Stasiun berita ekonomi bisnis dan pasar modal IDX Channel sukses menggelar IDX Channel Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia (ICAII) 2024 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada Rabu (11/12/2024).
Terdapat 27 perusahaan yang mendapat apresiasi sebagai perusahaan paling inovatif pada tahun ini. Masing-masing penghargaan dibagi menjadi empat kategori, melipui kategori Internal, Eksternal, Sustainability, serta Produk dan Model Bisnis. Dari empat kategori tersebut, masing-masing terbagi lagi menjadi 11 penghargaan utama, 9 penghargaan khusus, 7 penghargaan apresisasi.
Mengusung tema ‘Leading Innovation Through Business Modelling for Sustainable Future’, penghargaan ini diharapkan dapat mendukung keberlanjutan bisnis, sekaligus berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.
Terdapat 27 perusahaan yang mendapat apresiasi sebagai perusahaan paling inovatif pada tahun ini. Masing-masing penghargaan dibagi menjadi empat kategori, melipui kategori Internal, Eksternal, Sustainability, serta Produk dan Model Bisnis. Dari empat kategori tersebut, masing-masing terbagi lagi menjadi 11 penghargaan utama, 9 penghargaan khusus, 7 penghargaan apresisasi.
Mengusung tema ‘Leading Innovation Through Business Modelling for Sustainable Future’, penghargaan ini diharapkan dapat mendukung keberlanjutan bisnis, sekaligus berdampak positif bagi masyarakat.
00:01:36You came
00:01:38When I fell asleep
00:01:41And fell
00:01:44In the steps that destroyed
00:01:47My dark life
00:01:50And almost, almost
00:01:52I can't take a step again
00:01:56You came
00:01:58Like a flood
00:02:00Flooding my way
00:02:04You show me the way
00:02:07Where should I go now
00:02:11So I won't be lost again
00:02:15Like before
00:02:18With your shadow, my love
00:02:23I will be saved from
00:02:27Dreams, dreams
00:02:29From the same life
00:02:32And comfort me
00:02:35I will go
00:02:38To wherever it is
00:02:42Today, today
00:02:47I try to stand up
00:02:50And take another step
00:02:53If tomorrow the light of the sun
00:02:56Will shine again
00:02:59I will go
00:03:02With your shadow, my love
00:03:16With your shadow, my love
00:03:20I will be saved from
00:03:24Dreams, dreams
00:03:26From the same life
00:03:29And comfort me
00:03:32I will go
00:03:35To wherever it is
00:03:39Today, today
00:03:44I try to stand up
00:03:47And take another step
00:03:50If tomorrow the light of the sun
00:03:53Will shine again
00:03:56I will go
00:03:59To wherever it is
00:04:07Wherever it is
00:04:11Wherever it is
00:04:26Thank you very much
00:04:27Let's welcome
00:04:41Even though the night is dark
00:04:43There is no star
00:04:45Even if I'm tired
00:04:48I will keep going
00:04:50Swaying like this
00:04:52All alone
00:04:54Lose the feeling
00:04:56Close to you
00:04:59I will be in the air
00:05:03In your heart
00:05:06Even though the night is dark
00:05:08I will be in the air
00:05:32I will be in the air
00:05:35Even though the night is dark
00:05:37I will be in the air
00:05:41In your heart
00:05:44Even though the night is dark
00:05:46I will be in the air
00:05:50Even though the night is dark
00:05:52There is no star
00:05:54Even if I'm tired
00:05:57I will keep going
00:05:59Swaying like this
00:06:01All alone
00:06:03Lose the feeling
00:06:05Close to you
00:06:08I will be in the air
00:06:12In your heart
00:06:15Even though the night is dark
00:06:17There is no star
00:06:19Even if I'm tired
00:06:22I will be in the air
00:06:24Swaying like this
00:06:26All alone
00:06:28Lose the feeling
00:06:31Close to you
00:06:34I will be in the air
00:06:38In your heart
00:06:41Even though the night is dark
00:06:43There is no star
00:06:45Even if I'm tired
00:06:47I will keep going
00:06:50Swaying like this
00:06:52All alone
00:06:54Lose the feeling
00:06:56Close to you
00:06:59I will be in the air
00:07:04In your heart
00:07:06Even though the night is dark
00:07:13In your heart
00:07:15Even though the night is dark
00:07:17There is no star
00:07:26This is Nuka
00:07:34This is Nuka
00:07:45I wish I could
00:07:49Be like what you want
00:07:53I become a star
00:07:57You are my enchanting love
00:08:01I don't care if
00:08:05Heaven and hell never exist
00:08:09The important thing is that you exist
00:08:13Even though there is no star
00:08:19Why does the universe
00:08:22Discuss about us
00:08:33My love for you
00:08:36I hope there is no
00:08:38Dream of heaven
00:08:41My dream is not
00:08:44An ordinary class
00:08:46It's boring and boring
00:08:50What I want you to be
00:08:54Even though you are not here
00:08:58I like you
00:09:29My love for you
00:09:34I hope there is no
00:09:37Dream of heaven
00:09:40My dream is not
00:09:43An ordinary class
00:09:45It's boring and boring
00:09:49What I want you to be
00:09:53Even though you are not here
00:09:57I like you
00:10:04My love for you
00:10:07I hope there is no
00:10:10Dream of heaven
00:10:13My dream is not
00:10:15An ordinary class
00:10:18It's boring and boring
00:10:21What I want you to be
00:10:26Even though you are not here
00:10:30I like you
00:10:56Hello Indonesia!
00:11:00How are you, Wiki?
00:11:01How are you, Pisa?
00:11:02A big round of applause for my two amazing friends, Nuka and Wina!
00:11:07I hope all of us who are here tonight are in good health
00:11:10And of course, the audience wherever you are
00:11:12I'm so happy to be here with you
00:11:14Thank you so much
00:11:15Thank you so much
00:11:16Thank you so much
00:11:17Thank you so much
00:11:18Thank you so much
00:11:19Thank you so much
00:11:20Thank you so much
00:11:21Thank you so much
00:11:22Thank you so much
00:11:23The audience wherever you are
00:11:24I'm so happy!
00:11:25I'm Prisa Sompodatu
00:11:27And I'm Wiki Adrian
00:11:28Yes, we are here tonight
00:11:31In our special program
00:11:33IDX Channel, Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:11:39Can I ask for the biggest applause?
00:11:41One more time, if you can
00:11:43One more time, if you can
00:11:45Thank you
00:11:46I give you all the applause for your spirit
00:11:49And tonight
00:11:50Of course, we will witness the innovation products
00:11:53Produced by innovative companies
00:11:56Who have participated in the IDX Channel
00:11:59Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:12:01Which this time raises the theme
00:12:03Leading Innovation through Dynamic Business Modeling
00:12:06For Sustainable Future
00:12:08Innovative companies will receive awards
00:12:11In various classifications
00:12:13Among them, appreciation awards
00:12:16Special awards and main awards
00:12:18And of course
00:12:19In the categories
00:12:21There are several categories
00:12:23Which are accepted by the awardee
00:12:25Among them, the Sustainability category
00:12:27Product and Business Model
00:12:29External Relationship
00:12:31And Internal Process
00:12:33That's right
00:12:34A big round of applause for Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:12:37And on this occasion
00:12:39Allow us to welcome the guests
00:12:41Who are here on this occasion
00:12:43Respected guests
00:12:44Who have been given the opportunity
00:12:46We also want to welcome
00:12:47CEO of IDX Channel, Mr. Masirom
00:12:49How are you?
