Short filmTranscript
00:04The Hamas in nada
00:05But I prefer to say it is being a killer Sepan todos a todo tu dinero y porque no podemos estar juntas y porque está
00:09enamorada de otra persona eso no es verdad
00:13Mucho de menos
00:16El partido dijo que cuando yo vuelva
00:19No pierdo por el mundo no le puedes hacer promesas a una niña de ocho años que te adora y luego romperle el corazón
00:24Creo que todo esto ya se me ha ido de las manos
00:26Esto es una intervención llevas muchos años preocupándote y sufriendo por todo y nosotros queremos agradecerte pero chica ya va siendo hora de que piensas
00:34En esto que es un billete para que vuelvas a tu casa y arregles tu vida
00:39a punto de conocer a mi familia mi papá
00:43Tenía algo porque se lo pasas todo no ha sido un buen padre mamá no veis que en realidad le tenéis miedo
00:48Se lo voy a tener que decir a Diana tú sabes que siempre va a tener un mensaje no tuviste un apendicitis
00:52Tenía un vuelo
02:50En esta demasiado entallado esto aún estoy ajustando algunos detalles trata de no moverse demasiado por favor
02:56Yo yo no termino de verlo un poco y embutido estás embutido
03:04Qué os parece no estaba del todo seguro con el color
03:13Es perfecto daria vas a llorar claro que no
03:22Es esto las alianzas para que las guardes tú
03:28Porque eres mi padrino y mejor amigo y la persona en la que más confío en este mundo
03:40Lo siento
03:43Pero que sencillo esto de casarse no y si la verdad que pensaba que estaría mucho más estresado esto es un desastre equipo
03:52quedan menos de 48 horas
03:54os quiero activos
03:56energía no quiero ver a nadie sentado en silla el que quiera parar
04:01cajas de plástico
04:04Que haces que haces que haces tira tira que estos del catering por favor por favor ella no manda todos tranquilos podemos descansar vamos muy bien
04:13Los palillos tenían que tener
04:17decoración dorada con acabado glops
04:22Cuando dijimos eso te lo mandé en el último dossier con las últimas propuestas
04:27joder lola me mandas un dossier nuevo cada dos horas que quiere que haga y como si no sabrás lo que quiero tú no eres
04:32la novia
04:38Cuando lo he pretendido
04:43Apuesto 50 pavos por el pelirrocero entonces vas a venir con sonia a la boda no estáis siempre juntos ahora
04:53Técnicamente sonia es vuestra wedding planner así que sí o sí estará
04:58Pero sí iré con sonia la boda
05:03Y londres ya
05:06No sé en qué momento acepté irme una cagada
05:09También culpa a mí a las cosas como son bueno siempre puedes cambiar de idea con mi padre
05:16Mi madre siempre decía eso de lo imposible es aquello que no se intenta pues tu madre tenía razón
05:23quien iba a decir que tú te ibas a casar
05:25o que yo encontraría alguien sí es sorprendente sí
05:31Y tú yo no yo lo de las bodas y eso lo dejado gracias me refiero a quién vas a traer a la boda
05:39Pues solamente llevaría a alguien para ver la cara de mi padre que gracias por invitarle y fastidiarme la fiesta por cierto
05:45le conozco de toda la vida reisa y si yo también por eso te lo digo si papá entrarán razón
05:50de veras parece mentira que no le conozcas
05:54Oye tú le has contado lo de sonia no a ver hoy no quiero pensar en eso hoy quiero pensar que todo va a salir bien
06:01nada saldrá bien mira lola te voy a pedir que te vayas
06:05estas servilletas
06:07Son maravillosas
06:09Lo siento mucho perdón os quiero os quiero mucho
06:16Yo también te quiero
06:18Siento mucho haberte llamado loca del coño de verdad cuando me has llamado bueno bueno lo importante es que lo hemos repasado todo
06:26cuánto lleva sin dormir
06:28Cuando me contasteis lo de la boda hace dos meses
06:33Pues dos meses
06:36Pobre loca del coño
06:39Lo has hecho genial lorolola
06:43No lorola
06:45Como carolola pero para mí has puesto un apodo de amor de mucho amor
06:56Va a ser una boda inolvidable aún no me lo creo que me caso
