Carved Movie Trailer HD - Ripe for revenge - Plot synopsis: When a heartbroken teenage playwright, her younger brother, and a disparate group of survivors become trapped in a historical reenactment village on Halloween night, they must band together to survive a relentless assault by a sentient and vengeful pumpkin. Carved is directed by filmmaker Justin Harding, director of the film Making Monsters and the series "Cashed Out" and "The Haunted Museum" previously, plus many other horror short films. The screenplay is written by Justin Harding and Cheryl Meyer. Based on Harding's short film of the same name, from the shorts program for Huluween Film Fest.
Short filmTranscript
00:00What's wrong with your volume is farm fresh? Do you mind if I card it ready?
00:15It's stalking us it's going after the carvers. It's just a pumpkin
00:19There's kind of a killer pumpkin on the loose
00:43This is how we celebrate pumpkins we love pumpkins