00:12:50Mr. Masirom, thank you for being here
00:12:52Then there is also
00:12:54Head of Sales and Marketing IDX Channel
00:12:56Mrs. Rina Ritsen
00:12:58Good evening, Mrs
00:13:00Okay, we also want to say
00:13:02Welcome and thank you for being here
00:13:04To the Director of Infrastructure Development
00:13:06And Information Offering
00:13:08PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia
00:13:10Mr. Dharma Setiadi
00:13:13Thank you
00:13:14And the next one is
00:13:15Secretary of PT Kliring
00:13:17Indonesian Insurance
00:13:19Mrs. Lisda Rumondan
00:13:21Good evening, Mrs
00:13:23Okay, we also want to say
00:13:25Welcome to the representative of the Ministry of Investment
00:13:27Who has been on this occasion
00:13:29Has been with us at IDX Channel
00:13:31Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:13:33Thank you for your time
00:13:36And of course, tonight
00:13:38We will watch
00:13:40Various kinds of innovation, Prisa, right?
00:13:42That's right
00:13:43But maybe we will see
00:13:48There is a show that of course
00:13:50This will welcome the presence of
00:13:52The recipients of IDX Channel
00:13:54Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:13:56That's right, and we will watch
00:14:00Greetings from
00:14:02CEO of IDX Channel
00:14:04Mr. Shavril Nasution
00:14:11Salam sejahtera
00:14:12For all of us
00:14:15Puji syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
00:14:17Because of His mercy and mercy
00:14:19We can gather in this room
00:14:21For IDX Channel
00:14:23Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:14:25With the theme
00:14:27Leading Innovation Through Dynamic Business Modeling
00:14:30For Sustainable Futures
00:14:32I must say that
00:14:34IDX Channel
00:14:36This Innovation Award
00:14:38Has existed since 2019
00:14:40So tonight
00:14:42Is the sixth
00:14:44Innovation Award
00:14:46We, IDX Channel
00:14:48Appreciate for the success
00:14:50And contribution that has been given
00:14:54In doing sustainable innovation
00:14:56And breakthroughs that are beneficial
00:14:58For all parties
00:15:00This appreciation is given to
00:15:02Companies that have succeeded
00:15:04In doing various innovations
00:15:06And breakthroughs
00:15:08Which aims to benefit
00:15:12This award is attended by
00:15:1427 companies
00:15:16Both registered in the company
00:15:18Or those who have not yet registered
00:15:20With 40 innovation products
00:15:22Categories that are evaluated
00:15:24At IDX Channel
00:15:26Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:15:282024 this time
00:15:30Is done through
00:15:32An internal process
00:15:34Sustainability as well as product
00:15:36And business model
00:15:38We continue to hope for you
00:15:40To continue to do sustainable innovation
00:15:42To give positive impact
00:15:44And benefits
00:15:46For the general public
00:15:48And create Indonesia
00:15:50In 2045
00:15:52And we also hope
00:15:54The same can be done
00:15:56By other companies
00:15:58In their business cycle
00:16:00I would like to congratulate you
00:16:02Who will represent the company
00:16:04To receive the award
00:16:06IDX Channel
00:16:08Indonesia's Innovation Award
00:16:12Before I end
00:16:14I want to give a speech
00:16:16Get on a boat to Musi River
00:16:18Looking for fish until you sweat
00:16:20Don't be afraid to innovate
00:16:22To receive the award
00:16:24I wish you well
00:16:26Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:16:32Thank you Mr. Syafril for delivering
00:16:34The opening speech on this occasion
00:16:36Of course, I can't wait
00:16:38Who will be the recipient of the award
00:16:40In IDX Channel
00:16:42Indonesia's Innovation Award 2024
00:16:44And of course we will watch
00:16:46The speech from Mr. Syafril
00:16:48We will then watch
00:16:50The keynote speech that will be delivered
00:16:52By Mr. Nurul Ikhwan
00:16:54Deputy Minister of Capital Promotion
00:16:56Ministry of Investment
00:16:58And Hilarization of the Republic of Indonesia
00:17:00To Mr. Nurul Ikhwan
00:17:20Distinguished Mr. Syafril Nasution
00:17:22CEO of IDX Channel
00:17:24Distinguished Mr. Masirom
00:17:26CEO of IDX Channel
00:17:28Also there is Mrs. Rina Ritson
00:17:30Head of Sales and Marketing
00:17:32From IDX Channel
00:17:34I also respect
00:17:36Mr. Dharma Setiadi
00:17:38Director of Infrastructure Development
00:17:40And Management PT Kustodian
00:17:42Central Effect Indonesia
00:17:44I also respect
00:17:46Mrs. Lisda Rumondang
00:17:48Secretary of PT Clearing
00:17:50Insurance Effect Indonesia
00:17:52Ladies and gentlemen
00:17:54Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:17:56Selamat malam, salam sejahtera untuk kita semua
00:17:58Puji syukur kita panjatkan khadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa
00:18:00Yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita berkumpul
00:18:02Di malam hari yang berbahagia ini
00:18:04Untuk sama-sama nanti menyaksikan
00:18:06IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:10Sebelumnya, saya ingin mengapresiasi
00:18:12Kepada IDX Channel yang sudah dari tahun 2019
00:18:14Melaksanakan kegiatan Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:16Karena kalau dalam bayangan saya
00:18:18Ini pendiri dari
00:18:20IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:18:24Tepuk tangan tentunya
00:18:26Untuk IDX Channel
00:18:28Kenapa? Karena sejak dari tahun 2019
00:18:30Sudah mengangkat tema tentang inovasi
00:18:32Yang pada saat di era pemerintahan
00:18:34Bapak Presiden Prabowo Subianto
00:18:36Ini menjadi panggung utama
00:18:38Kenapa? Karena dalam
00:18:40Astacita beliau, itu apapun
00:18:42Yang dicantumkan di dalam delapan cita tersebut
00:18:44Kuncinya adalah inovasi
00:18:46Beliau menyatakan tentang ketahanan pangan
00:18:48Ketahanan energi, kemudian ekonomi hijau
00:18:50Ekonomi biru, kemudian
00:18:52Hilirisasi, dan juga peningkatan teknologi
00:18:54Semuanya ini
00:18:56Lingkaran pusatnya adalah inovasi
00:18:58Dan ini tidak mungkin terjadi Indonesia emas
00:19:00Kalau inovasi tidak dilakukan
00:19:02Karena sekali lagi, apresiasi dan terima kasih
00:19:04Atas nama pemerintah kepada IDX Channel
00:19:06Untuk kegiatan Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia
00:19:08Dan khusus
00:19:10Untuk tahun ini
00:19:12Biarpun belum diserahkan, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat
00:19:14Kepada kawan-kawan yang mendapatkan penganugrahan
00:19:16Dari IDX Channel
00:19:18Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:19:20Karena bapak ibu sekalian
00:19:22Sekali lagi, apapun yang kita lakukan
00:19:24Kita punya satu PR besar
00:19:26PR besarnya adalah kurangnya inovator-inovator
00:19:28Yang hadir di Indonesia
00:19:30Dan kurangnya inovator-inovator ini
00:19:32Kunci utamanya adalah karena sumber daya manusia kita
00:19:34Yang kurang punya kualitas
00:19:36Yang belum terbangun ekosistemnya
