• last year
(Adnkronos) - Gemmato: “Le società scientifiche, raggruppate nella FISM, forniscono stimolo, supporto e collaborazione al Sistema Sanitario Nazionale. Oggi si parla di prevenzione, di nuovi modelli organizzativi e di come migliorare un apparato vecchio di 46 anni: un contesto che ha bisogno di essere rivisto, e i professionisti, assieme al Governo, spingono in questa direzione”. Così l’On. Marcello Gemmato, Sottosegretario di Stato alla Salute, in occasione della quarta tappa degli Stati Generali FISM, la Federazione delle Società Medico-Scientifiche italiane che ha celebrato a Roma il quarantesimo anniversario.


00:00Let's emphasize the importance of scientific societies.
00:07The FISM, the Medical Scientific Society, basically brings them all together.
00:14They have an action of encouragement, support and collaboration with the national public health system.
00:21For this reason, I would like to thank the professionals,
00:23thanks to Prof. Tino Gesualdo,
00:26an idea of health that evidently sees in this great battle
00:32to defend the universalism of our national public health system
00:36all the players convinced and present in a battle for the defense of the fourth national public health system.
00:46Today we will talk about this, we will talk about prevention,
00:49we will talk about how health professionals can help to improve the performance of the national public health system
00:58starting from an assumption that together with new funding,
01:02and this government is further financing the national health fund,
01:07there is a need for new organizational models.
01:09In these organizational models, health professionals are obviously the primary subjects,
01:14the authentic interpreters of a renewal of a 46-year-old health system
01:20that needs a revisitation and health professionals, together with us, are pushing in this direction.
