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Panayam kay OCD ASec. Raffy Alejandro kaugnay ng sitwasyon at update matapos ang Kanlaon Volcano eruption

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00:00In the situation and update after the Mt. Canlaon eruption, we will discuss with Assistant Secretary Bernardo Rafaelito Alejandro IV,
00:13Deputy Administrator for Administration of the Office of Civil Defense.
00:18Rafi, good afternoon.
00:21Yes, good morning or good noon.
00:25What is the latest update when it comes to the number of affected families or individuals
00:31and how widespread are the affected areas of the eruption of the volcano Canlaon?
00:38Yes, our response to Canlaon is ongoing.
00:44So far, there are 37,699 affected persons or close to 11,000 families
00:52affected by the eruption the other day.
00:56The ashfall almost reached Baguio City and we have trade in Iloilo.
01:02But of course, our evacuation to the 6-kilometer permanent danger zone is ongoing.
01:09So far, we have 29 evacuation centers and there are 12,378 individuals
01:18or close to 3,700 families.
01:22But our target for the three municipalities or LGUs included in the order is almost 56,000 individuals.
01:32So our effort is ongoing to completely evacuate our countrymen to the permanent danger zone.
01:41Evacuation is still ongoing by our colleagues in Negros.
01:52As for Rafi, we are also asking for an update on the evacuation of our countrymen
01:57who are inside the 6-kilometer permanent danger zone from the volcano Canlaon.
02:02Are all of them evacuated or are there still people who do not want to leave their homes
02:06because they remember that they will be left behind?
02:08Only 12,000 were reported out of the 56,000 that were reported to us that need to be evacuated.
02:17They are not really resisting, but they just want to make sure that they will be evacuated and their families are secure.
02:25Of course, they also remember the animals that should be evacuated.
02:32So that is what we are arranging now with the LGUs.
02:37We have a task force assigned by Secretary Chidoro.
02:41He created a task force in Canlaon that will be the command and control in the two provinces that have evacuation.
02:49So our effort is ongoing.
02:51The DSWP is ensuring the support to the LGUs when it comes to family food packs and other needs in the evacuation center.
03:02Okay. For those who do not want to leave their homes, do you have a data on how many percent do not want to evacuate?
03:09What is your possible estimate on this?
03:13Yes. Right now, it's only 30 percent.
03:16As I said, it's not that they don't want to evacuate. Some are hesitating because they want to secure their properties before they leave.
03:26But we have already talked to the task force and the PNP that they will enforce this order for their safety.
03:35Slowly, we will make sure that we will provide the necessary logistical support, the transportation that is needed to effect this mandatory evacuation.
03:46Our PNP has activated their peace and order cluster and they will set up checkpoints and they will help or add more people to help in the evacuation.
04:04So Asec, because of the massive eruption of Canlaon, do you have a plan to expand the scope of evacuation up to nine or ten kilometers away from the volcano?
04:15So far, not yet. Because according to our people, they have three windows to observe the behavior of Canlaon.
04:28We will know if they will go up, down or maintain the six-kilometer alert level three.
04:37That is our alert level right now. We will know that in the next few weeks.
04:44They are giving us three weeks and hopefully, it will not erupt.
04:50But the people reminded us that it can still have activity anytime.
04:55That is why we were reminded that there should be no human activity within the six-kilometer permanent danger zone.
05:03Currently, are there any additional cities or towns that need to be evacuated?
05:09Especially the tourist destinations that are currently on vacation or are on vacation at this time?
05:17Yes. There are no additional cities. There are only three municipalities that need to be evacuated.
05:24As of now, the only threat is if the ash falls.
05:31But so far, there are only three LGUs that need to be evacuated.
05:36Our target is around 20 barangays.
05:40Asec, according to PHEVOLTS, it is possible that the eruption of Mount Canlaon will continue.
05:46How are you preparing this in case it will reach alert level four?
05:51Yes. We have a worst-case scenario planning.
05:54We are preparing the evacuation centers that are needed.
06:02If there is an elevation of alert level, even if it is level four,
06:08it will reach 10,000 people. From 54, it will be 64 that need to be evacuated.
06:16The family food pack, evacuation center and wash facilities need to be ready.
06:27We need to have proper planning with the local government and sustainability with the evacuation centers.
06:37That is what we need to do. We are already doing that and considering all scenarios.
06:44Please explain to us what are the measures if Mount Canlaon is already at alert level four.
06:52What are the preparations that you will do?
06:56Yes. Alert level four means that the probability of a violent eruption is higher.
07:06We will increase from 6 kilometers to 8 to 10 kilometers in the permanent danger zone or extended danger zone.
07:17More people will be evacuated there.
07:20Based on our data, we need to evacuate 139,000 individuals.
07:31In 8 kilometers, we need 115,000. It will increase and more LGUs will be affected.
07:42We will maintain more evacuation centers.
07:46We are already prepared. We are preparing our LGUs and the resources that the national government needs.
07:58So Asec, what is the plan of OCD if there is a lahar flow due to the possible effect of ITCZ that may cause rain?
08:09Yes. Lahar will be triggered by rain.
08:14We are monitoring the low pressure that may form next week.
08:19That is one thing that we are looking at.
08:21We also need to evacuate the communities that are in river channels that may be affected by lahar.
08:29The hazard map is guiding us to prepare.
08:34We are also preparing all the barangays that may be affected by lahar.
08:41We are monitoring it and it is part of our planning.
08:49Do you have an initial estimate on the damages after the Canlaon eruption?
08:56Nothing yet.
08:58Nothing yet?
08:59Nothing yet. There are no estimated damages.
09:02But we are monitoring if it will escalate.
09:05Mostly, agriculture is affected.
09:08Then of course, the damage to residential houses that we don't know about now.
09:14Nothing yet.
09:15Only ashfall reached the area, especially in Bago City.
09:19There is a remedial there.
09:21It will be cleaned and there is no damage from the ashfall.
09:26As long as there are no people in the permanent danger zone,
09:30even if there is an activity, no one will die there.
09:34We are sure because we have evacuated them.
09:37There are no major infrastructure within six kilometers.
09:41There are only residential areas.
09:43We will look at it.
09:45We will have a zoning so we can see how many specific houses will be affected in case of a violent eruption.
09:56Okay sir.
09:57Please send a message to our countrymen who are affected by the Canlaon eruption,
10:01especially to their relatives who are not in the area, but are in Manila or other countries.
10:09Our message is to listen to all affected communities.
10:15Listen to the authorities.
10:16Follow the news and cooperate.
10:20The only solution here is if there is a volcanic eruption, distance.
10:27We need to stand up and move because we might be hit by pyroclastic material.
10:35These are the rocks that are floating, lava that can be caused by the volcano.
10:42So we really need to stay away.
10:44There is a warning under Alert Level 3 that the volcano can erupt
10:51and it will be more violent than the last eruption.
10:55So let's listen and follow.
10:58To our countrymen who are here in Manila, if you can help in terms of resources, that's fine.
11:08But if you can accommodate the displaced countrymen, you can accommodate them here in Manila.
11:17But rest assured, our government is making sure, we are working with the local government units
11:24to prepare the evacuation centers that are needed and to provide facilities,
11:30shelters, and shelters for their temporary housing to be convenient for them.
11:39All right. Thank you very much for your time.
11:43Assistant Secretary Rafi Alejandro, Deputy Administrator for Administration of the Office of Civil Defense.