07:09Pues entonces sí que se casan y pensaba como ya he descubierto el zafiro y
07:13pasaba todo ese multiverso sexual de its no es eso lo que yo te he contado ni lo que pasó
07:18no a ver pero no fue que lo drogaron y le pegaron cuando se enteraron que se acostaba con otras eso pero que dices que
07:26se casan vale y por cierto me vendría bien algo de ayuda porque
07:31Necesito más personal del que pensaba ah no no no no a mí no me mires que tengo el fin de
07:39Venga vale vale no si me vendrá bien estar ocupada un rato claro que si las bodas son lugares maravillosos donde encontrar a personas tan
07:47desesperadas como tú
07:49que guay que guay muchas gracias
07:52como se nota que así te va bien en el amor
07:56Pero ya sé lo que vas a decir pero vamos a hacer que funcione
08:01nos veremos los fiendes
08:03Cuántas parejas no se ven entre semana aunque vivan en la misma ciudad
08:08Que se quede no es una opción no pregunto
08:11yo no se lo voy a pedir ya fui a londres me declaré que quieres que haga más que romántica de repente
08:20Soy tú estás segura de que lo vas a poder dejar ir si
08:25estoy ayudando a hacer cajas
08:27irá bien
08:32Qué es esto
08:34supone que es arte ya pero que es pues no tengo ni idea tampoco porque lo hombre
08:44Dejó todo lo de hecho estar junto le dejó una fuera para el avión seguro que se siente un poco extraño
08:51volando a otro sitio solo
08:53era muy raro para él los echará mucho de menos o sabes y nosotras también a él yo nunca había tenido
09:10Ya nunca había tenido una niña
09:16Pero vendremos a veros también vendréis seguro que sí que sí te lo prometo da igual
09:37O también
09:43Podríamos quedarnos te puedes quedar tú quieres que me quede
09:48Parece que sí nos quedamos ya está se queda mamá se quedan
09:53Venga vaciamos las cajas
10:01Está seguro ha dicho que sí ya si mi amor
10:05pero no estás
10:06tienes que estarlo nunca estuve tan seguro de algo sonía y reyes a que créeme
10:12esa tiene más ganas de quedarse que yo
10:18Ahora mismo podría pedirte matrimonio
10:23Tranquilo casa nova vamos a acabar la boda de tu amigo vale
10:31Esa dicha de tus padres que te quedas no se lo diré después de la boda
10:36No por favor peleas en la boda no bienvenidos
10:49Tú sabes algo de la novia que la quiere no necesito saber más
10:54Esa falta sí de nuestras aerolíneas
11:03Me alegro muchísimo por ti cariño muchas gracias está preciosa qué tal
11:07estás no tu padre por supuesto que me gustara ver eso
11:18Hay el tocado niños que niños y mi sobrino es vuestros hijos
11:23nuestros hijos
11:26No danía creo mejor que no vengan yo
11:29Si yo yo yo yo bueno que
11:33Estás mejor en casa más tranquilo sin sin el estrés que tiene el hola
11:38y papá no venía con vosotros
11:42Qué pasa
11:47Ya sabes cómo es papá no papá está amargado no es un viudo amargado que perdió la ilusión hace mucho tiempo si es que
11:53no vale la pena ni pensar en él mira qué preciosidad del hogar
11:59No no a venir
12:05Estás bien
12:07Sí sí claro
12:10No va a venir a la boda genial que se quede contando su dinero que es con lo único que se va a poder quedar
12:17No va a conseguir que nos tropee claro que no he trabajado mucho en esta boda
12:25Bebe ya nos quedamos recibiendo los invitados
12:29Hola que tal bienvenidos que alegría veros siempre por ahí por favor no sé quién es
12:35Terminamos de sacar el aperitivo en media hora nos vamos a por el novio lo preparamos para la ceremonia no te vas a creer
12:39quién ha venido quién
12:47sabe que ya se queda
12:49yo diría que no y
12:51Sabe que le viste
12:54Y ya no te amante coño cuántas preguntas ginger no no lo sabe me dijiste que me callara que te callaras ese día pero no
12:59para siempre
13:02Se lo tenía que haber dicho ya no
13:05Se va a quedar en madrid por mí si es que soy una puta mentirosa bueno bueno vamos a tranquilizarnos
13:09sí que hago hoy nada en una boda ya suele haber suficientes tramas como para que encima la wedding planner meta de los suyos
