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Stasiun berita ekonomi bisnis dan pasar modal IDX Channel sukses menggelar IDX Channel Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia (ICAII) 2024 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada Rabu (11/12/2024).

Terdapat 27 perusahaan yang mendapat apresiasi sebagai perusahaan paling inovatif pada tahun ini. Masing-masing penghargaan dibagi menjadi empat kategori, melipui kategori Internal, Eksternal, Sustainability, serta Produk dan Model Bisnis. Dari empat kategori tersebut, masing-masing terbagi lagi menjadi 11 penghargaan utama, 9 penghargaan khusus, 7 penghargaan apresisasi.

Mengusung tema ‘Leading Innovation Through Business Modelling for Sustainable Future’, penghargaan ini diharapkan dapat mendukung keberlanjutan bisnis, sekaligus berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.


00:01:36You came
00:01:38When I fell asleep
00:01:41And fell
00:01:44In the steps that destroyed
00:01:47My dark life
00:01:50And almost, almost
00:01:52I can't take a step again
00:01:56You came
00:01:58Like a flood
00:02:00Flooding my way
00:02:04You show me the way
00:02:07Where should I go now
00:02:11So I won't be lost again
00:02:15Like before
00:02:18With your shadow, my love
00:02:23I will be saved from
00:02:27Dreams, dreams
00:02:29From the same life
00:02:32And comfort me
00:02:35I will go
00:02:38To wherever it is
00:02:42Today, today
00:02:47I try to stand up
00:02:50And take another step
00:02:53If tomorrow the light of the sun
00:02:56Will shine again
00:02:59I will go
00:03:02With your shadow, my love
00:03:16With your shadow, my love
00:03:20I will be saved from
00:03:24Dreams, dreams
00:03:26From the same life
00:03:29And comfort me
00:03:32I will go
00:03:35To wherever it is
00:03:39Today, today
00:03:44I try to stand up
00:03:47And take another step
00:03:50If tomorrow the light of the sun
00:03:53Will shine again
00:03:56I will go
00:03:59To wherever it is
00:04:07Wherever it is
00:04:11Wherever it is
00:04:26Thank you very much
00:04:27Let's welcome
00:04:41Even though the night is dark
00:04:43There is no star
00:04:45Even if I'm tired
00:04:48I will keep going
00:04:50Swaying like this
00:04:52All alone
00:04:54Lose the feeling
00:04:56Close to you
00:04:59I will be in the air
00:05:03In your heart
00:05:06Even though the night is dark
00:05:08I will be in the air
00:05:32I will be in the air
00:05:35Even though the night is dark
00:05:37I will be in the air
00:05:41In your heart
00:05:44Even though the night is dark
00:05:46I will be in the air
00:05:50Even though the night is dark
00:05:52There is no star
00:05:54Even if I'm tired
00:05:57I will keep going
00:05:59Swaying like this
00:06:01All alone
00:06:03Lose the feeling
00:06:05Close to you
00:06:08I will be in the air
00:06:12In your heart
00:06:15Even though the night is dark
00:06:17There is no star
00:06:19Even if I'm tired
00:06:22I will be in the air
00:06:24Swaying like this
00:06:26All alone
00:06:28Lose the feeling
00:06:31Close to you
00:06:34I will be in the air
00:06:38In your heart
00:06:41Even though the night is dark
00:06:43There is no star
00:06:45Even if I'm tired
00:06:47I will keep going
00:06:50Swaying like this
00:06:52All alone
00:06:54Lose the feeling
00:06:56Close to you
00:06:59I will be in the air
00:07:04In your heart
00:07:06Even though the night is dark
00:07:13In your heart
00:07:15Even though the night is dark
00:07:17There is no star
00:07:26This is Nuka
00:07:34This is Nuka
00:07:45I wish I could
00:07:49Be like what you want
00:07:53I become a star
00:07:57You are my enchanting love
00:08:01I don't care if
00:08:05Heaven and hell never exist
00:08:09The important thing is that you exist
00:08:13Even though there is no star
00:08:19Why does the universe
00:08:22Discuss about us
00:08:33My love for you
00:08:36I hope there is no
00:08:38Dream of heaven
00:08:41My dream is not
00:08:44An ordinary class
00:08:46It's boring and boring
00:08:50What I want you to be
00:08:54Even though you are not here
00:08:58I like you
00:09:29My love for you
00:09:34I hope there is no
00:09:37Dream of heaven
00:09:40My dream is not
00:09:43An ordinary class
00:09:45It's boring and boring
00:09:49What I want you to be
00:09:53Even though you are not here
00:09:57I like you
00:10:04My love for you
00:10:07I hope there is no
00:10:10Dream of heaven
00:10:13My dream is not
00:10:15An ordinary class
00:10:18It's boring and boring
00:10:21What I want you to be
00:10:26Even though you are not here
00:10:30I like you
00:10:56Hello Indonesia!
00:11:00How are you, Wiki?
00:11:01How are you, Pisa?
00:11:02A big round of applause for my two amazing friends, Nuka and Wina!
00:11:07I hope all of us who are here tonight are in good health
00:11:10And of course, the audience wherever you are
00:11:12I'm so happy to be here with you
00:11:14Thank you so much
00:11:15Thank you so much
00:11:16Thank you so much
00:11:17Thank you so much
00:11:18Thank you so much
00:11:19Thank you so much
00:11:20Thank you so much
00:11:21Thank you so much
00:11:22Thank you so much
00:11:23The audience wherever you are
00:11:24I'm so happy!
00:11:25I'm Prisa Sompodatu
00:11:27And I'm Wiki Adrian
00:11:28Yes, we are here tonight
00:11:31In our special program
00:11:33IDX Channel, Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:11:39Can I ask for the biggest applause?
00:11:41One more time, if you can
00:11:43One more time, if you can
00:11:45Thank you
00:11:46I give you all the applause for your spirit
00:11:49And tonight
00:11:50Of course, we will witness the innovation products
00:11:53Produced by innovative companies
00:11:56Who have participated in the IDX Channel
00:11:59Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:12:01Which this time raises the theme
00:12:03Leading Innovation through Dynamic Business Modeling
00:12:06For Sustainable Future
00:12:08Innovative companies will receive awards
00:12:11In various classifications
00:12:13Among them, appreciation awards
00:12:16Special awards and main awards
00:12:18And of course
00:12:19In the categories
00:12:21There are several categories
00:12:23Which are accepted by the awardee
00:12:25Among them, the Sustainability category
00:12:27Product and Business Model
00:12:29External Relationship
00:12:31And Internal Process
00:12:33That's right
00:12:34A big round of applause for Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:12:37And on this occasion
00:12:39Allow us to welcome the guests
00:12:41Who are here on this occasion
00:12:43Respected guests
00:12:44Who have been given the opportunity
00:12:46We also want to welcome
00:12:47CEO of IDX Channel, Mr. Masirom
00:12:49How are you?
