not know where the third was.
10:56Of course, look.
10:57They did not know where the third was.
10:58Let's go to the corridor.
10:59Go ahead.
11:01Because a friend, a fourth friend, who was with them at night, came in the morning, today.
11:06He enters the apartment and is found, before entering the apartment,
11:10on a ladder that leads to the apartment, to one of his friends,
11:13lying on the ladder and with a wound on his face.
11:17When he entered the apartment, he found the other two young people,
11:23who would be the ones who were with us just chatting.
11:27Now, why do I tell you about the ladder?
11:29A neighbor of the apartment opposite, yes?
11:33Around three and a half in the morning, approximately,
11:36lives on a sixth floor here, practically in the last apartment.
11:42And as it gives practically to what is the balcony of the building in front,
11:47he heard screams.
11:48He heard screams here and made the complaint to the police.
11:51It may have to do, precisely, those screams that the lady heard,
11:55with some fight that some of these women or the three,
12:00with that young man who appeared on the ladder,
12:02with a wound on his face.
12:05That's how his friend found him.
12:07It most likely has to do with that.
12:09The lady made the complaint, a patrolman passed by here,
12:12he didn't see anything.
12:13Evidently, the women had already managed to withdraw,
12:17and the thing continued its course, with no more news.
12:20Until in the morning, this friend came, also from Peruvian nationality,
12:24and found the other three young people in this situation.
12:28The women, nothing is known.
12:31There are security cameras, both from this newspaper kiosk,
12:34and from the cafeteria,
12:36that are being analyzed at the moment by the investigators,
12:40to see if the moment is detected,
12:43in which the three women left,
12:45and to be able, in that way, to identify them.
12:48But that is a matter of analysis at the moment.
12:51Gaby, it is not by chance, it is not by chance,
12:53that there are foreign boys, those who are Big Macs.
12:56They look for us, they look for us.
12:57They look for us especially, right?
12:59Let's see, one of the things that fascinates and attracts
13:02from a beautiful city like Buenos Aires,
13:04is also its nightlife.
13:06You go to other places in the world,
13:08important cities, that you go,
13:10and at 10, 12 at night, everything is cut off.
13:12Sometimes you don't find, in important cities,
13:14a place where there is entertainment, entertainment.
13:17Here there is a lot of nightlife,
13:19and this attracts a lot of tourists.
13:21And the Black Widows know it.
13:23There are some embassies or consulates,
13:25for example, the one in the United States,
13:27that has issued recommendations alerts,
13:30especially for tourists.
13:32Men who visit the city of Buenos Aires,
13:35because of this issue, because of the attack of the Black Widows,
13:37with which they become sometimes,
13:39because in this case we are talking about all Peruvian boys,
13:42very vulnerable to this type of attack.
13:47Yes, yes, just like that.
13:48In fact, while we were doing the information search in the neighborhood,
13:55asking in the shops in the area,
13:58before leaving for A24,
14:01a boy told me, here in front of the bakery,
14:05that a couple of weeks ago,
14:07to a friend of his, here in La Vuelta,
14:09the same thing happened to him.
14:11A girl he met in a shop,
14:13took her to his apartment,
14:15when he woke up,
14:17he had stolen everything from her,
14:19and he doesn't know what he put in her glass of alcohol,
14:23to put her to sleep and steal everything from her.
14:25It happened a few weeks ago.
14:27Another shopper from here also told us,
14:29a year ago, a Chinese citizen, a tourist,
14:33more or less half a block from here,
14:36very close to where we are,
14:38suffered the attack of a Black Widow.
14:40That is, these events take place right here,
14:44because it is an area of a lot of tourism,
14:46and a lot of rent, day by day,
14:48through these pages that they offer,
14:51apartments for rent, day by day,
14:53for any tourist who comes to the city of Buenos Aires.
14:55And since it is an area of a lot of boliche,
14:57in Derredor, ten blocks around here,
15:00we have a lot of boliche, confiterias, bars, etc.
15:03Well, that's where the place is fertile,
15:06for these women to act,
15:08who are looking for their victims.
15:10And that's why I asked these guys,
15:12if the women had taken a long time
15:14to say yes to coming here,
15:16or had they acceded immediately,
15:18because they were already within their plan for the night.
15:21Claudio, tell me a little more,
15:23how does this substance work?
15:25We hear it many times,
15:27vulgarly it is known as Burundanga,
15:29but it is...
15:30It is copolamine.