13:17Hoy que la calle otra seguro que hay candidatas
13:33Qué haces aquí pues que mi hermana es la wedding planner y yo pues la ayudante parece ser
13:40Esta es muy guapa o sea que siempre lo está de ser pero es luz yo no sabía que ibas a estar aquí no tranquila tranquila
13:47Quería llamarte y quería hablar de lo que hay tienes que probar a este queso
13:51o al menos dicen que lo es pero para mí es una aberración
13:55que no me gusta el queso ya lo sabes
13:58mejor este te gustaría menos
14:04Qué haces
14:07Servicio no te importa no no no claro para eso estamos para recoger la mierda
14:16Que por de no
14:23Ruth de verdad que no es lo que piensas
14:25Mira lo que pienso es que hace dos días me dijiste que esta chica no te importaba y ahora pareces aquí con él
14:29vale bueno si es verdad pero que no es lo que crees de verdad
14:32mira que es que ya me da igual que me la suda en serio me importa entre nada y menos que no que me has
14:36dicho que me ibas a llamar dime que me querías decir nada nada mira a veces la gente dice cosas y luego hace otra
14:41vale mira es verdad he venido con ella es verdad pero porque quería molestar a mi padre
14:45Vale la estoy utilizando si soy una mierda de persona wow no te voy a decir lo contrario no mira peor soy un vómito
14:52que te encuentras por la calle a primera hora de la mañana soy sí sí sí sí lo eres sí bueno no mira peor
14:57soy un escupitajo un escupitajo con moco de estos que yo digo porque la gente lo tira al suelo la verdad que asco
15:01que sí que eso soy yo
15:03donde está una papelera coño
15:05Mira estoy trabajando vale vuelvete a la boda con tu acompañante y pásatelo de puta madre
15:07Ah y Raisa he probado el queso y está buenísimo
15:09Que a mi no me gusta el queso
15:11Que precioso
15:13Que bonita
15:15Como está tu hermana
15:17Yo la abrí para que no me la tome
15:19Y me puse a comer
15:21No no no no
15:23Me la tome
15:25Y me la tome
15:27Y me la tome
15:29Y me la tome
15:31Y me la tome
15:33Como esta tu hermana
15:35Yo le abría puesto unos volantitos al vestido
15:37No sé un poco de volumen
15:39No una cosa cha cha la alegría
15:41Las que a ti te faltan Sena
15:43Vale vale vale solo me pasa a mi
15:45A ver abuela te manda esto
15:47Para ti lleves algo prestado
15:49Estaba loca por venir
15:51Pero como no le dan bien los aviones
15:53Pues habrá que construir un puente de Canarias
15:55A la península por abieja
15:57Me encanta
15:59Yo también
16:01I want to take someone else with me.
16:22Well, now I'm ready.
16:26You'll see when you wake up.
16:27You'll see.
16:42Ok, now music for the groom.
16:48And the groom's entrance.
16:49The groom's entrance.
16:59The groom's entrance.
17:17Where is the groom?
17:20Stop the music.
17:24I can't, I can't.
17:25What do you mean you can't? Everyone's waiting.
17:27But why didn't he come?
17:28Because your father is an idiot, don't be one too.
17:30But what does he know that he doesn't want to be here to see him?
17:33That I'm going to screw him?
17:34That this ends in divorce?
17:36What does he know?
17:37Your father doesn't know anything, no one here knows anything, Dario.
17:42I can't breathe.
17:53Wow, how handsome.
17:55Thank you very much.
17:56Is everything going well?
17:58Yes, everything is great.
18:00Yeah, we're all downstairs.
18:02Oh, I can't breathe.
18:03Everything's great, everything's great. We'll be right there.
18:05Ok, but...
18:07We'll be right down.
18:15What do you need?
18:16What do you need?
18:17A host?
18:21There's one thing.
18:23Carol, hug me and calm me down a lot.
18:28Come here, come here.
18:29Hug me.
18:30And talk to me, please.
18:34Listen to me, listen to me.
18:35You're going to get out of here.
18:37You're going to marry the woman you want.
18:40You're going to get rid of your father.
18:42We're both going to do it.
18:43We are not our parents.