00:12:50Mr. Masirom, thank you for being here
00:12:52Then there is also
00:12:54Head of Sales and Marketing IDX Channel
00:12:56Mrs. Rina Ritsen
00:12:58Good evening, Mrs
00:13:00Okay, we also want to say
00:13:02Welcome and thank you for being here
00:13:04To the Director of Infrastructure Development
00:13:06And Information Offering
00:13:08PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia
00:13:10Mr. Dharma Setiadi
00:13:13Thank you
00:13:14And the next one is
00:13:15Secretary of PT Kliring
00:13:17Indonesian Insurance
00:13:19Mrs. Lisda Rumondan
00:13:21Good evening, Mrs
00:13:23Okay, we also want to say
00:13:25Welcome to the representative of the Ministry of Investment
00:13:27Who has been on this occasion
00:13:29Has been with us at IDX Channel
00:13:31Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:13:33Thank you for your time
00:13:36And of course, tonight
00:13:38We will watch
00:13:40Various kinds of innovation, Prisa, right?
00:13:42That's right
00:13:43But maybe we will see
00:13:48There is a show that of course
00:13:50This will welcome the presence of
00:13:52The recipients of IDX Channel
00:13:54Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:13:56That's right, and we will watch
00:14:00Greetings from
00:14:02CEO of IDX Channel
00:14:04Mr. Shavril Nasution
00:14:11Salam sejahtera
00:14:12For all of us
00:14:15Puji syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
00:14:17Because of His mercy and mercy
00:14:19We can gather in this room
00:14:21For IDX Channel
00:14:23Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:14:25With the theme
00:14:27Leading Innovation Through Dynamic Business Modeling
00:14:30For Sustainable Futures
00:14:32I must say that
00:14:34IDX Channel
00:14:36This Innovation Award
00:14:38Has existed since 2019
00:14:40So tonight
00:14:42Is the sixth
00:14:44Innovation Award
00:14:46We, IDX Channel
00:14:48Appreciate for the success
00:14:50And contribution that has been given
00:14:54In doing sustainable innovation
00:14:56And breakthroughs that are beneficial
00:14:58For all parties
00:15:00This appreciation is given to
00:15:02Companies that have succeeded
00:15:04In doing various innovations
00:15:06And breakthroughs
00:15:08Which aims to benefit
00:15:12This award is attended by
00:15:1427 companies
00:15:16Both registered in the company
00:15:18Or those who have not yet registered
00:15:20With 40 innovation products
00:15:22Categories that are evaluated
00:15:24At IDX Channel
00:15:26Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:15:282024 this time
00:15:30Is done through
00:15:32An internal process
00:15:34Sustainability as well as product
00:15:36And business model
00:15:38We continue to hope for you
00:15:40To continue to do sustainable innovation
00:15:42To give positive impact
00:15:44And benefits
00:15:46For the general public
00:15:48And create Indonesia
00:15:50In 2045
00:15:52And we also hope
00:15:54The same can be done
00:15:56By other companies
00:15:58In their business cycle
00:16:00I would like to congratulate you
00:16:02Who will represent the company
00:16:04To receive the award
00:16:06IDX Channel
00:16:08Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:16:12Before I end
00:16:14I want to give a speech
00:16:16Get on a boat to Musi River
00:16:18Looking for fish until you sweat
00:16:20Don't be afraid to innovate
00:16:22To receive the award
00:16:24I wish you well
00:16:26Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:16:32Thank you Mr. Syafril for delivering
00:16:34The opening speech on this occasion
00:16:36Of course, I can't wait
00:16:38Who will be the recipient of the award
00:16:40In IDX Channel
00:16:42Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:16:44And of course we will watch
00:16:46The speech from Mr. Syafril
00:16:48We will then watch
00:16:50The keynote speech that will be delivered
00:16:52By Mr. Nurul Ikhwan
00:16:54Deputy Minister of Capital Promotion
00:16:56Ministry of Investment
00:16:58And Hilarization of the Republic of Indonesia
00:17:00To Mr. Nurul Ikhwan
00:17:20Distinguished Mr. Syafril Nasution
00:17:22CEO of IDX Channel
00:17:24Distinguished Mr. Masirom
00:17:26CEO of IDX Channel
00:17:28Also there is Mrs. Rina Ritson
00:17:30Head of Sales and Marketing
00:17:32From IDX Channel
00:17:34I also respect
00:17:36Mr. Dharma Setiadi
00:17:38Director of Infrastructure Development
00:17:40And Management PT Kustodian
00:17:42Central Effect Indonesia
00:17:44I also respect
00:17:46Mrs. Lisda Rumondang
00:17:48Secretary of PT Clearing
00:17:50Insurance Effect Indonesia
00:17:52Ladies and gentlemen
00:17:54Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:17:56Selamat malam, salam sejahtera untuk kita semua
00:17:58Puji syukur kita panjatkan khadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa
00:18:00Yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita berkumpul
00:18:02Di malam hari yang berbahagia ini
00:18:04Untuk sama-sama nanti menyaksikan
00:18:06IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:10Sebelumnya, saya ingin mengapresiasi
00:18:12Kepada IDX Channel yang sudah dari tahun 2019
00:18:14Melaksanakan kegiatan Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:16Karena kalau dalam bayangan saya
00:18:18Ini pendiri dari
00:18:20IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:24Tepuk tangan tentunya
00:18:26Untuk IDX Channel
00:18:28Kenapa? Karena sejak dari tahun 2019
00:18:30Sudah mengangkat tema tentang inovasi
00:18:32Yang pada saat di era pemerintahan
00:18:34Bapak Presiden Prabowo Subianto
00:18:36Ini menjadi panggung utama
00:18:38Kenapa? Karena dalam
00:18:40Astacita beliau, itu apapun
00:18:42Yang dicantumkan di dalam delapan cita tersebut
00:18:44Kuncinya adalah inovasi
00:18:46Beliau menyatakan tentang ketahanan pangan
00:18:48Ketahanan energi, kemudian ekonomi hijau
00:18:50Ekonomi biru, kemudian
00:18:52Hilirisasi, dan juga peningkatan teknologi
00:18:54Semuanya ini
00:18:56Lingkaran pusatnya adalah inovasi
00:18:58Dan ini tidak mungkin terjadi Indonesia emas
00:19:00Kalau inovasi tidak dilakukan
00:19:02Karena sekali lagi, apresiasi dan terima kasih
00:19:04Atas nama pemerintah kepada IDX Channel
00:19:06Untuk kegiatan Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:19:08Dan khusus
00:19:10Untuk tahun ini
00:19:12Biarpun belum diserahkan, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat
00:19:14Kepada kawan-kawan yang mendapatkan penganugrahan
00:19:16Dari IDX Channel
00:19:18Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:19:20Karena bapak ibu sekalian
00:19:22Sekali lagi, apapun yang kita lakukan
00:19:24Kita punya satu PR besar
00:19:26PR besarnya adalah kurangnya inovator-inovator
00:19:28Yang hadir di Indonesia
00:19:30Dan kurangnya inovator-inovator ini
00:19:32Kunci utamanya adalah karena sumber daya manusia kita
00:19:34Yang kurang punya kualitas
00:19:36Yang belum terbangun ekosistemnya
00:19:38Karena ini merupakan salah satu cara
