• last year
Una Noche de Chocolate Navideña . Película Navideña Romántica en Español Latino. Una fotógrafa aprovecha las vacaciones para vivir una aventura inesperada al hacerse pasar por su mejor amiga en una prestigiosa escuela culinaria belga. Allí, descubre más que solo recetas: un encantador instructor chocolatero cambia su forma de ver la vida.
00:00:44Muy bien Susan creo que ya está
00:00:52Entonces si fueron los macarrones si es el nuevo postre especial del menú de esta navidad
00:00:58Tengo fotos de todo lo demás me emociona mucho ver qué vas a hacer
00:01:03Dime cuánto te debo
00:01:05Bueno para mi vieja amiga invita a la casa. No, no puedo hacer eso. Será tu regalo adelantado
00:01:13bueno, pero
00:01:15Quieres unos macarrones al menos? Bien, si insistes
00:01:22Tu cheque. Gracias. Se ven deliciosos
00:01:34Susan el chocolate es de otro mundo. Bueno, no de otro mundo, pero lo importé desde Bélgica
00:01:42Si que te estás esforzando
00:01:44investigue y la forma en la que lo muelen y preparan es como quiero hacer el mío
00:01:50No hay escondido un diminuto detalle. Soy pastelera, no chocolatera
00:01:55Yo bueno digamos que no se te daba bien, pero siendo justas tampoco era lo mío
00:02:01Nos daba tantos problemas. Recuerdas que no podíamos sacarlo del molde casi repruebo la escuela de pastelería
00:02:08Pero aún pienso en aquel praline que hiciste
00:02:13delicioso. Eso fue porque no era chocolate o repostería
00:02:17De hecho los había estado haciendo desde niña con mi mamá y mi abuela
00:02:21solo por eso fui a la escuela de repostería
00:02:23Bueno, sabes que tampoco sé hacer chocolate. Por eso es que me inscribí a una clase intensiva experimental en Bélgica estas vacaciones
00:02:32Aprenderé de la fuente. Eso es maravilloso
00:02:36Necesito que alguien tome fotos cuando los haga
00:02:39Bueno, cuando actualices tu sitio web, dímelo y estaré aquí. Me visitan más desde que tengo tus fotos ahí. Me alegra
00:02:49La verdad es que editar fotos de postres durante horas frente a una pantalla no es igual a prepararlos amiga
00:02:56Susan, perdona por la interrupción, pero llegó una orden de 10 árboles de navidad de chocolate y
00:03:03quiero entregarlos a mediodía, pero estoy con los macarrones. Por supuesto, solo un segundo
00:03:10Muy bien, editaré las fotos hoy y te las enviaré por la noche. Gracias Kate. No olvides esto
00:03:19Un día que empieza con chocolate es un gran día. Te llamo después. Sí
00:03:42Perdón por llegar tan tarde
00:03:44Tuvimos filas después de cerrar y vendimos tantas galletas de azúcar y jengibre que no quedaron para mañana
00:03:50Voy a tener que regresar a la tienda
00:03:53No sé cómo le voy a hacer en navidad
00:03:58huele a azúcar quemada
00:04:00Podría decir que me inspiró nuestra charla de hoy. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que trataste de hacer un postre de cero?
00:04:07Hace años
00:04:08¿Tanto extrañabas estar en la cocina?
00:04:12No sé, es que... Bueno, tengo algo que te va a ayudar. ¿Más macarrones?
00:04:22Tengo tiempo para un par de galletas mientras vemos las fotos
00:04:27Perfecto, ven conmigo
00:04:31Aquí están. ¿A verlas?
00:04:41Sí, es la luz de la mañana. Hace que tus postres se vean súper deliciosos
00:04:47Es cosa de esa hora dorada, ¿entiendes? Le agregue ese peculiar toque navideño
00:04:54Gracias Kate, se verá tan bien en el sitio. De nada
00:04:59de hecho hay
00:05:02Algo más de lo que quería hablar contigo. ¿Qué tienes? ¿La tienda está bien? ¿Michelle está bien?
00:05:08No, no, está bien. Todo está bien
00:05:11Bueno, casi todo. Estamos muy ocupadas. Ah, eso es bueno. Sí, lo es
00:05:16Pero yo subestimé la fiebre navideña. Sabes que Michelle y yo somos increíbles pero
00:05:22No puedo dejar la tienda sola, ni hay tiempo para entrenar a alguien, entonces
00:05:28Pensé que
00:05:29podría ser tu oportunidad de volver a la escuela
00:05:33¿Qué me quieres decir? No podré asistir a mi curso intensivo de chocolate y no es reembolsable. ¿El de Bélgica?
00:05:40Ecole de chocolate de Bruxelles. El que fue mi mentor me recomendó esa escuela. Técnicamente es tienda y escuela
00:05:47Ahí es donde él aprendió a hacer chocolate y todos los grandes chocolateros también
00:05:54Ecole de chocolate de Bruxelles. ¿Que francés?
00:05:58No sé, la última vez que hablé francés fue en secundaria
00:06:04Bueno, por suerte para ti, quien da el curso, Mathias de Bois, es también de aquí
00:06:11No lo sé. No, por favor. Ese curso en particular se centra en chocolates navideños
00:06:18Solo hace este programa especial una vez al año y no quiero esperar al siguiente
00:06:25Siempre quise visitar Bruselas en esta época del año. He oído que es muy hermoso y la ciudad está completamente decorada
00:06:33Y mis padres irán a un crucero de vacaciones
00:06:37¿Cuándo inicia? En tres días, amiga
00:06:41Aún tengo sesiones de fotos, aunque
00:06:44Podría dárselas a un compañero fotógrafo. ¿Ah, sí? ¡Problema resuelto!
00:06:51Bien, lo haré. Sí, gracias
00:06:54No, a ti. Por Dios, te debo una
00:06:59Aunque hay un problema más. ¿Cuál?
00:07:03Las entradas para la escuela no son transferibles, te harás pasar por mí. ¿Que yo qué?
00:07:10Solo admiten profesionales
00:07:13Pero yo no soy una profesional. Pero quería serlo, ¿recuerdas? Sí, pero yo
00:07:20Es que y si me atrapan, si me meto en problemas podrían vetarme de la escuela o aún peor vetarte a ti. ¿Por qué lo harían?
00:07:28Porque no soy tú y no sé cuánto tiempo podría fingirlo. Es solo un par de días y me conoces
00:07:35¿Por cuántos años?
00:07:37Hasta fuimos a la misma escuela. ¡Habla de eso!
00:07:41Es Navidad en Europa. Una oportunidad para estudiar. ¡Oh, y significaría tanto para mí mi tienda!
00:07:49Ok, ok, ok, lo haré. Solo porque eres mi mejor amiga
00:07:54Gracias. En serio, no te imaginas cuánto aprecio esto
00:07:59Esto es genial. Estoy muy feliz de ayudar. Es grandioso. Sí, muy bien. Bueno
00:08:05Lleva tu laptop. Habrá mucho que recordar
00:08:25Voy muy tarde. ¿Ok? Sí. Ay Susan, ¿por qué las calles son tan confusas?
00:08:34¿Por qué las calles son tan confusas?