00:19:38Karena ini merupakan salah satu cara
00:19:40Untuk membangun ekosistem dan gairah
00:19:42Meningkatkan anugrah inovasi
00:19:44Dan inovasi yang lebih lanjut
00:19:46Yang bisa kita lakukan
00:19:48Terima kasih
00:19:50Kami mohon bapak untuk tetap di atas panggung
00:19:52Karena tidak lengkap
00:19:54Tanpa melakukan sesi foto bersama
00:19:56Kita akan foto bersama
00:19:58Tentu saja kami akan undang
00:20:00Bapak Masirom
00:20:02Kemudian juga Ibu Rina Ritsen
00:20:04Kemudian juga Direktur Pengembangan Infrastruktur
00:20:06Dan Manajemen Informasi PT Kustodian Central Effect Indonesia
00:20:08Bapak Dharma Setiadi
00:20:10Dan juga Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Clearing
00:20:12Penjabatan Efek Indonesia Ibu Liz Darumondang
00:20:14Untuk melakukan sesi foto bersama
00:20:16Kami persilahkan
00:20:46Terima kasih Bapak Ibu
00:21:02Terima kasih Bapak Ibu
00:21:04Terima kasih Bapak dan juga Ibu
00:21:06Kami persilahkan untuk kembali ke tempat
00:21:08Felisa Hadin Terhormat
00:21:10Dan juga Pemirsa
00:21:12Untuk bisa sampai pada malam penganugrahan
00:21:14Terima kasih Bapak dan juga Ibu
00:21:44Dengan tema
00:21:50Apresiasi ini diberikan bagi
00:21:52Perusahaan dan emiten yang berhasil
00:21:54Melakukan inovasi
00:21:56Sebagai kunci keberlanjutan bisnis
00:21:58Sehingga mampu mendorong
00:22:00Pertumbuhan ekonomi
00:22:02Ada pun beberapa tujuan strategis
00:22:04Dari penganugrahan ini adalah
00:22:10Dengan tahap penilaian inovasi
00:22:14Dengan kriteria penilaian
00:22:20Dengan dewan juri
00:22:26Pemirsa dan hadirin yang terhormat
00:22:28Kita saksikan
00:22:30IDX Channel Anugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:22:38Terima kasih atas
00:22:40Applausnya begitu ya
00:22:42Karena kita ingat nggak
00:22:44Ketika melakukan penjurian
00:22:46Itu berhari-hari dengan
00:22:48Banyak sekali perusahaan juga ya
00:22:50Betul sekali dan tentunya
00:22:52Berbagai macam ekspertis sudah diberikan
00:22:54Begitu oleh dewan juri sendiri
00:22:56Untuk kemudian menilai
00:22:58Ataupun memperhatikan inovasi-inovasi
00:23:00Yang sudah di presentasikan
00:23:02Ataupun mungkin disampaikan oleh
00:23:04Para perusahaan dan kita sekali lagi
00:23:06Beri tepuk tangan yang paling meriah dan apresiasi
00:23:08Setinggi-tingginya bagi dewan juri
00:23:10Yang terlibat dalam proses penjurian
00:23:12Boleh kita berikan aplaus terima kasih
00:23:14Bapak Ibu
00:23:16Hadirin dan pemirsa
00:23:18IDX Channel
00:23:20Segera kita akan saksikan siapa saja
00:23:22Yang akan menerima piagam apresiasi
00:23:24Dalam IDX Channel Anugrah
00:23:26Inovasi Indonesia 2024
00:23:30Baik betul sekali Perissa langsung saja
00:23:32Kita akan umumkan sekaligus
00:23:34Mengundang ke atas panggung
00:23:36Penerima piagam apresiasi
00:23:38Dalam kategori
00:23:42Penerima anugrah yang pertama adalah
00:23:44PT United Tractors TBK
00:23:46Dengan inovasi
00:23:48Biodiversity Partnership Program
00:23:54Kepada perwakilan
00:23:56Dari PT United Tractors TBK
00:23:58Kami persilahkan untuk naik ke atas panggung
00:24:08Berikutnya adalah
00:24:10Nickel Industries Limited
00:24:12Dengan inovasi
00:24:14Renewable Energy Transition
00:24:16Kita berikan aplaus yang meriah
00:24:18Kepada perwakilan
00:24:20Dari Nickel Industries Limited
00:24:24Kami silahkan kepada perwakilan dari
00:24:26Nickel Industries untuk menempati titik
00:24:28Yang sudah ditentukan di atas panggung
00:24:30Berikutnya kami juga akan ucapkan selamat
00:24:32Kepada PT PLN Nusantara
00:24:34Power UP Pacitan
00:24:36Dengan inovasi
00:24:38Program Kampung Grabah Sriaman
00:24:50Selanjutnya PT RMK Energy TBK
00:24:54Dengan inovasi
00:24:56Integrated ESG Initiative
00:25:00Berikutnya masih di kategori
00:25:04PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya
00:25:08Dengan inovasi
00:25:10Koalisi Pemenang
00:25:24Selanjutnya adalah penerima piagam
00:25:26Apresiasi untuk kategori
00:25:28Produk dan Model Bisnis
00:25:32Kami ucapkan selamat kepada PT
00:25:34Binarta Sekuritas dengan inovasi
00:25:36Pemanfaatan Open Platform
00:25:38Investasi Online
00:25:59Selanjutnya penerima piagam
00:26:01Apresiasi untuk kategori
00:26:03Proses Internal
00:26:05Kami ucapkan selamat kepada
00:26:07PT Telkom Indonesia
00:26:09Persero TBK dengan inovasi
00:26:11My Digilearn AI
00:26:15Sekali lagi
00:26:17Kami mengundang perwakilan
00:26:22Dari PT Telkom Indonesia
00:26:24Kita berikan aplaus yang
00:26:28Untuk ketujuh penerima
00:26:30Apresiasi kita yang pertama
00:26:33Dan untuk menyerahkan piagam
00:26:35Kami akan undang perwakilan
00:26:37Dewan juri Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:26:39School of Business and Economic
00:26:41Prasetya Mulia University
00:26:57Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:26:59School of Business and Economic
00:27:01Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:03Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:05School of Business and Economic
00:27:07Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:09Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:11School of Business and Economic
00:27:13Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:15Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:17School of Business and Economic
00:27:19Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:21Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:23School of Business and Economic
00:27:25Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:27Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:29School of Business and Economic
00:27:31Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:33Bapak Dr. Fatoni Rahmandin
00:27:35School of Business and Economic
00:27:37Prasetya Mulia University
00:27:39Namo Ampaba
00:27:53from every company to continue to provide or do innovation.
00:27:58Because innovation is one of the main recipes in running a business.
00:28:04And of course, we are more and more impatient to find the next award.
00:28:11Therefore, after the break, we will be back with the special innovation classification award
00:28:17Stay tuned on IDX Channel Indonesia Innovation Award
00:31:17Many kids in the adult world
00:31:22Then I, I, I no longer care about love
00:31:38Special award reading in the Sustainability category
00:31:42Let's welcome Fajar Wayong and Rosalind Chiu
00:31:47Thank you
00:32:10Good evening ladies and gentlemen
00:32:13Of course, we are very proud to be able to be here in front of you
00:32:18Good evening ladies and gentlemen
00:32:21I hope you are always happy
00:32:23Like our clothes, it's quite loud, Fajar
00:32:26Although it's not the loudest love
00:32:28Okay, if that's the case, let's sing like Wina and Nuka
00:32:30Yes, we were vocalizing earlier
00:32:32Okay, ladies and gentlemen, and also Ocha
00:32:36To open the award reading session this time, I have a poem, Ocha
00:32:40Oh, poem
00:32:41If it's a poem, what's the answer, ladies and gentlemen?