00:19:40Untuk membangun ekosistem dan gairah
00:19:42Meningkatkan anugrah inovasi
00:19:44Dan inovasi yang lebih lanjut
00:19:46Yang bisa kita lakukan
00:19:48Terima kasih
00:19:50Kami mohon bapak untuk tetap di atas panggung
00:19:52Karena tidak lengkap
00:19:54Tanpa melakukan sesi foto bersama
00:19:56Kita akan foto bersama
00:19:58Tentu saja kami akan undang
00:20:00Bapak Masirom
00:20:02Kemudian juga Ibu Rina Ritsen
00:20:04Kemudian juga Direktur Pengembangan Infrastruktur
00:20:06Dan Manajemen Informasi PT Kustodian Central Effect Indonesia
00:20:08Bapak Dharma Setiadi
00:20:10Dan juga Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Clearing
00:20:12Penjabatan Efek Indonesia Ibu Liz Darumondang
00:20:14Untuk melakukan sesi foto bersama
00:20:16Kami persilahkan
00:20:46Terima kasih Bapak Ibu
00:21:02Terima kasih Bapak Ibu
00:21:04Terima kasih Bapak dan juga Ibu
00:21:06Kami persilahkan untuk kembali ke tempat
00:21:08Felisa Hadin Terhormat
00:21:10Dan juga Pemirsa
00:21:12Untuk bisa sampai pada malam penganugrahan
00:21:14Terima kasih Bapak dan juga Ibu
00:21:44Dengan tema
00:21:50Apresiasi ini diberikan bagi
00:21:52Perusahaan dan emiten yang berhasil
00:21:54Melakukan inovasi
00:21:56Sebagai kunci keberlanjutan bisnis
00:21:58Sehingga mampu mendorong
00:22:00Pertumbuhan ekonomi
00:22:02Ada pun beberapa tujuan strategis
00:22:04Dari penganugrahan ini adalah
00:22:10Dengan tahap penilaian inovasi
00:22:14Dengan kriteria penilaian
00:22:20Dengan dewan juri
00:22:26Pemirsa dan hadirin yang terhormat
00:22:28Kita saksikan
00:22:30IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:22:38Terima kasih atas
00:22:40Applausnya begitu ya
00:22:42Karena kita ingat nggak
00:22:44Ketika melakukan penjurian
00:22:46Itu berhari-hari dengan
00:22:48Banyak sekali perusahaan juga ya
00:22:50Betul sekali dan tentunya
00:22:52Berbagai macam ekspertis sudah diberikan
00:22:54Begitu oleh dewan juri sendiri
00:22:56Untuk kemudian menilai
00:22:58Ataupun memperhatikan inovasi-inovasi
00:23:00Yang sudah di presentasikan
00:23:02Ataupun mungkin disampaikan oleh
00:23:04Para perusahaan dan kita sekali lagi
00:23:06Beri tepuk tangan yang paling meriah dan apresiasi
00:23:08Setinggi-tingginya bagi dewan juri
00:23:10Yang terlibat dalam proses penjurian
00:23:12Boleh kita berikan aplaus terima kasih
00:23:14Bapak Ibu
00:23:16Hadirin dan pemirsa
00:23:18IDX Channel
00:23:20Segera kita akan saksikan siapa saja
00:23:22Yang akan menerima piagam apresiasi
00:23:24Dalam IDX Channel Anugrah
00:23:26Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:23:30Baik betul sekali Perissa langsung saja
00:23:32Kita akan umumkan sekaligus
00:23:34Mengundang ke atas panggung
00:23:36Penerima piagam apresiasi
00:23:38Dalam kategori
00:23:42Penerima anugrah yang pertama adalah
00:23:44PT United Tractors TBK
00:23:46Dengan inovasi
00:23:48Biodiversity Partnership Program
00:23:54Kepada perwakilan
00:23:56Dari PT United Tractors TBK
00:23:58Kami persilahkan untuk naik ke atas panggung
00:24:08Berikutnya adalah
00:24:10Nickel Industries Limited
00:24:12Dengan inovasi
00:24:14Renewable Energy Transition
00:24:16Kita berikan aplaus yang meriah
00:24:18Kepada perwakilan
00:24:20Dari Nickel Industries Limited
00:24:24Kami silahkan kepada perwakilan dari
00:24:26Nickel Industries untuk menempati titik
00:24:28Yang sudah ditentukan di atas panggung
00:24:30Berikutnya kami juga akan ucapkan selamat
00:24:32Kepada PT PLN Nusantara
00:24:34Power UP Pacitan
00:24:36Dengan inovasi
00:24:38Program Kampung Grabah Sriaman
00:24:50Selanjutnya PT RMK Energy TBK
00:24:54Dengan inovasi
00:24:56Integrated ESG Initiative
00:25:00Berikutnya masih di kategori
00:25:04PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya
00:25:08Dengan inovasi
00:25:10Koalisi Pemenang
00:25:24Selanjutnya adalah penerima piagam
00:25:26Apresiasi untuk kategori
00:25:28Produk dan Model Bisnis
00:25:32Kami ucapkan selamat kepada PT
00:25:34Binarta Sekuritas dengan inovasi
00:25:36Pemanfaatan Open Platform
00:25:38Investasi Online
00:25:59Selanjutnya penerima piagam
00:26:01Apresiasi untuk kategori
00:26:03Proses Internal
00:26:05Kami ucapkan selamat kepada
00:26:07PT Telkom Indonesia
00:26:09Persero TBK dengan inovasi
00:26:11My Digilearn AI
00:26:15Sekali lagi
00:26:17Kami mengundang perwakilan
00:26:22Dari PT Telkom Indonesia
00:26:24Kita berikan aplaus yang
00:26:28Untuk ketujuh penerima
00:26:30Apresiasi kita yang pertama
00:26:33Dan untuk menyerahkan piagam
00:26:35Kami akan undang perwakilan
00:26:37Dewan juri Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:26:39School of Business and Economic
00:26:41Prasetya Mulia University
00:26:57Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:26:59School of Business and Economic
00:27:01Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:03Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:05School of Business and Economic
00:27:07Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:09Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:11School of Business and Economic
00:27:13Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:15Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:17School of Business and Economic
00:27:19Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:21Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:23School of Business and Economic
00:27:25Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:27Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:29School of Business and Economic
00:27:31Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:33Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:35School of Business and Economic
00:27:37Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:39Namo Ampaba
00:27:53from every company to continue to provide or do innovation.
00:27:58Because innovation is one of the main recipes in running a business.
00:28:04And of course, we are more and more impatient to find the next award.
00:28:11Therefore, after the break, we will be back with the special innovation classification award
00:28:17Stay tuned on IDX Channel Indonesia Innovation Award
00:31:17Many kids in the adult world
00:31:22Then I, I, I no longer care about love
00:31:38Special award reading in the Sustainability category
00:31:42Let's welcome Fajar Wayong and Rosalind Chiu
00:31:47Thank you
00:32:10Good evening ladies and gentlemen
00:32:13Of course, we are very proud to be able to be here in front of you
00:32:18Good evening ladies and gentlemen
00:32:21I hope you are always happy
00:32:23Like our clothes, it's quite loud, Fajar
00:32:26Although it's not the loudest love
00:32:28Okay, if that's the case, let's sing like Wina and Nuka
00:32:30Yes, we were vocalizing earlier
00:32:32Okay, ladies and gentlemen, and also Ocha
00:32:36To open the award reading session this time, I have a poem, Ocha
00:32:40Oh, poem
00:32:41If it's a poem, what's the answer, ladies and gentlemen?
00:32:44Pretty is not strong enough
00:32:45What's the answer, ladies and gentlemen?