18:45We make our own decisions.
18:47And yes, we can make mistakes.
18:50But being with the person you love is not making mistakes.
18:54It's giving yourself the opportunity to be happy.
18:57And you, more than anyone, man, you deserve to be happy more than anyone.
19:04I've seen you grow up.
19:07I've seen you go through things that no one should go through being so young.
19:12And yes, your father may not come to see you.
19:16I assure you that the beauty of your mother is doing it.
19:19And she, like me, would be very proud of the man you have become, man.
19:24So please, give me the honor to accompany my best friend on the happiest day of his life.
19:38That's very nice.
19:40It will be part of my speech as a godfather.
21:43Record me, record me.
21:45Hi, I'm Lola and this is my first compás.
22:03No, no, not like that.
22:05Come on.
22:08Come on.
22:09The guy with all the good things he's been doing...
22:11Well, another passed test.
22:13Let's not sing victory.
22:25Do you think he's telling him or not?
22:27I don't think so.
22:34Shit, shit.
22:35Well, yes.
22:37He told him.
22:43You can touch me.
22:45Nothing's going to happen to you.
22:48It won't hurt you.
22:51You mean?
22:55We didn't have a healthy relationship, Mon Amour.
22:59You asked me to marry you to the ass of drugs.
23:03I didn't know if it was real.
23:05I was scared.
23:07And letting me go with someone else helped a lot, didn't it?
23:11Well, now you're going to therapy.
23:15You've told your father the truth.
23:18It's incredible.
23:21Amelie, don't wear medals that aren't yours.
23:24I was in the shit.
23:26Well, now I'm here.
23:31We can fix it.
23:35I'm sorry.
23:43Check it later, okay?
23:44You start with that table and you go like this.
23:49Okay, okay, okay.
23:50Yes, received.
23:51We need ibuprofen for one of the pilot friends.
23:54He hasn't been drinking much.
23:56Okay, and where is he now?
23:58He's in a room.
23:59We have to call a taxi.
24:00Okay, I'll take care of it.
24:02Okay, thanks.
24:04I didn't know Raisa's partner was...
24:07It's okay, don't worry.
24:09I'm sorry.
24:14You're making my son make a big mistake.
24:19Hey, I'm glad to see him too.
24:21You're going to ruin him.
24:23You know that.
24:26I'm working, I don't...
24:28I don't think we have to talk about this,
24:30especially here.
24:31I know you saw me the other day.
24:33We don't have to pretend we don't.
24:35I already told him I have nothing to talk about.
24:37How much do you want?
24:40Excuse me?
24:41Are you trying to buy me?
24:42Well, we all have a price.
24:46What's yours?
24:48For not talking and for leaving him with my son.
24:52Is it a two-for-one?
24:53This is incredible.
24:56You're a lived woman.
24:59Be smart, you'll find out in the end.
25:01You can delay it or leave it now.
25:05You're just another woman.
25:07Do you understand?
25:08Another woman?
25:11I love being another woman.
25:14I want you to know that in the end, he'll leave.
25:18I want you to take the money.
25:32Okay, okay.
25:33Hello, I'm Lola.
25:35And this is my third...
25:37No, my third...
25:42I'm sorry.
26:01I'm sorry.
26:08And check the dishes for dessert.
26:13Let's see.
26:14Can I dance with you?
26:17I can't.
26:18I have to start organizing the collection.
26:25Yes, you can.
26:26Okay, I'll take care of it.
26:42Is everything okay?
26:44Is something wrong?
26:45No, everything's fine.
26:47And you?
26:48How are you?
26:52I saw your father today.
26:54He was very angry with you.
26:57I didn't want to do it here, but he didn't give me a choice.
26:59Everything's fine.
27:00I'm not interested in his threats anymore.
27:01What threats?
27:03Let's dance and have some fun.
27:08But you have to know that I'm here for whatever you need me for.
27:11I know.
27:13In fact, I might lose my job.
27:15You'll have to support me.
27:20Don't worry.
27:21As soon as he meets you, it'll pass.
27:22He'll change his mind.
27:24I don't know.
27:25You'll see.
27:26He's just trying to protect the family.
27:30I don't know.
27:44One, two, three!
28:00Thank you for coming.
28:30You're so handsome!
28:32Hurray for the bride and groom!