00:32:44Pretty is not strong enough
00:32:45What's the answer, ladies and gentlemen?
00:32:47Pretty, ready
00:32:48Are you ready to receive the poem from me, Ocha?
00:32:49I'm ready
00:32:51Fruits in a pot are eaten by a cow
00:32:54I was born to make you happy
00:32:56Oh, ladies and gentlemen, I'm speechless
00:33:00Thank you, Fajar, I'm touched
00:33:02I want Ocha to answer too
00:33:04Okay, don't worry, I also have a poem
00:33:07Don't forget to answer pretty again, ladies and gentlemen
00:33:09I went to Kota Malang to study finance
00:33:12You are the most special handsome man
00:33:15Oh, can I shake your hand?
00:33:17You can shake his hand, ladies and gentlemen
00:33:19I'm speechless, Ocha
00:33:21Don't forget your wife at home
00:33:24Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we just talked about the most special handsome man
00:33:29Of course, it's not just the two of us
00:33:32But what's special here is that the representatives of companies have come
00:33:36Which of course ensures that business activities run in line with the surrounding environment
00:33:41Making companies get a special value in the eyes of the public
00:33:45And about that, ladies and gentlemen, as well as the viewers of IDX Channel
00:33:48Let's just watch and listen together
00:33:53The recipient of the special award in the Sustainability category is
00:33:58PT Unilever Indonesia TBK
00:34:01With Sustainability Innovation in the field of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
00:34:26The next recipient of the Special Award in the Sustainability category
00:34:29PT Bank Raya Indonesia TBK
00:34:32With Sustainability Bank Raya Innovation
00:34:35Next, PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with innovation, delivering growth, ensuring sustainability.
00:35:05Next, PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with innovation, delivering growth, ensuring sustainability.
00:35:15Welcome to the stage, the recipients.
00:35:19Next, we invite Mr. Masirom, CEO of IDX Channel, to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:35:35Next, we invite Mr. Masirom, CEO of IDX Channel, to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:35:58Thank you to the recipients and to Mr. Masirom.
00:36:02We ask Mr. Masirom to stay with us on stage.
00:36:08Once again, congratulations to the recipients.
00:36:15We still have the next trophy, Fajar.
00:36:18Thank you, Fajar.
00:36:24Once again, congratulations.
00:36:26Next, ladies and gentlemen, if we talk about innovation,
00:36:31innovation in product, model, and business is the main recipe to stay relevant with the taste of the market and the development and dynamics of the times.
00:36:41Fajar and Mr. Mirsa, the recipient of the Special Award in Product and Model Business category is PT.Bank.
00:36:50The winner is PT.Bank JTrust Indonesia TBK with the innovation, Best Digital Credit Card Payment Innovation,
00:36:55Diverse Step-to-Pay, Rease, and Virtual Card.
00:37:11Next, PT.Bank Indonesia Persero TBK with the innovation, Super Apps Wonder.
00:37:21Next, PT.Bagadayan with the innovation, The Gate Creative Lounge.
00:37:51Next, PT.Bank Indonesia Persero TBK with the innovation, Sabrina for Virtual and Anti-Fraud Services.
00:38:21Once again, we would like to invite Mr. Mas Hirom as the CEO of IDX Channel to present the trophy to the recipients.
00:38:51Once again, congratulations and we would like to give our appreciation to the recipients.
00:39:20Once again, congratulations and we would like to give our appreciation to the recipients.
00:39:50Wina! Hi Wina!
00:40:02Wina is one of the singers who has been on TV a lot.
00:40:13Hi Wina!
00:40:15Wina, you are still wearing a lot of clothes.
00:40:18If you wear a lot of clothes, it means you eat a lot.
00:40:24Yes, I am taking photosynthesis.
00:40:28Oh, you are wearing an ukulele.
00:40:31What kind of innovation is this?
00:40:34I would like to give you a challenge.
00:40:49What kind of challenge?
00:40:51A singing challenge.
00:40:53Do you agree?
00:40:57Yes, I agree.
00:40:59Okay, we accept it.
00:41:01If we are given a challenge, we have to accept it.
00:41:04So that we can be called as a brave one.
00:41:08I accept it because she has two singles.
00:41:13Okay, what kind of song are you going to sing?
00:41:18This song is very viral.
00:41:20This is my brother's song, Onni Neonni from Korea.
00:41:24Who is the singer?
00:41:26Rosé from Blackpink.
00:41:28She has just collaborated with Bruno Mars.
00:41:30Her name is Afatou.
00:41:32So we are challenged to sing Apathe Apathe.
00:41:37Can you do it?
00:41:39Yes, I can.
00:41:41Now she is in Korea.
00:41:44Okay, so that we can show an innovative performance.
00:41:48You play the ukulele, you sing, I go home.
00:41:51That's smart.
00:41:53Okay, I can do a little bit of beatbox.
00:41:55So you play the ukulele, you sing, I do the beatbox.
00:41:58Do you agree?
00:41:59Yes, I agree.
00:42:01I can do a little bit.
00:42:03Can I go home now?
00:42:04No, you can't.
00:42:05Because you have already accepted the challenge.
00:42:07Are you ready?
00:42:08I will count to three.
00:42:10One, two, three.
00:42:26One, two, three, four.
00:42:36That's it.
00:42:37I can't speak Korean.
00:42:39I can speak Sundanese.
00:42:40That's a Sundanese song.
00:42:41I often hear that song on TikTok.
00:42:46Yes, that's right.
00:42:47Please give her a round of applause.
00:42:50I don't know the lyrics.
00:42:54Why do I sing Jengjeribit?
00:42:55Jengjeribit is a children's game from West Java.
00:42:58The lyrics have positive values.
00:43:01It has a philosophy.
00:43:03What is the philosophy?
00:43:04It teaches us to stay motivated and careful in doing anything.
00:43:08So that we can continue to live more or less like that.
00:43:12That's amazing.
00:43:13That's the most important thing for our culture.
00:43:17If you challenged us, we will challenge you too.
00:43:21Can you sing?
00:43:22I can sing.
00:43:23What else?
00:43:24I can play the ukulele.
00:43:26But can I sing in another language?
00:43:29I will sing in Sundanese.
00:43:31You can sing in Arabic.
00:43:36Can you sing in Arabic?
00:43:39That means there is something.
00:43:42You don't have to sing in Arabic.
00:43:43But you have to sing in Arabic.
00:43:46I will try.
00:43:47Please give her a round of applause.
00:43:50Go ahead, Wina.
00:43:52Don't you want me like I want you, baby
00:43:56Don't you need me like I need you now
00:44:00Sleep tomorrow, go tonight, go crazy
00:44:04All you gonna do is just meet me at the
00:44:07Of the, of the, of the, of the
00:44:10Please give her a round of applause.
00:44:12How can you do that?
00:44:14Because you usually sing Dangdut, Malay songs.
00:44:17And you have a voice.
00:44:18I have a voice too.
00:44:19It's like when Nassar sings,
00:44:23There is a noise.
00:44:24That's an innovation.
00:44:25I was waiting for you to sing in Arabic.
00:44:28But it's okay.
00:44:30One of the innovations.
00:44:32Now, she has taught us how to sing.
00:44:36I will teach you how to be an emcee.
00:44:40You call our friends to come here.
00:44:42Is that okay?