00:32:47Pretty, ready
00:32:48Are you ready to receive the poem from me, Ocha?
00:32:49I'm ready
00:32:51Fruits in a pot are eaten by a cow
00:32:54I was born to make you happy
00:32:56Oh, ladies and gentlemen, I'm speechless
00:33:00Thank you, Fajar, I'm touched
00:33:02I want Ocha to answer too
00:33:04Okay, don't worry, I also have a poem
00:33:07Don't forget to answer pretty again, ladies and gentlemen
00:33:09I went to Kota Malang to study finance
00:33:12You are the most special handsome man
00:33:15Oh, can I shake your hand?
00:33:17You can shake his hand, ladies and gentlemen
00:33:19I'm speechless, Ocha
00:33:21Don't forget your wife at home
00:33:24Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we just talked about the most special handsome man
00:33:29Of course, it's not just the two of us
00:33:32But what's special here is that the representatives of companies have come
00:33:36Which of course ensures that business activities run in line with the surrounding environment
00:33:41Making companies get a special value in the eyes of the public
00:33:45And about that, ladies and gentlemen, as well as the viewers of IDX Channel
00:33:48Let's just watch and listen together
00:33:53The recipient of the special award in the Sustainability category is
00:33:58PT Unilever Indonesia TBK
00:34:01With Sustainability Innovation in the field of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
00:34:26The next recipient of the Special Award in the Sustainability category
00:34:29PT Bank Raya Indonesia TBK
00:34:32With Sustainability Bank Raya Innovation
00:34:35Next, PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with innovation, delivering growth, ensuring sustainability.
00:35:05Next, PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with innovation, delivering growth, ensuring sustainability.
00:35:15Welcome to the stage, the recipients.
00:35:19Next, we invite Mr. Masirom, CEO of IDX Channel, to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:35:35Next, we invite Mr. Masirom, CEO of IDX Channel, to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:35:58Thank you to the recipients and to Mr. Masirom.
00:36:02We ask Mr. Masirom to stay with us on stage.
00:36:08Once again, congratulations to the recipients.
00:36:15We still have the next trophy, Fajar.
00:36:18Thank you, Fajar.
00:36:24Once again, congratulations.
00:36:26Next, ladies and gentlemen, if we talk about innovation,
00:36:31innovation in product, model, and business is the main recipe to stay relevant with the taste of the market and the development and dynamics of the times.
00:36:41Fajar and Mr. Mirsa, the recipient of the Special Award in Product and Model Business category is PT.Bank.
00:36:50The winner is PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with the innovation, Best Digital Credit Card Payment Innovation,
00:36:55Diverse Step-to-Pay, Rease, and Virtual Card.
00:37:11Next, PT.Bank Indonesia Persero TBK with the innovation, Super Apps Wonder.
00:37:21Next, PT.Bagadayan with the innovation, The Gate Creative Lounge.
00:37:51Next, PT.Bank Indonesia Persero TBK with the innovation, Sabrina for Virtual and Anti-Fraud Services.
00:38:21Once again, we would like to invite Mr. Mas Hirom as the CEO of IDX Channel to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:38:51Once again, congratulations and we would like to give our appreciation to the recipients.
00:39:20Once again, congratulations and we would like to give our appreciation to the recipients.
00:39:50Wina! Hi Wina!
00:40:02Wina is one of the singers who has been on TV a lot.
00:40:13Hi Wina!
00:40:15Wina, you are still wearing a lot of clothes.
00:40:18If you wear a lot of clothes, it means you eat a lot.
00:40:24Yes, I am taking photosynthesis.
00:40:28Oh, you are wearing an ukulele.
00:40:31What kind of innovation is this?
00:40:34I would like to give you a challenge.
00:40:49What kind of challenge?
00:40:51A singing challenge.
00:40:53Do you agree?
00:40:57Yes, I agree.
00:40:59Okay, we accept it.
00:41:01If we are given a challenge, we have to accept it.
00:41:04So that we can be called as a brave one.
00:41:08I accept it because she has two singles.
00:41:13Okay, what kind of song are you going to sing?
00:41:18This song is very viral.
00:41:20This is my brother's song, Onni Neonni from Korea.
00:41:24Who is the singer?
00:41:26Rosé from Blackpink.
00:41:28She has just collaborated with Bruno Mars.
00:41:30Her name is Afatou.
00:41:32So we are challenged to sing Apathe Apathe.
00:41:37Can you do it?
00:41:39Yes, I can.
00:41:41Now she is in Korea.
00:41:44Okay, so that we can show an innovative performance.
00:41:48You play the ukulele, you sing, I go home.
00:41:51That's smart.
00:41:53Okay, I can do a little bit of beatbox.
00:41:55So you play the ukulele, you sing, I do the beatbox.
00:41:58Do you agree?
00:41:59Yes, I agree.
00:42:01I can do a little bit.
00:42:03Can I go home now?
00:42:04No, you can't.
00:42:05Because you have already accepted the challenge.
00:42:07Are you ready?
00:42:08I will count to three.
00:42:10One, two, three.
00:42:26One, two, three, four.
00:42:36That's it.
00:42:37I can't speak Korean.
00:42:39I can speak Sundanese.
00:42:40That's a Sundanese song.
00:42:41I often hear that song on TikTok.
00:42:46Yes, that's right.
00:42:47Please give her a round of applause.
00:42:50I don't know the lyrics.
00:42:54Why do I sing Jengjeribit?
00:42:55Jengjeribit is a children's game from West Java.
00:42:58The lyrics have positive values.
00:43:01It has a philosophy.
00:43:03What is the philosophy?
00:43:04It teaches us to stay motivated and careful in doing anything.
00:43:08So that we can continue to live more or less like that.
00:43:12That's amazing.
00:43:13That's the most important thing for our culture.
00:43:17If you challenged us, we will challenge you too.
00:43:21Can you sing?
00:43:22I can sing.
00:43:23What else?
00:43:24I can play the ukulele.
00:43:26But can I sing in another language?
00:43:29I will sing in Sundanese.
00:43:31You can sing in Arabic.
00:43:36Can you sing in Arabic?
00:43:39That means there is something.
00:43:42You don't have to sing in Arabic.
00:43:43But you have to sing in Arabic.
00:43:46I will try.
00:43:47Please give her a round of applause.
00:43:50Go ahead, Wina.
00:43:52Don't you want me like I want you, baby
00:43:56Don't you need me like I need you now
00:44:00Sleep tomorrow, go tonight, go crazy
00:44:04All you gonna do is just meet me at the
00:44:07Of the, of the, of the, of the
00:44:10Please give her a round of applause.
00:44:12How can you do that?
00:44:14Because you usually sing Dangdut, Malay songs.
00:44:17And you have a voice.
00:44:18I have a voice too.
00:44:19It's like when Nassar sings,
00:44:23There is a noise.
00:44:24That's an innovation.
00:44:25I was waiting for you to sing in Arabic.
00:44:28But it's okay.
00:44:30One of the innovations.
00:44:32Now, she has taught us how to sing.
00:44:36I will teach you how to be an emcee.
00:44:40You call our friends to come here.
00:44:42Is that okay?
00:44:44Let's try.
00:44:45You say,
00:44:46Ladies and gentlemen,
00:44:48Please give a round of applause for Prasetyo and Vina.
00:44:51Like that.
00:44:53Of course.