00:08:49Un segundo. Vine a la clase de chocolate
00:08:55Perdón, casi inicia la lección. No, no, no. Yo por eso vine. Es mi clase, es mi lección
00:09:01¿Susan Michaels? Sí, llámame Kate
00:09:06Susan Catherine Kate
00:09:10Sí, mi abuela también tenía Susan de primer nombre, así que yo prefiero Kate para evitar confusiones
00:09:17¿Sabes qué? Tengo, tengo la
00:09:23Claro, pasa
00:09:28Puedes poner tu maleta tras el mostrador. Ingrid te ayudará
00:09:35Déjeme ayudarle. Gracias
00:09:39Soy Ingrid, gusto en conocerla
00:09:48Parece que este lugar funciona desde hace mucho. Sí, sí, yo ayudé al abuelo de Matías
00:09:55cuando él heredó la tienda de su padre. Ah, bien, vamos. Ya gastamos cinco minutos de tu lección y no doy tiempo extra
00:10:05Bienvenida de nuevo a tu primera lección en la Ecole de Chocolate de Brusel
00:10:09Me llamo Matías Dubois. Soy el dueño en caso de que no quedara claro. ¿Ya habías visitado Bruselas antes?
00:10:16No, primera vez. Pues bienvenida, bienveno
00:10:20Bienvenida a nuestro reino. Estamos en Bruselas desde que se creó la técnica belga del chocolate. Se muele finamente a 18 micras usando
00:10:27manteca de cacao pura e ingredientes orgánicos. Así creamos el mejor chocolate
00:10:34Lo siento
00:10:37Hoy haremos algo fácil. Con chocolates mixtos haremos corteza de menta. Primero templaremos el chocolate y lo mezclaremos con bastones de caramelo
00:10:44Más adelante subiremos la dificultad, ¿te parece?
00:10:47Empezaremos con calentar la parrilla
00:10:49Y recuerda, templar el chocolate no es para novatos, pero como profesional, ya sabes que es la única manera de lograr un brillo suave y elegante
00:10:58Bueno, ajusta la parrilla a temperatura media
00:11:03Perfecto, ahora derretiremos el chocolate a baño María
00:11:08Quería pedirte que me ayudaras a calentar la parrilla
00:11:13Perfecto, ahora derretiremos el chocolate a baño María
00:11:18Quería pedirte que fueras más despacio, por favor. Vas demasiado rápido para mí y no puedo escribir la lección
00:11:24Kate, aquí no vienes a escribir, sino a entender el chocolate y volverte uno con él, lo cual es muy importante en Navidad
00:11:32Un chocolate dice con precisión lo que sientes por alguien, y uno de nuestra calidad expresa todo tu afecto
00:11:39Pero yo me refiero a escribir, que es como aprendes en la escuela
00:11:43Esta no es cualquier escuela, es la Ecole de Chocolate de Bruxelles, ¡en Navidad!
00:11:48Y no seré capaz de enseñarte con tus dedos en tu computadora en vez de usar los utensilios de cocina que hay aquí
00:11:56Tienes razón, pero ¿podría, por favor, solo grabar audio en mi laptop? Creo que sería bueno para mí poder repasar la lección del día
00:12:09De acuerdo
00:12:10Sí, muy bien
00:12:11Pero que sea solo para tus oídos, ¿sí?
00:12:14Por supuesto, gracias
00:12:17Y listo
00:12:21Muy bien, toma una de estas tablillas de chocolate
00:12:30Perfecto, ahora pruébala y me dices qué tal
00:12:41¿Algún toque de café? ¿Quizás levemente floral? ¿Tropical?
00:12:47Sí, puedo sentir esas cosas ahora que lo mencionas
00:12:53No temas a usar sabores y experiencias al describir el chocolate, ¿entiendes?
00:12:59Pues bien, hay que continuar con este asunto, empieza a revolver
00:13:05¿Por qué no solo usamos el microondas?
00:13:10No puedes usar los nuevos métodos hasta que domines los previos
00:13:14Muy bien, ahora... ¡Ey, espera! ¡Oye, oye! ¡Uf! ¿Me dejas? ¿Puedo?
00:13:23Es un movimiento más mesurado
00:13:27Ahora te toca a ti
00:13:37Un poco más y está listo
00:13:39Derramaremos el chocolate sobre la losa aquí al lado de la parrilla
00:13:43Usa una espátula para sacarlo y luego distribúyelo en la superficie
00:13:49Lo tengo
00:13:51¡Oh, oh, oh! ¡Espera! ¡Ay, ay! ¡Ay, agua! ¡Ay, cielos! ¡Está bien!
00:13:56Eso se va a pegar, ¿no?
00:13:58Ya se está pegando, sí, bueno
00:14:00No importa, solo regresemoslo y limpiaremos después
00:14:03Entonces, otra vez, lo siento
00:14:05Ya está
00:14:09Toma el chocolate, sí
00:14:29Cielos, eso es muy...
00:14:49Es hermoso
00:14:55Puedo ver que te impresioné
00:14:57Sabes, no está tan mal para una primera vez
00:15:11Kate, ¿puedo hablarte un momento?
00:15:13Ah, seguro
00:15:15Seré honesto, Kate
00:15:17No creo que esta clase sea para ti
00:15:19¿De verdad tienes una pastelería?
00:15:23Sí, fui a la escuela para eso
00:15:27Esta clase de chocolate navideño es para reposteros con experiencia
00:15:31Puedo ver que eres entusiasta, pero no es un curso básico
00:15:35Quizá no fui claro
00:15:37Tengo que tomar esta clase
00:15:39Debo aprender cómo hacer esto y...
00:15:41Necesito probar que puedo hacerlo
00:15:44¿Segura que puedes?
00:15:46La verdad, no he hecho nada por mí misma en mucho tiempo y...
00:15:52Me gustaría aprender si me enseñas
00:16:02Mañana no entraremos a la cocina
00:16:04Será mejor si hacemos algo más vivencial
00:16:06Aprenderás más de eso, así que iremos a una degustación mañana a las 2 pm
00:16:11E Ingrid atenderá aquí
00:16:13Sí, no hay problema, tómense su tiempo
00:16:17No es nada
00:16:19Bueno, estoy muy emocionada por la degustación y...
00:16:27Por supuesto
00:16:28Te veré mañana en la tarde a las 2
00:16:43Buenas tardes, soy Heidi Landry
00:16:46Hola, te dejaré pasar
00:16:49Buenas tardes, soy Heidi Landry
00:16:52Hola, te dejaré pasar
00:17:09¡Hola! ¿Cómo te fue?
00:17:11Muy bien, y tú?
00:17:12Muy bien
00:17:15Marta me estaba preguntando
00:17:17Hello, how did it go?
00:17:19Well, I almost ruined it in the first class.
00:17:23I told him my name was Kate, but his second name is Katherine,
00:17:27so I could say that I abbreviated it.
00:17:30Oh, that's good.
00:17:32Yes, I don't know how much he believed me.
00:17:34The pastry shop is one thing, but I had forgotten how creaky chocolate is.
00:17:38I couldn't even temper it well.
00:17:40I swear, at that moment I thought I would get fired for being a fraud.
00:17:45Oh no, if you're lucky, the next one will be softer.
00:17:49The truth is that I don't look like Susan Katherine Michaels,
00:17:53the highly-awarded pastry chef, no kidding.
00:17:56I have no idea how I'll do this, Susan.
00:17:59Maybe I'm not good enough for this.
00:18:01You've only been here one day, just one more.
00:18:05I don't know.
00:18:06So, how's the teacher?
00:18:09He's very, very good.
00:18:11But he wants everything to be perfect,
00:18:14which is not easy for someone who pretends to be you.
00:18:18But tomorrow we'll go to a Christmas chocolate tasting.
00:18:23You'll feel better after resting tonight.
00:18:25You'll learn from other pastry shops, and you'll get used to it.
00:18:30Mmm, yeah, I don't think he thinks that.
00:18:32But I don't want to disappoint you,
00:18:35or get you fired from the show, or anything like that.
00:18:38I know what it means to you, and I'll send you the notes from class.