28:37Oh, honey!
28:40Hurray for the bride and groom!
28:41Hurray for Lola!
28:42Hurray for Lola!
28:59Hi, I'm Lola.
29:00This is my...
29:01This is my cup.
29:02Come here.
29:03Come here.
29:04Come here.
29:05Come here.
29:06And this is my...
29:10This is my glass.
29:37What a wonderful wedding, Sonia.
29:41Congratulations, really.
29:48Thank you very much, Mia.
29:52Is something wrong?
29:58I'm just tired, that's what happens to me.
30:01Weddings are very intense and...
30:03They are.
30:04And I won't even tell you about after the wedding.
30:08I hope everything goes well for you.
30:12How's my son?
30:13Is everything okay?
30:16He's very good.
30:18You've raised a good man.
30:20I've tried.
30:24Life as a couple can be very beautiful, but also...
30:29Hard and...
30:31And complicated.
30:33I see.
30:35And it hurts a little.
30:40A lot.
30:44I've always wanted the best for my children, but...
30:49Now with what's happening to Raisa...
30:52And Jan staying here...
30:55My husband is making it very difficult for me.
31:03What's going on?
31:09We were talking about...
31:10I can't believe you told her.
31:13It's all a lie. She just wants to destroy our family.
31:23What's wrong?
31:24Are you okay?
31:25This woman has made up a story.
31:26I've told her everything.
31:28I've told her everything.
31:30Are you okay?
31:31This woman has made up a story.
31:32I've told her everything.
31:33I've told her everything.
31:35I haven't said anything.
31:39But is that true?
31:42You saw her with another woman?
31:45Yes, that happened, but...
31:47And if it happened, why didn't you tell me anything?
31:49Because I didn't know when.
31:52And here, now, with my mother, did you think it was the best time?
31:55I'm sorry.
31:56No, no, don't talk to her now.
31:57You've told her enough, haven't you?
31:59Why are you doing this?
32:00I'm leaving everything for you.
32:01I didn't ask you to leave anything for me.
32:03But I'm doing it!
32:04Fuck, I'm doing it!
32:07What's wrong? Is this always going to be like this?
32:09Aren't you going to trust me and my family?
32:11Okay, enough.
32:12Sonia is not to blame.
32:14I can't believe you're going to trust a stranger
32:17before your own father.
32:23I don't have to lie to you, Jan.
32:25Maybe you wanted to see something, but it didn't happen.
32:29You're impulsive, you get carried away by emotions.
32:31You're like that.
32:32Excuse me? Are you telling me that I'm making it up or something?
32:35What I'm saying is that you don't know how to control yourself.
32:37Look, I'd rather be my father's domestic dog.
32:40And you're right, yes.
32:41I don't trust you at all.
32:42Not at all.
32:43Because today you say one thing, you say you're staying,
32:45and tomorrow, who knows?
32:46Because you'll always be at your father's service,
32:48because you're such and such.
32:49You're never going to be happy, are you?
32:53You're so obsessed with being abandoned
32:55that you can't see when you have something good in front of you.
33:01You beg for love, but then you go and destroy everything.
33:06I've never begged for love.
33:09And I'm not going to do it now.
33:15And I'm sorry.
33:16I'm really sorry.
33:19She hasn't said anything.
33:24You've given yourself away.
33:48I'm sorry.
34:11Good morning, darling.
34:12You're up early.
34:15You're going to have to talk to me sometime, darling.
34:20I can also knock, okay?
34:28She hates me.
34:29For the first time, my daughter hates me.
34:31No, woman.
34:32Well, she's young, she misses Jan,
34:35and she doesn't quite understand what's going on,
34:37but she'll get over it.
34:38What if she doesn't?
34:39What if we keep arguing all our lives?
34:41For this?
34:42Like Mom and me?
34:43Look, Sonny, it's not your fault.
34:45I can't understand how Jan lost her mind.
34:48And Ibiza will be fine.
34:50And you too.
34:53Are you expecting someone else?
35:04I gave you this pyjama.
35:06I'm surprised you didn't return it.
35:07You don't have to wear it all the time.
35:09What are you doing here?
35:10You never come here.
35:11This is sacred ground, you can't step on it.
35:13You and your nonsense.
35:14We brought you broth.