00:44:44Let's try.
00:44:45You say,
00:44:46Ladies and gentlemen,
00:44:48Please give a round of applause for Prasetyo and Vina.
00:44:51Like that.
00:44:53Of course.
00:44:54We can do it.
00:44:56We are not used to be seen by...
00:44:58It's called learning.
00:44:59I will count to three.
00:45:01One more time.
00:45:02Ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:03Ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:04Let's welcome Prasetyo and Vina.
00:45:07It's easy.
00:45:08One, two, three.
00:45:10Ladies and gentlemen,
00:45:12Please give a round of applause for Prasetyo and Vina.
00:45:18Let's go backstage.
00:45:19After this, I want to learn how to sing.
00:45:35Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:45:37Good evening, viewers of IDX channel.
00:45:40Good evening, Vina.
00:45:42Good evening, Pras.
00:45:45It's amazing.
00:45:46I'm speechless to see Vina tonight.
00:45:49She's so beautiful.
00:45:50And her outfit is amazing.
00:45:53It's like an innovation product.
00:45:55It inspires many people.
00:45:58And it's definitely everlasting.
00:46:01Or continuous.
00:46:03You can do it, Pras.
00:46:04Praise night after night.
00:46:06But before it gets longer,
00:46:08let's read the special award for external relations category.
00:46:15And the expansion of business with a wider market
00:46:19is one of the main goals of an external innovation.
00:46:24And the recipient of the special award for external relations category is
00:46:29PT Permodalan Nasional Madani with PNM Mekar innovation.
00:46:43Please, sir.
00:46:54And next,
00:46:55Mind ID with innovation,
00:46:57hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:03To the company representatives, we invite you to receive the award on stage.
00:47:09Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:16We invite Mr. Dharma Setiadi,
00:47:18Director of Infrastructure Development and Information Management of PT Kustodian Central Effect Indonesia
00:47:24to present the award to the recipient.
00:47:38Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:47:57Thank you, Mr. Dharma Setiadi.
00:47:59And the recipients, please go back to your seats.
00:48:09Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:48:20Mind ID with innovation, hillarization and continuous mining.
00:48:30Welcome back to Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024.
00:48:34Wiki, Prisa, I want to borrow the stage.
00:48:36I also want to celebrate tonight.
00:48:40I think you already know who is next to me.
00:48:43Do you know or not?
00:48:45Not so hard.
00:48:46Do you know or not?
00:48:48Do you know who is it?
00:48:52I'm more nervous.
00:48:53You're right.
00:48:54This is Yuda.
00:48:55Indonesia's effect is definitely Yuda.
00:48:57How about this one?
00:48:59Habib Jaffer.
00:49:00Please, give a round of applause for our second special guest tonight.
00:49:04In Indonesia's effect, the most famous one is definitely Yuda Keli.
00:49:09But in the effect of Islam, I think I'm the most famous one.
00:49:14That's right.
00:49:15It's dangerous.
00:49:16It's dangerous.
00:49:17Be patient.
00:49:19Because I'm known as a bad example here, Bib.
00:49:23An example of failure.
00:49:24An example of failure.
00:49:25If there is Anugrah Innovation Indonesia 2024 category of failure, it's me, Bib.
00:49:32I'm like a cancer in a cigarette pack.
00:49:34That's right.
00:49:35In a cigarette pack.
00:49:36Usually, Bib, if there are two guests, one of them is successful.
00:49:41The successful one is Habib.
00:49:45As far as I know, if there are two people who are not a couple, the third one is Satan.
00:49:51Then who is Satan?
00:49:53That's it.
00:49:54Oh, yes.
00:49:56We need to ask.
00:49:57We need to ask.
00:49:59Habib and Yuda.
00:50:00Even though this is still a question mark.
00:50:01Yuda, what are you doing here?
00:50:04An example of failure.
00:50:05An example of failure.
00:50:08We want to know.
00:50:09Actually, from the point of view of Habib Jafar, is investment important?
00:50:13If in the perspective of Islam, investment has its own term.
00:50:19It's called as Mudorobah.
00:50:21It means cooperation to achieve success based on investment.
00:50:26That has been done by Prophet Muhammad himself when he first brought Islam to this world.
00:50:33Where there was a companion named Fadlullah Al-Ansari.
00:50:38He brought a gold ring from Ganggang Perak.
00:50:42As a result of the war.
00:50:45Then the Prophet asked for the gold to be invested.
00:50:48That's the basis of investment in Islam.
00:50:51In fact, in Islam, we are encouraged to invest.
00:50:56Because all the wealth on this earth is not entirely ours.
00:51:02But it is entrusted by God to us.
00:51:05So, if we are entrusted with a piece of land and we don't manage it.
00:51:10Then in Islam, it is not appreciated.
00:51:12Because there is a blessing from God through that piece of land.
00:51:17So, if we have a piece of land, it should be invested for business interests.
00:51:23Which in the end, the result is not only beneficial for us, but for anyone involved in that business activity.
00:51:29That's why in the latest research, there is a scientist named Maxwell.
00:51:36He said that the Muslim world is now growing investment, especially stock.
00:51:43Because the security is guaranteed.
00:51:46Then the halal is guaranteed by the present country.
00:51:50Plus the country also gives punishment, Muslim countries, to businessmen in their country.
00:51:57Who then let the property they own not be invested.
00:52:03Wow, okay.
00:52:04That's great, Bib.
00:52:06And it turns out, what I want to add,
00:52:09maybe a lot of people think that investment in Sharia stock is only for Muslims.
00:52:14But it's not like that, Bib.
00:52:15It can be for everyone.
00:52:17Because even though it is a Sharia stock, the tick is still the same.
00:52:22For example, BRES.
00:52:23BRES is not Ba, Rom, Alip, Samasya.
00:52:26Oh yes, that's right.
00:52:28Still using the alphabet.
00:52:30Yes, even though you don't have to use the alphabet.
00:52:33You don't have to.
00:52:34But the interesting thing is, as Habib said, investment is good.
00:52:39Even the assets we have should be productive.
00:52:42Because the better a person is, the better it is to give benefits.
00:52:46For many people.
00:52:48If we also remember, there is one of the Jakarta Islamic Index.
00:52:52Maybe some people or many people think,
00:52:54oh, the one who invests there is mostly Muslims.
00:52:58But the interesting fact is,
00:53:00not only Muslims who invest in Sharia.
00:53:03Because in terms of values or ethics,
00:53:06it is considered to be better.
00:53:08Then it is also considered to be sustainable.
00:53:10So it turns out that non-Muslims have a lot of trends for investing in Sharia.
00:53:15What do you think?
00:53:16That's right.
00:53:17Indeed, we often have different opinions,
00:53:19but we are in the same opinion.
00:53:23In terms of opinions, sometimes we are different.
00:53:25Even we are in conflict with each other.
00:53:28But in terms of opinions, we are usually in harmony.
00:53:32Collaborating together.
00:53:34Our level is above tolerance.
00:53:36Habib said we have to be tolerant.
00:53:38But we choose to collaborate.
00:53:39That's right.
00:53:40We even want religions,
00:53:43both Islam and other religions in Indonesia,
00:53:46to encourage not only moderation,
00:53:49which is respecting each other,
00:53:51but collaboration,
00:53:54which is supporting each other in good values together.
00:53:59Because we are different in truth,
00:54:01but we are together in goodness.
00:54:02All religions teach goodness.
00:54:04We even encourage transformation.