00:18:42Mmm, I appreciate it.
00:18:44A new order is arriving!
00:18:46Oh, I have to go, but tell me everything, okay?
00:18:50I'll do my best to keep up appearances.
00:18:52And have fun for me, will you?
00:18:54Yes, I'll try. Have fun too, it's almost Christmas.
00:18:58I know that.
00:19:04Hey, Ingrid, how's the supplies coming along?
00:19:08A little more expensive than last time,
00:19:11because of the Christmas chocolate.
00:19:13How much more?
00:19:17Even with the lessons...
00:19:19Keeping this store open is enough.
00:19:21I owe it to my grandfather. I have to be able to run it like he wanted.
00:19:24If that means there's no Christmas for me again, it's fine.
00:19:27You know your grandfather didn't want that.
00:19:30He loved these dates.
00:19:33More than this place?
00:19:38Just think about that.
00:19:41I'll check the books again in case something happened to us.
00:19:45Of course.
00:19:48Rest well.
00:20:07And... Voila!
00:20:17I did it!
00:20:19It's two o'clock sharp, I arrived on time, and I didn't get lost.
00:20:22It's an improvement. There's still hope.
00:20:24I'll be back at five.
00:20:25Of course.
00:20:27And it was there that I decided to help him.
00:20:29It was too much for just one.
00:20:31Where are your parents?
00:20:33Am I the only one?
00:20:34Oh, I'm sorry.
00:20:35No, it's okay. It was a long time ago.
00:20:38And how long have you been in Belgium?
00:20:40It would be three years this Christmas.
00:20:42Oh, really?
00:20:44On the plane, I was reading that Brussels is beautiful at Christmas.
00:20:49It's true.
00:20:50It's true.
00:20:51It's true.
00:20:52It's true.
00:20:53It's true.
00:20:54It's true.
00:20:55It's true.
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00:29:12It's true!
00:29:23Do you understand?
00:29:26I recognized you from afar.
00:29:29Hello, Yan Luc.
00:29:31Your grandfather would be proud of how well you handle his school.
00:29:34But running a business isn't easy, so if you want to teach in my store, the door is open.
00:29:39Your knowledge, my clients, imagine what Christmas would be like next year.
00:29:45Your grandfather noticed your potential, and so did I.
00:29:48Please, consider it.
00:29:51No, thank you.
00:29:54What's up, Jean-Luc?
00:29:56Uh, I'm Kate.
00:29:57Uh, excuse me, I have to go.
00:30:05That was Jean-Luc, from Melody Suites.
00:30:08Yes, I noticed.
00:30:10Is everything okay?
00:30:12The school isn't as popular as it used to be.
00:30:14We still have our old clients, who have been coming since my grandfather was the owner,
00:30:18but we don't get new clients or tourists.
00:30:21That's very important at Christmas.
00:30:24Maybe you should expand the business.
00:30:27You have a successful pastry shop in New York, which is incredible.
00:30:30How do you keep it going?
00:30:32Well, Sucet Patisserie is still very new,
00:30:38but we always think about expanding it.
00:30:41That's why I'm here, learning about Christmas chocolate.
00:30:44That's why I think you should expand.
00:30:47I think it's easy for you to say, because your business is made to your vision.
00:30:50I inherited mine.
00:30:53Um, everything that you taught me,
00:30:58everything that I have left is in the name of my grandfather and his school,
00:31:02and I don't want to destroy that.
00:31:04I don't think it's about destroying your grandfather's legacy.
00:31:07It's about expanding it so that this Christmas can prosper, and the next ones too.
00:31:12Maybe you need to find your own vision, not your grandfather's.
00:31:16Maybe, but it's hard to find it when the chocolate is his.
00:31:22Now I have to go. We'll talk about this later, okay?
00:31:26I understand.
00:31:38Can I please tell you who I am?
00:31:41It's just that you've been so nice to me.
00:31:45You told me about your school, and you gave me advice,
00:31:49and you asked me for advice, okay?
00:31:51You can't neglect yourself now.
00:31:54Try to continue these last few days, and use only the necessary information.
00:31:58I will.
00:32:00Just because you paid me for this room, which is a couple of meters from the city center.
00:32:05Hey, I have to go. Um, but keep sending me what you're learning, okay?
00:32:09You've helped me a lot.
00:32:11I will. Goodbye.
00:32:20Knock, knock, knock.
00:32:32Hey, Kate.
00:32:33We're scheduling a lesson. I'm sorry if I forgot.
00:32:36You said we'd talk later, and it's already later. I hope you're okay.
00:32:41I'm going out.
00:32:43I just remembered that I need to pick up something at the store.
00:32:50Kate, it's so nice to see you.
00:32:52Mathias told me you had a busy afternoon.
00:32:56Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
00:32:58Oh, it's a good thing.
00:33:01Have a nice night.
00:33:10So, what do you want to talk about?
00:33:13You said...
00:33:19Chocolate is about being inspired.
00:33:23That's right.
00:33:24So, we need to go back to the beginning.
00:33:27I understand.
00:33:29Let's get started.
00:33:32What inspires you? Why are you in Belgium?
00:33:35What does this place have, and why did you stay?
00:33:38By this I mean that you could easily sell your business to a chain or factory, but you didn't.
00:33:45Where... where do you want to go? What's next?
00:33:48Oh, it's because I was able to stay at home this Christmas.
00:33:51But it wasn't like that because I was inspired to come here.
00:33:54What does Belgium have that made you stay?
00:33:58The city of Brussels itself.
00:34:00I learned a lot about chocolate as I grew up, but it wasn't until I moved here that I learned what Belgian chocolate means.
00:34:07Especially at Christmas.
00:34:10And what does Belgian chocolate mean at Christmas?
00:34:14For me, it's beauty.
00:34:17Sharing a spirit of resilience.
00:34:20It's in the square of Brussels.
00:34:22The Grand Place has been changing for centuries, and it's still beautiful and prosperous today.
00:34:27And it's even more beautiful when locals and tourists all come to visit the Christmas market.
00:34:34My grandfather always said that it was enough inspiration for the whole year.
00:34:39It's lovely.
00:34:41My grandfather loved that the city comes to life with Christmas lights.
00:34:46And I haven't been able to celebrate the last Christmas without him.
00:34:51And what about the passionate speech you gave me just yesterday?
00:34:55It's just that my grandfather told me thousands of times, but I just don't feel it.
00:35:03Do you think he would want you to feel that way at Christmas?
00:35:07I belong where my grandfather is, and I can't leave him.
00:35:14You know what? I haven't seen that Christmas market yet.
00:35:17And I was thinking of visiting it on my way to my hotel.
00:35:20And of course, I learned my lesson this afternoon.
00:35:23I'm covered and ready to not suffer the cold.
00:35:26You don't want to come, do you?
00:35:30It's just that I have a lot to do here.
00:35:34You know what?
00:35:36Thinking about it, yes.
00:35:38It's true. That place shows the best of Christmas in the city.
00:35:42Perfect. And what are we waiting for? Let's go.
00:35:55How beautiful! It's the country of Christmas wonders.
00:35:59I had forgotten. Thank you for inviting me to come.
00:36:02Did you know that French potatoes are from Belgium?
00:36:06It's practically a national appetizer.
00:36:09I didn't know that.
00:36:11I didn't expect them to put dressing on them.
00:36:14This isn't dressing.
00:36:17Oh, it's mayonnaise. A classic accompaniment to the pommes fraîches.
00:36:21It takes a little time to get used to it, but I like it.
00:36:25It enhances the flavor of the potatoes instead of hiding it among spices.
00:36:29That's the most European thing I've ever heard an American say in my life.