35:15I didn't make it, the girl did.
35:17But it smelled good.
35:18Jesus, look at you.
35:21Ah, you're here too.
35:23You could have told me.
35:24But I'm not here to reproach you.
35:27I'm here to support you.
35:28Support me?
35:30My daughter.
35:33You, Sonia.
35:35You. Who else?
35:36I have to explain.
35:37She left you a man.
35:39My God, kill me already.
35:41I already told you.
35:42That man wasn't good.
35:44But yes, I met him because of you.
35:46And you almost threw me in his arms.
35:48Go to London, you told me.
35:49And you see?
35:50Once again, it's all my fault.
35:53I don't know how I do it.
35:54I never do anything right.
35:56Let's see.
35:57That boy was too handsome, Sonia.
36:00I thought we had already learned.
36:01Wow, you didn't warn me about his beauty.
36:03And I'll tell you something else.
36:04Tell me.
36:05I'm sure that sexually it's not a big deal.
36:11It's just that handsome men don't have to make an effort.
36:14On the other hand, ugly men...
36:16Ugly men...
36:18I know, I know.
36:19They do everything.
36:20Right, darling?
36:23Don't tell this to the girls.
36:25Oh, the girls, the girls.
36:26The girls are old enough to decide who they are with,
36:30what gender they want to be with.
36:33By the way, Ruti, I've read about lesbianism.
36:36I was very surprised to know that there are more orgasms.
36:39I told you.
36:40The point is that your father and I also have sex.
36:43Well, Sonia, listen to me.
36:45Next time, choose an ugly man.
36:47And you'll see how these things don't happen to you.
36:49Thank you, Mom.
37:01How long have you been like this?
37:03When I arrived, I was already looking at infinity.
37:05I'm listening to you.
37:11Do you need to get some air?
37:13I don't know, take Chester out?
37:15Give you a shower?
37:16A shower, for sure.
37:18What I need is Sonia.
37:21I've screwed up, Mom.
37:22And all because...
37:24to defend Dad.
37:26I was cheating on you.
37:28You did it for me, I'm sure.
37:30You always try to protect your sister and me.
37:33But I'm your mother and that's my responsibility.
37:37I'm so sorry, kids.
37:39I let your father control everything.
37:42I loved him and...
37:44I thought he was taking care of us, but he wasn't.
37:49He's been cheating on me for years.
37:53It wasn't the first time.
37:55But it was the last.
37:57And what are you going to do?
38:00What I should have done a long time ago.
38:02I threw it away.
38:05And the company?
38:06The company is mine.
38:08He only has a percentage.
38:11He can't do anything.
38:14Just leave.
38:15If he still respects me.
38:19We're going to fix everything.
38:22Fix your lives.
38:25You fix it with...
38:27I hope it's not with Amelie.
38:29And you with Sonia.
38:31I'm sorry Dad made you think she wasn't good for you.
38:34She's wonderful.
38:37And when you fix everything,
38:40we'll talk about the company and what you want to do.
38:44She's ours.
38:46She's always been.
38:50Sonia, I don't know how many times I've apologized, but...
38:54I need you to know.
38:56I'm very, very sorry.
38:58And I miss you a lot.
39:03It's me.
39:05Yes, again.
39:07I wanted to tell you that I flew to Las Vegas today.
39:10It's not as cool as in the movies.
39:12But I imagined us together there.
39:15Acting stupid, of course.
39:17And I think with you it would have been the best place in the world.
39:23Please call me.
39:31What's with the long face? Are you okay?
39:33She hasn't replied to a single message.
39:35I know.
39:36How do you know? Has Carol talked to her?
39:38Yes, but I don't know more.
39:40Carol hasn't told me anything. She's just very hurt.
39:43Listen to me.
39:44You're not going to get her back with audios and messages.
39:47You're going to have to do more.
39:49Much more. I'm telling you from experience.
39:51What do you mean?
39:52I can't testify on a plane.
39:54She doesn't fly.
39:55I'm not telling you to do that.
39:58I haven't told you anything.
40:00But Ibiza has a game tomorrow afternoon.
40:05You and I haven't talked or seen each other.
40:13Thank you? What are you saying?
40:37Is anyone there?
40:56What are you doing? Where is everyone?
40:59Don't worry. Ibiza is with Ginger.