00:54:06It means how religions not only form personal wrongdoing,
00:54:10but also social wrongdoing in the field of economy, environment,
00:54:14and especially in this context is investment.
00:54:16Clearly, in any teaching,
00:54:18religion always teaches that it turns out that the wealth that is accumulated quickly,
00:54:22quickly run out.
00:54:23But the wealth that is accumulated little by little,
00:54:25it will change us to be rich,
00:54:28and rich to bring blessings to others,
00:54:30not for yourself.
00:54:31That's right.
00:54:32Because there is a break.
00:54:33What is it?
00:54:34Little by little,
00:54:35in the long run,
00:54:36it's tiring too.
00:54:37It's tiring too.
00:54:39That's the real break.
00:54:41Because it's a real break.
00:54:42It's a real break.
00:54:43It's a real experience.
00:54:45And it's true in all religions.
00:54:47For example, in the Hindu perspective,
00:54:49Mahatma Gandhi said,
00:54:50this world is enough for all people who do not give up,
00:54:53but not enough for a handful of people who give up.
00:54:56Then in Islam,
00:55:00or excessive speed
00:55:02is the devil's doing.
00:55:04Islam encourages accuracy.
00:55:06That's why it's the same in stock market.
00:55:08If we are impatient,
00:55:11doesn't encourage us enough
00:55:15to know where the time is for us to stop,
00:55:18for us to rest, and so on.
00:55:20We will be exhausted too.
00:55:22If in Islam,
00:55:23Islam is a religion that has mercy on nature.
00:55:25Mercy for the universe,
00:55:27not only for Muslims.
00:55:28It's also called,
00:55:29in axanthum axanthum leanfusikum.
00:55:31All the goodness that is taught in Islam
00:55:33is a universal goodness for all humans.
00:55:38So, it's the same in the context of the economy.
00:55:40So, the Islamic economy,
00:55:42one of its characteristics,
00:55:44Riba is
00:55:45taking something that is not ours,
00:55:48even though it belongs to others,
00:55:51we take it unfairly.
00:55:53So, it teaches about justice,
00:55:56fairness, and so on.
00:55:58So, it shouldn't be
00:56:00only segmented towards Muslims.
00:56:03So, banks,
00:56:04or investment, or stocks,
00:56:06or anything that is based on Sharia,
00:56:08it's actually,
00:56:10based on justice,
00:56:11based on equality.
00:56:13Based on justice.
00:56:14If it's based on justice,
00:56:15it means there is profit, there is loss.
00:56:17If we learn from Judas,
00:56:19Judas said,
00:56:20cut loss all.
00:56:22The name of investment is
00:56:24stocks in the capital market.
00:56:26But Judas said,
00:56:28cut loss all.
00:56:29So, it's not the capital market.
00:56:31The capital is gone,
00:56:32because it's only the market.
00:56:34Because in investment,
00:56:36I only look for the funny part.
00:56:38I don't look for the funny part.
00:56:39But I want to ask this, Bip.
00:56:40I often say that
00:56:42I often lose.
00:56:44I often feel bad.
00:56:45I think I am rejected by the universe.
00:56:48To what extent can we
00:56:50blame this as fate?
00:56:52I think I lose because of fate.
00:56:55To what extent?
00:56:57Do we blame it as fate,
00:56:58or are we wrong
00:56:59because we don't analyze it well?
00:57:02Yes. Actually,
00:57:03fate is something positive.
00:57:06We are given reason,
00:57:08we are given reference
00:57:10about science,
00:57:11about investment, and so on.
00:57:13The problem is,
00:57:14we don't use it to the maximum,
00:57:17so in the end we are unlucky.
00:57:20The problem is in the literacy,
00:57:23in the mentality, maybe.
00:57:25That's why in Islam,
00:57:27a person who prays sunnah 2 rakat before dawn,
00:57:30he is considered to have the world
00:57:33and even more than that.
00:57:35What does it mean?
00:57:36He is taught from the morning that
00:57:38he has a mentality,
00:57:40has the world,
00:57:41and even more than that.
00:57:42So, he won't look for the world
00:57:45until he makes a fuss
00:57:47about the principles,
00:57:49about things that are forbidden.
00:57:51If he fails that day,
00:57:52he won't give up.
00:57:53It is hoped that if he is successful that day,
00:57:56he won't be arrogant
00:57:57because he is mentally rich.
00:58:00That's the most important thing.
00:58:01Because if a person's mentality is not rich,
00:58:03but his money is rich,
00:58:05he is as arrogant as possible.
00:58:06Minimal Nora.
00:58:08Minimal Nora.
00:58:09Minimal Nora.
00:58:10And this is Bip.
00:58:11Minimal Nora.
00:58:12My family, Bip,
00:58:13has a poor mentality.
00:58:14Because there is a shower in my house,
00:58:16when it is turned on,
00:58:17I take a broom and sweep it, Bip.
00:58:21So, if we lose,
00:58:22don't blame fate, Bip.
00:58:24But because we don't learn.
00:58:26Even one of the principles in investment in Islam
00:58:30is, first, there is no fraud.
00:58:32Second, there is no gambling
00:58:34or over-speculation.
00:58:37Third, there is a bond.
00:58:40There is an agreement.
00:58:42Don't be like two people
00:58:44in Ojek Online,
00:58:46on a motorcycle,
00:58:47talking like that.
00:58:48Where do you want to go?
00:58:50It's been a while.
00:58:51It doesn't connect.
00:58:52Talking, but it doesn't connect.
00:58:54There must be a bond,
00:58:55mutual understanding, and agreement.
00:58:57Then the second,
00:58:59the third,
00:59:00or the fourth,
00:59:02there must be a clear item.
00:59:05That is known to each other.
00:59:07Don't be like,
00:59:08there is an item there.
00:59:10Do you want it?
00:59:11What was the item before?
00:59:13It must be known to each other.
00:59:14And the last, the fifth,
00:59:16one of the basic principle is,
00:59:18it's not only sharing the profit,
00:59:20but also the loss.
00:59:22So, it's not only about the profit,
00:59:24but also the loss.
00:59:26But if everything is profit,
00:59:28don't be surprised,
00:59:29because the loss is taken by Yuda.
00:59:31And I lost in some companies here.
00:59:35I asked for my money back, sir.
00:59:37I swear, sir.
00:59:38I saw it earlier.
00:59:39Oh, this is the emitting.
00:59:40I cut loss here, here.
00:59:44But that's the point,
00:59:46in Islam,
00:59:47Ikhlaq, or literacy.
00:59:49Before we dive into one field,
00:59:51we must understand first,
00:59:53and solve the aspect of literacy,
00:59:55and the mental aspect.
00:59:56That's right.
00:59:57Because yesterday,
00:59:58there was a talk,
00:59:59they said,
01:00:00the small people,
01:00:01the stock investment,
01:00:02they said it's gambling.
01:00:03But no one dares to deny it.
01:00:05Well, that's...
01:00:06Maybe they are afraid to be called the son of Abah.
01:00:11How is that, Bip?
01:00:12Because there are a lot of illegal transactions.
01:00:15Maybe this is the last one from Habib.
01:00:17He said, people who play online gambling,
01:00:19it's safe, because it's anonymous.
01:00:21Even though the angels saw it.
01:00:22That's right.
01:00:23How is that, Bip?
01:00:24That's right.
01:00:25Indeed, your account is anonymous.
01:00:27But the angels have a server
01:00:29that is much more advanced than you.
01:00:32And this,
01:00:33maybe to straighten the statement earlier,
01:00:36I have a trick.