00:36:33That's what happens when you've been living here for years.
00:36:36I understand what you're saying. I'm starting to like it.
00:36:39We could make you a little more Belgian.
00:36:43I mean, you know, me.
00:36:47Listen, it's my turn to suggest something.
00:36:50Oh, yeah?
00:36:52The wheel of fortune.
00:36:54I've been thinking about it.
00:36:56The wheel of fortune.
00:36:59I haven't been on one in centuries.
00:37:01Please, it's the perfect place to see all the lights of the Grand Plaza.
00:37:05Let's go.
00:37:09It's beautiful. We have to go up.
00:37:12The last time I went up was with my grandfather.
00:37:15But I can understand if you don't want to go up.
00:37:18No, you're right. It's Christmas.
00:37:20Yes, very good. Let's go.
00:37:23Thank you for going up the wheel with me. It means a lot.
00:37:27Thank you for reminding me how good the Christmas market is.
00:37:31And what are we going to do when we go down? It's your turn.
00:37:34If we already ate salty, now something sweet.
00:37:37How about a Christmas dessert?
00:37:39I'm always willing to have a dessert.
00:37:41Especially if it's Christmas.
00:37:47Wait, it's a...
00:37:49A Belgian wreath.
00:37:52For Christmas in Brussels.
00:37:53For Christmas in Brussels.
00:38:01I haven't eaten a dessert wreath.
00:38:04Only breakfast.
00:38:06You're missing it.
00:38:07I mean, it's the perfect excuse to make it even sweeter.
00:38:10And can you see its chocolate?
00:38:12You'll try it and tell me what you think is inside.
00:38:17It's speculoos.
00:38:19Yes, you surprise me.
00:38:21They're not common in the United States.
00:38:23You should be surprised.
00:38:25In the store...
00:38:27In my...
00:38:29In my store there are...
00:38:31Many customers who always ask for more and more.
00:38:34I know that in the United States they use socks with candy inside, right?
00:38:40It's the best part.
00:38:41It's the symbol that Christmas is coming.
00:38:43Well, there are no socks here, but we have shoes.
00:38:48Do you take your shoes off for Christmas?
00:38:52The truth is, I've never decorated any Christmas since I've lived here.
00:38:58You haven't decorated?
00:39:01The school keeps me busy.
00:39:04We have to change that.
00:39:06Let's do it.
00:39:07I'll help you.
00:39:09Is that okay?
00:39:12Yes, great.
00:39:14Tonight we're going to turn your house into a Christmas paradise.
00:39:18But not today.
00:39:19The stores are already closed.
00:39:21Oh, that's true.
00:39:22So tomorrow...
00:39:24We'll turn the Christmas paradise.
00:39:39Oh, how beautiful.
00:39:42I'm going to get something to eat.
00:39:43Can I help you?
00:39:44Now I can.
00:39:46It's the least I can do to help me decorate.
00:39:48I'll be back soon.
00:39:52Kate, it's very nice of you to do this for Mathias.
00:39:56Oh, well.
00:39:57I'm learning a lot from him.
00:39:59I just want to return the favor.
00:40:03He loved decorating with his grandfather.
00:40:06It seems that they were united.
00:40:09Mathias and his parents came to Belgium every year.
00:40:13In the summer and Christmas.
00:40:15The summer here is very beautiful.
00:40:18But Christmas is special.
00:40:21It's just...
00:40:22The chocolates give it all.
00:40:25Both tourists and Belgians love to learn how to make chocolate.
00:40:30Our school was the best in the city.
00:40:34It's good that Mathias has taken that up.
00:40:38His grandfather...
00:40:40He knew chocolate like the back of his hand.
00:40:44Mathias always wanted to come back and learn more from him,
00:40:47but there were obstacles.
00:40:49He stayed in the United States to take care of his parents.
00:40:53They told him to come before it was too late.
00:40:59I'm glad you're here.
00:41:01Yes, me too.
00:41:03I just hope he can do this.
00:41:06The school needs some innovation.
00:41:11Especially at this time.
00:41:14But I know Mathias won't go against his grandfather's vision.
00:41:18I understand.
00:41:20It's hard to try something new,
00:41:22and you get so used to walking the safe path.
00:41:26But you did it with your scholarship.
00:41:29Didn't you, Mathias?
00:41:46Toktok, may I come in?
00:41:48Well, it's your house, so yes.
00:41:50I don't know if they were going to surprise me.
00:41:53We're just getting started, and you're going to help.
00:41:56In fact, I found some help.
00:42:02Thank you for inviting us.
00:42:05Thank you for coming.
00:42:06Do you remember Kate?
00:42:07Of course.
00:42:09It's so nice to see you.
00:42:10It's so nice to see you too, Ingrid.
00:42:12It's so nice to see you here.
00:42:14It's so nice to see you again.
00:42:16When I got back, I saw you at the Christmas market.
00:42:19We couldn't believe it when Mathias said
00:42:22he was decorating his house for Christmas.
00:42:25We had to come and see it ourselves.
00:42:27More hands to decorate.
00:42:30These are my favorite ornaments in all of Brussels.
00:42:34I knew I should have brought them
00:42:36when Mathias said you helped him decorate.
00:42:42Thank you!
00:42:44Look how beautiful they are.
00:42:46I appreciate it.
00:42:48Yes, it's very beautiful.
00:42:50Merry Christmas.
00:42:51Oh, how nice.
00:42:52You're welcome.
00:43:04Oh, I love that song.
00:43:06Come on, people.
00:43:07You know the song.
00:43:08Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year too.
00:43:15You don't know the lyrics?
00:43:16Of course I do, but I don't sing.
00:43:18Especially Villancicos.
00:43:21Well, you didn't make fun of me when I didn't sing.
00:43:24I'm sorry.
00:43:25I'm sorry.
00:43:26I'm sorry.
00:43:27I'm sorry.
00:43:28I'm sorry.
00:43:29I'm sorry.
00:43:30I'm sorry.
00:43:31I'm sorry.
00:43:32Well, you didn't make fun of me when I didn't make chocolate.
00:43:35I won't make fun of you either.
00:43:43Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year too.
00:43:54Your late delivery has arrived.
00:43:56That's right.
00:43:57What was missing for our hot Christmas chocolate.
00:44:01Thank you for coming.
00:44:02Thank you for inviting us.
00:44:04Oh, thank you for the visit.
00:44:06You're welcome.
00:44:07You too.
00:44:09Thank you again for the decorations, and for helping me get Mattias to sing again.
00:44:13Oh, I think you did it yourself, Kate.
00:44:16Have a nice night.
00:44:17Well, have a good rest.
00:44:19I didn't realize how late it is.
00:44:20There's still a lot of work to do.
00:44:22Oh, nonsense.
00:44:23I'll do the inventory.
00:44:24Aren't you going to decorate?
00:44:26Oh, no.
00:44:27It's almost ready.
00:44:29Here's your house.
00:44:30Decorate it to your liking.
00:44:31I will.
00:44:33And thank you again, Ingrid.
00:44:34Oh, it was a pleasure.
00:44:35Thank you for returning the Christmas spirit to the house.
00:44:39It was needed.
00:44:49It's true.
00:44:51My grandfather ordered me to make this replica of the first chocolate I made.
00:45:01It's a traditional Belgian praline.
00:45:03He said he wanted to remember it because he knew his business was in good hands.
00:45:09It seems that he noticed your talent for chocolate.
00:45:12As a child, when I put on my Christmas shoes, he filled them with delicious chocolates.
00:45:19You have to put your shoes in the chimney.
00:45:22Oh, well, I don't have a chimney, and that's a...
00:45:25No, it's a children's thing.
