AN ANGRY BOY Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Owen is a young man who has rebuilt his life after escaping a crazy cult as a child. However, the scars of the past run deep, and the nightmares he thought he had outrun catch up with him in the most violent of ways. This time there's no escaping for anyone.
Writer & Director : Andrew Fitzgerald
Starring Scott Callenberger and Eric Roberts
Writer & Director : Andrew Fitzgerald
Starring Scott Callenberger and Eric Roberts
Short filmTranscript
00:00My, my, he's gross.
00:08When you were seven, you were taken.
00:11You were discovered 40 miles away from your house, at the bottom of a ravine.
00:16See you in a minute.
00:21These guys have been out there doing God knows what for too long.
00:25This is heaven!
00:30Oh, my God.
00:31Oh, my God.
00:32Oh, my God.