01:00:37How is it, Bip?
01:00:38As an inspiration for Indonesian businessmen,
01:00:41and all of you here,
01:00:43what I mean is,
01:00:45the poor have literacy and the poor have mental.
01:00:47Wow, that's cool.
01:00:48That can be used.
01:00:51So, if the poor have literacy,
01:00:53it's really cool.
01:00:54Yes, because the rich and the poor,
01:00:56it's mainly not about wealth,
01:00:57but about mental.
01:00:58That's right.
01:00:59About mental.
01:01:01Let's give a round of applause
01:01:02for Habib Jafar and Yuda Keling.
01:01:05I hope when you come back from here,
01:01:06we can invest with this,
01:01:08with continuous values,
01:01:10with good values.
01:01:11And of course,
01:01:12you can expand or diversify your portfolio.
01:01:15But if it's all fried food,
01:01:16what's the difference with Ramadhan?
01:01:18Yuda, I hope when you come back from here,
01:01:21you'll be more...
01:01:22More cunning.
01:01:23More cunning.
01:01:24And what's the name of our segment, Ocha?
01:01:26Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:27But in short, Apace.
01:01:29Apace is not Apa-an-cu,
01:01:31but Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:33We've been practicing.
01:01:35We've been practicing.
01:01:36Alhamdulillah Punya Cuan.
01:01:38Aku Investor Saham.
01:01:41Can I shake your hand?
01:01:42I'm not related.
01:01:43I'm like Rubik.
01:01:46Thank you, Habib Jafar.
01:01:50Yuda Keling,
01:01:51I've been waiting for my call.
01:01:53I'll read the nomination.
01:01:55We'll log in later.
01:01:57Log in investment.
01:01:59See you again, Habib Jafar and Yuda.
01:02:03Thank you, Ocha.
01:02:05Oh, they're still there.
01:02:08Let's continue, David.
01:02:10It's very exciting.
01:02:11Very exciting.
01:02:12There are many points that can be conveyed.
01:02:14Perspective related to stock investment.
01:02:17I'm quite interested in Jakarta Islamic Index.
01:02:19It turns out that it's not only Muslims,
01:02:21but also many other religions
01:02:23who are interested in investing in Jakarta Islamic Index.
01:02:28And we have a blessing, right?
01:02:31We have a blessing related to
01:02:34sustainability, right, David?
01:02:38It becomes one of the main conditions
01:02:39for a company to expand
01:02:41to the global market.
01:02:44That's right.
01:02:45And the recipient of the main award
01:02:47in the sustainability category is
01:02:52PT Telkom Indonesia Persero TBK
01:02:54with Innovasi Integrated Sustainability Initiative
01:02:57Education, Design, Work, and Technology.
01:03:05Next is PT Bank CIMD Niaga TBK
01:03:10with Innovasi Perjalanan Menuju Net Zero 2050.
01:03:23Next is PT Suman Indonesia Persero TBK
01:03:26with Innovasi Sustainable Quarry Initiative.
01:03:35And next is PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy TBK
01:03:39with Innovasi Driving Business Sustainability
01:03:42through Environment, Social, and Governance.
01:03:59To the representative of the jury,
01:04:01Prof. Dr. Budi Rensidi,
01:04:03President of the University of Indonesia,
01:04:05we invite you to hand over the award.
01:04:30Once again, congratulations to the recipients.
01:04:40And we invite the recipients
01:04:42to return to their seats.
01:05:00The main award recipients of the category
01:05:02Product and Business Models
01:05:05Fajar Wayong and Fina Munawar.
01:05:31Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
01:05:32and viewers of IDX Channel.
01:05:34And we are both proud
01:05:36to present and read the award
01:05:38at this special event tonight.
01:05:41And of course,
01:05:42it's related to Indonesia's Innovation Award, Fina, right?
01:05:45Yes, that's right.
01:05:46If we talk about innovation,
01:05:47what is it that is passed on to Fina?
01:05:49Of course, it's related to innovation.
01:05:52In my opinion, companies must continue to innovate.
01:05:55Especially now, consumers are increasingly critical.
01:05:58Isn't that right, Fajar?
01:06:00Yes, that's right.
01:06:01For me, innovation is one of the keys.
01:06:04Of course, it's also a consideration of the consumer
01:06:07in choosing a product or service.
01:06:10Then, the level of company's ability in innovation
01:06:13will of course produce the best output.
01:06:17Let's read the main award recipients
01:06:20of the category Product and Business Models.
01:06:24And the main award recipients
01:06:27of the category Product and Business Models are
01:06:31PT BRI Dana Reksa Sukuritas
01:06:33with the innovation Bright Easy,
01:06:35innovation to increase transactions.
01:06:39To the representatives of the companies,
01:06:41please proceed to the stage.
01:06:58Next, the main award recipients
01:07:00of the category Product and Business Models are
01:07:04PT MNC Sukuritas with the innovation Auto-Invest.
01:07:28Next, the main award recipients
01:07:30of the category Product and Business Models are
01:07:34PT Daya Mitra Telekomunikasi TBK
01:07:36with the innovation TOWER Non-Baja GFRP.
01:07:47Next, the main award recipients
01:07:49of the category Super Bank Indonesia
01:07:51with the innovation Super Bank.
01:07:53Next, the main award recipients
01:07:55of the category Super Bank Indonesia
01:07:57with the innovation Celengan by Super Bank.
01:08:17Next, we would like to invite
01:08:20Mr. Yuswo Hadi to the stage
01:08:24to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:08:50Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:08:53to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:08:57Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:08:59to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:09:08Once again, we would like to give a round of applause
01:09:10and appreciation to the main award recipients.
01:09:13And the main award recipients and the representatives of the judges,
01:09:16please return to your seats.
01:09:27Next, we would like to invite Mr. Yuswo Hadi
01:09:29to the stage to present the award to the main award recipients.
01:09:48The main award recipients
01:09:50of the category External Relations,
01:09:52let us welcome
01:09:54Fina Munawar and Rosa Linciu.
01:10:08Hello, good evening everyone.
01:10:10Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
01:10:12I hope you are not bored yet.
01:10:14Look at my face.
01:10:16Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:18tonight is a special night.
01:10:20I am here with my sister.
01:10:22I am Gen Z.
01:10:24Fina, how old are you?
01:10:26What year were you born?
01:10:27I was born in 2001.
01:10:29Oh, 2001.
01:10:30Maybe there are ladies here who were born in 2001.
01:10:33I think you are their child.
01:10:35Their child who was born in 2001.
01:10:37But this is for sure,
01:10:39the younger we are, the more proud we are
01:10:41to be able to stand here tonight.
01:10:43There is one stage, one area
01:10:45with amazing ladies and gentlemen
01:10:49And I heard you have a performance.
01:10:51By the way, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:53can you show us your performance?
01:10:55Of course, Gen Z.
01:10:57Please, Fina.
01:10:59Eating pizza with oyster sauce.
01:11:03After eating, sitting on a chair.
01:11:07If the event is over, don't be too sad.
01:11:09Because here, don't forget
01:11:11we are the cutest.
01:11:13Can I pose?
01:11:14You can pose.
01:11:15A big round of applause for Fina.
01:11:17For the center, she is a narcissist.
01:11:19Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:11:21we will move on to the next innovation,
01:11:23which is innovation in an effort
01:11:25to bring stakeholders closer to businesses
01:11:27that are struggling to become
01:11:29a direct supporter of a business.