00:45:28I want to know the tradition.
00:45:31We can put a pair in the radiator.
00:45:33It's perfect.
00:45:35I'll get them.
00:45:45Here they are.
00:45:46Oh, two pairs.
00:45:47Aren't you very greedy?
00:45:48No, I thought...
00:45:50One pair for me and...
00:45:53Another for you.
00:45:57Oh, it's sweet of you.
00:46:00You'll stay here for Christmas, right?
00:46:08You know what?
00:46:09If you don't have anywhere else to go, you can come to the Christmas dinner.
00:46:13Ingrid makes a great turkey, and you already know the desserts.
00:46:15It will be excellent.
00:46:16Are you sure?
00:46:17I don't intrude?
00:46:18No, you did this.
00:46:19You should enjoy the decoration.
00:46:23Sounds fair.
00:46:24So, what will you do as a Christmas dessert?
00:46:27Surprise me.
00:46:28Normally, I would make a Christmas trunk.
00:46:30It's a moist chocolate cake.
00:46:32Rolled with cream cheese and glazed with more chocolate.
00:46:36It has icing sugar to look like snow.
00:46:41It's my favorite recipe, outside of chocolate itself.
00:46:44And then I experiment with a new Belgian praline.
00:46:46You made me try chocolates all over the city,
00:46:50and we haven't tried any real Belgian praline yet.
00:46:56You're right.
00:46:57We have to solve it now.
00:46:59Oh, we don't have to skip lessons.
00:47:01Let's just leave it pending.
00:47:03No, invite her home.
00:47:15In the kitchen downstairs, there's everything you need.
00:47:18That's right, but it's better to work here if the inspiration comes as a surprise.
00:47:23I tried new recipes in my kitchen and didn't go to the store.
00:47:26I feel like it has more of your ingredients.
00:47:29You don't try new recipes anymore?
00:47:33Yes, I do.
00:47:34Yes, of course.
00:47:35It's just that I'm so busy that I left that behind, you know?
00:47:40But that's why I came to expand my chocolate business.
00:47:44I understand.
00:47:46Well, how do we make a delicious Belgian praline?
00:47:50And I'm sure it's not like the American one.
00:47:53Not at all.
00:47:54It's very confusing.
00:47:55I know.
00:47:56I've confused several tourists.
00:47:58I don't doubt it.
00:48:05Let's make one more.
00:48:07I want you to place it this way.
00:48:12Do I do it like this?
00:48:16I'll help you.
00:48:17That's it.
00:48:20Very good, yes.
00:48:22If it were for sale, we would use a mold, but since there are only two of us and you're learning, we'll do it at the old school.
00:48:28You could use a blender and it would be faster, but we prefer quality.
00:48:34Irregular pieces make each piece an experience.
00:48:38How different can they be?
00:48:40A lot.
00:48:41You'll see.
00:48:43So let's put them in a bowl.
00:48:46Put some of that there, yes.
00:48:48Very good.
00:48:49It shouldn't be perfect.
00:48:50Aren't you proud that it's handmade?
00:48:55Yes, it's handmade.
00:48:56Let's see what comes out.
00:48:58Take one of these.
00:49:01You're going to turn it around to get rid of the excess.
00:49:05Like this?
00:49:06Yes, perfect.
00:49:09Very good.
00:49:11Then we sprinkle some sea salt and a pinch of hazelnut on the top.
00:49:29It's beautiful.
00:49:32You're beautiful too.
00:49:36The pralines you make are.
00:49:39I understand.
00:49:40We have to keep going or the chocolate will get cold soon.
00:49:47The pralines are cold.
00:49:49Do you want to try one?
00:49:53Officially, my first Belgian praline.
00:49:56And it will be exquisite.
00:50:11I think I know what you're up to.
00:50:15But I don't know if I can eat more.
00:50:17I feel like I've been overloaded with sweetness for a few days and I'm going to explode.
00:50:22In fact, now that you say it, I plan to go to dinner.
00:50:26Do you want to go?
00:50:27Do you want to go?
00:50:30To a dinner with us at a table?
00:50:35Do you want to go?
00:50:37I mean, what are we going to have for dinner?
00:50:42How about seafood?
00:50:45At Christmas?
00:50:46They are the best national dishes and it is a Christmas tradition in my family.
00:50:51It occurred to me because we just decorated.
00:50:53We could continue with that Christmas spirit.
00:50:56I would love to.
00:51:03I only have two minutes left and I have to go.
00:51:06To your date?
00:51:08It's not my date.
00:51:09It's your date.
00:51:10And it's not a date.
00:51:12Of course.
00:51:15He's just grateful.
00:51:18He doesn't even know I exist.
00:51:21He thinks it's you.
00:51:22Are you sure I can't tell him?
00:51:25Just wait for Christmas.
00:51:27Then you can.
00:51:28I want to learn as much as I can.
00:51:31Very good.
00:51:32Just because you're my best friend and you owe me a big one for this.
00:51:36I promise I'll make it up to you and Mathias.
00:51:39Very good.
00:51:40I have to go.
00:51:41We'll talk later.
00:51:43Good luck.
00:51:59Well, mussels in cream and wine.
00:52:02It sounds delicious.
00:52:04I can't wait.
00:52:05You'll love them.
00:52:06I order them every Christmas.
00:52:09You've never gotten sick?
00:52:11My grandmother died when I was a child.
00:52:12She made mussels every Christmas.
00:52:14My grandfather followed that legacy in his honor.
00:52:17And no matter how busy he was, he always made sure there were mussels.
00:52:21I love Christmas dinner.
00:52:23My mom makes the best Christmas ham.
00:52:25And there was never a lack of American dessert pralines.
00:52:29I understand.
00:52:30Does it sound good?
00:52:31It was.
00:52:32Look, if you ever go to New York, you can really come with us.
00:52:38It's a deal.
00:52:39What do you think?
00:52:40It's delicious.
00:52:42Maybe even tastier than the ones in New York.
00:52:45It's a deal.
00:52:46I'm sure you'll like it.
00:52:49Let's go.
00:53:08are tastier than those in my city.
00:53:10I don't doubt it.
00:53:12For this dinner.
00:53:14For this dinner.
00:53:20I have it.
00:53:22What? Are you okay?
00:53:24Yes. Listen, look.
00:53:26Your Christmas dinner
00:53:28and my dinner are not so different.
00:53:30Of course, there are different elements,
00:53:32but the core is the same.
00:53:34Celebrate and be with those you love.
00:53:36That's true.
00:53:38But why?
00:53:40We'll use the quality ingredients
00:53:42you have in your school.
00:53:44With the nuts
00:53:46and the sweet chocolate
00:53:48of the American praline.
00:53:50And you'll have pralines
00:53:52and at the same time praline.
00:53:54Do you see where I'm going?
00:53:56As if it were my Christmas dinner,
00:53:58but also yours.
00:54:00Do you want to make Belgian praline
00:54:02with American ingredients?
00:54:04It's worth a try, right?
00:54:06Although I don't know how to make American pralines.
00:54:10Well, luckily I do.
00:54:20I see you decorated here too.
00:54:22That's right.
00:54:24Amazing. Very good.
00:54:28I say we do two presentations
00:54:30with milk and dark chocolate
00:54:32to see which one we like.
00:54:34Brown sugar and nuts.
00:54:36Do you have nuts?
00:54:38Here's the sugar.
00:54:40The nuts.
00:54:42And where's the vanilla?
00:54:50We need butter and cream.
00:54:52Yes, I'll get that.
00:54:58And with this,
00:55:02We don't want to burn it.
00:55:04Stir more until it reaches
00:55:06240 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:55:08You still use Fahrenheit, right?