15:32In Colombia it is also known as
15:35banana cocoa.
15:37This product, I ask you,
15:39for example, you can walk,
15:41for example, but without understanding
15:43that you are walking, it takes away your will,
15:45what does it do?
15:47Burundanga is an alkaloid,
15:49it inhibits temporal-spatial perception,
15:53but it also inhibits the ability to feel,
15:55to reason and to think.
15:57You enter a kind of chemical drunkenness,
16:02and there is a loss of knowledge
16:04that many times is fatal.
16:06And the dangerous thing about this,
16:08I was just thinking,
16:10while listening to the report,
16:12what is the limit,
16:14because we are going to have a death
16:16soon at this rate.
16:18Because two milligrams,
16:20two milligrams of Burundanga
16:22are exactly 12 grains of coarse salt.
16:26Who can measure?
16:28None of those who intoxicate
16:30and drugs to steal,
16:32measure and have the chemical knowledge
16:34to give it.
16:36So, what do you have to do?
16:38Quickly, in cases of acute intoxication,
16:41Fernández Hospital,
16:43Toxicology Service.
16:45There is Dr. Damiray.
16:47And now his director.
16:48The director of the hospital.
16:49He is one of the most important
16:50psychologists of the city of Buenos Aires,
16:51of the country.
16:52There we are seeing him.
16:53Look how the guys are.
16:54I was very impressed, Gaby,
16:55of the two boys,
16:56particularly the one in lighter shirt,
16:58because in his speech, in his gaze,
17:00while he was trying to talk to you
17:03very politely,
17:04his hand passed over his head.
17:06He could keep his eyes open.
17:07He tried to hold on
17:08with one of his two arms
17:10on the marble of the wall.
17:12The other had it easier
17:13because his back was already against the wall.
17:15I was very impressed
17:16that he could hardly stand up.
17:21No, the same way Gaby impressed me
17:23when I saw them walking towards here.
17:25First, I was surprised that two people,
17:28no matter how young they are,
17:30in their state,
17:31were walking towards their department
17:34after coming from the hospital.
17:36Because also,
17:37while he was previously talking
17:39with neighbors and merchants of the area,
17:41who were witnesses of the operation
17:43that took place here
17:44around 8 or 8.30 a.m. approximately,
17:46with five ambulances,
17:48the boys were taken out unconscious,
17:51without any kind of reaction,
17:53with their bodies really inert.
17:55So, let's imagine,
17:57let's imagine the state
17:58in which these boys were really,
18:00that they had just begun to return to themselves
18:03and in that way they gave him the high-five
18:04and returned home.
18:05With the medical prescription of what?
18:07To rest first,
18:08to sleep as much as possible,
18:10and then we'll see
18:11if they can file a police report
18:13regarding what they have stolen.
18:14What value does the exclusive testimony
18:16that Gabriel Prospi just obtained
18:17a few minutes ago have?
18:18Gabriel Prospi,
18:19in the opening of our program
18:20with the two boys.
18:21We have that screen
18:22from the image
18:23and it really is moving.
18:24I'm left with something
18:25that Claudio Greco just said
18:26about the risk that
18:27this is going to end
18:28at some point with someone dead.
18:30Because a question is handled
18:31in the medical field,
18:32the scopolamine,
18:33which I understand
18:34that some use it
18:35even less and less,
18:36but to avoid vomiting
18:37or some unwanted consequences
18:39in surgeries
18:40or in some areas.
18:41And another is given
18:42by a girl
18:43in the middle of the night
18:44in an alcoholic drink.
18:45There, no one knows
18:46the dose
18:47or the specific weight
18:48of the person who receives it.
18:49And it is even unknown
18:50if they do not have
18:51a previous injury.
18:52Because any of these boys
18:53who have a previous heart problem
18:54can kill him.
18:55So here what I want to hear,
18:56I don't know if I put it
18:57in a commitment to Fito,
18:58our legal man
18:59in this program,
19:00is that here it will
19:01simply end
19:02with a theft.
19:03It is a robbery
19:04because even though
19:05there is no weapon,
19:06there is an element
19:07that can impact
19:08on the health
19:09of the people.
19:10There is an attempt
19:11of homicide
19:12covered up
19:13because then
19:14this ends
19:15nothing more.
19:17what was missing?
19:18The wallet,
19:19the documents,
19:20come the consulate,
19:21help them
19:22to return to Peru.
19:23It ends sometimes
19:24as a simple theft.
19:25And I think
19:26that here
19:27there is violence too.