41:02I sent the whole team to eat pizza.
41:04I need to tell you something.
41:06What? I can't hear you.
41:07I need to tell you something. Don't move.
41:09I'll be right there.
41:11Are you going to skate? Okay, okay.
41:15Oh my God.
41:24Are you okay?
41:33I used to like being alone.
41:36But now, in this loneliness,
41:40I'm sick of it.
41:43I need you and Ibiza in my life.
41:49I used to like being alone.
41:51Oh, you used to like being alone.
41:54Can we turn down the music a bit?
42:00Sonia, now I'm aware
42:06of how wonderful it is to have you.
42:10And how incredible it is to have you by my side.
42:14I can hear you, but...
42:17I'm an idiot.
42:18And I need you to forgive me.
42:21I need you.
42:36What did you say?
42:39What do you mean?
42:41Did you hear everything I said?
42:43Sonia, I used to know...
42:46Everything you've done, all of this is useless.
42:49It's useless.
42:50You and I have tried.
42:53But if it's for my father, it's not a problem anymore.
42:58Everything you said, everything you thought about me...
43:03I don't know.
43:05My daughter doesn't talk to me.
43:07And I can't risk Ibiza loving you more.
43:11me doing it and losing you.
43:14I wouldn't forgive myself for that.
43:20You don't know if we could get along.
43:22Jan, I used to have a great life.
43:25You just said it too.
43:29I'm really sorry.
43:37She's here!
43:39Ibiza's here?
43:40She was with you?
43:41Yes, at the pizzeria with everyone, but...
43:43She said she had to go to the bathroom.
43:45I thought maybe she needed...
43:46Ginger, what's wrong?
43:52What do you mean...
43:53What do you mean she went to see Jan at his house?
43:56She doesn't know how to get there.
43:57I don't know.
43:58I was expecting her to be here.
43:59I'm going to call Raisa, she's at home.
44:02I'm going to call Ruth so she can go with her.
44:04And Lidia too.
44:07Did you see how long it took?
44:15We're going to find her, okay?
44:23Do you see her?
44:24No, but she's going to appear, Sonia.
44:25She's seen.
44:26It's a girl, Jan.
44:27It's just a girl.
44:31She's going to be very small.
44:33Don't worry, Sonia.
44:34We're all looking for her, okay?
44:35We're going to find her.
44:43I don't think she's going to show up screaming like that.
44:45If I had a son, I'd put a chip on him,
44:47a tracker, like a dog, or a little belt.
44:50I appreciate you being here, okay?
44:53And I'm glad to be here with you.
44:54Look, why don't we look separately?
44:56That way we'll cover more, okay?
45:00Look, I know the moment is horrible
45:02and you're not interested,
45:03but I didn't go back to Amelie.
45:05I want you to be clear.
45:07Very good, you're right.
45:08I'm not interested at all.
45:09Well, you had the wrong idea about the wedding,
45:12about the cheese...
45:13The cheese was great.
45:14Well, I wanted you to know.
45:16Okay? It's over.
45:17It's over.
45:18That's what I told her.
45:19Look, you've said it.
45:21Can we keep looking?
45:22Yes, we can, we can.
45:23The thing is...
45:25I've missed you a lot, Ruth.
45:28A lot.
45:30And it was a blow when you told me the truth.
45:33My nephew disappeared.
45:34No, it wasn't a blow.
45:35I mean, it was a blow that you...
45:37Raisa, I don't know if you're aware
45:39that a girl has disappeared.
45:40Right now I don't want to think about this, okay?
45:43We shouldn't be answering.
45:46What are you getting at now?
45:48I mean, why can't we be together?
45:50Okay, I agree,
45:52but I'm a bit offended that you're so clear.
45:54Well, because it's true.
45:55I'm going to therapy, rehabilitation.
45:57You'll probably be my last addiction.
45:59Wow, wow.
46:01Okay, now I'm an addiction.
46:02Thank you very much.
46:03It's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
46:04But I don't know what to tell you, Ruth.
46:06It's not enough.
46:07I've told you everything.
46:09Come in.
46:11There's something I haven't told you.
46:19I love you.
46:21I love you, Ruth.
46:23And forgive me for telling you now
46:25and for not realizing it before.
46:27And I know it from the first moment I saw you.