00:55:10The Celsius still confuse me.
00:55:12I know zero is
00:55:14freezing and 100 is
00:55:16boiling, but other than that
00:55:18the rest is confusing.
00:55:22Keep stirring.
00:55:24That's right.
00:55:26You're doing great.
00:55:28I'm doing great.
00:55:32You're welcome.
00:55:38Let's see.
00:55:40Yes, I'm doing great.
00:55:48Very good.
00:55:50It's starting to smell.
00:55:52How many degrees?
00:55:56Very good.
00:56:02Now, pour this in.
00:56:04Like this?
00:56:06Yes, that's it.
00:56:08We have to hurry.
00:56:10I did it.
00:56:12Remember my words.
00:56:16Do I stir again?
00:56:18Yes, continue.
00:56:20I see you're being aggressive.
00:56:22I want you to...
00:56:24Don't stop.
00:56:26With that rhythm. Perfect.
00:56:30Did you like to correct me?
00:56:38Do you hear that?
00:56:40No, wait.
00:56:50Like a rock.
00:56:52It's okay.
00:56:54The rhythm has its grace.
00:56:56You'll see.
00:56:58How do you learn?
00:57:00Now, yes.
00:57:02It's good.
00:57:06You're welcome.
00:57:08Do you have 10?
00:57:10Yes, I'm the favorite in the class.
00:57:12It was hard, but you're a good student.
00:57:14Well, it's for my teacher.
00:57:18Continue, but go slower.
00:57:20Not so much.
00:57:22That's it.
00:57:24To the side.
00:57:26And now...
00:57:28Go ahead.
00:57:34Look at that.
00:57:36It looks so good.
00:57:40It's very good.
00:57:44That's the filling.
00:57:46What's next?
00:57:48We take a piece from here.
00:57:52It's still hot, but that doesn't matter.
00:57:54In spheres?
00:57:58Let's see.
00:58:00They're like this.
00:58:02Very good.
00:58:04I understand.
00:58:10Let's try the dark chocolate ones first.
00:58:12Let's see.
00:58:24It's good, but...
00:58:28I don't know if they really capture
00:58:30the American touch.
00:58:32You're right.
00:58:34Let's try the milk one.
00:58:42That's closer to the American praline.
00:58:44And at the same time,
00:58:46the dark chocolate.
00:58:48I never thought I'd say this,
00:58:50but the milk chocolate is the best.
00:58:52Very good.
00:58:54I have a lot to do
00:58:56if I want to sell them tomorrow.
00:58:58Will you sell them at your store?
00:59:00Of course.
00:59:02They're perfect for this festive season.
00:59:04I understand if you don't want to.
00:59:06Of course.
00:59:10We'll have to give them a name
00:59:12because American-style praline
00:59:14is from two places.
00:59:16Praline from two languages?
00:59:22That doesn't quite convince me.
00:59:24Praline is from...
00:59:26two countries?
00:59:28Praline from your country?
00:59:32It sounds like you're also going to sell countries.
00:59:34I could use that money.
00:59:38Places, countries,
00:59:40home, house?
00:59:44Praline, eau d'eau, meso?
00:59:46Praline, eau d'eau, meso?
00:59:48I like it.
00:59:50We're great.
00:59:52We are?
00:59:54Well, yes, this is yours.
00:59:56I wouldn't have done it without you,
00:59:58so whatever name you want,
01:00:00we'll give it to you.
01:00:06Well, I have a lot to do,
01:00:08and you should rest.
01:00:10Are you sure?
01:00:12Absolutely, yes.
01:00:14I understand.
01:00:16Well, let's get to work.
01:00:18Let's get to work.
01:00:34Oh, thank you
01:00:36for this coffee.
01:00:38Ned and Peter said they'd come later.
01:00:40Oh, good. This looks amazing.
01:00:42What a great idea to bring some of the
01:00:44decoration from my apartment.
01:00:46People love Christmas.
01:00:48They should be able to see you too.
01:00:52Thank you very much for reminding me.
01:00:54You're welcome.
01:01:02I'm going to take this to the street.
01:01:04Of course.
01:01:10I'm glad to see that the festive spirit
01:01:12is so alive around here.
01:01:14It's December 23, Ingrid.
01:01:16Customers want Christmas.
01:01:20Speaking of which, it's time.
01:01:22I have to go in and get ready.
01:01:24That's right. You have to go in.
01:01:32Do you think customers will come?
01:01:34Of course.
01:01:36And thank you for everything.
01:01:38You didn't have to stay,
01:01:40and your help has been so much.
01:01:42You're crazy if you thought
01:01:44I wouldn't stay to see people
01:01:46try the best chocolates in the world.
01:01:48I'll get the test tray.
01:01:50You already run a successful pastry shop.
01:01:52You know what you're doing.
01:01:56This is going to work.
01:01:58Believe me.
01:02:00How do you know?
01:02:02It's the best chocolate in the country.
01:02:04That's how I know.
01:02:08Oh, bonjour.
01:02:10Do you want to try a Christmas praline?
01:02:12Oh, hello.
01:02:14A Christmas praline?
01:02:18How are you? Good morning.
01:02:20Do you want to try a praline?
01:02:22I think that since you keep
01:02:24looking at people,
01:02:26it doesn't help at all.
01:02:30Would you like to try a Christmas praline?
01:02:32Good morning.
01:02:34Do you want to try a new Christmas praline?
01:02:36Good morning.
01:02:40How are you?
01:02:44It's the finest chocolate.
01:02:46Yes, of course.
01:02:48In here.
01:02:50Buy more.
01:02:52In time for Christmas.
01:02:54There's more in the store.
01:02:56Here you go.
01:02:58I already gave away the last sample.
01:03:00Really? That's great.
01:03:06Nice to see you.
01:03:08How are you?
01:03:10How are you?
01:03:12How are you?
01:03:16It's very crowded.
01:03:18I know.
01:03:20Kate told us about the new pralines.
01:03:22Can we try them?
01:03:24They're all sold out.
01:03:28Does Kate work with you now?
01:03:30No, she just helps me.
01:03:32She's very committed
01:03:34to just helping.
01:03:36She has a business in the United States
01:03:38and will be back soon.
01:03:40That's a shame.
01:03:42She helped this place a lot.
01:03:44Yes, she did.
01:03:46And not just the place.
01:03:48Look at that smile.
01:03:50I've never seen you like that.
01:03:52How long have I known you?
01:03:54I mean,
01:03:56don't let the good things go.
01:04:00And here they are.
01:04:02The last two samples.
01:04:04How much do I owe you?
01:04:06It's a gift.
01:04:08Are you sure?
01:04:10Of course.
01:04:12If it weren't for your tasting,
01:04:14I don't know if Kate would have stayed here.
01:04:16It's true.
01:04:20We should go back to the cafe,
01:04:22because it's Christmas and we can't wait
01:04:24to see more of you and your chocolates.
01:04:26I'm so happy for you, Mathias.
01:04:28See you soon.
01:04:32You're lucky to have good friends
01:04:34so far away from home.
01:04:36This is my home now.
01:04:38Haven't you thought about
01:04:40going back to the United States?
01:04:42Maybe on a visit,
01:04:44but I can't leave the store for long.
01:04:46I'm surprised you stayed longer.
01:04:48Yes, yes.
01:04:50You see, the bakery is lucky
01:04:52to have someone to take care of it.
01:04:54That's why I'm here.
01:04:56Remember to thank them for me.
01:04:58I will.
01:05:00I'm going to help Ingrid
01:05:02and see if she needs to pack more chocolates.
01:05:04Hey, are you okay?
01:05:08I'm very happy for you.