19:28Yes, without a doubt.
19:29Let's see,
19:30the attempt
19:31of homicide
19:33along the thin
19:34thick line.
19:35We are going to
19:36talk about
19:37this time
19:38of criminal inflation.
19:39Because they do not
19:40intend to kill
19:41but to sleep.
19:42And also
19:43that you would have
19:44to talk about
19:45eventual pain
19:46and a whole lot
19:47of things
19:48that in these
19:49times of criminal
19:51of justice,
19:52I like to say
19:53have a sharp hand.
19:54Very good.
19:55Let's take the
19:56case in particular.
19:57If you know
19:58that the dose
19:59you are giving
20:00puts your life
20:01at risk,
20:02because there are
20:03doses and doses,
20:04but it is theft,
20:05I have no doubt.
20:06Of course.
20:07Because violence
20:08I don't like it.
20:09But how much does it affect you?
20:10Let's see,
20:11I ask you,
20:12there is also
20:13Ximena Damasco with us,
20:14I thank you,
20:16Hugo Carribero,
20:17while he grabbed
20:18this situation
20:19with exclusive information
20:20that Gaby Prospery
20:21is bringing us.
20:22I say,
20:23they grab these three,
20:24they grab them,
20:25after seeing
20:26how they left
20:27these three boys,
20:28these three foreigners,
20:29they stole everything,
20:30put it,
20:31what happens to them,
20:32with these women,
20:33with the three?
20:34If it comes out
20:35to the press,
20:36they are going to
20:37leave them in prison
20:38for a long time.
20:39Because the judges,
20:40I'm already tired
20:41of saying the same thing.
20:42The judges work
20:43under media pressure
20:44and a world like this
20:45does not work.
20:47We can't,
20:48our country
20:49has to change.
20:50Let's see,
20:51is the fact serious?
20:52Yes, it is serious.
20:53Can we attest
20:54and fill
20:55our prisons
20:56with these people?
20:57But I tell you,
20:59I don't think so.
21:01you have to put them
21:02in the judicial system,
21:03do a follow-up,
21:04if they re-incide,
21:05you are aggravating
21:06and so on,
21:07because the progression
21:08in the sentence,
21:09in the criminal process,
21:10if not,
21:11everything is a crime,
21:12I don't say it for you,
21:13I say it sometimes
21:14because we
21:16the pain of the victim
21:17and when you
21:19the pain of the victim,
21:20there is no
21:21legal reasoning.
21:22I understand,
21:23but let's go
21:24to objectivity,
21:25let's go to objectivity.
21:26These people,
21:27these three women,
21:28they grab,
21:29they sleep.
21:30How impressive,
21:32while we are talking
21:33about this,
21:34about Prosperi on our
21:35cell phone,
21:36this guy
21:37is on TV.
21:38We have never seen him,
21:39we have never seen him.
21:40That's why I say,
21:41it's the first time
21:42on TV
21:43that Gabriel Prosperi
21:44has just obtained
21:45the first exclusive note.
21:46It's the first time
21:47after so many years
21:48that we're talking about this,
21:49where you see directly
21:50at the point
21:51of fainting
21:52to the victims
21:53of this product
21:54and this activity,
21:57And here,
21:58I presume,
21:59that we still
22:00lack the guy
22:01They didn't even wake up, because here we still have them, they went to the hospital, they have seen him, I don't know how long they will take, imagine when you wake up, Pablo, you don't know when it's never, the famous, when it's never, that you don't know when it is, when these guys have woken up.
22:18There is also a loss of memory as an effect, in addition to the loss of consciousness at the moment.
22:22There is a loss of memory?
22:23Two things.
22:24I heard it, sorry, no, I have referred to some cases of women to whom burundanga or escopolamina has been applied, if that were the case, in cases of abuse, they even said not to remember where they had been, what had happened in the short term.
22:40Yes, yes, both ketamine, which is the mother drug of rapes and abuses.
22:46Let's see, what is the process of memory at the neurocognitive level?
22:50Memory is not an act of reflection, memory is a voluntary act, where the frontal lobe goes to search the hippocampus for memories that are evocable and emotional.
22:59And it brings them.
23:00And it brings them.
23:01It makes the journey of going to look for them, it brings them.
23:03This is what we call neuroplasticity and neurocognitive work.
23:06When the frontal lobe is disabled, there is an inability to remember.
23:12On the one hand.
23:13And on the other hand, I want to say something that is extremely important.