46:29Sorry for taking so long to recognize it.
46:32But I wasn't well.
46:35And well, it's not like I'm well now,
46:36but let's be honest,
46:37I don't know if I'll ever be well.
46:41All I know is that I want to be bad with you.
46:45Every day.
46:46Very bad.
46:52And you?
46:56Would you like to be bad with me forever from now on?
47:02Yes, I do.
47:04I do.
47:19I wish I were an eight-year-old girl.
47:22Okay, very good.
47:23Wait, wait.
47:24Do you want to go to Jan's house?
47:26But he hasn't arrived yet.
47:28So I get lost.
47:29You get lost, you get lost, you get lost.
47:30But I'm ready.
47:31So I make my way back home.
47:34No, because you're a big head like your mother and you're still ahead.
47:37Because I'm not proud.
47:38And at this point I know my mother is worried and she'll be looking for me.
47:41I don't want to make it easy for her.
47:43This way.
47:46Let's go.
47:50We have to call the police now.
47:51They'll tell us it wasn't the right time.
47:53The right time for what?
47:54Jan, for what?
47:56It's all my fault.
47:57I should have protected her more.
47:59Are you talking about me?
48:00I should have taken that stupid statement and taken my daughter to a pizzeria.
48:03Hey, I'm sorry for taking your daughter to a pizzeria full of people and with all her hockey team.
48:06How was I supposed to know this was going to happen?
48:08Because she adores you, Jan.
48:09That girl adores you, damn it.
48:10And you have a responsibility when someone loves you so much.
48:12I love her too.
48:13And I'm also scared, Sonia.
48:15If something happens to that girl, I'm never going to forgive myself.
48:20And I love you too.
48:22And I don't want to lose you.
48:25What did you say?
48:27I thought I had said everything there.
48:28Have you heard what I said on the track?
48:30You never said it.
48:33I love you.
48:35I love you.
48:40Tell me, Lidia.
48:46I found her.
48:47Is she okay?
48:49Mom kills me, doesn't she?
48:51Well, she has to be punished until she's 30.
48:57The worst thing is that you did it to me.
49:00I'm so sorry, Jan.
49:01It's okay.
49:03It's okay, we'll fix it.
49:06It's just this scream.
49:08I don't want it.
49:09Has anyone called Ruth?
49:14Are you okay?
49:17Are you okay?
49:18Did something happen to you?
49:19Are you cold? Are you hungry?
49:20I'm fine.
49:21I didn't get lost.
49:22What do you mean you didn't get lost?
49:23You didn't get home.
49:25Okay, I got lost, but I was fine.
49:27I went back.
49:29I didn't know.
49:30I'm so lucky.
49:40I'm so sorry, Jan.
49:42I'm sorry too.
49:44It's okay, don't worry.
49:46Right, honey?
49:47You're okay, right?
49:51Well, I'll let you go home and rest.
49:56I'm glad you're okay, baby.
49:59I love you.
50:10If you have to say something, say it quickly.
50:12This man loves you.
50:13And if you let him get away, you'll regret it for the rest of your life and part of mine.
50:17Sonia, honey, you're my sister and you've never listened to me.
50:19And it's okay, because it's normal.
50:20I don't do it to you either.
50:21But it's not me who's telling you, honey.
50:22It's life, do you understand?
50:23It's life telling you that it's now.
50:26Neither tomorrow nor the day after.
50:27I love you.
50:37I love you, mom.
50:40Game over.
50:43I love you, honey.
50:46Over there.
50:55I love you too!
50:58I love you.
51:03I love you.
51:27I love you.
51:43Honey, Hawaiian shirts to go to Hawaii or we put them there?
51:55What's wrong?
51:57If you don't like me packing, you can undo it as many times as you want.
52:01Oh, you've got Covid?
52:03Well, don't worry.
52:05We just have to change the settings, right?
52:07No, Daríl.
52:10It's a pregnancy test.
52:22We are.
52:32I am.
52:44What could we do today?
52:46Ibiza is meeting Ginger.
52:48I don't know, we could make a plan together.
52:51Like what? A movie?
52:55Have you eaten?
52:56Not yet.
53:26I love you.
53:27I love you.
53:28I love you.
53:29I love you.
53:30I love you.
53:31I love you.
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