01:05:10Keep that in mind.
01:05:12Merry Christmas, Mathias.
01:05:14Merry Christmas.
01:05:16Merry Christmas.
01:05:18Your grandfather would be proud.
01:05:32This was the busiest Christmas night
01:05:34we've ever had.
01:05:36It's amazing.
01:05:38We've exhausted all of our energy
01:05:40at school.
01:05:42Are you trying to tell me
01:05:44what I'm thinking?
01:05:46Ingrid, the school remains open
01:05:48as always.
01:05:52Your grandfather would be so proud.
01:05:54Yes, thank you.
01:05:56And thank you.
01:05:58You saved us from breaking.
01:06:00We've been so stuck
01:06:02that we forget how much
01:06:04a little ingenuity helps.
01:06:10I'm very grateful.
01:06:12Are you sure
01:06:14you should go back?
01:06:16Yes, New York is waiting for me.
01:06:18All my life, in fact.
01:06:20But look.
01:06:22The bakery wants to expand
01:06:24its line of chocolates,
01:06:26especially the festive ones.
01:06:28And I think I should import them
01:06:30straight from the Ecole de Chocolat
01:06:32in Brussels.
01:06:34Do you think it's worth paying
01:06:36someone from New York?
01:06:38I think it'll help us stand out
01:06:40above the rest.
01:06:42You think so?
01:06:44Well, there are other partners
01:06:46I should talk to, but...
01:06:48Yes, in less than what you think.
01:06:50Your chocolates will be
01:06:52in New York palates.
01:06:54That would be amazing.
01:06:56I could hire someone to help
01:06:58with the classes and another for the store.
01:07:00Well, then I'll see what I can do.
01:07:02Look, tomorrow is the 23rd,
01:07:04Of course, of course.
01:07:06These days must be to celebrate
01:07:08together with those we love.
01:07:10That's true.
01:07:12You'll come to our Christmas Eve dinner, right?
01:07:14Of course.
01:07:16I'm glad to hear it.
01:07:18Well, let's toast.
01:07:22To a successful day
01:07:24and a Merry Christmas.
01:07:28Merry Christmas.
01:07:32It looks like you're learning a lot.
01:07:34I love being here.
01:07:36Why make chocolate?
01:07:38It wasn't so fun at school.
01:07:40Because you didn't have
01:07:42a handsome teacher.
01:07:44Oh, girl.
01:07:46Are you serious?
01:07:48You should admit it.
01:07:50I admit it, yes.
01:07:52But it's not that I'm dying for him.
01:07:56How could you? Think I'm you.
01:07:58Well, tell him the truth.
01:08:00Someone changed their mind.
01:08:02It's obvious you care about him.
01:08:04And it looks like you care about him.
01:08:06It's just that...
01:08:08I have to go back.
01:08:10It would be painful.
01:08:12Of course it won't work.
01:08:14He lives here,
01:08:16and I live there.
01:08:18But you're right about something.
01:08:20Mathias is a great chocolatier.
01:08:22And you won't find anyone
01:08:24better than him.
01:08:26He uses 100% Belgian chocolate.
01:08:28There's no comparison to that.
01:08:30Yes, that's why I enrolled at his school.
01:08:32I just thought
01:08:34that instead of hiring someone
01:08:36or you coming here,
01:08:38why don't you care about
01:08:40Mathias' school's chocolate?
01:08:42Believe me, there's nothing better.
01:08:44Especially on these dates.
01:08:46Look, I'll be back
01:08:48after New Year's Eve
01:08:50and I'll bring you samples so you can try
01:08:52and you won't be disappointed.
01:08:54Very good. I believe you.
01:08:56And how's everything over there?
01:08:58Oh, God.
01:09:26¿Estás seguro?
01:09:28Sí, estoy bien.
01:09:30Bueno, descansa.
01:09:32Buenas noches.
01:09:56Esa no es Kate.
01:10:04¿Quién es Kate Landry?
01:10:40Pase al mercado navideño.
01:10:42Oh, gracias. No estoy bien.
01:10:46Llévaselo a Ingrid.
01:10:52Por contestar mi mensaje tan rápido.
01:10:54Claro. ¿Qué sucede?
01:11:00debemos hablar.
01:11:02¿La escuela está bien?
01:11:04Sí, sí, eso está bien.
01:11:10Busqué Susette Patisserie en Internet.
01:11:12Sé que no eres Susan.
01:11:14Vi una foto suya en el sitio.
01:11:20Llamé y dijeron que eres su amiga
01:11:22¿Por qué estás ahí?
01:11:32No soy Susan Michaels.
01:11:34Pero es cierto
01:11:36que su segundo nombre es Katherine,
01:11:38al igual que mi primer nombre.
01:11:40Eso nos hizo amigas en la escuela de pastelería.
01:11:44¿Por qué viniste en su lugar?
01:11:48Susan se inscribió en tu clase
01:11:50con intenciones de asistir,
01:11:52pero llegó la fiebre navideña
01:11:54y tuvo que quedarse.
01:11:56No quería perder tu clase.
01:11:58Estoy confundido.
01:12:00Tu sitio dice que eres fotógrafa,
01:12:02pero ¿estudiaste pastelería?
01:12:04Sí, soy fotógrafa de alimentos profesional.
01:12:06Y es un buen trabajo,
01:12:08pero no lo amo.
01:12:10De alguna forma
01:12:12empecé a fotografiar pasteles cuando estudié
01:12:14y después me di cuenta
01:12:16de que se convirtió en mi trabajo.
01:12:18Pero yo...
01:12:20extraño trabajar con comida real.
01:12:22¿Quiero prepararla?
01:12:26Se lo conté a Susan
01:12:28y me sugirió venir en su lugar porque...
01:12:30no podía venir.
01:12:32Y las reservaciones...
01:12:34no se pueden transferir.
01:12:36Y como las clases exigen experiencia previa,
01:12:38me dijo que simplemente
01:12:40usara su nombre.
01:12:42Creí que no habría problemas
01:12:44o un par de elecciones.
01:12:46Y pensé...
01:12:48que todo acabaría de esta forma.
01:12:52Así de...
01:12:54cuando volviera a Nueva York,
01:12:56te contaría todo.
01:12:58Así sería menos doloroso.
01:13:00Eso pensé.
01:13:02¿Pero eso no sucedió?
01:13:10Matías, yo de verdad,
01:13:12en serio lo siento.
01:13:14Quiero que nosotros sigamos...
01:13:18caminos separados.
01:13:20Matías, por favor,
01:13:22quiero quedarme a ayudarte.
01:13:24Si me permites.
01:13:28las relaciones son como el chocolate.
01:13:30Si no hay confianza en ellas,
01:13:34no vale el esfuerzo.
01:13:36Puedo ver que...
01:13:38tienes tu opinión.
01:13:40Tomaré un vuelo de regreso mañana.
01:13:42Oye, no.
01:13:44No hagas eso.
01:13:46Casi es Navidad.
01:13:48Así es.
01:13:50Será fácil conseguir un vuelo.
01:13:52Así podrás olvidarte de esto
01:13:54cuanto antes.
01:13:58Por todo.
01:14:00Les deseo a ti,
01:14:02a tu escuela y a Ingrid lo mejor.
01:14:08Adiós, Kate.
01:14:10Adiós, Matías.
01:14:12Feliz Navidad.
01:14:28Ya lo vi.
01:14:30Yo pensé que todo iba bien.
01:14:32Puede ir bien.
01:14:34En absoluto.
01:14:36No sé quién es ella.
01:14:38Pensé que era una famosa repostera,
01:14:40pero no.