00:44:54We can do it.
00:44:56We are not used to be seen by...
00:44:58It's called learning.
00:44:59I will count to three.
00:45:01One more time.
00:45:02Ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:03Ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:04Let's welcome Prasetyo and Vina.
00:45:07It's easy.
00:45:08One, two, three.
00:45:10Ladies and gentlemen,
00:45:12Please give a round of applause for Prasetyo and Vina.
00:45:18Let's go backstage.
00:45:19After this, I want to learn how to sing.
00:45:35Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:37Good evening, viewers of IDX channel.
00:45:40Good evening, Vina.
00:45:42Good evening, Pras.
00:45:45It's amazing.
00:45:46I'm speechless to see Vina tonight.
00:45:49She's so beautiful.
00:45:50And her outfit is amazing.
00:45:53It's like an innovation product.
00:45:55It inspires many people.
00:45:58And it's definitely everlasting.
00:46:01Or continuous.
00:46:03You can do it, Pras.
00:46:04Praise night after night.
00:46:06But before it gets longer,
00:46:08let's read the special award for external relations category.
00:46:15And the expansion of business with a wider market
00:46:19is one of the main goals of an external innovation.
00:46:24And the recipient of the special award for external relations category is
00:46:29PT Permodalan Nasional Madani with PNM Mekar innovation.
00:46:43Please, sir.
00:46:54And next,
00:46:55Mind ID with innovation,
00:46:57hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:03To the company representatives, we invite you to receive the award on stage.
00:47:09Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:16We invite Mr. Dharma Setiadi,
00:47:18Director of Infrastructure Development and Information Management of PT Kustodian Central Effect Indonesia
00:47:24to present the award to the recipient.
00:47:38Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:57Thank you, Mr. Dharma Setiadi.
00:47:59And the recipients, please go back to your seats.
00:48:09Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:48:20Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:48:30Welcome back to Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024.
00:48:34Wiki, Prisa, I want to borrow the stage.
00:48:36I also want to celebrate tonight.
00:48:40I think you already know who is next to me.
00:48:43Do you know or not?
00:48:45Not so hard.
00:48:46Do you know or not?
00:48:48Do you know who is it?
00:48:52I'm more nervous.
00:48:53You're right.
00:48:54This is Yuda.
00:48:55Indonesia's effect is definitely Yuda.
00:48:57How about this one?
00:48:59Habib Jaffer.
00:49:00Please, give a round of applause for our second special guest tonight.
00:49:04In Indonesia's effect, the most famous one is definitely Yuda Keli.
00:49:09But in the effect of Islam, I think I'm the most famous one.
00:49:14That's right.
00:49:15It's dangerous.
00:49:16It's dangerous.
00:49:17Be patient.
00:49:19Because I'm known as a bad example here, Bib.
00:49:23An example of failure.
00:49:24An example of failure.
00:49:25If there is Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024 category of failure, it's me, Bib.
00:49:32I'm like a cancer in a cigarette pack.
00:49:34That's right.
00:49:35In a cigarette pack.
00:49:36Usually, Bib, if there are two guests, one of them is successful.
00:49:41The successful one is Habib.
00:49:45As far as I know, if there are two people who are not a couple, the third one is Satan.
00:49:51Then who is Satan?
00:49:53That's it.
00:49:54Oh, yes.
00:49:56We need to ask.
00:49:57We need to ask.
00:49:59Habib and Yuda.
00:50:00Even though this is still a question mark.
00:50:01Yuda, what are you doing here?
00:50:04An example of failure.
00:50:05An example of failure.
00:50:08We want to know.
00:50:09Actually, from the point of view of Habib Jafar, is investment important?
00:50:13If in the perspective of Islam, investment has its own term.
00:50:19It's called as Mudorobah.
00:50:21It means cooperation to achieve success based on investment.
00:50:26That has been done by Prophet Muhammad himself when he first brought Islam to this world.
00:50:33Where there was a companion named Fadlullah Al-Ansari.
00:50:38He brought a gold ring from Ganggang Perak.
00:50:42As a result of the war.
00:50:45Then the Prophet asked for the gold to be invested.
00:50:48That's the basis of investment in Islam.
00:50:51In fact, in Islam, we are encouraged to invest.
00:50:56Because all the wealth on this earth is not entirely ours.
00:51:02But it is entrusted by God to us.
00:51:05So, if we are entrusted with a piece of land and we don't manage it.
00:51:10Then in Islam, it is not appreciated.
00:51:12Because there is a blessing from God through that piece of land.
00:51:17So, if we have a piece of land, it should be invested for business interests.
00:51:23Which in the end, the result is not only beneficial for us, but for anyone involved in that business activity.
00:51:29That's why in the latest research, there is a scientist named Maxwell.
00:51:36He said that the Muslim world is now growing investment, especially stock.
00:51:43Because the security is guaranteed.
00:51:46Then the halal is guaranteed by the present country.
00:51:50Plus the country also gives punishment, Muslim countries, to businessmen in their country.
00:51:57Who then let the property they own not be invested.
00:52:03Wow, okay.
00:52:04That's great, Bib.
00:52:06And it turns out, what I want to add,
00:52:09maybe a lot of people think that investment in Sharia stock is only for Muslims.
00:52:14But it's not like that, Bib.
00:52:15It can be for everyone.
00:52:17Because even though it is a Sharia stock, the tick is still the same.
00:52:22For example, BRES.
00:52:23BRES is not Ba, Rom, Alip, Samasya.
00:52:26Oh yes, that's right.
00:52:28Still using the alphabet.
00:52:30Yes, even though you don't have to use the alphabet.
00:52:33You don't have to.
00:52:34But the interesting thing is, as Habib said, investment is good.
00:52:39Even the assets we have should be productive.
00:52:42Because the better a person is, the better it is to give benefits.
00:52:46For many people.
00:52:48If we also remember, there is one of the Jakarta Islamic Index.
00:52:52Maybe some people or many people think,
00:52:54oh, the one who invests there is mostly Muslims.
00:52:58But the interesting fact is,
00:53:00not only Muslims who invest in Sharia.
00:53:03Because in terms of values or ethics,
00:53:06it is considered to be better.
00:53:08Then it is also considered to be sustainable.
00:53:10So it turns out that non-Muslims have a lot of trends for investing in Sharia.
00:53:15What do you think?
00:53:16That's right.
00:53:17Indeed, we often have different opinions,
00:53:19but we are in the same opinion.
00:53:23In terms of opinions, sometimes we are different.
00:53:25Even we are in conflict with each other.
00:53:28But in terms of opinions, we are usually in harmony.
00:53:32Collaborating together.
00:53:34Our level is above tolerance.
00:53:36Habib said we have to be tolerant.
00:53:38But we choose to collaborate.
00:53:39That's right.
00:53:40We even want religions,
00:53:43both Islam and other religions in Indonesia,
00:53:46to encourage not only moderation,
00:53:49which is respecting each other,
00:53:51but collaboration,
00:53:54which is supporting each other in good values together.
00:53:59Because we are different in truth,
00:54:01but we are together in goodness.
00:54:02All religions teach goodness.
00:54:04We even encourage transformation.
00:54:06It means how religions not only form personal wrongdoing,
00:54:10but also social wrongdoing in the field of economy, environment,
00:54:14and especially in this context is investment.
