Launceston Police has welcomed a group of new trainees who will shadow senior officers over the next six weeks. Video by Aaron Smith (9/12/24)
00:00So today we welcome six new trainees from the Tasmania Police Academy.
00:04These trainees are on week 20 of their course and they're going to be doing six weeks of an
00:11outstation program in Launceston. Then I'll return to the Academy for two weeks of training
00:16and finalisation and then I'll graduate to Launceston after that two weeks. Look definitely
00:22over the last few years we've increased our recruiting quite considerably. That's in line
00:26with our policy to make sure we're covering our exit rate and also getting new numbers
00:31in to boost all the stations whether they're 24-7 or country stations from around Tasmania.
00:38We're well into that program we've literally doubled our recruiting over the last few years.
00:42The Academy is a great place to get that grounding but until you put it into practice
00:47that's when we see the real growth in the trainees is they can put into practice what
00:51they've been learning they can adapt it into real life situations and they can give them an
00:57opportunity to make sure that the policing career is for them. I always have wanted to
01:02just make a difference and have something that's always like changing and not just every day is
01:10the same so it really gives like the opportunity to find new things and challenge myself. I've made
01:18such good friendships down at the Academy and even though we're spread all over the state we're
01:23definitely going to try and keep in contact and maintain support for each other and honestly
01:29like if we didn't have each other as a group we wouldn't have been able to get through the 20 weeks
01:33without each other.