01:14:42Es solo una fotógrafa
01:14:44que vive de hacer que las cosas se vean bien.
01:14:46Eso fue grosero.
01:14:50Ingrid, es que...
01:14:52no sé nada de ella.
01:14:54Bueno, pues...
01:14:58Ya es tarde.
01:15:02Matías, yo...
01:15:04nunca te dije esto,
01:15:06pero tu abuelo dejó
01:15:08esta tienda solo para ti.
01:15:12Sabía que era tu destino,
01:15:14incluso si parecías perdido.
01:15:18Confiaba que sabrías regresar.
01:15:20Con Kate,
01:15:22si ella se va,
01:15:24no regresará.
01:15:26Si ella se va,
01:15:28no regresará.
01:15:30Y quizá no la veas otra vez.
01:15:34Lo sé de verdad, Ingrid.
01:15:56Nos encontraremos con unos amigos
01:15:58para cenar.
01:16:02Oh, gracias.
01:16:04Pensé que nos daríamos regalos hasta mañana.
01:16:06Este regalo no es nuestro.
01:16:08Es de Kate.
01:16:10Nos pidió que nos aseguráramos de que lo recibieras.
01:16:12¿Qué les dijo?
01:16:14Solo que vuelve a Estados Unidos
01:16:16hoy a medianoche
01:16:18y quería que te diéramos su presente.
01:16:20No sabemos qué sucedió.
01:16:22No, no, amor.
01:16:24No hay que involucrarnos.
01:16:26Pero, con honestidad...
01:16:28Nunca te vimos tan feliz.
01:16:30No queremos que pierdas eso.
01:16:34Ya está.
01:16:36Debemos irnos.
01:16:38Te veremos mañana, ¿sí?
01:16:40Gracias. Feliz Navidad a ambos.
01:16:42¿Qué es?
01:16:44Es de Kate.
01:16:48Te dejo solo.
01:16:50No, descuida.
01:16:54Aún hay regalos que envolver.
01:17:02Querido Matías.
01:17:06Aprendí mucho de ti.
01:17:08Me hiciste una mejor chef
01:17:10y una mejor persona.
01:17:12Me devolviste ese amor por la confitería
01:17:14que pensé haber perdido
01:17:16y por eso siempre voy a estar agradecida.
01:17:18Considera este regalo de Navidad
01:17:20como mi agradecimiento para ti.
01:17:22Siempre recordaré el tiempo que pasamos juntos.
01:17:52Vino caliente con té de cítricos.
01:17:54Son pralines de vino caliente
01:17:56y té de cítricos
01:17:58con masa de gofre
01:18:00y trozos de galleta especulos.
01:18:02Dulce de papa machacado a mano
01:18:04y cubierto de chocolate sin espuma.
01:18:06Igual que tu abuelo en su época.
01:18:08Me sentí inspirada por nuestro paseo
01:18:10al mercado navideño.
01:18:12Feliz Navidad.
01:18:14Y gracias por todo.
01:18:18Feliz Navidad.
01:18:20Y gracias por todo.
01:18:30Voy a salir.
01:18:32¿Todo está bien?
01:18:34Eso espero.
01:18:36Ojalá no sea tarde.
01:18:38¿Tarde para qué?
01:18:40Ya verás.
01:18:46Eh, vi a Peter y a Annette
01:18:48y recibí tu regalo.
01:18:50Ah, gracias.
01:18:52Es el segundo mejor regalo
01:18:54que he recibido.
01:18:56Y el primero es
01:18:58que salvaras mi escuela.
01:19:02Me alegra que te gustara.
01:19:06Ya tengo que irme.
01:19:08Por eso vine.
01:19:10Te juzgué muy rápido, Kate.
01:19:12Estaba tan cerrado
01:19:14en el pasado
01:19:16que no pensé que a veces
01:19:18lo mejor es fluir con las cosas.
01:19:22Me refiero a que tus pralinés
01:19:24tienes el don del chocolate
01:19:26y eso no es por tener
01:19:28un gran profesor.
01:19:30Aunque eso no me molestó.
01:19:32El punto es que me vendría bien
01:19:34alguien como tú en la escuela.
01:19:36Y no para la temporada navideña,
01:19:38sino permanentemente.
01:19:42¿Estás seguro?
01:19:44Por supuesto.
01:19:46Trajiste el espíritu navideño
01:19:48que pensé que perdí.
01:19:50¿Recuerdas cuando me conociste?
01:19:52No volveré ahí.
01:19:54Ingrid no te dejaría que hagas eso.
01:19:56Quizás tengas razón en eso.
01:19:58Ella solo
01:20:00quiere lo mejor para ti, Matías.
01:20:02Y yo ya averigué qué es.
01:20:04Dime qué es.
01:20:06Eres tú, Kate.
01:20:14Creo que
01:20:16yo también ya sé
01:20:18qué es lo mejor para mí.
01:20:20La fotografía es buena,
01:20:22pero no reemplaza
01:20:24lo que más disfruto hacer.
01:20:26Olvidé porque estudié repostería
01:20:28en primer lugar.
01:20:30Gracias por mostrarme
01:20:32Bruselas en Navidad
01:20:34y revivir esa
01:20:36chispa que había en mí.
01:20:38De nada.
01:20:40¿Sabes qué?
01:20:44Creo que me quedaré.
01:20:46¿En serio?
01:20:48Será la mejor Navidad de todas.
01:20:52¿Es estadounidense?
01:20:56Hola, sí.
01:20:58¿Eres Matías?
01:21:02Matías, hola.
01:21:04Habla Susan de Suzette Patisserie.
01:21:06¿Ah, sí? Dime, Susan.
01:21:10Escucha, todo este malentendido
01:21:12es mi culpa.
01:21:14Le dije a Kate que dijera que era yo
01:21:16y luego tú.
01:21:20Le dije a Kate que dijera que era yo
01:21:22y luego tú.
01:21:24Sí, yo sé, Susan. Descuida.
01:21:26Está bien, Kate y yo lo resolvimos.
01:21:28De hecho, está junto a mí ahora mismo.
01:21:30Ahí está. Muy bien, sí.
01:21:32¿Te dijo la buena noticia?
01:21:34Aún no.
01:21:36¿Cuál noticia?
01:21:38Bueno, Kate y yo tenemos un trato.
01:21:40¿Quieres decírselo?
01:21:42Matías, ¿qué te parecería ser el
01:21:44chocolatero oficial de Suzette
01:21:48Sí, un chocolate belga
01:21:50importado en Navidad y todo el año.
01:21:52Oye, espera, ¿en serio?
01:21:54Sí, claro que sí.
01:21:56Pero solo
01:21:58si puedo tener aquí a mi nueva socia.
01:22:00¿Quién es?
01:22:02Kate Landry.
01:22:08Pero claro.
01:22:10Disfruten el resto de sus vacaciones
01:22:12y veremos el papeleo
01:22:14después de Navidad.
01:22:18Gracias, Kate.
01:22:20No puedo creer que hicieras eso,
01:22:22aunque yo te...
01:22:26Creo en ti.
01:22:28Por eso fue.
01:22:30Feliz Navidad, Kate.
01:22:36Yo a él, Noel.
01:22:42Feliz Navidad a todos.
01:22:44Son creaciones nuevas de Kate.
01:22:46Kate, salvaste este lugar
01:22:48cuando no tenías que hacerlo.
01:22:50Tú ya eres familia para mí.
01:22:52Por la familia.
01:22:54Por el chocolate.
01:22:56Por la Navidad.
01:22:58¡Feliz Navidad!
01:23:00¡Feliz Navidad!
01:23:16¡Feliz Navidad!
01:23:46¡Feliz Navidad!