00:54:16Clearly, in any teaching,
00:54:18religion always teaches that it turns out that the wealth that is accumulated quickly,
00:54:22quickly run out.
00:54:23But the wealth that is accumulated little by little,
00:54:25it will change us to be rich,
00:54:28and rich to bring blessings to others,
00:54:30not for yourself.
00:54:31That's right.
00:54:32Because there is a break.
00:54:33What is it?
00:54:34Little by little,
00:54:35in the long run,
00:54:36it's tiring too.
00:54:37It's tiring too.
00:54:39That's the real break.
00:54:41Because it's a real break.
00:54:42It's a real break.
00:54:43It's a real experience.
00:54:45And it's true in all religions.
00:54:47For example, in the Hindu perspective,
00:54:49Mahatma Gandhi said,
00:54:50this world is enough for all people who do not give up,
00:54:53but not enough for a handful of people who give up.
00:54:56Then in Islam,
00:55:00or excessive speed
00:55:02is the devil's doing.
00:55:04Islam encourages accuracy.
00:55:06That's why it's the same in stock market.
00:55:08If we are impatient,
00:55:11doesn't encourage us enough
00:55:15to know where the time is for us to stop,
00:55:18for us to rest, and so on.
00:55:20We will be exhausted too.
00:55:22If in Islam,
00:55:23Islam is a religion that has mercy on nature.
00:55:25Mercy for the universe,
00:55:27not only for Muslims.
00:55:28It's also called,
00:55:29in axanthum axanthum leanfusikum.
00:55:31All the goodness that is taught in Islam
00:55:33is a universal goodness for all humans.
00:55:38So, it's the same in the context of the economy.
00:55:40So, the Islamic economy,
00:55:42one of its characteristics,
00:55:44Riba is
00:55:45taking something that is not ours,
00:55:48even though it belongs to others,
00:55:51we take it unfairly.
00:55:53So, it teaches about justice,
00:55:56fairness, and so on.
00:55:58So, it shouldn't be
00:56:00only segmented towards Muslims.
00:56:03So, banks,
00:56:04or investment, or stocks,
00:56:06or anything that is based on Sharia,
00:56:08it's actually,
00:56:10based on justice,
00:56:11based on equality.
00:56:13Based on justice.
00:56:14If it's based on justice,
00:56:15it means there is profit, there is loss.
00:56:17If we learn from Judas,
00:56:19Judas said,
00:56:20cut loss all.
00:56:22The name of investment is
00:56:24stocks in the capital market.
00:56:26But Judas said,
00:56:28cut loss all.
00:56:29So, it's not the capital market.
00:56:31The capital is gone,
00:56:32because it's only the market.
00:56:34Because in investment,
00:56:36I only look for the funny part.
00:56:38I don't look for the funny part.
00:56:39But I want to ask this, Bip.
00:56:40I often say that
00:56:42I often lose.
00:56:44I often feel bad.
00:56:45I think I am rejected by the universe.
00:56:48To what extent can we
00:56:50blame this as fate?
00:56:52I think I lose because of fate.
00:56:55To what extent?
00:56:57Do we blame it as fate,
00:56:58or are we wrong
00:56:59because we don't analyze it well?
00:57:02Yes. Actually,
00:57:03fate is something positive.
00:57:06We are given reason,
00:57:08we are given reference
00:57:10about science,
00:57:11about investment, and so on.
00:57:13The problem is,
00:57:14we don't use it to the maximum,
00:57:17so in the end we are unlucky.
00:57:20The problem is in the literacy,
00:57:23in the mentality, maybe.
00:57:25That's why in Islam,
00:57:27a person who prays sunnah 2 rakat before dawn,
00:57:30he is considered to have the world
00:57:33and even more than that.
00:57:35What does it mean?
00:57:36He is taught from the morning that
00:57:38he has a mentality,
00:57:40has the world,
00:57:41and even more than that.
00:57:42So, he won't look for the world
00:57:45until he makes a fuss
00:57:47about the principles,
00:57:49about things that are forbidden.
00:57:51If he fails that day,
00:57:52he won't give up.
00:57:53It is hoped that if he is successful that day,
00:57:56he won't be arrogant
00:57:57because he is mentally rich.
00:58:00That's the most important thing.
00:58:01Because if a person's mentality is not rich,
00:58:03but his money is rich,
00:58:05he is as arrogant as possible.
00:58:06Minimal Nora.
00:58:08Minimal Nora.
00:58:09Minimal Nora.
00:58:10And this is Bip.
00:58:11Minimal Nora.
00:58:12My family, Bip,
00:58:13has a poor mentality.
00:58:14Because there is a shower in my house,
00:58:16when it is turned on,
00:58:17I take a broom and sweep it, Bip.
00:58:21So, if we lose,
00:58:22don't blame fate, Bip.
00:58:24But because we don't learn.
00:58:26Even one of the principles in investment in Islam
00:58:30is, first, there is no fraud.
00:58:32Second, there is no gambling
00:58:34or over-speculation.
00:58:37Third, there is a bond.
00:58:40There is an agreement.
00:58:42Don't be like two people
00:58:44in Ojek Online,
00:58:46on a motorcycle,
00:58:47talking like that.
00:58:48Where do you want to go?
00:58:50It's been a while.
00:58:51It doesn't connect.
00:58:52Talking, but it doesn't connect.
00:58:54There must be a bond,
00:58:55mutual understanding, and agreement.
00:58:57Then the second,
00:58:59the third,
00:59:00or the fourth,
00:59:02there must be a clear item.
00:59:05That is known to each other.
00:59:07Don't be like,
00:59:08there is an item there.
00:59:10Do you want it?
00:59:11What was the item before?
00:59:13It must be known to each other.
00:59:14And the last, the fifth,
00:59:16one of the basic principle is,
00:59:18it's not only sharing the profit,
00:59:20but also the loss.
00:59:22So, it's not only about the profit,
00:59:24but also the loss.
00:59:26But if everything is profit,
00:59:28don't be surprised,
00:59:29because the loss is taken by Yuda.
00:59:31And I lost in some companies here.
00:59:35I asked for my money back, sir.
00:59:37I swear, sir.
00:59:38I saw it earlier.
00:59:39Oh, this is the emitting.
00:59:40I cut loss here, here.
00:59:44But that's the point,
00:59:46in Islam,
00:59:47Ikhlaq, or literacy.
00:59:49Before we dive into one field,
00:59:51we must understand first,
00:59:53and solve the aspect of literacy,
00:59:55and the mental aspect.
00:59:56That's right.
00:59:57Because yesterday,
00:59:58there was a talk,
00:59:59they said,
01:00:00the small people,
01:00:01the stock investment,
01:00:02they said it's gambling.
01:00:03But no one dares to deny it.
01:00:05Well, that's...
01:00:06Maybe they are afraid to be called the son of Abah.
01:00:11How is that, Bip?
01:00:12Because there are a lot of illegal transactions.
01:00:15Maybe this is the last one from Habib.
01:00:17He said, people who play online gambling,
01:00:19it's safe, because it's anonymous.
01:00:21Even though the angels saw it.
01:00:22That's right.
01:00:23How is that, Bip?
01:00:24That's right.
01:00:25Indeed, your account is anonymous.
01:00:27But the angels have a server
01:00:29that is much more advanced than you.