23:16There is no recreational consumption.
23:18What we have just seen is what we see.
23:20Forty years ago, those of us who worked in rehabilitation of addictions, in rehabilitation centers, people came to ask for help.
23:27But this is a different substance than the ones that are usually known for recreational use, right?
23:32Yes, yes, but what am I going to do? The brain does not recognize subjectivity.
23:36No, no, okay.
23:37It is what we always say.
23:38They can call you, outside they can call you whatever they want.
23:40Self-perceiving dolphin, if you want.
23:42But actually, or fried potato, as I have seen.
23:44Now, actually, do you know what is problematic?
23:48The deaths caused by synthetic drugs at electronic parties.
23:53Something that Bobby was saying.
23:54We do not know what the pre-existing pathology is.
23:57Of course.
23:58A person with an MDMA pill can get excited.
24:01A person who has a myocardial pathology can get a heart attack.
24:06In fact, we told you the other day about pink drugs.
24:08We did a special about pink drugs, which is also a real mystery, because you don't know what they have there.
24:15And in reality, practically all the drugs that are going around, you don't know what they contain.
24:19And that's why there are people who work with damage reduction, checking.
24:22Gaby, let's go back to the man of the news today, for me.
24:25Because you took...
24:27World champion.
24:28And because it is important to be able to see what happens immediately after.
24:33Let me go to the shade.
24:34Poor thing, we have him under the sun with 30 degrees, Gaby.
24:38The sun is angry.
24:39The sun is very angry.
24:40The sun is very angry.
24:41What aggravated the picture of these boys too, right?
24:45Let's imagine that they are totally dehydrated.
24:48Obviously, surely they have laid the ground, they have attended it as it should.
24:51The head of toxicology at the Fernández Hospital is Carlos Damin.
24:54A man who has spoken many times with us and who has a lot of experience in the matter.
25:00Both in what has to do with alcoholism and drug addiction.
25:05And the cocktails that unfortunately also tend to take many boys to intensive care during the weekends.
25:11What I mean is that this distance that they came as they could and with the last reserves that were left in the tank of forces to these boys.
25:20Plus the sun hugger of this moment.
25:22Well, I really give you a lot of value and I appreciate the generosity they have had to be these five minutes that they could chat with us.
25:30At least to clarify the situation.
25:31And very important this fact that one of the young people gave us.
25:34If you have the three young people in front of you, you can recognize them.
25:38And that is very important so that the cause continues.
25:41That is, if those women appear now, they have not lost as much consciousness as to erase them immediately from their memory.
25:48No, they said.
25:49Can you recognize them?
25:50I asked them.
25:51They said yes.
25:52We can recognize them if they appear in front of us.
25:55If they are registered in these security cameras that I just showed you.
25:58Surely this will continue legally, there is no doubt.
26:01Gaby, I don't know if I'm under the effect of scopolamine, but I want to consult you.
26:06If behind you is urban art, is a graffiti or is there any mark on the building?
26:13Did it seem to me at some point or not?
26:16Let's see, because it seemed to me to see in the middle of some note, some mark on the wall.
26:20There it is.
26:21There is a mark on the wall.
26:22That must be graffiti.
26:23That is urban art, graffiti.
26:26Yes, it is graffiti.
26:28Yes, exactly.
26:29There are several of them too.
26:31On the newspaper kiosk too.
26:33There too.
26:35There are several graffiti.
26:36Yes, yes, exactly.
26:38Well, no, no.
26:39Because sometimes there are.
26:40Obviously they should not make the merchants very happy, right?
26:42Sometimes it is urban myth, sometimes it is not.
26:44There are marked houses.
26:45Well, no.
26:46It's just.
26:47Very good.
26:48Let's say urban art in quotes.
26:49No, no, no.
26:51Because for the frontman it should not be pleasant.
26:52But hey.
26:53Excellent work, Gaby.
26:55Congratulations again.
26:57It will be interesting later if you can get in touch with them again, without being invasive.
27:00In 12 hours, when they wake up again.
27:02But no.
27:03For this, another.
27:04They are foreigners.
27:05And if they took their wallets, they took their documentation.
27:06I already tell you, the least is the money.
27:08The issue is the documentation.
27:11It's impressive.
27:12Gaby, thank you.
27:13I was just moving.
27:14If you can make the police report, that will also facilitate the possibility of traveling.
27:21Without documentation, they will not be able to travel.
27:23Let's hope they have left you the passport, at least.
27:25Very good.
