Barry Bruan in Toronto - Release your inner entrepreneur

  • 15 years ago Who is Barry Braun? Unique – Barry is like no one else you will meet. He teaches and helps you produce like no one else does. Experience at Growth - Barry helped Montreal Trust increase market 300% in 5years Disciplined – Barry started his career as an engineer in the Navy Business Experience – Barry been CEO of several international businesses over his 20 years of experience Barry Clientele – Barry works with CEO and senior managers. Clients include CEO, Presidents, Serious Inspiring Business Students, Higher Level Manager and Associates of companies including HSBC, Telus, Maratime Life, Assante, Michelin, Royal LePage and Berkshire. What is Barry Secret – Braun’s processes, methods and understanding in business come from a long career as a successful entrepreneur as well as his study of multiple disciplines. His diversity of knowledge in psychology, mythology and neuroscience gives you access to both your conscious and unconscious mind, allowing you to create and make a vision of your business that you are truly connected to. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) – He is a certified practitioner and believes strongly is using these techniques coming from a background of a area and science