01:00:32And this,
01:00:33maybe to straighten the statement earlier,
01:00:36I have a trick.
01:00:37How is it, Bip?
01:00:38As an inspiration for Indonesian businessmen,
01:00:41and all of you here,
01:00:43what I mean is,
01:00:45the poor have literacy and the poor have mental.
01:00:47Wow, that's cool.
01:00:48That can be used.
01:00:51So, if the poor have literacy,
01:00:53it's really cool.
01:00:54Yes, because the rich and the poor,
01:00:56it's mainly not about wealth,
01:00:57but about mental.
01:00:58That's right.
01:00:59About mental.
01:01:01Let's give a round of applause
01:01:02for Habib Jafar and Yuda Keling.
01:01:05I hope when you come back from here,
01:01:06we can invest with this,
01:01:08with continuous values,
01:01:10with good values.
01:01:11And of course,
01:01:12you can expand or diversify your portfolio.
01:01:15But if it's all fried food,
01:01:16what's the difference with Ramadhan?
01:01:18Yuda, I hope when you come back from here,
01:01:21you'll be more...
01:01:22More cunning.
01:01:23More cunning.
01:01:24And what's the name of our segment, Ocha?
01:01:26Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:27But in short, Apace.
01:01:29Apace is not Apa-an-cu,
01:01:31but Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:33We've been practicing.
01:01:35We've been practicing.
01:01:36Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:38Aku Investor Saham.
01:01:41Can I shake your hand?
01:01:42I'm not related.
01:01:43I'm like Rubik.
01:01:46Thank you, Habib Jafar.
01:01:50Yuda Keling,
01:01:51I've been waiting for my call.
01:01:53I'll read the nomination.
01:01:55We'll log in later.
01:01:57Log in investment.
01:01:59See you again, Habib Jafar and Yuda.
01:02:03Thank you, Ocha.
01:02:05Oh, they're still there.
01:02:08Let's continue, David.
01:02:10It's very exciting.
01:02:11Very exciting.
01:02:12There are many points that can be conveyed.
01:02:14Perspective related to stock investment.
01:02:17I'm quite interested in Jakarta Islamic Index.
01:02:19It turns out that it's not only Muslims,
01:02:21but also many other religions
01:02:23who are interested in investing in Jakarta Islamic Index.
01:02:28And we have a blessing, right?
01:02:31We have a blessing related to
01:02:34sustainability, right, David?
01:02:38It becomes one of the main conditions
01:02:39for a company to expand
01:02:41to the global market.
01:02:44That's right.
01:02:45And the recipient of the main award
01:02:47in the sustainability category is
01:02:52PT Telkom Indonesia Persero TBK
01:02:54with Innovasi Integrated Sustainability Initiative
01:02:57Education, Design, Work, and Technology.
01:03:05Next is PT Bank CIMD Niaga TBK
01:03:10with Innovasi Perjalanan Menuju Net Zero 2050.
01:03:23Next is PT Suman Indonesia Persero TBK
01:03:26with Innovasi Sustainable Quarry Initiative.
01:03:35And next is PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy TBK
01:03:39with Innovasi Driving Business Sustainability
01:03:42through Environment, Social, and Governance.
01:03:59To the representative of the jury,
01:04:01Prof. Dr. Budi Rensidi,
01:04:03President of the University of Indonesia,
01:04:05we invite you to hand over the award.
01:04:30Once again, congratulations to the recipients.
01:04:40And we invite the recipients
01:04:42to return to their seats.
01:05:00The main award recipients of the category
01:05:02Product and Business Models
01:05:05Fajar Wayong and Fina Munawar.
01:05:31Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
01:05:32and viewers of IDX Channel.
01:05:34And we are both proud
01:05:36to present and read the award
01:05:38at this special event tonight.
01:05:41And of course,
01:05:42it's related to Indonesia's Innovation Award, Fina, right?
01:05:45Yes, that's right.
01:05:46If we talk about innovation,
01:05:47what is it that is passed on to Fina?
01:05:49Of course, it's related to innovation.
01:05:52In my opinion, companies must continue to innovate.
01:05:55Especially now, consumers are increasingly critical.
01:05:58Isn't that right, Fajar?
01:06:00Yes, that's right.
01:06:01For me, innovation is one of the keys.
01:06:04Of course, it's also a consideration of the consumer
01:06:07in choosing a product or service.
01:06:10Then, the level of company's ability in innovation
01:06:13will of course produce the best output.
01:06:17Let's read the main award recipients
01:06:20of the category Product and Business Models.
01:06:24And the main award recipients
01:06:27of the category Product and Business Models are
01:06:31PT BRI Dana Reksa Sukuritas
01:06:33with the innovation Bright Easy,
01:06:35innovation to increase transactions.
01:06:39To the representatives of the companies,
01:06:41please proceed to the stage.
01:06:58Next, the main award recipients
01:07:00of the category Product and Business Models are
01:07:04PT MNC Sukuritas with the innovation Auto-Invest.
01:07:28Next, the main award recipients
01:07:30of the category Product and Business Models are
01:07:34PT Daya Mitra Telekomunikasi TBK
01:07:36with the innovation TOWER Non-Baja GFRP.
01:07:47Next, the main award recipients
01:07:49of the category Super Bank Indonesia
01:07:51with the innovation Super Bank.
01:07:53Next, the main award recipients
01:07:55of the category Super Bank Indonesia
01:07:57with the innovation Celengan by Super Bank.
01:08:17Next, we would like to invite
01:08:20Mr. Yuswo Hadi to the stage
01:08:24to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:08:50Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:08:53to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:08:57Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:08:59to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:09:08Once again, we would like to give a round of applause
01:09:10and appreciation to the main award recipients.
01:09:13And the main award recipients and the representatives of the judges,
01:09:16please return to your seats.
01:09:27Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:09:29to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:09:48The main award recipients
01:09:50of the category External Relations,
01:09:52let us welcome
01:09:54Fina Munawar and Rosa Linciu.
01:10:08Hello, good evening everyone.
01:10:10Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
01:10:12I hope you are not bored yet.
01:10:14Look at my face.
01:10:16Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:18tonight is a special night.
01:10:20I am here with my sister.
01:10:22I am Gen Z.
01:10:24Fina, how old are you?
01:10:26What year were you born?
01:10:27I was born in 2001.
01:10:29Oh, 2001.
01:10:30Maybe there are ladies here who were born in 2001.
01:10:33I think you are their child.
01:10:35Their child who was born in 2001.
01:10:37But this is for sure,
01:10:39the younger we are, the more proud we are
01:10:41to be able to stand here tonight.
01:10:43There is one stage, one area
01:10:45with amazing ladies and gentlemen
01:10:49And I heard you have a performance.
01:10:51By the way, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:53can you show us your performance?
01:10:55Of course, Gen Z.
01:10:57Please, Fina.
01:10:59Eating pizza with oyster sauce.
01:11:03After eating, sitting on a chair.
01:11:07If the event is over, don't be too sad.
01:11:09Because here, don't forget
01:11:11we are the cutest.
01:11:13Can I pose?
01:11:14You can pose.
01:11:15A big round of applause for Fina.
01:11:17For the center, she is a narcissist.
01:11:19Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:11:21we will move on to the next innovation,
01:11:23which is innovation in an effort
01:11:25to bring stakeholders closer to businesses
01:11:27that are struggling to become
01:11:29a direct supporter of a business.