01:11:32Yes, the main recipient of the
01:11:34category of External Relationship is
01:11:38PT Bank Syariah Indonesia TBK
01:11:40with the innovation
01:11:42Wealth Management Performance.
01:11:50PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:02The second recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:06with the innovation
01:12:08MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:20The third recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:22with the innovation
01:12:24MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:41The fourth recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:43with the innovation
01:12:45MP Store Super Apps.
01:12:49The fifth recipient of PT Mitra Pedagang Indonesia TBK
01:12:51with the innovation
01:12:53MP Store Super Apps.
01:13:03Okay, once again, congratulations
01:13:05to the recipients of the award.
01:13:13Okay, to Mr. Nurul Ihwan,
01:13:15we would like to stay on stage
01:13:17once again to the recipients of the innovation.
01:13:21regarding the External Relationship,
01:13:23now we will move to the internal process.
01:13:26Innovation within the company's internal
01:13:28makes human resources
01:13:30as an asset
01:13:32have the ability to contribute
01:13:34more to a business.
01:13:36Okay, for that, the main recipient
01:13:38of the internal process category
01:13:42PT PP Persero TBK
01:13:44with the optimization
01:13:46of one-dimensional material.
01:14:00Okay, for that, we would like to invite
01:14:02Mr. Nurul Ihwan
01:14:04to give the award
01:14:06to the recipients.
01:14:16Okay, once again, congratulations
01:14:18to the recipients of
01:14:20PT PP Persero TBK.
01:14:27Okay, once again, congratulations,
01:14:29thank you, and we would like to
01:14:31get back to the stage.
01:14:40Okay, Vina,
01:14:42even though it's getting late,
01:14:44we still have a special look
01:14:46tonight. Do you know what the next look is?
01:14:48He said it's related to
01:14:50the songs that are hit lately.
01:14:52The songs that are hit.
01:14:54Sometimes, it's like a weak creature
01:14:56when facing challenges. But,
01:14:58fortunately, the earth is still spinning.
01:15:02I don't want to answer.
01:15:04I don't want to give up.
01:15:06It's more like Gen Z.
01:15:08Prove it, ladies and gentlemen.
01:15:10We are still related, even though we are
01:15:12still young.
01:15:14Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
01:15:16let's see the performance of
01:15:18Nuka with Untungnya Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan.
01:15:20Please welcome, Nuka.
01:15:42Untungnya Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan
01:16:14Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:16:18Untungnya Ku Bisa Rasa
01:16:22Hal-Hal Baik Yang Datang Yang Belakang
01:16:28Ada Waktu
01:16:36Hal Buruk Datang Berturut-Turut
01:16:38Semua Yang Tinggal Juga Yang Hilang
01:16:44Seberapapun Absurnya
01:16:46Pasti Ada Makna
01:16:54Bumi Masih Berputar
01:17:00Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:17:04Itu Memang Paling Mudah
01:17:06Untungnya Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:17:16Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:17:22Hidup Terus Berjalan
01:17:26Untungnya Ku Bisa Rasa
01:17:28Hal-Hal Baik Yang Datang Yang Belakang
01:17:38Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan
01:18:08Ku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:18:30Harian Kapan Kamu Pulang
01:18:32Fikiranku Selalu Terbang Melayang
01:18:36Tak Pernah Ada Kabar Darimu
01:18:40Walau Ku Tahu Kamu Olah
01:18:46Katamu Ini Cuma Seminggu
01:18:50Tapi Rasanya Seperti Sewel
01:18:54Ternyata Sulit Ku Jauh Darimu
01:18:58Tanpa Genitan Manja-Manja
01:19:02Aku Tak Bikin Menyerah
01:19:08Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:19:14Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:19:20Ku Pakai Atas Sehat
01:19:26Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:19:28Biar Aku Mau
01:19:30Cuma Kamu Sama
01:19:32Aku Ini
01:20:00Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:06Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:12Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:18Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:24Ku Pilih Yang Lebih Susah
01:20:28Selamat Pergi
01:20:30Yang Aku Mau
01:20:32Cuma Kamu
01:20:34Saat Ini
01:20:38Yang Aku Mau
01:20:40Cuma Kamu
01:20:42Saat Ini
01:20:50Terima Kasih
01:20:58Boleh sekali lagi tepuk tangannya
01:21:00Untuk Wina
01:21:02Padahal lagi
01:21:04Asik boget ya
01:21:06Tapi ternyata waktu sudah
01:21:08Menunjukkan pokoknya sekian
01:21:10Jadi ini kita kemudian
01:21:12Tidak terasa ya sudah ada di penghujung acara
01:21:14Kita sudah sama-sama menyaksikan
01:21:16Penerimaan nugrah dari berbagai klasifikasi
01:21:18Dan juga kategori
01:21:20Selamat atas prestasi yang baru
01:21:22Saja terukir izinkan kami
01:21:24Untuk mengucapkan terima kasih
01:21:26Kepada Dewan Juri atas penilaian dan waktu yang disempatkan
01:21:28Serta rekan-rekan presenter
01:21:30IDX Channel yang sudah mengantarkan
01:21:32Siapa saja penerimaan nugrah dalam IDX Channel
01:21:34Nugrah Inovasi Indonesia 2024
01:21:36Dan tepuk tangan yang paling berat untuk anda yang sudah hadir
01:21:38Pada kesempatan kali ini ya
01:21:40Dan selamat
01:21:42Sekali lagi kepada seluruh penerimaan nugrah
01:21:44Semoga inovasi
01:21:46Yang sudah dihasilkan ini bisa menjadi
01:21:48Inspirasi bagi
01:21:50Kita semua dan kita berharap
01:21:52Pencapaian atas inovasi yang sudah dilakukan
01:21:54Ini dapat memicu tentunya
01:21:56Lahirnya inovasi-inovasi lain
01:21:58Bagi kemajuan bangsa dan negara
01:22:00Akhir kata
01:22:02Saya Prisah Somodhatu
01:22:04Dan saya Ugya Adrian mewakili seluruh tim yang bertugas
01:22:06Pamit undur diri sampai jumpa di
01:22:08IDX Channel
01:22:10Andugrah Inovasi Indonesia berikutnya
01:22:12And once again please welcome
01:22:14This is NUKA
01:22:25Persembahan terakhir dari
01:22:27Faham Nukas
01:22:29Kenangan Nugrah
01:22:55Ketawa yang terlepas sampai demam
01:23:03Cerita lama yang selalu dibawa
01:23:08Diam-diam hati ingin mengganti
01:23:11Teringat dan jadi cerita tentangmu
01:23:20Untuk sementara
01:23:23Sampai berjumpa
01:23:26Bersama semua
01:23:29Bercanda lagi
01:23:32Kenangan yang habis
01:23:35Di hari ini
01:23:38Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:23:51Semua mimpi tinggi dan segala drama
01:23:58Dijadikan canda dikeluh bersama
01:24:03Terkadang-kadang matal bicara
01:24:06Seakan-akan semua rahasia
01:24:09Oh kebodohan antara kita
01:24:12Jadikan angan manis
01:24:17Untuk sementara
01:24:20Sampai berjumpa
01:24:24Bersama semua
01:24:26Bercanda lagi
01:24:31Di hari ini
01:24:36Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:24:48Bersama semua
01:24:51Bercanda lagi
01:24:54Kenangan yang habis
01:24:57Di hari ini
01:25:00Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:06Kenangan yang habis
01:25:09Sehari ini
01:25:12Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:17Jadi alasan untuk kembali
01:25:47Sampai jumpa