Antisipasi Banjir Ekstrem, Pemerintah Lanjutkan Modifikasi Cuaca
00:00The Minister of Human Development and Culture, PMK Pratikno, said that the government will continue to modify the weather to face extreme rain in Jakarta and the Penyangga region.
00:17After a close coordination in his office on December 10, Pratikno said that the effort to modify the weather was carried out in tandem with the BMKG and BNPB to reduce excessive rainfall and reduce the water infrastructure burden in Jabodetabek, which is affected by extreme rain.
00:39We agreed to take the first steps to reduce the physical infrastructure burden in Jabodetabek by modifying the weather, optimizing existing infrastructure,
00:54making postcode together, then everything is ready and if the flood still happens, we are also ready to respond quickly so that the burden of the community can be minimized.
01:10Previously, the BMKG warned about the high rainfall that will occur in a number of areas of Indonesia, including Jakarta and its surroundings, which will reach its peak on December 15.
01:25From Jakarta Irfan Syah Nasution, Antara News Agency, reporting.