01:11:32Yes, the main recipient of the
01:11:34category of External Relationship is
01:11:38PT Bank Syariah Indonesia TBK
01:11:40with the innovation
01:11:42Wealth Management Performance.
01:11:50PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:02The second recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:06with the innovation
01:12:08MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:20The third recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:22with the innovation
01:12:24MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:41The fourth recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:43with the innovation
01:12:45MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:49The fifth recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:51with the innovation
01:12:53MP Store Super Apps.
01:13:03Okay, once again, congratulations
01:13:05to the recipients of the award.
01:13:13Okay, to Mr. Nurul Ihwan,
01:13:15we would like to stay on stage
01:13:17once again to the recipients of the innovation.
01:13:21regarding the External Relationship,
01:13:23now we will move to the internal process.
01:13:26Innovation within the company's internal
01:13:28makes human resources
01:13:30as an asset
01:13:32have the ability to contribute
01:13:34more to a business.
01:13:36Okay, for that, the main recipient
01:13:38of the internal process category
01:13:42PT PP Persero TBK
01:13:44with the optimization
01:13:46of one-dimensional material.
01:14:00Okay, for that, we would like to invite
01:14:02Mr. Nurul Ihwan
01:14:04to give the award
01:14:06to the recipients.
01:14:16Okay, once again, congratulations
01:14:18to the recipients of
01:14:20PT PP Persero TBK.
01:14:27Okay, once again, congratulations,
01:14:29thank you, and we would like to
01:14:31get back to the stage.
01:14:40Okay, Vina,
01:14:42even though it's getting late,
01:14:44we still have a special look
01:14:46tonight. Do you know what the next look is?
01:14:48He said it's related to
01:14:50the songs that are hit lately.
01:14:52The songs that are hit.
01:14:54Sometimes, it's like a weak creature
01:14:56when facing challenges. But,
01:14:58fortunately, the earth is still spinning.
01:15:02I don't want to answer.
01:15:04I don't want to give up.
01:15:06It's more like Gen Z.
01:15:08Prove it, ladies and gentlemen.
01:15:10We are still related, even though we are
01:15:12still young.
01:15:14Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:16let's see the performance of
01:15:18Nuka with Untungnya Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan.
01:15:20Please welcome, Nuka.
01:15:42Untungnya Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan
01:16:14Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:16:18Untungnya Ku Bisa Rasa
01:16:22Hal-Hal Baik Yang Datang Yang Belakang
01:16:28Ada Waktu
01:16:36Hal Buruk Datang Berturut-Turut
01:16:38Semua Yang Tinggal Juga Yang Hilang
01:16:44Seberapapun Absurnya
01:16:46Pasti Ada Makna
01:16:54Bumi Masih Berputar
01:17:00Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:17:04Itu Memang Paling Mudah
01:17:06Untungnya Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:17:16Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:17:22Hidup Terus Berjalan
01:17:26Untungnya Ku Bisa Rasa
01:17:28Hal-Hal Baik Yang Datang Yang Belakang
01:17:38Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan
01:18:08Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:18:30Harian Kapan Kamu Pulang
01:18:32Fikiranku Selalu Terbang Melayang
01:18:36Tak Pernah Ada Kabar Darimu
01:18:40Walau Ku Tahu Kamu Olah
01:18:46Katamu Ini Cuma Seminggu
01:18:50Tapi Rasanya Seperti Sewel
01:18:54Ternyata Sulit Ku Jauh Darimu
01:18:58Tanpa Genitan Manja-Manja
01:19:02Aku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:19:08Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:19:14Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:19:20Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:19:26Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:19:28Biar Aku Mau
01:19:30Cuma Kamu Sama
01:19:32Aku Ini
01:20:00Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:06Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:12Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:18Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:24Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:28Selamat Pergi
01:20:30Yang Aku Mau
01:20:32Cuma Kamu
01:20:34Saat Ini
01:20:38Yang Aku Mau
01:20:40Cuma Kamu
01:20:42Saat Ini
01:20:50Terima Kasih
01:20:58Boleh sekali lagi tepuk tangannya
01:21:00Untuk Wina
01:21:02Padahal lagi
01:21:04Asik boget ya
01:21:06Tapi ternyata waktu sudah
01:21:08Menunjukkan pokoknya sekian
01:21:10Jadi ini kita kemudian
01:21:12Tidak terasa ya sudah ada di penghujung acara
01:21:14Kita sudah sama-sama menyaksikan
01:21:16Penerimaan nugrah dari berbagai klasifikasi
01:21:18Dan juga kategori
01:21:20Selamat atas prestasi yang baru
01:21:22Saja terukir izinkan kami
01:21:24Untuk mengucapkan terima kasih
01:21:26Kepada Dewan Juri atas penilaian dan waktu yang disempatkan
01:21:28Serta rekan-rekan presenter
01:21:30IDX Channel yang sudah mengantarkan
01:21:32Siapa saja penerimaan nugrah dalam IDX Channel
01:21:34Nugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
01:21:36Dan tepuk tangan yang paling berat untuk anda yang sudah hadir
01:21:38Pada kesempatan kali ini ya
01:21:40Dan selamat
01:21:42Sekali lagi kepada seluruh penerimaan nugrah
01:21:44Semoga inovasi
01:21:46Yang sudah dihasilkan ini bisa menjadi
01:21:48Inspirasi bagi
01:21:50Kita semua dan kita berharap
01:21:52Pencapaian atas inovasi yang sudah dilakukan
01:21:54Ini dapat memicu tentunya
01:21:56Lahirnya inovasi-inovasi lain
01:21:58Bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara
01:22:00Akhir kata
01:22:02Saya Prisah Somodhatu
01:22:04Dan saya Ugya Adrian mewakili seluruh tim yang bertugas
01:22:06Pamit undur diri sampai jumpa di
01:22:08IDX Channel
01:22:10Andugrah Inovasi Indonesia berikutnya
01:22:12And once again please welcome
01:22:14This is NUKA
01:22:25Persembahan terakhir dari
01:22:27Faham Nukas
01:22:29Kenangan Nugrah
01:22:55Ketawa yang terlepas sampai demam
01:23:03Cerita lama yang selalu dibawa
01:23:08Diam-diam hati ingin mengganti
01:23:11Teringat dan jadi cerita tentangmu
01:23:20Untuk sementara
01:23:23Sampai berjumpa
01:23:26Bersama semua
01:23:29Bercanda lagi
01:23:32Kenangan yang habis
01:23:35Di hari ini
01:23:38Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:23:51Semua mimpi tinggi dan segala drama
01:23:58Dijadikan canda dikeluh bersama
01:24:03Terkadang-kadang matal bicara
01:24:06Seakan-akan semua rahasia
01:24:09Oh kebodohan antara kita
01:24:12Jadikan angan manis
01:24:17Untuk sementara
01:24:20Sampai berjumpa
01:24:24Bersama semua
01:24:26Bercanda lagi
01:24:31Di hari ini
01:24:36Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:24:48Bersama semua
01:24:51Bercanda lagi
01:24:54Kenangan yang habis
01:24:57Di hari ini
01:25:00Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:06Kenangan yang habis
01:25:09Sehari ini
01:25:12Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:17Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:47Sampai jumpa
